
Good question, I suppose it comes down to satisfaction. Will you be satisfied in avenging your loss, or will you take the "higher" path, or what is percieved as the nobler path, and be satisfied in peace ?

If it's a numbers game, Double negatives make a positive.
Good question, I suppose it comes down to satisfaction. Will you be satisfied in avenging your loss, or will you take the "higher" path, or what is percieved as the nobler path, and be satisfied in peace ?

Avenging my loss would result in peace, for me.
Avenging my loss would result in peace, for me.

You wish. What makes you so sure that you are so strong and so knowledgeable and so able in every way as to make the wrongdoer feel exactly the way you want them to feel?

What if you act in vengeance, and the wrongdoer laughs at you?

The problem with vengeance is that there is no guarantee that when you take vengeance, the wrongdoer will feel as wronged as you did when you were wronged.
Vengeance is fair. Fairness is right.

Depending upon who did what to whom doesn't it? If a ranch hand doesn't think he's not earning enough money and doesn't get a raise he might just want to get back at the ranch owner for not giving him what he thinks he deserves. Would the ranch hand then be correct in being vengful at the ranch owner for not giving him what he wanted?
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Avenging my loss would result in peace, for me.

Yea, what about the relatives of the one you took revenge on ?
They are going to want to take revenge on you.. thus the vicious cycle of violence in the world.
What a wonderful world indeed..

being killed for something you did or going to jail for something you did? Don't both affect relatives also?
What if you bought a horse from someone who had stolen it and they gave you a proper bill of sale? Then the true owner found you with his horse and killed you for stealing it. Would that be a good way to seek out your vengeance?:shrug:
being killed for something you did or going to jail for something you did? Don't both affect relatives also?

Yea, but being busted and jailed doesn't create a vicious cycle of violence.. unless you expect the families to start a revolution every time a criminal gets send to jail.

Norse is talking about taking matters into your own hands.
Someone breaks into your apartment and steals your whatever, you track him down and bash his skull in.
The family of the burglar eventually finds out it was you and shoots your brains out.
Your family declares vendetta on the other family..
All out war.. lol

You see what I mean.. ? What Norse is suggesting is mafia ethics.

But I think the family of a burglar would have a hell of a nerve to shoot you for defending yourself and your own. For example...I love my sister, but if she broke into someone's house, I would not expect them to lie down and not defend themselves because she's my sister.

But I think the family of a burglar would have a hell of a nerve to shoot you for defending yourself and your own. For example...I love my sister, but if she broke into someone's house, I would not expect them to lie down and not defend themselves because she's my sister.

No, but what if they tracked her down and bashed her skull in ?
Would you shrug and say it's her own fault ?