Video of Girl Throwing Live Puppies into River

Personally I prefer methods where the animal is knocked out and then decapitated. Even assuming a 13 second space of "awareness" [based on average findings] following decapitation, knocking out the animal will make it irrelevant. Or the decapitation could be done over liquid nitrogen freezing the head instantly. However human beings are more concerned with appearances than reducing suffering to the animal.

The knocking out isn't always effective, nor is the electric shock before having the throat cut method.

Does it hurt to have your head frozen in liquid nitrogen? Even for a second?
How do you know?
Well I've dropped enough liquid nitrogen around me to know what its like and I've used it on live tissue as well. I've personally utilised the knocking out and decapitation method. I've also used the lethal injection method and I've seen physical signs of distress especially in terms of breathing. I'm not an advocate of the electric shock, I've shocked myself once to see what it feels like and its not at all pleasant. One other method I've used is draining the blood through the ventricle of an unconscious animal. Thats also effective but easier to do with mice than bigger animals.
That, to euthanize animals is little different than what this girl did and to include a criteria (that there's no pain or fear) is odd since the result is the same... I thought my point was pretty obvious.

So euthanizing animals is the same as throwing them in a fast flowing river according to you?
Tell me, would you rather get put to sleep or get tortured for hours on end before you finally die? The end result is the same... :rolleyes:
Usually animals are euthanized for reasons that are well thought through. You can't compare that with killing animals just for the hell of it.
The only thing obvious about "your point" is that it's ridiculous.
I didnt watch the for awhile video because i dont watch video where living creatures are being abuse. So i clicked the link and watched it with my finger ready to stop it. I kept the vid playing.

Here is the thing, YES it is cruel and most likely the girl needs help and it is not something i would ever do. That said, the puppies were tossed some underhand into water. Puppies learn to swim on instinct, which is where doggie paddle comes from so there is the good chance some or even all survived...BUT there would be some luck involved. In nature the animals left alone without a mother would die too.

So the right thing to do is care for the puppy to the best of our abilities.
So euthanizing animals is the same as throwing them in a fast flowing river according to you?
Tell me, would you rather get put to sleep or get tortured for hours on end before you finally die? The end result is the same... :rolleyes:
Usually animals are euthanized for reasons that are well thought through. You can't compare that with killing animals just for the hell of it.
The only thing obvious about "your point" is that it's ridiculous.

No Enmos, I'd rather that we didn't kill the animal period. To set up some bullshit criteria that "It's painless, the animal doesn't experience fear so it's better" in an attempt to justify taking a life is nonsense. How hard is that to understand? Then end result is the same, you're killing it whether or not you throw it in a river, crack its neck, euthanize, or shoot it's brains out.

People need to stop trying to figure out when it's ok to kill, and learn that it's not.

The assumptions people make is simply mind blowing.
So euthanizing animals is the same as throwing them in a fast flowing river according to you?
Tell me, would you rather get put to sleep or get tortured for hours on end before you finally die? .....

so those puppies were tortured for hours?
Usually animals are euthanized for reasons that are well thought through. ....

Yeah, and its usually to get rid of them. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't help but think that the girl wanted to get rid of the puppies ...for probably much the same reasons as euthanizing them.

Enmos, I would also suggest that people, like the girl in the video that I didn't watch, don't care much about the animals one way or the other ...that they either pay to have euthanized or that they throw in a river.

What you're trying to do is put some kind of moral judgement on it, and that's just plain subjective at best. Some people kill things, some people don't. Is it "right"? Moral judgements require some kind of overall moral authority. What is it?

Is this just one more of gazillions of "I'm right, you're wrong!" issues?

Where/what is the moral authority for "right n' wrong"? The Bible? The Koran? Enmos' word?

Baron Max
Yeah, and its usually to get rid of them. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't help but think that the girl wanted to get rid of the puppies ...for probably much the same reasons as euthanizing them. ...

yep. How was she supposed to get rid of them? :shrug: Are vet's common where she lives? Do they euthanize for free?
yep. How was she supposed to get rid of them? :shrug: Are vet's common where she lives? Do they euthanize for free?

You're feeding the troll.

