Vestigial Body Parts debunked as "Proof" of Evolution

Tell me how much effort are we making to find God ? How would you like that God would present Himself to you or to a society so that we would say, yes " I have sean God " If He would appear in China , would we in the west believe them ?
This is one of the very oldest questions in philosophy. It is exhausted. There is nothing left to be done on it.
Of course, it might be possible there is a God, and he doesn't answer prayers. But if he did at least some of the time, we should be able to observe that effect statistically, given that we constructed the experiment properly, used sincere participants who prayed for real things.

In this post didn't somebody mention Billy Graham and his explanation of prayers not being answered as gods way of saying NO?

Those which are answered are called coincidences

There could be an observable effect even if he says no most of the time.

There is

Like when you read Your Stars in newspaper and think

Yes that applies to me


It's all self fullfilling deception, all within your own mind

Francis Galton, Randolph Byrd, William Harris, Fred Sicher, the Mayo Clinic, Duke University and Herbert Bensen to name a few.

You are going to tell me , They studied god and god did not appear to them , Jesus come as the son of God and did miracles , the educated people did not believe him and they killed , I believe if He would come in our present time we would do the same . Tell me what sign would you like to see so that you would believe ?
You are going to tell me , They studied god and god did not appear to them , Jesus come as the son of God and did miracles , the educated people did not believe him and they killed , I believe if He would come in our present time we would do the same . Tell me what sign would you like to see so that you would believe ?

How about JC doing a Superman impersonation?

Bullets bouncing off his bare chest and flying around the parking lot would do it for me

But that would be just a sideshow when he snaps his fingers and all the blind, sick and disabled are healed

What sign would do it for you or have I already covered your wish list?

You are going to tell me , They studied god and god did not appear to them . . . .
No, they didn't study God. They just studied whether praying for sick people helped them. It did not.
I believe if He would come in our present time we would do the same.
I think if he came in our present time YOU would do the same. Jesus was a Nazarene, the lowest of the low; Nazareth was a tiny backwater town in Galilee. In fact, in the Scriptures, Nathaniel asks "can anything good come from there?" - because that's what a low opinion the people of the time had of his home. If he came today to the US he'd be an illegal immigrant from a town in Mexico working in construction. If he came from the Middle East he'd be a Syrian refugee, or something similar; an outcast dependent on the mercy of others. All the sorts people like you are working against, in other words.
Tell me what sign would you like to see so that you would believe ?
To believe he is like Christ? His works.
To believe he is a supernatural being? Performing verifiable supernatural acts.
There is

Like when you read Your Stars in newspaper and think

Yes that applies to me


It's all self fullfilling deception, all within your own mind

The experiment can be run in such a way as to account for that. There is little interpretation in one's medical history. And that's what was being prayed for, better outcomes from medical treatments. The average rate of good outcomes can be measured and used as the control group.
The experiment can be run in such a way as to account for that. There is little interpretation in one's medical history. And that's what was being prayed for, better outcomes from medical treatments. The average rate of good outcomes can be measured and used as the control group.

Been done

Didn't work

That's what I said. This study showed no positive correlation between prayer and improved outcomes.