Video of Girl Throwing Live Puppies into River

Don't be stupid. Animals that are put to sleep don't suffer the fear and pain of drowning. The person putting the animal to sleep doesn't enjoy it and get someone to film it and post it on the internet.

And yes sometimes the person putting the animal to sleep does cry.

If she were to say...put a gun to the puppy's head and fire would you consider that ok? Certainly they don't feel pain, they'd die instantly. And I doubt they'd have any fear either, they don't know what a gun is.
If she were to say...put a gun to the puppy's head and fire would you consider that ok? Certainly they don't feel pain, they'd die instantly. And I doubt they'd have any fear either, they don't know what a gun is.

I'm not sure what the point of your question is, but to answer no I wouldn't fiind it ok if for example the girl did it with a big grin on her face and posted the video of it on the web. :rolleyes:
Don't be stupid. Animals that are put to sleep don't suffer the fear and pain of drowning. The person putting the animal to sleep doesn't enjoy it and get someone to film it and post it on the internet.

And yes sometimes the person putting the animal to sleep does cry.

But animal testing is not painless. I've seen much worse things than drowning being done to animals. I've even done some of it myself. Noble motivations don't matter to the animal.
The things people will do to get on youtube.

My aunt used to have cats in Ireland, where we went for holidays.
They had litters all the time. Spaying wasn't an option.
it was decades ago.

We got to play with them for a bit.
They were lovely.
We used to take them from their mothers warmth to hold them.
And then they disappeared.

I knew where it happened.
A deep pool in a river.

That place still gives me the creeps.
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Yes. I don't quite get that either. Who stands there and films as someone does something like this? And stands at close range as well and is talking to the girl the whole time.. At no time was any attempt made to stop her. The abject cruelty of this girl's action is stomach turning, but so is the lack of action of the person who filmed her doing it and posted it online.

There seems to be this desire for people in that age bracket to do things, film it and post it online.


And there was naive, wretched me thinking that empathy and caring were an instinctual part of being human.

And there was naive, wretched me thinking that empathy and caring were an instinctual part of being human.

We only ever care when it is in our self interest to care.

And that (selfishness and self-preservation) is a distinctly human trait.

Most of the time, people just do not want to get involved. For example, a recent survey in Australia about reporting child abuse, found that the majority would ignore it if they recognised the signs in a child or know that the child was being abused. Now, the greater majority agreed that child abuse was a problem, but the majority have stated they would not act on it by reporting it and would carry on as if nothing had happened.

Now, to bring this back to this girl. Do you think if people were walking by or driving by and saw her do it, that they would call the police? I don't. Most would probably keep on driving or walking because they don't want to get involved. Remember the donkey being made to parasail in Russia? How the people on the beach were too busy filming it and taking photos of it with their mobile phones to actually call the police?

The donkey screamed and children cried,” regional police spokeswoman Larisa Tuchkova told AFP news agency.

“No-one had the brains to call police.”

Instead, bystanders took photos and phoned newspapers, she said.


That poor animal had been up in the air, braying in fear, for half an hour. And no one thought to call the police. But they filmed it with their phones, even though it was a clear case of cruelty to that animal.

Go to youtube now and there are lots of videos of that poor donkey.

Do I think that if other people came upon this girl that they'd have stopped her? Probably not. Most, like those on that beach in Russia, would probably film it for their 2 bit of fame when their footage is picked up by the media.
Well it is a bad act and people DO have mental emotional problems. I didnt watch the video, btw. By the same token, suppose you live with a group of animals, lets say cows or something relatively tame. Suppose you live near a cliff, there is some chance the animal, one day, will push the human off the cliff and for really no reason at all.
I'm not sure what the point of your question is, but to answer no I wouldn't fiind it ok if for example the girl did it with a big grin on her face and posted the video of it on the web. :rolleyes:

It was a simple question in response to Don't be stupid. Animals that are put to sleep don't suffer the fear and pain of drowning, as if euthanizing is acceptable. And pardon me for not using to usual glitter and gumdrop "Put to sleep". They're being killed, and many simply because they're unwanted.

It seems odd that you developed a criteria for when it's acceptable to kill and it would seem that using a gun would fulfill that decretum.

Or are you simply bothered by the fact that they posted the video online forcing you to become aware of the suffering that occurs everyday (the point orleander was obviously trying to make).
... And there was naive, wretched me thinking that empathy and caring were an instinctual part of being human.

Or are we taught to care and have sympathy and compassion? ...that it's not "instinctual" at all?

If a child has been raised near/in a butcher shop where he witnessed his family kill pigs and chickens and butcher them every day of his young life, would he have the same compassion and empathy for pigs and chickens that others do?

