Very Bad News for the Haters and the Islamophobes !!


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Islam First Religion in Amsterdam :p

AMSTERDAM, July 30 (IslamOnline) – A population statistic in the Netherlands unveiled that Islam comes on top of the list of religions in the capital Amsterdam. Other religions, such as Christianity (Catholics and Protestants), Judaism and other registered religions come after Islam.

The statistic, published in Dutch Metro daily newspaper Monday, July 29, 2002, stated that 13% of the capital’s population are Muslims. Not more than 10% are Catholics, 5% are followers of the Reformist Protestant Church, whereas only 1% are Jews. Followers of other religions together stand for 12%.

The Dutch paper, printing three million copies and distributed for free, reported that the number of Muslims in the early 20th century was insignificant. Only one Muslim was registered in the Civil Office in Amsterdam. However, in the beginning of the 21st century, Muslims represent the biggest religious mass, numbering, officially, 88,000, out of roughly over 600,000 people of Amsterdam.

There are several elements behind the fast spread of Islam, on top of which the fact that 59% of the Dutch capital’s population do not believe in any religion. Also it was realized that the effect of churches on the Dutch people retreated significantly in general, and in Amsterdam, in particular. That led many churches and Christian religious institutes to close down or sell their property, due to the decrease of attendance.

In return, many researchers believe that Islam is spreading fast, as Muslims are more respectful of Islamic teachings, compared to followers of other religions. Also, Muslims tend to have many children. Islam also attracts new followers, especially from African ethnic minorities or those who have no religion.

Several Dutch Muslims believe the number of Muslims in the capital is even bigger than the officially registered number. Thousands of Muslims live in the capital illegally, due to the tough immigration measures in the Netherlands.

Muslims also believe that they come first, in numbers, not just in Amsterdam, but also in other major Dutch cities, such as Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht. A previous Dutch statistic backed that fact when it said one child among each four children born in the Netherlands is Muslim. This means that half of those under 18 will be Muslims within the coming 20 years.

ALLAHU AKBAR !! ( Allah is the Greatest )
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You're talking about one city, right? Now why would muslims flock to a city where prostitution is legal, drugs and alcohol are legal, and most people are non-religious? Hmmm... maybe they like freedom after all.
It is good that 60% of a major city is not religious.

But it seems that Islam is spreading not becuase it is a good thing but that muslims are breeding like rabbits and their offspring are being heavily indoctrinated into this repressive and oppressive regime and mindset. Very sad.

Proud_Muslim said:
The statistic, published in Dutch Metro daily newspaper Monday, July 29, 2002, stated that 13% of the capital’s population are Muslims. Not more than 10% are Catholics, 5% are followers of the Reformist Protestant Church, whereas only 1% are Jews. Followers of other religions together stand for 12%.
13% Muslim
10% Catholic
05% Protestant
01% Jews
12% Other religions
41% Total Religious fans

Hey that means 59% percent are either Athiests or Agnostics like me!!!


And I bet much of those 13% muslims are immigrants & refugees. :D
Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray! Hep Hep Hurray!
I'm not sure what you have DoctorNO, but I think they prescribe ritalin for it. No cure for what PM has, but I think we could dope DoctorNO up enough to return to being a productive member of socioty.
Proud_Muslim said:
A previous Dutch statistic backed that fact when it said one child among each four children born in the Netherlands is Muslim. This means that half of those under 18 will be Muslims within the coming 20 years.

Aha the magic formula for Islamic growth. If you cant fight them, if you cant convert them, OUT BABY THEM! :D

Anyway western muslim children are gonna grow up like the muslimah IRSHAD MANJI. Now thats the kind of muslim I love to have around. ;)
SpyMoose said:
I'm not sure what you have DoctorNO, but I think they prescribe ritalin for it. No cure for what PM has, but I think we could dope DoctorNO up enough to return to being a productive member of socioty.

What I have is "too much fun" syndrome. And I dont want to get any cure for that. :D

Productive in what sense? Having babies? Having more posts? Having more money?
Nothing wrong with Islam, just the culture that is associated with it in some places, it is easy to confuse them.
lol, PM should think more before posting, more atheists than muslims and he didnt spot it, and like someone said, so many muslims in a city with very little restrictions on drugs, prostitution etc, maybe they dont follow their religion as closely as he'd like us to think.
spidergoat said:
Nothing wrong with Islam, just the culture that is associated with it in some places, it is easy to confuse them.

Thank you spidergoat.....You are well noticed when you make sense.....but then again, I really don't give a damn anymore if someone want to name call Islam and muslims....It's sort of childish of me to care about such stupid things.......It almost feel like if I allowed myself to be affected by the insults that I become glued to the insult...all I have to do is ignore this shit.
Flores said:
I really don't give a damn anymore if someone want to name call Islam and muslims....It's sort of childish of me to care about such stupid things.......It almost feel like if I allowed myself to be affected by the insults that I become glued to the insult...all I have to do is ignore this shit.

Good for you Flores. I am glad for you. :)

These things are just debates on ideologies. Whatever the outcomes the readers still benefits.
Lemming3k said:
lol, PM should think more before posting, more atheists than muslims and he didnt spot it, and like someone said, so many muslims in a city with very little restrictions on drugs, prostitution etc, maybe they dont follow their religion as closely as he'd like us to think.

They are NOT athiests, they said they have NO religion, you might believe in God but have no religion !! big difference !!
Katazia said:
It is good that 60% of a major city is not religious.

But it seems that Islam is spreading not becuase it is a good thing but that muslims are breeding like rabbits and their offspring are being heavily indoctrinated into this repressive and oppressive regime and mindset. Very sad.


It's amusing seeing you repeating the same nonesense again, the article talks about CONVERTS as well as birth rate..but of course you ignored the converts !! :rolleyes: