War in Heaven (No Atheists)

The real point is, you don't have a point... you have provided no data, no authority, only your own repeated statements and a continued (and continuous) ability to ignore requests for same.
As usual with theists it's a case of: repeat ad nauseam until someone (hopefully) comes round to your flawed way of "thinking"
Mr. Skill,

Please see my edited post (which was edited before your post) regarding the authorship of the "atheism in decline" statement.

Now, why are you afraid to bring up a simple topic to discuss, Mr. Skill?
cool skill said:
It's interesting to see all these atheist fanatics try their very best to prove that atheism is not the most fanatical religion there is.
please look up a DEFINITION of "RELIGION" otherwise you'll come of sounding like a total retard!
cool skill said:
Atheists are the most fanatical of all religions. They cannot help themselves. They are the most dogmatic, imposing, wackos of all religions.
Atheism isn't a religion. It is the opposite. The word "atheism" means "lack of belief in a god".
Way to fail, no skill.
Last edited:
Religion: one or more social systems whose participants avow belief in a supernatural agent or agents whose approval is to be sought.

Atheism, being without gods, have no supernatural agency. It would seem that kewl skill is having difficultly reconciling the lack of logic behind his mythologies (like the "war in heaven") and can only point his finger at those that think clearly and say, "your just a bunch of believers, too!"

And, for the record, kewl skill did assert that atheism was on the decline. He quickly backpedaled and edited his post. I can't blame him, since its painfully obvious to anyone that this simply isn't the case.

@illuminatingtherapy and kewl skill - there still exists the assertion that atheists proselytize more than any religious group. kewl skill promised data; illuminatingtherapy made a random quote that wasn't even related to the assertion. Where are the data?

illuminatingtherapy said:
So make a thread about it instead of attacking anyone saying they believe in God or something.
I'm attacking people who make wild and unfounded claims that they assert as fact. It doesn't matter to me if they're religious-nutters or ufo-nutters. If a theist doesn't like the voice of reason posting in his/her thread, they can find any number of theist only sites where they can pat themselves on the back and call each other "brother," etc.

Very clearly, the religious nutters that post in sciforums do so knowing that there are far more atheists and agnostics here than in most other places on the net. Whether they crave the abuse or they seek only a place to sharpen their debating swords, the one thing about the religious sub-forum of sciforums is that is very clear, is that anyone making a wild-ass claim about any paranormal/supernatural bullshit is going to get called on it.

This expectation that, somehow, religion should be immune from inquiry and ridicule is preposterous. Religion deserves the same inquiry and criticism that claims of ESP, remote viewing, alien-abductions, and psychics get -perhaps more so, since it affects so many more people and has the potential to generate people willing to die for their beliefs in the extreme and people willing to do what it takes to codify their doctrines in government policy.
Cool Skill,

The goal of atheists is to remove religion in every aspect of society.
Sounds like a good idea, but your statement is false since not all atheists hold that position.

It is their dogmatic religious movement of removing religion per say.
Atheism cannot be a religious movement since it has no supernatural element. You should also distinguish between theism and religion since there are many non-theistic religions, some supported by atheists.

They work as hard as they can on Sciforums to eliminate any productive theological discussion because of their ignorant arrogant belief that theology should not be discussed in a science forum.
Certainly attempting to introduce theology into a debate on science is inappropriate so objections should be expected. The religion forum is the primary place where theology can be discussed.

I invite all people from all religions to the science forum to freely discuss their religious beliefs and ideas about science.
There are many science forums here specifically targeted at scientific debate and not religious issues. To hijack those forums with inappropriate theology discussions would warrant disciplinary action.

They simply believe that God and religion do not exist.
You appear significantly confused. Most informed atheists do not state a belief that a god does not exist, please read the references of the definitions of atheism given at the start of this forum. And no atheist will state that religion does not exist. Clearly religions exist.

there are christians that accept the beliefs of others.
That cannot be true and is paradoxical. If a Christian accepted the beliefs of another religion then they wouldn’t be Christian. What you really mean is that many Christians are tolerant of other religions and not that they accept the beliefs of other religions. They specifically do NOT accept the beliefs of others, that’s why they have their own religion.

True christians accept the beleifs of others, and do not arrogantly run around single mindedly imposing their beliefs on others.
Significantly false on both counts. The first is explained above, and secondly Christians are specifically instructed by their doctrines to spread their religious beliefs and to convince others that their beliefs are the only truth, it is called evangelism and is an essential part of the Christian religion. Atheism has no such doctrine.
It is no doubt that I have countless posts supporting my assertion that atheists are fanatical. Perhaps more will be underway.
Are you backpedaling again, skill? Your original assertion was that atheists proselytize more than theists. Perhaps if we go back to look at the earlier posts of the thread, we'll see more "Last edited by cool skill : Today at xx:xx."

