Vestigial Body Parts debunked as "Proof" of Evolution

In my father's children no one was allergic to rag weeds , I come here to this country USA, by some exposure to ragweed , my system evolved into becoming allergic to ragweed and others.
Evolution means changes over generations - not changing biological reactions to allergens.
So this is not a major evolution , but could be considered as minor evolution .
It's not an evolution at all. If over 10 generations your children became less and less allergic, and thus better survived and prospered (and had more kids) - that would be an example of evolution.
"Creation and evolution are NOT mutually exclusive; creation is a fact and evolution is a process."

Yes they are. Creation according the Holy Babble took place in 7 days. Evolution took place over billions of years. Totally mutually exclusive.
Do you actually have an intelligent point to make, or should I bump you until you find a baby-sitter?
My point is that your beliefs are silly and they make you look like a fool.
Evolution is real, the earth is not flat and your silliness is not worth the effort.
Evolution means changes over generations - not changing biological reactions to allergens.

It's not an evolution at all. If over 10 generations your children became less and less allergic, and thus better survived and prospered (and had more kids) - that would be an example of evolution.

By this argument , according to accepted theory , black man come from Africa, and he had enough melatonin to be protected against intense UV at Sahara perimeter , as he moved north he did not needed so he lost melatonin and he become white ( pale man with straight hair ) , So here you have a major change .
By this argument , according to accepted theory , black man come from Africa, and he had enough melatonin to be protected against intense UV at Sahara perimeter , as he moved north he did not needed so he lost melatonin and he become white ( pale man with straight hair ) , So here you have a major change .
Actually a fairly minor change. Though for some reason you seem very preoccupied by such things.

In fact the "loss" of melatonin may have been driven by a positive advantage in a lighter skin at higher latitudes, namely improved vitamin D synthesis in winter. More here:
By this argument , according to accepted theory , black man come from Africa, and he had enough melatonin to be protected against intense UV at Sahara perimeter , as he moved north he did not needed so he lost melatonin and he become white ( pale man with straight hair ) , So here you have a major change .
Well, pretty minor compared to other changes, and plenty of "white men" still have a lot of melatonin and curly hair. But yes, that's an example of a long term evolutionary change.
Human tails i.e coccyx: important linkage for several body muscles. Humans could not remain seated long without one:

I've been lacking a human tail all my life. It never occurred to me that I was deformed and lacked "important linkage for several body muscles." Which muscles are these praytell?
Actually a fairly minor change. Though for some reason you seem very preoccupied by such things.

In fact the "loss" of melatonin may have been driven by a positive advantage in a lighter skin at higher latitudes, namely improved vitamin D synthesis in winter. More here:

I am not so pre occupied for the color , I just against the, that man come only from Sub Sahara region , because early findings by archaeologists

Yes they are. Creation according the Holy Babble took place in 7 days. Evolution took place over billions of years. Totally mutually exclusive.
That (your post) is YOUR OPINION. I was simply directly quoting Dr. Mather's expert testimony opinion, offered at the Scope's trial, with which I agree.. You may disagree with Dr. Mather - that's OK . . . you're safe . . . he is deceased and can no longer argue against your opinion! BTW: IMO, God is still creating and evolving his creations. And BTW, it is spelled Bible.
Come on. The Holy Babble clearly explains black people as the curse God put on Ham for looking at his father's penis when he was drunk. Surely we need no more evidence than that!
Perhaps . . . . . but, as it was related to me, it was the curse of God imposed for Cain having murdered his brother Abel - both being the sons of Adam and Eve. IMO, God may have used some other quantum process/mechanism to change Cain's appearance, other than evolution, because Cain was already born when the supposed change occurred. OR, perhaps . . . . Omniscient God knew that Cain was destined to kill Abel, and thus Cain was born black. The story is probably an allegorical creation of the writer, regardless. But, believe (or not) what you will . . . . (that's called Free Will!)
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Where did you get that that Han was black. Can cite your reference ?

"While Genesis 9 never says that Ham was black, he became associated with black skin, through folk etymology deriving his name from a similar, but actually unconnected, word meaning "dark" or "brown".[37] The next stage are certain fables according to ancient Jewish traditions. According to one legend preserved in the Babylonian Talmud, God cursed Ham because he broke a prohibition on sex aboard the ark and "was smitten in his skin";[38] according to another, Noah cursed him because he castrated his father.[39] Although the Talmud refers only to Ham, the version brought in a midrash goes on further to say "Ham, that Cush came from him" in reference to the blackness,[40] that the curse did not apply to all of Ham but only to his eldest son Cush, Cush being a sub-Saharan African.[41] Thus, two distinct traditions existed, one explaining dark skin as the result of a curse on Ham, the other explaining slavery by the separate curse on Canaan.[42]"----
Perhaps . . . . . but, as it was related to me, it was the curse of God imposed for Cain having murdered his brother Abel - both being the sons of Adam and Eve. IMO, God may have used some other quantum processes/mechanism to change Cain's appearance, other than evolution, because Cain was already born when the supposed change occurred. Probably an allegorical creation of the writer. But, believe (or not) what you will . . . . (that's called Free Will!)

Cain was changed into an Asian with yellow skin and slanted eyes. God did it thru magic..
Creation versus evolution arguments have been fighting each other in many Threads, quite a few being digressions from the initial Post to a Thread.

I have Posted Remarks similar to the following to various Threads.

The fossil record clearly provides sets of fossils which indicate a series of closely related species. Two excellent examples are eohippus to modern horse & early primates to modern man.

The evolutionists consider the above to be facts strongly supporting (not proving ) evolution. Note that proof in this context cannot be as compelling as proofs of mathematical theorems.

To attack evolution, the creationists need to provide an explanation for those facts which is as convincing or more convincing that the evolution explanation.

BTW: While it might seem prejudicial, I have often called the above fossil records the facts of evolution & referred to the current mainstream POV as the Darwinian Explanation of those facts. The anti-evolutionists need to provide an alternative explanation which could be called the Creationist Explanation of those same facts.

Aside from claims that god did it, I have never seen a Creationist Explanation. I wonder if some Poster can provide such an explanation.