War in Heaven (No Atheists)

cool skill said:
Somebody said it was about King Nebakanezer.
If it was about Helel, was there ever a war in heaven and fall of Lucifer?

first of all it's Nebuchadnezzar. learn your bible names. and i agree with one_raven, there was no lucifer.
So the word "hell" and the word "lucifer" in the bible both mean King Helel?
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!"
cool skill said:
So the word "hell" and the word "lucifer" in the bible both mean King Helel?
I'm not sure where or why you picked this up, but I am interested.
Why do you think "Helel" was translated to "Hell"?
superluminal said:
Yeah MAN! Stick it to da MAN! Yeah! Tell it brother! Testify!

Seriously I don't know what woman would ever want to be with you. Maybe a Blind and a Def one? I bet you're a virgin with a small dick.
Seriously I don't know what woman would ever want to be with you. Maybe a Blind and a Def one? I bet you're a virgin with a small dick.

It might as well be said that a general rule when it comes down to insults is that people insult others about something they are familiar with.

You see, people do like to have understanding of the subjects they talk about, and it is entirely natural that when people insult others they do so from a position of understanding.

As many will know, I am what you'd call a psychologist - but primarily deal with words and their usage. The one-off usage of an insult I am quite able to overlook, but it has been several times now that I have seen you trying to degrade people you don't know with concerns to their penises. As a professional, I can tell you why you do that, but it's clear you wont like the answer - even though you will be well aware of the answer.

You and I know the answer and that's fine, I never considered human brilliance, intelligence or anything else of that nature as having to come down to the size of the sex tool. To me it is largely inconsequential as long as you manage to win the battle and impregnate the woman - in which case it is clearly large enough, but to you it seems to be a sticking point, and I can only hope you get the appropriate help to get you over that hurdle.

Anyway, the point is that you're giving away more information about yourself than you really need to or should, and as such I would state that if you're going to insult people, (which is your right), you choose something that isn't going to reflect so negatively on yourself, (to the trained eye).

Enjoy your day.
SnakeLord said:
It might as well be said that a general rule when it comes down to insults is that people insult others about something they are familiar with.

You see, people do like to have understanding of the subjects they talk about, and it is entirely natural that when people insult others they do so from a position of understanding.

As many will know, I am what you'd call a psychologist - but primarily deal with words and their usage. The one-off usage of an insult I am quite able to overlook, but it has been several times now that I have seen you trying to degrade people you don't know with concerns to their penises. As a professional, I can tell you why you do that, but it's clear you wont like the answer - even though you will be well aware of the answer.

You and I know the answer and that's fine, I never considered human brilliance, intelligence or anything else of that nature as having to come down to the size of the sex tool. To me it is largely inconsequential as long as you manage to win the battle and impregnate the woman - in which case it is clearly large enough, but to you it seems to be a sticking point, and I can only hope you get the appropriate help to get you over that hurdle.

Anyway, the point is that you're giving away more information about yourself than you really need to or should, and as such I would state that if you're going to insult people, (which is your right), you choose something that isn't going to reflect so negatively on yourself, (to the trained eye).

Enjoy your day.
Wow. Psychology rocks!
SnakeLord said:
...it is largely inconsequential as long as you manage to win the battle and impregnate the woman - in which case it is clearly large enough, but to you it seems to be a sticking point.

*snort* *pounds fists* ROFLMAO!
Cool Skill,

Knowing the source of information is very important. Since I do not know the absolute truths about the origins of the universe, knowing who I am talking to is very important. If I were talking about physics, and an eight year old made a heavy claim I would have a hard time believing them since they are so young. This does not mean they are not right, but you simply do not expect an eight year old to know the answers. If I were talking to a person with a PhD, I would probably accept what they say since they have studied the topic for years. (This could be a trap I’m sure someone will notice. I could be deceived by the man with PhD). Knowing the source does add credibility to the claims.

You are very hostile towards atheist. You seem to think we are all the same. I have had plenty of discussions with people who believe in God about religion. We accept that neither of us is going to change the others mind, but we like to share our ideas. He/she will listen to my ideas and in turn I hear them out. Does this make me a fanatic? If atheists annoy you so much why do bother to argue with atheist? As I understand it all atheist still have chance at reaching heaven if we find faith in God (overly simplified). Would it not be better for you to try and work with atheist rather than infuriating atheist making atheist resentment lager towards religion in turn making atheist much more likely to go to hell. Maybe you want atheist to go to hell, in which case I wonder what God thinks of those who want others to be condemned. I'll hope then you want atheist to go to Heaven. Try not to attack atheist so much and maybe you will change one persons mind. Not everyone who reads these threads has their mind made up. If you goal is just to insult atheist, which it seems to be, then that is just pathetic.
If atheists annoy you so much why do bother to argue with atheist?
Vindication, at least from his own narrow perspective. It just reinforces his own prejudices that he's right and everyone else is wrong.
SnakeLord said:
It might as well be said that a general rule when it comes down to insults is that people insult others about something they are familiar with.

You see, people do like to have understanding of the subjects they talk about, and it is entirely natural that when people insult others they do so from a position of understanding.

As many will know, I am what you'd call a psychologist - but primarily deal with words and their usage. The one-off usage of an insult I am quite able to overlook, but it has been several times now that I have seen you trying to degrade people you don't know with concerns to their penises. As a professional, I can tell you why you do that, but it's clear you wont like the answer - even though you will be well aware of the answer.

You and I know the answer and that's fine, I never considered human brilliance, intelligence or anything else of that nature as having to come down to the size of the sex tool. To me it is largely inconsequential as long as you manage to win the battle and impregnate the woman - in which case it is clearly large enough, but to you it seems to be a sticking point, and I can only hope you get the appropriate help to get you over that hurdle.

Anyway, the point is that you're giving away more information about yourself than you really need to or should, and as such I would state that if you're going to insult people, (which is your right), you choose something that isn't going to reflect so negatively on yourself, (to the trained eye).

Enjoy your day.

Actually, you're very wrong. I have a pretty large penis, and I can prove it. Actually. I will actually right your username on it so that you know I am not cheating. And I will PM you the image.

You're trying to say I have a small dick which is defiantly not true. Mine is pretty big.

You're not a good psychologist - however I think you're talking out of your ass you're probably not even a psychologist. Now I will ridicule and mock you also for being a little tit.
Muslim said:
Now I will ridicule and mock you also for being a little tit.

Hey, you're the one sending pictures of your penis to other guys. There's not a lot of ridicule that can follow from someone who does that.
SkinWalker said:
Hey, you're the one sending pictures of your penis to other guys. There's not a lot of ridicule that can follow from someone who does that.

Don't try to twist my comment. That is for me to prove a point, not that I wanna send him it.
Muslim said:
Don't try to twist my comment. That is for me to prove a point, not that I wanna send him it.
Your not much of a muslim if you wanna send others pictures of your private areas. :bugeye:
Muslim said:
Actually, you're very wrong. I have a pretty large penis, and I can prove it. Actually. I will actually right your username on it so that you know I am not cheating. And I will PM you the image.

You probably can't even get my username on it.
spiritual_spy said:
Does it matter? NO your still willingly sending pictures of yourself to people.

errm, I think its OK for proving a point. Its like going to a doctor and letting her look at your dick. Its OK.