Sure, there are atheists that are fanatical. But to prove that any of the atheists in this forum are fanatical, you'll have to increase your sample size past sciforums. I, somehow, doubt you'll reach much further. Moreover, I think you'll find that the most prolific atheist in this forum pales in comparison to any given religious nutter that thinks its his god's will that he "witness" to anyone that'll listen.
You have no posts anywhere supporting your assertions, only repetitions and restatements of those assertions. We keep asking for you to show supporting data and you keep ignoring those requests.
Redefinition of Fanatic: anyone who disagrees with Cool Skill.
Crunchy Cat said:
I suppose you have evidence of Atheists imposing upon the 'believer' more so than a religion imposes upon 'non-believers' or 'alternative-believers'? Before you respond just remember those itty bitty events like the Crusades.

*bump* still waiting on your response cool_skill.
Oli said:
You have no posts anywhere supporting your assertions, only repetitions and restatements of those assertions.
OMG. Are you that blind? Reread my 4th post before this one because you just do not seem to be getting the point.
The netire text of your "4th post" before the one above (or are you bad at counting as well?)
I skimmed through Job. I always had figured Job was nothing more than some guy that got screwed left and right, and continued to follolw Jesus. But there's more. According to Job, Satan was thrown out of heaven for attempting to turn Job away from Jesus.

As for the many fanatical atheists, nice try. While you continue your fanatical behavior all over this thread, real scientists will continue to discuss religion, theology, and creation with logic and intelligent communication.
Through the rampant fanatacism exhibited and to continue to be exhibited by the atheists in this thread, Cool Skill has yet again proven his assertion:
I'd like to thank all you fanatical atheists for continuing to support and soldify my assertion more and more with each fanatical post that you make.
So you, one more time, have NO posts supporting your contention of fanaticism on the part of atheists, unless you subscribe to the definition of fanatic that I gave above, which would appear to be the case.
Woohoo, now that's a brilliant example of paranoia, egotism, egocentricity, pigheadedness, downright stupidity and an over-rated sense self-worth - all in one package. As Londo Mollari once said "How efficient of you".
It starts with the highest angel Lucifer.
Lucifer is gifted in music and light.
Jesus plans to create a universe occupied by humans.
In a fit of jealousy, Lucifer and many angels are disatisfied with the situation of creation.
Furthermore, this disatisfaction breeds Lucifer's pride that he should be the ultimate leader of reality.
Jesus decides to go ahead with the plan anyway, and proceeds to comence the creation process.
Out of desperation and desire to rule, Lucifer calls upon 1/3 of the angels organize and launch an attack on heaven in order to stop Jesus from comencing the creation process.
Their plans are thwarted, however, by an army twice their size lead by Mike and Gabe.
Jesus proclaims that Lucifer and the traitors be exiled from heaven, and bound in hell.
Lucifer and his angels become Satan and his demons.
They have hatred towards Jesus and humans.
They dwell in hell, and desire to influence humans on earth for the sake of the demise of humankind.

Is this correct?
Oli said:
So you, one more time, have NO posts supporting your contention of fanaticism on the part of atheists
Either your retardism is prevening you from reading correctly, or you are just way too brain damaged to comprehend that post.
Again. It is not that I have "NO posts" supporting my conention as you so claim.
It is that I have TONS of posts supporting my contention.
For whatever demented reason, your interpretation of that post is in reverse. I doubt very much that you will ever get a clue.
Woohoo, now that's a brilliant example of paranoia, egotism, egocentricity, pigheadedness, downright stupidity and an over-rated sense self-worth - all in one package. As Londo Mollari once said "How efficient of you".
We see you saying you have "tons of posts," but we don't see you referencing any.

We see someone making a claim and saying he has evidence, but no effort to share.

Put up or shut up.
Either your retardism is prevening you from reading correctly, or you are just way too brain damaged to comprehend that post.
I don't comprehend that post simply because you chose to use a form of "communication" based on unproven hypotheses that you take as absolute truth and I do not and cannot relate to. Presumably you're somehow relating atheists to Lucifer and his demons. That may be true in your thinking. In mine you're a blinkered idiot with a highly (self-) limited world view who thinks that anyone who doesn't subscribe to your unproven (and probably unprovable) mythology.
As I said earlier, your definition of fanatic is someone who doesn't agree with you and therefore anything that goes against your worldview is, to you and you only, "proof" of the rightness of your position.
That's very likely a clinical mental condition. Goodnight.
SkinWalker said:
We see you saying you have "tons of posts," but we don't see you referencing any.

We see someone making a claim and saying he has evidence, but no effort to share.

Put up or shut up.
I just did reference them, and again another request for a reference. It is so completely blatant, yet you athesits continue to overlook it over and over and over and over. Do you tend to bump into walls when you walk around? Perhaps if you come across a flight of stairs going down, you will fall off for you cannot see that in front of you either. I would suggest obtaining a stick with a red tip to help you get around.

Not only do you provide all the support to my assertion, you bats overlook it as well. So sad.

Oli said:
Presumably you're somehow relating atheists to Lucifer and his demons.
Where did that come from?
It's amazing how little atheist capabilities are when it comes to proper interpretation.
Now I am relating atheists to Lucifer and demons. What will they think of next?
Yes good night. Hopefully tomorrow, you will wake up with a brain, but it's very unlikely.
Ahh, now I get. You're talking bollocks. Should have realised. My mistake.