Was Early Man Welcome In Heaven?

It is interesting that when the first "Neanderthal" was discovered by Virchnow, a medical doctor, he said it was an ancient guy with rickets, and they knew all about rickets during the Industrial Revolution in Europe, but then, the Darwinists got hold of it and said "ah ha, a missing link."
No, but the sea level rise (within a generation) at the end of the Ice Age apparently paused about midway through, and the Ice Age icepack appears to have expanded and contracted somewhat during the Ice Age.
I'm just going by Al Gore in "An Inconvenient Truth." Although I may have misheard him.
Adam and Eve were dinosaurs. They don't tell you that in church.

If I recall correctly from the coptic scriptures, Adam was a stegosauras and Eve was a raptor.

I remember asking whats sort of fruit Adam and Eve ate...that was prohibited by God...s0 that I want eat that fruit...and my grandma was like...its an apple...than an0ther day she tells me its a grape...I was s00n t0 questi0n that there is s0mething behind all this...:):p
There have been at least four major ice ages in the Earth's past.

The earliest hypothesized ice age is believed to have occurred around 2.7 to 2.3 billion (109) years ago during the early Proterozoic Age.

The earliest well-documented ice age, and probably the most severe of the last 1 billion years, occurred from 800 to 600 million years ago (the Cryogenian period)

I'd love to see the supposed evidence for that supposed Ice Age, which would have been before the appearance of life, the "Cambrian explosion," also known as the entombment of the smaller marine creatures first during the Deluge.
I'd love to see the supposed evidence for that supposed Ice Age, which would have been before the appearance of life, the "Cambrian explosion," also known as the entombment of the smaller marine creatures first during the Deluge.

c0me t0 easternm0st Russia...and y0u will see it all ar0und y0u 0n chalky m0untains. believe me.:p