Wal-Mart And The Decline Of Society

I have a Sony VCR I paid over $300 for almost 10 years ago. Thing still runs like a champ. I had a $99 Maggotbox before that. Junk. I had an $99 Alpine stereo in my car many years ago, died within a year (Don't even get me started on the Walmart Craigs and Kracos I had before that). The $250 Sony I put in was still going strong after 7 years, until it went away when I sold the car. Probably still going.
I think, we are going in the wrong direction. Wal_mart sells low end products, you get what you pay for. But the same product at K-Mart or other places would be slightly more expensive. There is no question that Wal-Mart has the best Supply Chain and Inventory control systems.

But the point is, by selling extreme low end products, are we becoming a society of low enders?

(Sams Club owned by Wal-Mart does sell mid level products while Costco sells high end products)
I thought the point was that Wal-Mart, while not necessarily inventing the concept, has at least been the world leader in the act of bastardizing any market they jump into by shopping vendors into bankruptcy, while at the same time, destroying the local specialty shop.

Oh, and don't forget that once they have entrenched themselves well enough in any market, they bolt as the anchor tenant in the strip property, set up shop literally across the street as a supercenter with no satellite tenants, and then watch with joy as their old satellite compatriots literally wither on the vine and die. And to add insult to injury, they hold the lease on the old store so that no competing large-scale retailer can renovate the old Wal-Mart and revive the property. Farking Walmart. :mad: