Was Early Man Welcome In Heaven?

God did not invent humans twice, he did it right the first time. Scientists must be mistaken in their interpretation of these finds. They must be the sons of that evil guy, you know, one of Adam's kids, and therefore cursed with original sin.
So we are led to believe that in the christian world, only modern humans are accepted into God's Heaven (if it exists) and forget the Neanderthals and early Homosapiens? Is that the real issue here?
So we are led to believe that in the christian world, only modern humans are accepted into God's Heaven (if it exists) and forget the Neanderthals and early Homosapiens? Is that the real issue here?

The key point here is that fundies are been led to believe that Neanderthals and early homosapiens didn't exist at all! That's part of the evolutionary process, so they dont take into account for anything other than modern men.

Everything else is simply tossed out by them as scientific rhetoric, that is not satisfied by religious dogtrine!
Adam and Eve were dinosaurs. They don't tell you that in church.

If I recall correctly from the coptic scriptures, Adam was a stegosauras and Eve was a raptor.
If Neanderthals were excluxed from Heaven (if Heaven exists), so should the early Homosapiens and Hominids too? And for what reason?
If Neanderthals were excluxed from Heaven (if Heaven exists), so should the early Homosapiens and Hominids too? And for what reason?

I think that depends on whether each group had the ability to reason or not.

Humans couldn't write Bibles or comprehend the idea of a God without the ability to reason. So in reality, the ability to reason is a prerequisite to serving or acknowledging a potential God. Animals can't serve God's because they can't reason or comprehend the idea of a God.

From my limited reading on past species of man, I think I read that there is no direct link from homosapiens to other cavemen. So possibly the first men God acknowledged as true humans who could enter heaven were the homosapiens, assuming he created this species separate from the other ones.

It can't be denied that dinosaurs and cavemen existed, and it is likely that we evolved. So if we take the story presented in Genesis of the Bible to be true, then I guess the first real humans were the one's which God gave the ability to reason.
The "earliest humans, Neanderthal and Homo Erectus," ritually buried their dead, revealing their concern about the afterlife, they were fully human, monkeys don't do that stuff.
The "earliest humans, Neanderthal and Homo Erectus," ritually buried their dead, revealing their concern about the afterlife, they were fully human, monkeys don't do that stuff.

So Adam and Eve were Neanderthals. That's encouraging.

What was Moses? Homo hominid?
Homo Erectus and Neanderthal were post Deluge phenomena, because of lack of vitamin D and a very rugged lifestyle along the post Deluge Ice Age icepack.
Speaking of Ice Ages, there will be another one in like 7 or 8 thousand years, right?

The only way to stop another ice age from coming is to, well, encourage global warming!