Bells said:
... We only ever care when it is in our self interest to care. And that (selfishness and self-preservation) is a distinctly human trait.

Or is it a learned trait?

Perhaps we all start out as perfect psychopaths, and are taught slowly, every day, to become something else. If you were raised in the woods by wolves, would you feel sympathy and compassion for the animals that you've learned to kill and eat? How does that work?

Baron Max
Yep, pretty nasty stuff, alright. But interestingly, for all of our indignation and expressed outrage, would we all feel the same if she'd been throw big, ugly dock rats into the river? How 'bout cockroaches? How 'bout convicted child rapists and child murderers?

See? It's easy to express our righteous indignation and horror, but it can be quite difficult to give any precise, logical, rational explanations for it.

I hate that she harmed those puppies, but I wouldn't give one single damn if she'd harmed rats. Why? Why the difference?

See? We need the United Nations "Council on Caring and Kindness", COCK for short, to outline this all for us so we all think, act, feel exactly the same all the time on every issue.

Baron Max

That's hilarious. I can't believe I almost missed this post, but I couldn't have said it any better.

Allow me to provide you with a simple answer while the bleeding hearts in this forum unknot their panties. The difference is, we don't like rats. Shocking yes, but they're so ugly and it's terribly hard to domesticate them. Seriously, how is a rat going to fetch my slippers?

That being said, we should make a public display of this little girl and hang her so everyone here will feel better about themselves. At the very least we should throw her in jail for the rest of her life! Certainly she deserves it after making us feel so terrible. How dare this girl harm those puppies when there's so many nasty little rats she can kill instead.

I'm all for the establishment of COCK... people need to understand when it's ok to kill.
AJ, in nature there are different levels of sentience. And will a rat ever sleep with his head on your chest? Can you kiss a rat? I think they just run around looking for things to kill and eat.

Will a rat ever be happy he saw you?
AJ, in nature there are different levels of sentience. And will a rat ever sleep with his head on your chest? Can you kiss a rat? I think they just run around looking for things to kill and eat.

Will a rat ever be happy he saw you?

My point exactly. Cats and dogs are more likable than rats. By including the notion that they do things for us only proves my motif.

Edit: What you said sounds very similar to "it's terribly hard to domesticate rats. Seriously, how is a rat going to fetch my slippers?" Is it not?
My point exactly. Cats and dogs are more likable than rats. By including the notion that they do things for us only proves my motif.

I dont really know much about rats but the fact we dont (usually) keep them as pets must mean they make bad pets and they need to be caged all the time too.

Edit: What you said sounds very similar to "it's terribly hard to domesticate rats. Seriously, how is a rat going to fetch my slippers?" Is it not?

I honestly dont know if that type of awareness is "built into" rats. It may have the capability to learn that because it is just a level above getting food. I doubt the desire for them to want to do it is there though.
I dont really know much about rats but the fact we dont (usually) keep them as pets must mean they make bad pets and they need to be caged all the time too.

I honestly dont know if that type of awareness is "built into" rats. It may have the capability to learn that because it is just a level above getting food. I doubt the desire for them to want to do it is there though.

That's not the point...we're more compassionate towards domesticated animals because they're useful, they look cute and if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't see them as any different than the common rat.

We're not mad because the puppies were abused. We're mad because those puppies could have done something for us.
I don't think it's ok to kill rats either. I don't think it's ok to kill any animal unless for some reason you have to (rottweiler is mauling your sister to death, yeah, it's ok to shoot that rottweiler in the head).
That's not the point...we're more compassionate towards domesticated animals because they're useful, they look cute and if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't see them as any different than the common rat.

We're not mad because the puppies were abused. We're mad because those puppies could have done something for us.

Speak for yourself. I'd be just as pissed off if it was rats, mice, birds, or whatever else.
I'm angry because some sick cunts get off on hurting animals, not because the world is missing a few puppies. :mad:
But animal testing is not painless. I've seen much worse things than drowning being done to animals. I've even done some of it myself. Noble motivations don't matter to the animal.

I didn't mean animal testing, I was using the example of animals being put down because they are ill or injured.
As it happens I'm not ok with animal testing, but we're treading off topic so I'll leave it it that.
I don't think it's ok to kill rats either. I don't think it's ok to kill any animal unless for some reason you have to (rottweiler is mauling your sister to death, yeah, it's ok to shoot that rottweiler in the head).

Speak for yourself. I'd be just as pissed off if it was rats, mice, birds, or whatever else.
I'm angry because some sick cunts get off on hurting animals, not because the world is missing a few puppies. :mad:

Well, if that's true then good for you, not many people feel the same. Now I have to ask, why do you feel the girl did this?