Video of glass flying off counter

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Allright then, I apologize for calling you a liar...
You shouldn't give up so easily. That really is his second and third lie (the first was saying you didn't have an explanation when you had just provided one).

Posting the article and link in the OP here means he takes responsibility for its content. He posted it beause he judged it worthy of posting here. And he's acknowledged this reality in previous threads. Hence, he's lying when he says he arrived with no hypothesis and lying about what his hypothesis is.

Furthermore, if he weren't lying about having no opinion, that would just render the entire thread pointless.

No matter how you slice it, this is all just trolling by MR. This thread should be cesspooled and he should be banned again.
You shouldn't give up so easily. That really is his second and third lie (the first was saying you didn't have an explanation when you had just provided one).

Posting the article and link in the OP here means he takes responsibility for its content. He posted it because he judged it worthy of posting here. And he's acknowledged this reality in previous threads. Hence, he's lying when he says he arrived with no hypothesis and lying about what his hypothesis is.

Furthermore, if he weren't lying about having no opinion, that would just render the entire thread pointless.

No matter how you slice it, this is all just trolling by MR. This thread should be cesspooled and he should be banned again.
You could say he's acknowledged this magical reality in previous threads, nearly 5,000 of them actually, magically. You know what though? The OP isn't really even the problem, it's these damned ghostly Bigfoot aliens ! Bad enough when they started drying out our moist and delicious cakes! Now they're spilling our beer! This has got to stop!
No matter how you slice it, this is all just trolling by MR. This thread should be cesspooled and he should be banned again.

Please Enmos... dont slice it in such a way that this fun thred gets cesspooled... an worse yet... that MR winds up baned agan.!!!

Give him 1 more chance... an i will take full responsibility for his actions... ie... i guarantee that any more ghost type stuff he posts will be of real ghosts... or at least ghost-like stuff. !!!

Bad enough when they started drying out our moist and delicious cakes! Now they're spilling our beer! This has got to stop!
And if people had just used a sealable plastic container and a coaster, respectively, this all could have been avoided!
Give him 1 more chance... an i will take full responsibility for his actions... ie... i guarantee that any more ghost type stuff he posts will be of real ghosts... or at least ghost-like stuff. !!!
On the off chance that that isn't a joke, "take full responsibility" how? When they ban him for the next infraction they should ban you too?
And if people had just used a sealable plastic container and a coaster, respectively, this all could have been avoided!
Oh ho ho! I don't think so! These Bigfoots don't let light years form their home planet or even death stop them from being minor nuisances at our cake shops and bars. Do you think coasters and containers are going to stop them? :wink:
Well, that's not gonna fly. Sorry.
You should be trying to influence MR into giving proper responses if you don't want him banned, instead of trying to talk me and other mods into sparing MR.
Because, if he keeps this up, he may indeed get banned again.
Well, that's not gonna fly. Sorry.
You should be trying to influence MR into giving proper responses if you don't want him banned, instead of trying to talk me and other mods into sparing MR.
Because, if he keeps this up, he may indeed get banned again.

Done an done... from now on i guarantee that his responses will be proper.!!!
It's not hydroplaning, it's more like a cushion of air, not water. The water only seals the edges. But please don't let me burst your bubble.

I put a 8 0z glass of water on my kitchen table in a puddle of water. I had to push it to make it move. I then tilted the table quite a ways and the glass still wouldn't move. So I don't buy it. Full pint size glasses of beer don't levitate on bubbles of water. They're just too heavy..
I put a 8 0z glass of water on my kitchen table in a puddle of water. I had to push it to make it move. I then tilted the table quite a ways and the glass still wouldn't move. So I don't buy it. Full pint size glasses of beer don't levitate on bubbles of water. They're just too heavy..

It doesn't happen every time, and I assume that the conditions have to be just right for it to occur, but it does happen. I have experienced it, and I don't go out to the bar very often. You might want to go down to your local pub and ask the bartender about the frequency of this phenomenon.
I put a 8 0z glass of water on my kitchen table in a puddle of water. I had to push it to make it move. I then tilted the table quite a ways and the glass still wouldn't move. So I don't buy it. Full pint size glasses of beer don't levitate on bubbles of water. They're just too heavy..
It is a hard phenomenon to reproduce. And it's air, not water that causes it to float. Perhaps there is something special about a beer glass, maybe it has a cavity underneath that holds more air. And the air is under pressure, so it was trapped under there when cold, and then it heats up.


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It is a hard phenomenon to reproduce. And it's air, not water that causes it to float. Perhaps there is something special about a beer glass, maybe it has a cavity underneath that holds more air. And the air is under pressure, so it was trapped under there when cold, and then it heats up.


Well, whatever shape was under the beer glass they definitely ruled it out by trying to make it move. The only way it moved was by shaking the table. So no, it didn't happen in this case.
I put a 8 0z glass of water on my kitchen table in a puddle of water. I had to push it to make it move. I then tilted the table quite a ways and the glass still wouldn't move. So I don't buy it. Full pint size glasses of beer don't levitate on bubbles of water. They're just too heavy..

Re: why do drinking glasses slide across the counter when they're wet?
Date: Wed Mar 8 14:43:19 2000
Posted By: Arnold Anderson, Staff, Tribology/Friction systems, retired (Ford Scientific Laboratory)
Area of science: Physics
ID: 950840511.PhMessage:
When a wet glass is placed on a smooth, wet surface, a ring of water first
makes a seal around the bottom edge of the glass. Then, as the glass
continues toward the countertop, air that is under the glass bottom is
compressed. Under ideal conditions, this small volume of pressurized air
is able to support the weight of the glass. The water around the bottom
edge of the glass functions as a seal to prevent the air from escaping.
For a short time, the glass is floating on the surface water, and moves
with almost no friction. A different, but related behavior is possible
with a container that has a very smooth, flat bottom. Here, the water can
not escape quickly, and temporarily supports the glass on a squeeze film
of water alone.

This is much like an ice skate, which melts the ice under the blade, so
the skater glides freely on a thin film of water. The first case is like
a hovercraft, where a large fan pressurizes the air under the craft so it
can move freely over water or even smooth land.

Technically, the glass uses what is called a 'squeeze film' bearing to
temporarily support the glass. Hovercraft are supported by 'externally
pressurized' bearings. Ice skates employ 'self-lubricating' bearings.
These are all ways to reduce friction, using lubrication. Another way to
reduce friction involves the use of magnets. Then it is called magnetic

You might want to experiment with different smooth-bottomed containers to
learn more about this behavior. Note especially how large a recess is on
the bottom of the containers. Very flat
Bottomed containers can support themselves for several seconds. Some
glycerin or liquid detergent added to the water will increase the support

Containers with a very large recess on the bottom will not glide well, as
their large air volume will not pressurize enough. Remember to be
careful. Glasses can easily slide off a table or countertop during these

Trust me, it's quite real - I've had it happen myself a few times.
Well, whatever shape was under the beer glass they definitely ruled it out by trying to make it move. The only way it moved was by shaking the table. So no, it didn't happen in this case.
My god, where is your skepticism when it's really needed? When the bubble pops, it no longer works the same way. Use some critical thinking.
Well, whatever shape was under the beer glass they definitely ruled it out by trying to make it move. The only way it moved was by shaking the table. So no, it didn't happen in this case.
In the test they did, they only let the glass sit for a few seconds before shaking the table; much less time than it actually took in the original video. The test did not match the conditions of the original phenomena. And even if it had, as said, it doesn't happen every time, so you wouldn't need to see it happen every time for the explanation to be viable.
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