
Wow Read-Only, you really are something.

Always on the attack heh?

Nope, not on the attack - just a believer in telling the truth and often having to clear away the smokescreens that foolish people create to try and hide behind.

And what you just read - his complaints and my response - was a perfect example of that principle in action.
WTF? Training? Why would an ubermaster such as myself need any more training in anything? I will out skill anybody out there in performing arts, city design, and much more. Sure there is lots I would like to learn, but "getting training in something you enjoy" is for suckers who can't compete against the likes of me. Somebody can train all they want, and I will still slice them up.

While improving constantly is great, I have more training/skill with my eyes closed than hundreds of people couldn't ever touch if they tried. Why would I want to get trained for something I enjoy when I've already leveled up far beyond the masses?

BULL !!! If you were just 10% as great as you think you are, you'd already be out there making money! The real truth is that you have NO marketable skills and are far too lazy to develop any...
How can you be positive when all these rich parasites want to use you and exploit you?

-Its hard, like everything in life that is worth something.
-Now when you know the game you can become a player.
-Make your own rules or adapt.
It's not that I think I know everything. It's that my skills are very high level. Thus, I am not looking for training in things I already know I enjoy and am already highly skilled at. I appreciate Stryder's suggestion that one should find training in something they are interested in. I totally agree. While I enjoy ranting about how I rule, I am perfectly aware that I don't know everything. While I continue to develop myself in all aspects of learning, I've already acheived a high enough level of expertise/mastery that I don't see the point in putting a great deal of effort into more training.
1. I would like to align myself with the life of my dreams like pseudos claim works.
2. As much as I would prefer to launch my own business in the field I am so great at, I don't have the funding to support myself in order to do so.
3. While I do prefer to run my own business/businesses, until I can afford to launch, I don't mind working for others. I would just prefer to work at a job where I can at least use my highly developed abilities, and make good money doing so. Not physical jobs where people tell me I am slow, and fire me. I suck at those types, and dislike them. Moreover, they pay crap. Moreover it's all just a bunch of parasites who want you to do all their work, but don't want to pay you decent money. $2,000 pwer week is decent, but $500 per week is slavery. Especially when the job is difficult. All the jobs that seem available are difficult, and pay crap. Can't find a decent paying job that allows me to at least use some of my aptitude.
4. Thus I shall turn to pseudoscience to vibrate my energies and attract my dreams.
It's not that I think I know everything. It's that my skills are very high level. Thus, I am not looking for training in things I already know I enjoy and am already highly skilled at. I appreciate Stryder's suggestion that one should find training in something they are interested in. I totally agree. While I enjoy ranting about how I rule, I am perfectly aware that I don't know everything. While I continue to develop myself in all aspects of learning, I've already acheived a high enough level of expertise/mastery that I don't see the point in putting a great deal of effort into more training.
1. I would like to align myself with the life of my dreams like pseudos claim works.
2. As much as I would prefer to launch my own business in the field I am so great at, I don't have the funding to support myself in order to do so.
3. While I do prefer to run my own business/businesses, until I can afford to launch, I don't mind working for others. I would just prefer to work at a job where I can at least use my highly developed abilities, and make good money doing so. Not physical jobs where people tell me I am slow, and fire me. I suck at those types, and dislike them. Moreover, they pay crap. Moreover it's all just a bunch of parasites who want you to do all their work, but don't want to pay you decent money. $2,000 pwer week is decent, but $500 per week is slavery. Especially when the job is difficult. All the jobs that seem available are difficult, and pay crap. Can't find a decent paying job that allows me to at least use some of my aptitude.
4. Thus I shall turn to pseudoscience to vibrate my energies and attract my dreams.

Yeah, lots of luck with #3 at $2k a week!! And even more so with #4!!

Alright, let's get this all out in the open: just exactly what credentials/certification/experience do you have? I don't mean what you THINK you have, but precisely what are you REALLY qualified for??? And how many years experience can you prove to an employer that you have??
I'm qualified to run the city with my eyes closed. What are you talking about?
I don't have any certs or anything per say. I have experience starting my own guilds organizing and facilitating activites for hundreds of members. There are lots of jobs i'm way over qualified for and easy for me. I just don't have a paper with any form of credential or anything on it. However, put a test in front of me, and watch me breeze it. That's how amazing I am.
I'm qualified to run the city with my eyes closed. What are you talking about?
I don't have any certs or anything per say. I have experience starting my own guilds organizing and facilitating activites for hundreds of members. There are lots of jobs i'm way over qualified for and easy for me. I just don't have a paper with any form of credential or anything on it. However, put a test in front of me, and watch me breeze it. That's how amazing I am.

