
No, taking from ordinary people who DO work for a living is a parasite - and that's exactly what you are doing.
No. Poor people cannot be parasites. Poor people are simply poor. What are you talking about. And taking money from the rich parasites is definitely not taking money from the poor. I never claimted to be "taking from ordinary people who DO work for a living". Stop making false claims about what I said.
Thanks for the a perfect descriotion of rich people:
worthless, bloodsucking, lazy bums that COULD work but choose to live off other people's efforts and at the same time soak up benefits that should go to those who really need them.

There's NO lower lifeform on Earth than that!!!

So YES, I'm proud to point out exactly what the scumbag is!!!!!!!!
you might well suffer or not suffer from ADD, but you realise that the only way you can prove to anyone you abilities is tough it out. Go try and get a job, go through the interview, explain that you believe you can do more than they can see by your resume but explains that you'd like to be trialled for a better job with better pay. (For the most part people usually work with crap wages for a trial period before going up in wages.)
I know some people that are ADD. They have difficulty reading a few pages. They have to take meds in order to read and study perfect.

I doubt my problem is ADD condisering I have no problem with stuff like reading, writing, studying, etc. My problem is physical. I've never exercised, so whenever I do any physical stuff like cleaning and waiting tables, I'm slow at it. And I get fired alot. The fact that I suck at it, coupled with the fact that the pay sucks, and it is pure exploitation of the poor - It's not at the top of my list of desirably way to spend time. In fact I think the feeling of wasting time is what I get more than anything whenever I'm at these crappy jobs. Even if I was making a crappy salary, my abilities could be put to much greater use by the slavemasters than putting me in a job that is not in my fortay. I'm a wiz at alot of things, but suck at alot of other things.

My car died on Saturday. I've been stranded at home ever since. Once I get my car running, I think my next step would either be to find some place to live or find some place to work. (I can only stay here at my uncle's place until the end of the month of August. After that I'll be living on the streets again.)

Maybe if I focus really hard on getting one billion dollars, it will fall out of the sky.
Lixluke, you have crappy jobs because you have no experience. You have no experience because you don't stick at anything. You don't stick at anything because you think you deserve more. Maybe you do, but you have to shovel shit for a while to find out.

So, shovel, and shut up. In ten years you'll laugh.
You sound pretty confident. It's a pretty repetative cycle for me.

1. Find job.
2. Start trying to save money.
3. Get upset at the thought of spending all my time working for peanuts.
4. Get fired for being sucky.
5. Lose all my money, and get desperate.
6. Repeat.
You sound pretty confident. It's a pretty repetative cycle for me.

1. Find job.
2. Start trying to save money.
3. Get upset at the thought of spending all my time working for peanuts.
4. Get fired for being sucky.
5. Lose all my money, and get desperate.
6. Repeat.

Yep, the perfect, all-inclusive definition of a lazy scumbag LOOSER!

Thank you for clearly admitting it.
Yep, the perfect, all-inclusive definition of a lazy scumbag LOOSER!

Thank you for clearly admitting it.
It has nothing to do with bieng loser. It is a simple result of oppression. The parasites want poor people to do all the work, but do not want to pay them properly. Thus poor people steal from them, steal form each other, or whatever is needs to be done to get paid. If I feel like taking money from poor people, it is still a restult of parasiticism by the rich. Taking money from rich people is not taking money from poor people.

A person does some form of work. That person gets paid in exchange for the work they do. The rich parasites take whatever they can from the person in the form of taxes. That person is not contrinuting to society. That person is not giving anything. That person is only putting in time and effort in exchange for money. Nobody is stealing from the person but the rich. Any claims that somebody stealing from the rich is also stealing from the poor is bullcrap. The rich parasites steal from the poor. And some poor will do whatever they can to steal it back. Not stealing from the rich does not make things better for the poor. The less money the rich have, the better.
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It has nothing to do with bieng loser. It is a simple result of oppression. The parasites want poor people to do all the work, but do not want to pay them properly. Thus poor people steal from them, steal form each other, or whatever is needs to be done to get paid. If I feel like taking money from poor people, it is still a restult of parasiticism by the rich. Taking money from rich people is not taking money from poor people.

A person does some form of work. That person gets paid in exchange for the work they do. The rich parasites take whatever they can from the person in the form of taxes. That person is not contrinuting to society. That person is not giving anything. That person is only putting in time and effort in exchange for money. Nobody is stealing from the person but the rich. Any claims that somebody stealing from the rich is also stealing from the poor is bullcrap. The rich parasites steal from the poor. And some poor will do whatever they can to steal it back. Not stealing from the rich does not make things better for the poor. The less money the rich have, the better.

