War in Heaven (No Atheists)

Are you really this inept cool skill??
Here I will demonstrate how you reference posts.

Post #1
cool skill said:
The fact that you cannot see the majority of posts in this thread that I have referenced more than a number of times does not mean they are not all over this thread.

post #2
cool skill said:
over generalize?
I guess you have not read this thread.

post #3
cool skill said:
Whatever you may think it sounds like, the point is to make sure 'it' is correct.
What is the point of saying 'it' sounds like this or that when we have not verified what 'it' is.
The oblective of this thread is to get find out what 'it' is.
I simply posted what I know of what happened. I'm not sure if there is anything different or any more to it.

1.Open a browser window to reply
2.Open another browser with the post you wish to reference.
3. Hit the reply button for the specific post you want to reference and copy/paste the quoted text into the first browser opened for your reply (step 1)
4.Continue until you have all the posts you wish to reference and hit the "submit reply" button.

You can officially no longer claim ignorance when asked to reference posts to backup your claims. If you continue to neglect providing evidence then you are just making false claims.
In other words it's "put up or shut up" time
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I do not need to write and rewrite it over and over and over again, shock. superliminal is somewhat on the right track. It quite amazes me that everybody is not when I stated it clear as day many posts ago.

It's as I said. You people probably bump into walls when you walk around.
I stated it a number of times. Referenced it over and over again. Spelled it out as best I could. I practically threw up a huge red sign in front of your face, and you still cannot see it.
Who's inept?
You never referenced anything you simply said you referenced things over and over while never actually referencing anything. Perhaps you believe that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth?

You have now officially been proved a liar, congratulations.
Sock puppet path said:
Perhaps you believe that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth?
Atheists often have the worst abilities of interetation. Sock's concusion that I believe lies repeated equals truth is a clear example. So is that other post that claimed I believe atheists are demons or some other absurdity. Their next claim will be that Cool skill is gay or Cool Skill believes this or that.
Dealing with atheists is like dealing with smoke. they really have no substance.

However, what I do believe is that if I repeat myself over and over again, it will not make you blind atheists suddenly open your eyes.
If I put a giant red balloon in front of your face, and you do see it. I doubt that if I continue to do it, you will ever see it.

In the same way, me repeating it, spelling it out again clear as day, taking you by the head, shoving your head in front of it, and screaming out "HERE HERE HERE HERE YOU BLIND IDIOT" will not make somebody as dumb as yourself suddenly see it.
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We don't think you're gay, skill. Perhaps an unscuccessful heterosexual, but not gay. And you still haven't demonstrated anything but your incompetence in debating.
SkinWalker said:
you still haven't demonstrated anything but your incompetence in debating.
Incompetent debating?
As I recall from the first time I have ever come across any one of your posts, you have always been one of those idiots who center their entire life debating opinions as if they were fact.

Shall I reiterate typical SW debates?

Paraphrasing, but close enough =>
CS: "Atheists are total morons."
SW: "I have provided lots of evidence that atheists are not total morons. Where is your hard evidence to prove that atheists are total morons?"
CS: "My hard evidence is in your idiotic statement asking me to prove that atheists are morons with hard evidence."

Let us now attempt to explain competent debating to an extremely dumb individual such as SW:
1. You cannot debate things that cannot be supported with empirical evidence.
2. Your 'hard evidence' that supposedly proves my statement wrong does not exist. There is no such thing as hard evidence that can prove an opinion wrong.
3. Any attempts to prove opinions lead to circular reasoning and the circular argument. As we see below:

SW: You have not provided evidence.
CS: Yes I have You are just to dumb to notice it.
SW: So it is true then. You have not provided hard evidence.
CS: The only thing that is true is that the more you post, idiotically asking me to support an opinion with hard evidence, the more my point is enforced.
SW: Unacceptable where is your hard evidence that atheists are morons.
CS: It is in most posts made by atheists. All posts in your case.
SW: Because you are unable to provide hard evidence, you must not have any.
CS: I have already provided this so called 'hard evidence' to support my statement that atheists are morons, and so have all you atheists with every one of your idiotic posts. Let us speculate. 10 posts mornically asking me to support an opinion with cold hard evidence as if that were possible = 10 posts supporting my assertion that atheists are indeed morons.
SW: Your debating tactics are incompetent because you cannot provide hard evidence supporting your assertion.
CS: Thank you for even more 'hard evidence' reinforcing your ultimate moronicism.

