
I don't think I would just shrug and say it's her own fault. But I would not have it in me to attack them in turn when they were only avenging a wrong that had been done to them.
The majority wouldn't..

But.. do you think stealing a TV warrants a skull bashing ?

Good point, Enmos. Vengeance implies retaliation in kind, not overkill.

If someone pushes you, you push them back, you don't take a switchblade and show your entire street what their intestines look like.

I suppose it would be fair to steal their TV in return, but...what do you do about the fact that the burglar is still at large and might prey on you again or on someone else?

I hate grey areas. I'm 18, I like my certainties :D
The majority wouldn't..

But.. do you think stealing a TV warrants a skull bashing ?

Perhaps, it would teach someone a good lesson rather than just killing them wouldn't it? I'm not advocating it but if my brother were to steal something and was beat up doing so then that's his problem and I'd see nothing that I could do to stop anyone from protecting their possessions, except murder, unless the robber threatened them or had a weapon of their own.
Good point, Enmos. Vengeance implies retaliation in kind, not overkill.

If someone pushes you, you push them back, you don't take a switchblade and show your entire street what their intestines look like.

I suppose it would be fair to steal their TV in return, but...what do you do about the fact that the burglar is still at large and might prey on you again or on someone else?

I hate grey areas. I'm 18, I like my certainties :D

I don't think vengeance is often in kind.
Usually it IS overkill.

And interesting piece:

Got to go now. Have a great day :)
Personally, I don't think I could withstand the urge for vengeance, but thats just my teenage angst speaking, I'm sure I'll at least think for 2 seconds before bashing the shit out of the guy, and being bashed in return.
I probably could not withstand the urge either. I'm a very volatile person. If someone makes me feel small, I just want to pound on them until they stop twitching, though I can keep the urge down. Now translate that to killing someone I cared about. O_O
You wish. What makes you so sure that you are so strong and so knowledgeable and so able in every way as to make the wrongdoer feel exactly the way you want them to feel?

What if you act in vengeance, and the wrongdoer laughs at you?

The problem with vengeance is that there is no guarantee that when you take vengeance, the wrongdoer will feel as wronged as you did when you were wronged.
They can't feel much if they're dead.

Depending upon who did what to whom doesn't it? If a ranch hand doesn't think he's not earning enough money and doesn't get a raise he might just want to get back at the ranch owner for not giving him what he thinks he deserves. Would the ranch hand then be correct in being vengful at the ranch owner for not giving him what he wanted?
That isn't revenge, though, because there hasn't been a wrongdoing. I'm talking about obvious wrongdoings

Unless you're wrong.
What do you mean?

Yea, what about the relatives of the one you took revenge on ?
They are going to want to take revenge on you.. thus the vicious cycle of violence in the world.
What a wonderful world indeed..

Why would they? I wouldn't care about my relative if he's a child rapist murderer.

Revenge is direct: you take it on someone who got you. You don't take collateral.

Yea, but being busted and jailed doesn't create a vicious cycle of violence.. unless you expect the families to start a revolution every time a criminal gets send to jail.

Norse is talking about taking matters into your own hands.
Someone breaks into your apartment and steals your whatever, you track him down and bash his skull in.
The family of the burglar eventually finds out it was you and shoots your brains out.
Your family declares vendetta on the other family..
All out war.. lol

You see what I mean.. ? What Norse is suggesting is mafia ethics.

Why would they? Again, revenge is direct and personal. You aren't supposed to take collateral.
norsefire said:
Until you had to sleep. And everybody has to sleep sometime.

You mean die?
I mean sleep. Your vengeance target has family, friends, etc, no? Your life is not going to be peaceful. Neither are the lives of your children, etc.
norse said:
They'll need to accept it. I would have had to.
You didn't. They won't. Best get a mean dog and some window bars, start looking over your shoulder, restrict your travel alone, hide your kids, etc.

Eventually some of your descendants may wake up, figure out the difference between "fair" and "getting even", and negotiate a halt to the whole stupid mess.
You didn't. They won't. Best get a mean dog and some window bars, start looking over your shoulder, restrict your travel alone, hide your kids, etc.

Eventually some of your descendants may wake up, figure out the difference between "fair" and "getting even", and negotiate a halt to the whole stupid mess.
That would be different.

There's a difference between getting revenge on he who wronged you, and getting revenge on his relative

It'd be only on the actual person who wronged you. Nobody else would be involved.

No, that is not what he meant... he meant would you comfortable knowing for the rest of your life, that you caused something awful and terrible to happen to someone else?
If they caused something terrible to happen to me, yes.
Re: revenge being in kind. I think what I should have said is, revenge should be appropriate to the crime.

Like my earlier example. If someone pushes you, it's reasonable to push them back (revenge). It's not reasonable to pull a knife and rip their insides out (overkill).