VitalOne's Fallacious Rants Against Atheism

Right? Basically anything realistically measurable, verifiable, not considered evidence to you, right?

you forgot to tell about these realistically measurable and verifiable evidences
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just one case of ireversibly complex structure in nature

There's already lots of examples of irreducibly complex things in escape this conclusion the atheist will say "it doesn't matter if we never ever find a naturalistic explanation, it happened in some unknown naturalistic way"
He wasn't implying anything of the kind. Wakey wakey.
Yes he was, obviously :rolleyes:

This was done in order to intentionally ridicule theism

SnakeLord said:
He's not talking about the 'existence' of fairies, he's talking about having no evidence and you not believing until you have some. Wakey wakey.
"Wakey wakey" wtf?

Anyway, why doesn't he use something like the many-worlds interpretation or the superstring theory? Don't they also fit the analogy? Oh wait, that's right, they don't ridicule theism, so it wouldn't work for him :rolleyes:
???? I doubt you will be punished for carrying on a conversation.

Let's see what happens then, hopefully you're right, all of my posts seem to be moved here for some reason, SkinWalker dislikes logical criticism of atheism
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I don't fault atheists for anything except for believing they're more rational and superior than everyone else

Just by making that statement shows that you think that you are superior

to those who you seem to ridicule for being who they are. What makes you

have the right to judge others that think differently than you and criticize

them if you don't feel superior to them to begin with? You want those that

don't think the way that you want them to think to believe somehow they

are better but they never make statements like that only you have. If you

can give examples where atheists have made statements which show they

are somehow superior to anyone else. Then find those that believe in God

and you will see that they speak about being the "chosen ones". Everyone

thinks they are better than the other guy, that's just human nature.
Just by making that statement shows that you think that you are superior

to those who you seem to ridicule for being who they are. What makes you

have the right to judge others that think differently than you and criticize

them if you don't feel superior to them to begin with? You want those that

don't think the way that you want them to think to believe somehow they

are better but they never make statements like that only you have. If you

can give examples where atheists have made statements which show they

are somehow superior to anyone else. Then find those that believe in God

and you will see that they speak about being the "chosen ones". Everyone

thinks they are better than the other guy, that's just human nature.
ROFL...what's this about? First you start off saying I shouldn't think I'm superior, then you end up saying atheists do think they're superior and that it's human nature....

Atheists really believe that everyone else besides them are just delusional fools, they even tell people that they should not respect peoples' beliefs...

All praise the great atheistic faith
Man is guilty, but I have no evidence to support this.

Just because there is no evidence to support he is guilty doesn't mean he isn't guilty. BUT, because there is no evidence to support he is guilty, we should not convict him for the crime. atm, the man is irrelevant to the jury because there is no evidence supporting his involvment.
Likewise, just because there is no evidence to support God doesn't mean God doesn't exist. BUT, because there is no evidence supporting his existence, we should not assume he does exist. We should admit the possibility of his existence, but not worship him as if he does. If God exists, atm he is irrelevant to my life because he has not shown his existance.
Atheism is not the belief God doesn't exist, it is the lack of belief in his existance.
Right, so this only applies to court cases where you're "innocent until proven guilty"

A "lack of belief in existence" is EXACTLY the same as "belief in non-existence" UNLESS you neither believe nor disbelieve...

Congratulations, you proved absolutely nothing
you forgot to tell about these realistically measurable and verifiable evidences

Hmm...I think you misunderstood, I asked what can be considered evidence of God and got things that aren't realistically measurable and verifiable...that's what was meant by this....I never said there was realistically measurable verifiable evidence....

So tell me, can you give me an example of what can be considered evidence of God that is realistically measurable and verifiable?
ROFL...what's this about? First you start off saying I shouldn't think I'm superior, then you end up saying atheists do think they're superior and that it's human nature....

Atheists really believe that everyone else besides them are just delusional fools, they even tell people that they should not respect peoples' beliefs...