Now I shall translate this exact same dialogue.
SW: You have not provided evidence.
CS: Yes I have.
SW: No you have not.
CS: Yes I have.
SW: No you have not.
CS: Yes I have.
SW: No you have not.
CS: Yes I have.
SW: No you have not.
CS: Yes I have.

Such circular reasoning of back and forth dialogue that goes nowhere is a product of attempting to debate opinions.

Things idiots such as SW do:
1. Seriously debate opinions as if they were fact, and do so with a straight face.
2. Focus on debate tactics over actual intellectual discussion. (Because they are incapable of intellectual discussion.)
3. Troll around, and hijack threads. (Classic debate tactic with no regard for intellectual discussion.)
4. Worship ideas that cannot be proven as if they were cold hard fact.

Watch as Cool Skill states that most Scientists are theists.
Then watch as these idiots attempt to prove/disprove such a statement with empirical fact.
Unfortunately their belief that most Scientists are atheists is based on utter faith. This is because they are too dumb to realize that it is completely impossible prove that most Scientists are theists or atheists using empirical evidence. But of course to Skin Wacko, most scientist being atheists is not a belief but a cold hard fact supported by cold hard evidence. Can atheists be anymore psychotically fanatical than what is clearly exemplified by the idiot Skin Wacko?

Is this anything new? No. From the first I’ve ever seen of any of Skin Wacko’s responses to my posts he has done nothing but argue his utter speculation as if it were cold hard fact with empirical evidence to back it up. I can only conclude that such behavior is ‘cold hard evidence’ that Skin Wacko is unfathomably dolted beyond comprehension.

As for atheists, I guess all of the cold hard evidence could only point to the cold hard conclusion”
Atheists are indeed morons.
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So now we have a redefinition of "empirical"? - Only that which Curd Skull will accept....
It's not a chip, Staples, it's a couple of bags.
cool skill said:
Incompetent debating?

Cool Skill,

I am only doing the following because I realize you're still living in a world view of a teenager and haven't had the opportunity to experience reality extensively outside your safety net. I hope it helps.

cool skill said:
...you have always been one of those idiots who center their entire life debating opinions as if they were fact.

cool skill said:
Atheists are indeed morons.

In your first statement your message is that people who assert opinion as fact are bad. In your second statement you assert an opinon as fact. What does that make you?

cool skill said:
Watch as Cool Skill states that most Scientists are theists.

cool skill said:
This is because they are too dumb to realize that it is completely impossible prove that most Scientists are theists...

In your second statement your message is that people are dumb when they don't realize it's impossible to prove 'most scientists are theists'. In your first statement you assert that 'most scientists are theists'. What does that make you?

cool skill said:
Skin Wacko’s responses to my posts he has done nothing but argue his utter speculation as if it were cold hard fact with empirical evidence to back it up.

This sounds like a situation where you may have made a claim and SkinWalker has stated it's not true because of known contradictory evidence. Has SkinWalker ever provided that evidence proactively? Has he ever not provided the evidence upon request? What about you? When you make a claim, do you proactively provide evidence? Do you provide it upon request?

I've looked through several threads involving SkinWalker and I have found examples of proactive and reactive evidence provision. I did the same for you and the results are quite different; although, I did find quite a bit of emotional response when people challenge your assertions... it's as if when people disagree with / contradict you, you react as if it's an attack on your very life.

A big part of debate (especially on a science forum) is to seperate your assertions from your identity. If you keep super-imposing your testicles on your assertions then they are going to get crushed.
Crunchy Cat said:
This sounds like a situation where you may have made a claim and SkinWalker has stated it's not true because of known contradictory evidence.
Known contradictory evidence?

