VitalOne's Fallacious Rants Against Atheism

I already responded to that, post #180, maybe you should resign

Not satisfactorily you didn't.

Ashura makes my point also. You are being dishonest in your methods, twisting definitions to suit your purpose.

If we took a poll, 'Do you believe in God' with the possible responses;

1, Yes
2, No
3, Don't know

and were asked to count up how many people were theists, which responses would you add up? Well, you'd only take the number that took option 1.

If you were asked therefore to calcalute the number of atheists, what numbers would you add up? Well, as atheist is a-theist, literally, 'not a theist' it's everyone who does not count themselves a theist, so it's ever option added up apart from option 1. It does not matter if agnostics do no label themselves atheists, but moreover that they do not label themselves 'theists'!

I can't make this any simpler, so if you can't understand it, you are lost. I think though, it is that you won't understand it, because admitting you are an atheist shoots down all of your own arguments.

Anyway, maybe you can spend the time of you ban coming up with an argument that isnt full of fallacies nd straw men? You've got two days, so it had better be good.
I never said a lack of evidence for abiogenesis was evidence of design, I said atheists don't care if there's no evidence for it

Ah, so you speak for atheists now? Was there an election?

I am an atheist, and I do care if there is evidence for abiogenesis, and well, there are some studies which demonstrate it's feasibility.

So again you build a straw man, and they try and burn it down with damp matches. You really do suck at debate.
When did I do that?

By using your own version of "god of the gaps" argument, except turning it towards abiogenesis

We're all ready to take it to fact when it gets proved, or throw it away when a better solution comes up. You know... science... :rolleyes:

dont bring it up again

Right, so basically your entire post addressed no arguments at all...I never said a lack of evidence for abiogenesis was evidence of design, I said atheists don't care if there's no evidence for it :rolleyes: , design is ofcourse a viable explanation though

Nice try though, amateur ;)

Atheists also don't take it for a fact, you twat. It is one of many hypothesis that are currently being discussed and tested.

Design is not a viable explanation.
Personal experience canot be used as a basis for the existence of god. It can be a basis for belief but that is not the same thing as knowledge.

If a mentally ill patient believes that he is Napoleon , do we believe him ? He certainly believes it. Does believing that the earth is flat make it so ? Of course not.

We can believe anything but to know something means that we can support our belief with objectively verifiable evidence. I am not aware of any argument which supports a belief in god, which is not to doubt the sincerity of those who do hold such beliefs. I just think they are mistaken.

Yes I know to atheists personal experiences are not evidence of God, and atheists cannot give any example of what can be evidence of God besides "God coming down one day" or "reviving an amputee's leg"

All praise the atheistic faith
Ok something I want to explain is the burden of proof. Something like an afterlife is a claim, a hypothesis if you will, until proven true. The arguement "You can't prove there is an afterlife, but you also can't prove there isn't" is flawed. The burden of proof lies with the one who makes the claim. If I were to tell you santa claus was living on some remote planet billions of miles away, you would assume it were false until I proved otherwise. Same logic applies to any claim. If you're going to tell me there is an afterlife I am going to want some hard evidence to support it.

So what do you guys think? Am I wrong here?
Yeah, you're wrong, wrong wrong wrong

You're using an agrument from ignorance
Yes I know to atheists personal experiences are not evidence of God, and atheists cannot give any example of what can be evidence of God besides "God coming down one day" or "reviving an amputee's leg"

All praise the atheistic faith

Yours is thew silliest post I have read so far. Try tyhinking, however painful you find it.

If you claim there is a god and I disagree , it is up to you to prove your point. not my job to disprove it.

If I claim I have fairies at the bottom of my garden and you cannot see them you are entitled to ask me to provide evidence. You cannot be expected to prove that they do not exist. If you try, I can counter what you say with all sorts of nonsense. I can say, the fairies do not wish to be seen by you, you are not worthy, they suspect a hostile presence, first you must believe in them, you must pray to them for faith . Once you have faith you will not need to see them because you will know they are there, so why trouble them by asking them to manifest for a mere mortal like you. Sound familiar ? It's the stuff of which religion is made

I do not dispute your rightto believe what you want to but don't ask me to join the club unless you can convince me that you have something to offer by way of evidence,
Yours is thew silliest post I have read so far. Try tyhinking, however painful you find it.

If you claim there is a god and I disagree , it is up to you to prove your point. not my job to disprove it.
ROFL...argument from ignorance...

Something isn't false until proven true :rolleyes:

Sorry atheists, but evidence doesn't cause something to become true, you can't say something is false because of this...

Myles said:
If I claim I have fairies at the bottom of my garden and you cannot see them you are entitled to ask me to provide evidence. You cannot be expected to prove that they do not exist. If you try, I can counter what you say with all sorts of nonsense. I can say, the fairies do not wish to be seen by you, you are not worthy, they suspect a hostile presence, first you must believe in them, you must pray to them for faith . Once you have faith you will not need to see them because you will know they are there, so why trouble them by asking them to manifest for a mere mortal like you. Sound familiar ? It's the stuff of which religion is made

I do not dispute your rightto believe what you want to but don't ask me to join the club unless you can convince me that you have something to offer by way of evidence,
Hmm...what does fairies have to do with this? Oh, I know nothing, it's just another typical atheistic analogy used to preserve the atheistic faith...

Sorry, but the existence of fairies has absolutely nothing to do with the existence of God

What a typical atheist, instead of addressing the substance of the argument you dodged out of the entire thing, ofcourse I cannot give you evidence if nothing can be considered evidence :rolleyes:

A better analogy is something like the many-worlds interpretation, there is no evidence because nothing can be considered as evidence, not because of an absence of evidence when evidence should be present...

Such a typical atheistic post
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My question for debate then becomes – is there any basis where we could establish that such a subjective process without any form of individual or independent verification could in fact offer a truth? While it seems on the surface that this could be easily and summarily dismissed by non-believers it is however the crux of the theist position and deserves some deeper attention if there can be any. can you distinguish either atheism and theism from delusion?
ROFL...argument from ignorance...

Something isn't false until proven true

He wasn't implying anything of the kind. Wakey wakey.

but the existence of fairies has absolutely nothing to do with the existence of God

He's not talking about the 'existence' of fairies, he's talking about having no evidence and you not believing until you have some. Wakey wakey.
SKinWalker just deleted my posts...apparently using logical fallacies is not scientific, it doesn't belong in a science forum, but "Does God poop" made it, it wasn't because it goes against atheism :rolleyes:
Yes I know to atheists personal experiences are not evidence of God, and atheists cannot give any example of what can be evidence of God besides "God coming down one day" or "reviving an amputee's leg"

All praise the atheistic faith

just one case of ireversibly complex structure in nature
argument from ignorance:
"There's no evidence God exists, so God doesn't exist"
"You can't prove God exists, so God cannot exist"
"Lack of evidence that God exists indicates that the existence of God is unlikely"
"Only what the current evidence at the present time indicates is the truth"

How do atheists account for these fallacies?

Man is guilty, but I have no evidence to support this.

Just because there is no evidence to support he is guilty doesn't mean he isn't guilty. BUT, because there is no evidence to support he is guilty, we should not convict him for the crime. atm, the man is irrelevant to the jury because there is no evidence supporting his involvment.
Likewise, just because there is no evidence to support God doesn't mean God doesn't exist. BUT, because there is no evidence supporting his existence, we should not assume he does exist. We should admit the possibility of his existence, but not worship him as if he does. If God exists, atm he is irrelevant to my life because he has not shown his existance.
Atheism is not the belief God doesn't exist, it is the lack of belief in his existance.