Bull !! You're just a lazy bum making excuses - we've heard them all before. The reason you don't work is because you're lazy and have found a way to exist without working.

And EVERYONE that works is making a contribution to society - but it's certain that YOU never will !!!!!! You're too much of a whiny little looser who does nothing by try to find excuses. Worthless!!!
Bull !! You're just a lazy bum making excuses - we've heard them all before. The reason you don't work is because you're lazy and have found a way to exist without working.

And EVERYONE that works is making a contribution to society - but it's certain that YOU never will !!!!!! You're too much of a whiny little looser who does nothing by try to find excuses. Worthless!!!
Whether or not I am a lazy bum as you proclaim, the assertions previously made do not change.

1. Those who work contribute only to the rich parasites their parasitical deterioration of the planet.

2. In exchange, the rich give them some amount of money. Those who work are not volunteering for some sort of cause to contribute to the poor.

3. A portion of the worker's money is taken by rich parasites in the form of taxes. This is not a volintary payment.

4. Anybody stealing from the rich is not stealing from the workers being used by the rich parasites as labor cattle. Anybody looking o sabatoge the efforts of the rich is not stealing from the cattle. Workers are nothing but cattle for the profits of the rich.
Whether or not I am a lazy bum as you proclaim, the assertions previously made do not change.

1. Those who work contribute only to the rich parasites their parasitical deterioration of the planet.

2. In exchange, the rich give them some amount of money. Those who work are not volunteering for some sort of cause to contribute to the poor.

3. A portion of the worker's money is taken by rich parasites in the form of taxes. This is not a volintary payment.

4. Anybody stealing from the rich is not stealing from the workers being used by the rich parasites as labor cattle. Anybody looking o sabatoge the efforts of the rich is not stealing from the cattle. Workers are nothing but cattle for the profits of the rich.
Again, I say BULL!!! Besides obviously being lazy, if you believe even half of the garbage you keep saying, then you've got some serious mis-wiring issues between your ears.

But I still say that it's nothing but excuses for being one sorry, miserable, worthless human being.

Here's you a free offer: if you would like to commit suicide, I'd be glad to pay the funeral expenses. Just a plain hole in the dirt is more than you deserve.
I say fact. Excuse or not excuse, it's still the reality of how things work.

Nope, not at all. You aren't even smart enough to realize that YOU yourself provided all the information we needed to know in order to decide you're a worthless bum!!

(And how's THAT for your stupid claim of being able to beat anyone? You did a fine job of destroying yourself here!!) :D:D:D
Yes the facts are proven. You clearly do not know how things work.

Oh, yeah - you've certainy proven that you won't work and I clearly DO know that to be true.

Meanwhile, the poor little baby's car is dead, boo-hoo!:bawl: And his uncle is tired of him and is going to kick his lazy rear-end back out into the street. Boo-hoo!:bawl:

Yep - THAT'S the way things really work for lazy, worthless bums. They just crawl around in the streets like maggots until they die. End of story.
Oh, yeah - you've certainy proven that you won't work and I clearly DO know that to be true.

Meanwhile, the poor little baby's car is dead, boo-hoo!:bawl: And his uncle is tired of him and is going to kick his lazy rear-end back out into the street. Boo-hoo!:bawl:

Yep - THAT'S the way things really work for lazy, worthless bums. They just crawl around in the streets like maggots until they die. End of story.
Your proof is flawed.
I've grown sick and tired of this in general and of you in particular.

I won't be replying to anything you say on these forums from now on. I honestly don't care what happens in your future.
Good. Your claims are baseless anyway.
Lixluke. I have been unemployed. In the 80's in the UK, there was an economic recession, and it was hard to find work. I had qualifications, and wanted a career in science or technology, so what jobs did I take?

I dug holes, did security, and worked in bars. I did crap jobs until a better opportunity came along, got some more training, and it worked for me.

I had to suck up some crap though. If you don't suck it up, you'll be sipping it for ever. Your choice.
I've done those types of works too.
1. Find job.
2. Start trying to save money.
3. Get upset at the thought of spending all my time working for peanuts.
4. Get fired for being sucky.
5. Lose all my money, and get desperate.
6. Repeat.

I'm still in that same cycle. It doesn't matter where in that cycle I am in. I definitely don't need more training. What I do need is either a strategy to get out of that cycle, figure out what is keeping me from breaking out of that oppressive cycle, or start vibrating somehow.
Sticking with it gets you out of the cycle. The sooner you realise this, the better.

If you have no formal qualifactions, then you definitely need training. I know in your head it's you vs the world, and you deserve better, but well, no. The world doesn't owe you anything, and it clearly doesn't work the way you think it ought to.

That's just a misconception you have there, and the longer you cling to it, the more life slips through your fingers.