Really? No certification, no degree, no nothing.

Well then, adding up all your qualifications - positive and negative - we can express exactly what you are in just one word: looser.

And that's the FINAL end of the whole miserable story you've dragged us through. Sheesh!!!:bugeye:
LMAO. I don't lose very often. There are few who can compete with me. I usually demolish anybody I'm up against.
LMAO. I don't lose very often. There are few who can compete with me. I usually demolish anybody I'm up against.

Oh, really? Physically, you mean. Are you talking about that one little girl back in the third grade?

The other thing is that you complain about business and industries being parasites, but yet it's YOU who are the leech and parasite!!!!! Living off your parents and the money that people who aren't to lazy to work are paying in taxes!

Yes, you really are one one intelligent and ambitious person - NOT!!!!!!!!!!:bugeye:
Oh, really? Physically, you mean. Are you talking about that one little girl back in the third grade?
No not physically. Physically I am weak and frail.
Refusing to allow parasites to use one for labor doesn't make one a parasite. Taking from the poor is parasite. Laziness has nothing to do with it. Who would want to work in a crappy job that pays crap? Refusal to do so is not laziness. If they don't want to pay me a salary that isn't garbage for a job that isn't garbage, there is no reason not to lean towards robbing the system or anybody else to survive. The rich are parasites, and anybody refusing to support their rich lifestyle should do whatever they can to rob the hell out of them.
No not physically. Physically I am weak and frail.
Refusing to allow parasites to use one for labor doesn't make one a parasite. Taking from the poor is parasite. Laziness has nothing to do with it. Who would want to work in a crappy job that pays crap? Refusal to do so is not laziness. If they don't want to pay me a salary that isn't garbage for a job that isn't garbage, there is no reason not to lean towards robbing the system or anybody else to survive. The rich are parasites, and anybody refusing to support their rich lifestyle should do whatever they can to rob the hell out of them.

No, taking from ordinary people who DO work for a living is a parasite - and that's exactly what you are doing. AND you are taking from the poor also because what you take leaves less for those who are UNABLE to work - and that makes you an even WORSE parasite!!!!!

You are a leech - one of the lowest forms of bloodsucker that exists. Living off the efforts of people who are working and making MUCH less than you would agree to work for. That's just plain greedy, lazy and sick. As a member of the human race, you are WORSE than worthless - you're a drain on everyone!!!

You fully qualify for the label "scum of the Earth" and I hope that someday you choke to death on the food you are stealing from people who really need it. Normally, I wouldn't wish harm on anyone but I'm glad to make an exception for you!:mad:
Wow read you've really shown yourself i hope your proud.

lixluke u know psuedoscience is a stupid ass field; with the exception of bullshit that has not been written yet..
Wow read you've really shown yourself i hope your proud.

Yes, I am. There's pretty much nothing I hate more than worthless, bloodsucking, lazy bums that COULD work but choose to live off other people's efforts and at the same time soak up benefits that should go to those who really need them.

There's NO lower lifeform on Earth than that!!!

So YES, I'm proud to point out exactly what the scumbag is!!!!!!!!
To be honest there is actually medical conditions that would suggest lixluke's problem, something like ADHD/ADD.

It basically means that he probably can't concentrate on a subject for prolonged periods of time (e.g. the usual reason for people not gaining qualifications), the people that suffer it are not necessarily unintelligent (Some can be Savants), they just have a different way of learning things and possibly take longer to learn things. The problem here is that this develops the understanding to them that they are capable of doing what everyone else does, they just can't prove it because they can never finished a qualification, it might even mean they've been through the process of getting qualified multiple times (Which means they learn they just can't finish it). This can be misconstrued as Laziness or Under Achieving.

you might well suffer or not suffer from ADD, but you realise that the only way you can prove to anyone you abilities is tough it out. Go try and get a job, go through the interview, explain that you believe you can do more than they can see by your resume but explains that you'd like to be trialled for a better job with better pay. (For the most part people usually work with crap wages for a trial period before going up in wages.)
Nice nice u know its obvious that working at burger king one can make approximately 10$ an hour.

That is not bad. I guess.
Off subject as to lixlukes concerns.