You mean my claim that atheists are fanatical morons?
And Skin Wacko's "known contradictory evidence" against that claim?

The striking way him and other atheists fanatically continue to provide posts of amazing solid evidence contradicting my claim that atheists are a bunch of fanatical morons?

I actually find it more interesting when you retards post references and other forms of 'factual information' as proof that my claims of your moronic fanaticism are invalid. Please provide more of that 'hard evidence' so I can come to a clear understanding about why athesits are not the epitomy of ultimate stupidity.
I guess I better revisit this same quote in case Crunchy missed anything.
Crunchy Cat said:
This sounds like a situation where you may have made a claim and SkinWalker has stated it's not true because of known contradictory evidence.
Yes Crunchy, I did make a claim: Atheists are fanatical morons.
And yes, Skin Wacko stated it is not true because of his 'known contradictory evidence'.

Therefore, please continue to provide me more of this 'known contradictory evidence' that you believe to be helping you more and more to support your scientific proof that you atheists are not total fanatical morons.
cool skill said:
Known contradictory evidence?

It means existing knowledge that contradicts a claim.

cool skill said:
You mean my claim that atheists are fanatical morons?
And Skin Wacko's "known contradictory evidence" against that claim?

I wasn't referring to any particular claim; however, that appears to be the one you are presently bound to emotionally (as I mentioned before thats not healthy in debate and your balls are going to get squashed repeadtly).

cool skill said:
The striking way him and other atheists fanatically continue to provide posts of amazing solid evidence contradicting my claim that atheists are a bunch of fanatical morons?

I actually find it more interesting when you retards post references and other forms of 'factual information' as proof that my claims of your moronic fanaticism are invalid. Please provide more of that 'hard evidence' so I can come to a clear understanding about why athesits are not the epitomy of ultimate stupidity.

It wasn't my intention to take ownership of contradicting your claim; however, I am going to do so in an upcoming response.
cool skill said:
I guess I better revisit this same quote in case Crunchy missed anything.

Yes Crunchy, I did make a claim: Atheists are fanatical morons.
And yes, Skin Wacko stated it is not true because of his 'known contradictory evidence'.

Therefore, please continue to provide me more of this 'known contradictory evidence' that you believe to be helping you more and more to support your scientific proof that you atheists are not total fanatical morons.

i don't know about you, but from where i'm sitting Cool Skill, you're getting ass-raped by people with brains. tough break. your opinion that atheists are fanatical morons can't be proven, because it's only true from your point of view. the question then becomes - how much does your opinion matter to other people in terms of influencing their feelings on the subject? let me provide you with an answer - Not one fucking iota.
Crunchy Cat said:
It means existing knowledge that contradicts a claim.
Oh of course. In this case, the claim that Atheists are morons.

Crunchy Cat said:
as I mentioned before thats not healthy in debate
Did you mistake me fo somebody that is debating? Sad really. Enjoy your debate.

Crunchy Cat said:
It wasn't my intention to take ownership of contradicting your claim; however, I am going to do so in an upcoming response.
I cannot wait to see this "existing evidence;)" that contradicts my claim that atheists are not fanatical morons.

charles cure said:
i don't know about you
No you don't do you? Run along.
Or continue to cheerlead on the sideline. Matters not by me.
superluminal said:
And saying things like this is supposed to make us think you're anything but a moron? If you'd just read mine and others posts a bit more carefully, you'd see that all we are asking for is a bit of substance to back up the claims of the religious. Lacking that, a simple admission that it's all just a fantasy you happen to enjoy. Simple, really.

Point in case.
cool skill said:
I guess I better revisit this same quote in case Crunchy missed anything.

Yes Crunchy, I did make a claim: Atheists are fanatical morons.
And yes, Skin Wacko stated it is not true because of his 'known contradictory evidence'.

Therefore, please continue to provide me more of this 'known contradictory evidence' that you believe to be helping you more and more to support your scientific proof that you atheists are not total fanatical morons.

