War in Heaven (No Atheists)

Actually, you're very wrong. I have a pretty large penis, and I can prove it.

The fact that you even rised to the bait and decided to inform the entire sci forums community about the length, width or smell of your penis really says more than all the 'I can prove it's' will ever do. I have no interest in you or your penis, (both dicks), but was simply making a point from a professional stance.

Actually. I will actually right your username on it so that you know I am not cheating. And I will PM you the image.

Although it's not worth getting into, it should be pointed out that any fool can get a picture of a penis from the internet and then scrawl my username on it with the aid of photoshop... unless of course you meant you were going to actually write my username on your dick in which case I'm unsure as to whether I should feel honoured or not. Of course SnakeLord is a long name, so to help you can just minimize it to 'S'.

You're trying to say I have a small dick which is defiantly not true.

Well, not exactly. What I said was when people insult others in specific and continual ways, it is because they are familiar with the insult they use.

You're not a good psychologist

Well, that's open to debate I guess, and I more than welcome your unprofessional opinion, but the statement by itself holds no weight.

however I think you're talking out of your ass you're probably not even a psychologist.

Again that's open to debate. However, that is currently pretty inconsequential. The fun for me comes in the form of knowing that I have now wound you up to such degree where you're willing to write my internet nickname on your penis.

Now I will ridicule and mock you also for being a little tit.

Given the way you insult, it's not really an issue.
Muslim said:
Don't try to twist my comment. That is for me to prove a point, not that I wanna send him it.

There's something twisted, alright. It isn't my response to you comment... its the notion that you would willingly write another man's moniker on your penis then send him a picture. :eek:
SnakeLord said:
The fact that you even rised to the bait and decided to inform the entire sci forums community about the length, width or smell of your penis really says more than all the 'I can prove it's' will ever do. I have no interest in you or your penis, (both dicks), but was simply making a point from a professional stance.

Although it's not worth getting into, it should be pointed out that any fool can get a picture of a penis from the internet and then scrawl my username on it with the aid of photoshop... unless of course you meant you were going to actually write my username on your dick in which case I'm unsure as to whether I should feel honoured or not. Of course SnakeLord is a long name, so to help you can just minimize it to 'S'.

Well, not exactly. What I said was when people insult others in specific and continual ways, it is because they are familiar with the insult they use.

Well, that's open to debate I guess, and I more than welcome your unprofessional opinion, but the statement by itself holds no weight.

Again that's open to debate. However, that is currently pretty inconsequential. The fun for me comes in the form of knowing that I have now wound you up to such degree where you're willing to write my internet nickname on your penis.

Given the way you insult, it's not really an issue.

This is getting annoying. obviously you were the best story teller in 5th grade but trust me as I will prove give me a few days.
I'm almost feeling sorry for muslim. Muslim, take my word on this: Give it up. Move on. And for god's sake, DON"T send anyone pics of your wanker with their name on it.

oxypunk101 said:
Knowing the source of information is very important. Since I do not know the absolute truths about the origins of the universe, knowing who I am talking to is very important. If I were talking about physics, and an eight year old made a heavy claim I would have a hard time believing them since they are so young. This does not mean they are not right, but you simply do not expect an eight year old to know the answers. If I were talking to a person with a PhD, I would probably accept what they say since they have studied the topic for years. (This could be a trap I’m sure someone will notice. I could be deceived by the man with PhD). Knowing the source does add credibility to the claims.
This is discrimination, and has no basis in logic.
The validity of X is completely independent of the whether the individual that proposed X is in Einstein or a 2 year old.
The slightest inclination to such discrimination shows lack of logic.

oxypunk101 said:
You are very hostile towards atheist. You seem to think we are all the same. I have had plenty of discussions with people who believe in God about religion. We accept that neither of us is going to change the others mind, but we like to share our ideas. He/she will listen to my ideas and in turn I hear them out. Does this make me a fanatic?
Nobody has to accpet that anybody is not going to change anybody's mind.
The only thing that needs to be accepted is:
Some people will impose their beliefs, and some people will not.
Some Christians will impose thier beliefs, and some will not.
Some Atheists will impose their beliefs, and some will not.
There is nothing wrong with imposing your belief.
Everybody has different ideas about what is true, and many wish to let others know what is true.

What is wrong is your lack of acknowledgement that you are imposing your beliefs on others.
Your claim that no atheists are fanatical, and that no atheist wishes to impose no-religion wherever they go is absurd.
There are many fanatical atheists that wish to impose no-religion no matter where they are.

oxypunk101 said:
If you goal is just to insult atheist, which it seems to be, then that is just pathetic.
My goal?
Your weak interpretations are what is PATHETIC.
Cool Skill,
I never said there are no fanatical atheist, if i did that was a mistake. Of course there are, and there are also fanatical religious people. I still hold on to the fact knowing the scource of information gives it more or less validity. You never herd the coversation I had with my friends. They were not about changing one and other minds, we were just sharing views. This is very different than me trying to impose my belifes.

I was trying to write something, constructive, but I guess I failed. As well I have been trying to get a feel of who you are outside of the internet to work with you rather than pointless arguing which we have been. While we differ in views does not mean we need to be rude. I am done trying to go anywhere with you.
oxypunk101 said:
I was trying to write something, constructive, but I guess I failed.

You didn't fail. Kewl Skilz has some sort of atheism-phobia that makes him behave like an ass.
SkinWalker said:
You didn't fail. Kewl Skilz has some sort of atheism-phobia that makes him behave like an ass.
Did they let you out of preschool yet?
Agnostic Atheist?
See what I mean. Like an ass. Rather than discuss anything intellectually, kewl skilz resorts to hateful and juvenile comments -it's as if he's incapable of critical thought or putting real thoughts to words.
SkinWalker said:
resorts to hateful and juvenile comments
You mean like this? =>
"Kewl Skilz has some sort of atheism-phobia that makes him behave like an ass."

Are you talking about yourself again?
How sad.