Never mind the how, what about the why? Are you saying it is ok to breed animals so that we can then kill them for fun and stick it on Youtube?
I saw even worse video (two of them actually) coming from Bosnia two days ago on YouTube. Some sick fuck called pigsterminator posted videos of himself butchering pigs in a slaughterhouse with an axe.
I mean, I know how sausages and hams are made, but this was just nasty and sadistic. :(
Videos were online apparently for 5 months (?), but two days ago after many reports, YouTube removed them. Their thumbnails are still viable:

Penalties for these sick monsters should be more radical, IMHO.
I read in some veterinary journal about chickens being killed in a wood chipper. People are nuts.
No Enmos, I'd rather that we didn't kill the animal period. To set up some bullshit criteria that "It's painless, the animal doesn't experience fear so it's better" in an attempt to justify taking a life is nonsense. How hard is that to understand? Then end result is the same, you're killing it whether or not you throw it in a river, crack its neck, euthanize, or shoot it's brains out.

People need to stop trying to figure out when it's ok to kill, and learn that it's not.

The assumptions people make is simply mind blowing.
- to kill (a person or animal) painlessly, esp to relieve suffering from an incurable illness

Yes, euthanasia is better than randomly killing an animal. It's done for a purpose. In fact, I'd say euthanasia is a good thing if well thought through, which is more often than not the case. People that euthanize their pet love their pet and don't want it to suffer.

so those puppies were tortured for hours?
Read AJRelic post. He says that it doesn't matter how an animal is killed because the end result is the same (death).
I am arguing against that by providing an example (painless death vs. painful death).
It's pretty obvious.

Yeah, and its usually to get rid of them.
Bullshit. It's usually to end their suffering. And if it's done for any other reason it's just as bad as what the girl did to those puppies.

Enmos, I would also suggest that people, like the girl in the video that I didn't watch, don't care much about the animals one way or the other ...that they either pay to have euthanized or that they throw in a river.
At least people that have their pet euthanized (whatever the reason) care enough to have it done without suffering.
You know I'm pessimistic about human nature, but in this case I really do believe that most people euthanize their pet to end its suffering and not to simply get rid of it. If all they want is to get rid of their animal there are simpler and cheaper ways (like throwing them into the river).

What you're trying to do is put some kind of moral judgement on it, and that's just plain subjective at best. Some people kill things, some people don't. Is it "right"? Moral judgements require some kind of overall moral authority. What is it?

Is this just one more of gazillions of "I'm right, you're wrong!" issues?

Where/what is the moral authority for "right n' wrong"? The Bible? The Koran? Enmos' word?

Baron Max
No, I was arguing against AJRelic's statement that it doesn't matter how you kill an animal because the end result is always the same.
If that would be true for animals it should also be true for humans, and I don't expect him to say that it's true for humans.. because, well, I kind of expect him to pick a painless death over a painful death if he had to choose.
More regarding my Irish Aunt.
She used to kill chickens by running after the one she wanted, one that wasn't laying eggs, grabbing it, and cutting its head off with a sharp knife.

She did regret killing one animal on the farm.
She killed a dog by poisoning it with yellow phosphorous.
I think it was phosphorous, though that seems an odd thing to have on a farm.
It died through pain and exhaustion.
She said its death was horrible, and she'd never do it again.
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- to kill (a person or animal) painlessly, esp to relieve suffering from an incurable illness

Yes, euthanasia is better than randomly killing an animal. It's done for a purpose. In fact, I'd say euthanasia is a good thing if well thought through, which is more often than not the case. People that euthanize their pet love their pet and don't want it to suffer.

Dear god I wouldn't want to argue with's all knowing dictionary! Since that's the meaning of the word, then I guess no pets are euthanized just because they're unwanted :rolleyes:.
Dear god I wouldn't want to argue with's all knowing dictionary! Since that's the meaning of the word, then I guess no pets are euthanized just because they're unwanted :rolleyes:.

That IS the definition of the word..
It helps to know what the words you are using mean :rolleyes:

Edit: And what's this about
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That IS the definition of the word..
It helps to know what the words you are using mean :rolleyes:

Edit: And what's this about

Yes and because this is the definition I guess there's no possible way any pets could be euthanized just because they're unwanted. Haha, do you listen to yourself? Or are you intentionally arguing semantics and for what purpose? is the service you used to look up the word. You don't even know where you get your information from? That's bad dude...
Best thing to do now is pretend the puppies got washed away in a flood and hope they come out down river. Puppies are good swimmers and the distance they went in the air most likely didnt effect them. Their bones are still very pliable but nature should make these decisions and instead of throwing the puppy in the river we should look to save the puppy in the river. I know in the wild puppies get sewpt into water.
Someone should hold her head under water until the bubbles stop!
Yes and because this is the definition I guess there's no possible way any pets could be euthanized just because they're unwanted. Haha, do you listen to yourself? Or are you intentionally arguing semantics and for what purpose?
:confused: is the service you used to look up the word. You don't even know where you get your information from? That's bad dude...
No, I didn't.