Cool Skill,

I am going to thrash your claim(s) to pieces in this response. No doubt you are emotionally bound to it and you will interpret it as a personal attack against your life and self-worth. When you're done 'feeling' the effects, I hope you take away (if anything) one important lesson. If you make a claim, the onus is on YOU to provide evidence for it (not for other people to support or contradict it).

The first step is to actually state what it is that you are claiming. There are actually two distinct statements issued that are mutually inclusive. I am going to list them and enumerate all the claims actually being made:

cool skill said:
Atheists are the most fanatical of all religions

cool skill said:
Atheists are fanatical morons

Thus your claims are:

1) Atheism is a religion
2) Atheists are the most extreme religious fanatics
3) Atheists are morons

The second step is to define the words being used in the claim with real factual references:

Atheism - Atheism is an absence of belief in the existence of 'God'

Religion - A complex method of human relationship involving trust in authority, belief in the supernatural, and a plethora of philosophical values.

Religious Fanatacism - Frenzied acts of deadly violence in support of belief.

Moron - A person of a mental capacity of 8-12 years of age and an IQ of 51-70.

The third step is to restate the claims with expanded definitions:

1) Absence of belief in the existence of 'God' is a complex method of human relationship involving trust in authority, belief in the supernatural, and a plethora of philosophical values.

2) People who have an absence of belief in the existence of 'God' are the most extreme practicioners of frenzied acts of deadly violence in support of belief.

3) People who have an absence of belief in the existence of 'God' have a mental capacity of 8-12 years of age and an IQ of 51-70.

The fourth and final step is to contradict the claims with known information:

Claim 1) Absence of belief in the existence of 'God' is a complex method of human relationship involving trust in authority, belief in the supernatural, and a plethora of philosophical values.

Contradiction: This claim is self-contradicting. It is asserting that two dissimilar concepts are an identity which violates reality. An apple is not a skeleton nor is an absence of belief a method of human relationship.

2) People who have an absence of belief in the existence of 'God' are the most extreme practicioners of frenzied acts of deadly violence in support of belief.

Contradiction: I am assuming your a form of Christian so I'll focus on that religion's fanatic results campared to Atheism:


Spanish Inquisition
Salem Witch Trial
Abortion Clinic Burning
Trail of Tears



Please note that if you need me to post references to any Christian fanatic atrocity, I will be happy to; however, I would assume that this is common knowledge presented as part of any high school history class.

3) People who have an absence of belief in the existence of 'God' have a mental capacity of 8-12 years of age and an IQ of 51-70.

Contradiction: To even earn the credentials to be a scientist, let alone act as an effective one, a strong mental capacity is required. Below is an estimate from a world-wide survey that shows many scientists are atheists.

"Atheism is particularly prevalent among scientists, a tendency already quite marked at the beginning of the 20th century, developing into a dominant one during the course of the century. In 1914, James H. Leuba found that 58% of 1,000 randomly selected U.S. natural scientists expressed "disbelief or doubt in the existence of God". The same study, repeated in 1996, gave a similar percentage of 60.7%; this number is 93% among the members of the National Academy of Sciences. Expressions of positive disbelief rose from 52% to 72%.[22](See also The relationship between religion and science.)"

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism

Most people in the 'moron' range of IQ scores are high-school dropouts and are a small segment of the world population:


Morons simply lack the capacity to become scientists hence, scientists don't qualify as morons and a majority of scientists are Atheists.

Your claims have been contradicted by truth. I suggest next time trying to support your claim rather than flailing about your victim-centric emotiional center.
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cool skill said:
Oh of course. In this case, the claim that Atheists are morons.

If thats what you want to apply it to.

cool skill said:
Did you mistake me fo somebody that is debating? Sad really. Enjoy your debate.

You're a teenager whom superimposes his balls on his assertions and doesn't like it when they are repeadly crushed with the assertions. No mistake made.

cool skill said:
I cannot wait to see this "existing evidence;)" that contradicts my claim that atheists are not fanatical morons.

Not? That wasn't your claim.
You're arguing from the wrong direction Crunchy. His logic is as follows:

God has told him he's right, therefore you can either agree or go against God's word which automatically makes you incorrect. Facts don't enter into it.