All praise the great atheistic faith

I've never stated anyone is delusional or a fool. I've only said that anyone

that believes in an invisible super being that created everything must have

not looked at the facts that suggest otherwise. I bring out evolution as a

fact along with many other archaeological findings that prove the Bible isn't

correct at all. I have also stated that it is a belief that people base their

faith upon and therefore no facts are needed for such believing.
I've never stated anyone is delusional or a fool. I've only said that anyone

that believes in an invisible super being that created everything must have

not looked at the facts that suggest otherwise. I bring out evolution as a

fact along with many other archaeological findings that prove the Bible isn't

correct at all. I have also stated that it is a belief that people base their

faith upon and therefore no facts are needed for such believing.

What evidence suggests otherwise? Evolution? How does that contradict the existence of God? I don't understand...

This is just a clever way of atheists saying "you're inferior and lower than me"

But you can't insult atheists back, then it's trolling, then it's wrong, then your posts will be deleted
What evidence suggests otherwise? Evolution? How does that contradict the existence of God? I don't understand...

This is just a clever way of atheists saying "you're inferior and lower than me"

It is a statement which anyone that can read can see that it is not saying

that anyone is a fool as you have stated. It only states that everyone is

correct in their views. Beliefs are seperate than facts, just that simple. As

long as both are kept seperate then all is well.
It is a statement which anyone that can read can see that it is not saying

that anyone is a fool as you have stated. It only states that everyone is

correct in their views. Beliefs are seperate than facts, just that simple. As

long as both are kept seperate then all is well.

What's this supposed to mean? Sounds like a re-confirmation that you atheists really believe you're smarter and superior to everyone else...
What's this supposed to mean? Sounds like a re-confirmation that you atheists really believe you're smarter and superior to everyone else...

I don't see how my statement can sound "superior" as you say it does. I'd

think that it is you that has a very big problem trying to rationalize the

difference from someone just saying something and someone saying that

they are superior to anyone.
I don't see how my statement can sound "superior" as you say it does. I'd

think that it is you that has a very big problem trying to rationalize the

difference from someone just saying something and someone saying that

they are superior to anyone.

Oh come on, you should re-read what you wrote, you basically said atheists were smarter and superior since they use "facts" and theists just have "beliefs", as if theists were primitive fools...

All praise the great atheistic faith
How very convenient
How very convenient yet true...just like how ancient people couldn't observe, percieve, or measure electromagnetism...according to YOU with YOUR logic that should've meant that electromagnetism doesn't exist

All praise the great atheistic faith
I often told by the religious that I an atheist am closed-minded, either in conversation, or reading them, call atheists closed-minded on forums and such, however nothing could be further from the truth, I sure the religious don’t understand what closed-minded actually is.
Closed-minded: having a mind firmly unreceptive to new ideas or arguments.
For some strange reason the religious seem to think, they are open-minded, strange isn't it.
just recently two elderly JW ladies knocked on my door, one lady handed me the watchtower, I said ladies I'm an atheist, and I have no believe in any of this, and handed it back, she said you've got to keep an open mind, I was tempted to, give her a piece of mind, for being so arrogant, as assume that I was closed mind all because I had no belief in her fantasy. Whereas I am open to all possibilities, and not single mindedly following one particular deity out of thousands, and thousands, it riles me.
Until now I have never called a religious person closed or single minded.
I wished they would think about what they're saying, but that would be too much to ask I think.

do you find either atheists or theist closed minded if so please elaborate, as I sincerely believe I'm right in my view on this, but also have a keen interest to see if I'm wrong.

thanks pavlos
Atheists are close-minded, here's why:

- They insist to impose their views upon the world since they so firmly believe they're right
- They insist that everyone else besides them is delusional
- ANY and EVERY imaginable amount of evidence for God will be dismissed as "god of the gaps" or a "god-did-it" explanation
- When asked what can be considered evidence they get upset and ignore the question or say "well if one day God came down"

You atheists have firmly made up your mind to never EVER even consider that God can exist or consider believing in God
There's already lots of examples of irreducibly complex things in escape this conclusion the atheist will say "it doesn't matter if we never ever find a naturalistic explanation, it happened in some unknown naturalistic way"

name one
Hmm...I think you misunderstood, I asked what can be considered evidence of God and got things that aren't realistically measurable and verifiable...that's what was meant by this....I never said there was realistically measurable verifiable evidence....

you said that evidence exists but we turn it down
I am asking what this evidence is so that I can judge it myself

So tell me, can you give me an example of what can be considered evidence of God that is realistically measurable and verifiable?[/QUOTE]

I already did, you failed to provide.