Video of Girl Throwing Live Puppies into River


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
This video is disturbing. It shows a twisted young girl throwing live puppies into a fast moviing river.
On the plus side, she's apparently been found:
A girl shown in a video throwing puppies into a fast-flowing river has been traced, police in Bosnia said today.
The teenager, wearing a hooded top, caused worldwide outrage when she was shown online apparently killing six newborn puppies by throwing them into the river one by one.
Police in the central Bosnian town of Bugojno said they had found the girl from leads given by animal protection groups in the country.
MailOnline knows the name of the girl involved but has decided not to publish to protect her safety.
Sadly, she's facing only a fine:
The girl's parents will soon be questioned, police said. Under Bosnian law, people can be fined up to £4,000 for animal cruelty.

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I'm wondering why your own thread apparently got you off so well.

Some initiate through voyeurism. They tell others about this stuff, using shock tactics and videos to horrify and grab attention on forums which excites them further.

Otherwise what is purpose of bringing this before the group? You didn't even ask a question. Got a twisted little habit going on that you want us to know about?
I'm wondering why your own thread apparently got you off so well.

Some initiate through voyeurism. They tell others about this stuff, using shock tactics and videos to horrify and grab attention on forums which excites them further.

Otherwise what is purpose of bringing this before the group? You didn't even ask a question. Got a twisted little habit going on that you want us to know about?
So you're accusing me of drowning puppies? :rolleyes:

We already had a thread on throwing a cat in a bin:
Then I came across this outrageous story and it seemed the natural companion piece.

It also touches upon issues raised by Tiassa in this thread:
regarding what people choose to give a damn about. It's hard to not be outraged when watching that video and it's caused international outrage; yet there are plenty of human beings suffering and dying every day yet you hear hardly a peep about many of them.

You are correct in that I didn't pose a proper question in the OP So here's one: Is a £4,000 fine a sufficient punishment for this woman? Another question, why in the hell did she film this and post it on the internet? Was she so unaware of the outrageousness of her action that she didn't think she'd be tracked down and punished?
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It sucks that she only got a fine. I would have given jail time...and has she been banned from contact with animals? Or is she free to harm more animals, and possibly humans? Has anyone done anything about whatever was wrong with her that she felt it was okay to drown 6 puppies and share the footage with the world?

The fine seems like a non punishment, too. I doubt she actually has £4,000 to give up.

@WillNever: I have to disagree here. Mad's post wasn't dopamine porn, it was a calmly worded post.
This video is disturbing. It shows a twisted young girl throwing live puppies into a fast moviing river.

Yep, pretty nasty stuff, alright. But interestingly, for all of our indignation and expressed outrage, would we all feel the same if she'd been throw big, ugly dock rats into the river? How 'bout cockroaches? How 'bout convicted child rapists and child murderers?

See? It's easy to express our righteous indignation and horror, but it can be quite difficult to give any precise, logical, rational explanations for it.

I hate that she harmed those puppies, but I wouldn't give one single damn if she'd harmed rats. Why? Why the difference?

See? We need the United Nations "Council on Caring and Kindness", COCK for short, to outline this all for us so we all think, act, feel exactly the same all the time on every issue.

Baron Max
What a sick freak.

I mean, she hadn't even attached a fishing line. What did she expect to catch? I hate wastage.
As horrible as this is to western readers, some people in Asia eat them. They were never fined....Think about it...Yuk...
The girl and the freak that filmed her should be locked up for the rest of their lives.
Seriously, people that do this kind of thing are dangerous.

Fucked up.
I hate that she harmed those puppies, but I wouldn't give one single damn if she'd harmed rats. Why? Why the difference?

See? We need the United Nations "Council on Caring and Kindness", COCK for short, to outline this all for us so we all think, act, feel exactly the same all the time on every issue.

Baron Max

I'm glad you came back. I like the feeling of being raped through my eyes.
This video is disturbing. It shows a twisted young girl throwing live puppies into a fast moviing river.

I'm more interested in the person who took the video. What was their motivation?
I'm more interested in the person who took the video. What was their motivation?

Yes. I don't quite get that either. Who stands there and films as someone does something like this? And stands at close range as well and is talking to the girl the whole time.. At no time was any attempt made to stop her. The abject cruelty of this girl's action is stomach turning, but so is the lack of action of the person who filmed her doing it and posted it online.

There seems to be this desire for people in that age bracket to do things, film it and post it online.
WOW! That's pretty disturbing.....

The girl and her camera person should be tied up, put in a sack full of rocks and thrown down the river or deep lake.
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I feel sorry for the girl. To think the only way she can feel that thrill is to take the life of a puppy. Or maybe she derives pleasure from people's shock after posting it online. Either ways it makes me happy that all I need to do is find a cute girl or spend some money to feel the same way she must have felt in this video.
Are people upset because of the way she killed them, because they were puppies, or because of her attitude?

Animals get put to sleep every day and the person doing it isn't crying about it.
Are people upset because of the way she killed them, because they were puppies, or because of her attitude?

Animals get put to sleep every day and the person doing it isn't crying about it.

People are upset because they had to personally witness it and can't do anything about it. We'd rather stay blissfully unaware of the suffering around us and get royally pissed off when someone shoves it in our face. Then we feel compelled to show other people and expect them to feel the same way (but when they don't, god help them...).
People are upset because they had to personally witness it and can't do anything about it. ....

agreed. And they are a bunch of hypocrites if they don't go to the pound and save the ones there.

How can they be mad that some unwanted animals were killed when it happens every day?
agreed. And they are a bunch of hypocrites if they don't go to the pound and save the ones there.

How can they be mad that some unwanted animals were killed when it happens every day?

Our dog is from the Humane Society and it's not the first animal that we got from there.

Are you telling me that she couldn't have given away the puppies for free? There was nobody willing to take those cute puppies off her hands? I find that highly doubtful.

It looks like she was getting a kick out of it. I can't see how you can compare that to a person, whose job is putting unwanted animals to sleep.

BTW: Is that even common practice anymore? I know the Canadian Humane Society says that they do not put animals to sleep, unless they are very sick or injured.
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Are people upset because of the way she killed them, because they were puppies, or because of her attitude?

Animals get put to sleep every day and the person doing it isn't crying about it.

Don't be stupid. Animals that are put to sleep don't suffer the fear and pain of drowning. The person putting the animal to sleep doesn't enjoy it and get someone to film it and post it on the internet.

And yes sometimes the person putting the animal to sleep does cry.