Vegetarian yes or no?

It is up to each person to decide what they enjoy eating. Cases can be made on both sides of which diet is better to eat and they both are correct for everyone can choose their own diets. I enjoy a balance of both animal and vegetable foods, primarily fish and chicken for the animal part and all sorts of vegetables. Whether I'm right or wrong is not for others to decide, it is up to myself. You can survive without animal products and still maintain weight as I have experienced for I went on a strict vegetarian diet for over 2 years once and never lost any weight what so ever. It just depends on what you eat and how much.

It is your choice to eat what you want, no one else must live in your body but you. So choose whatever you think is the right foods for yourself and let no one else tell you that your diet is wrong. Just try to eat moderately and take multi vitamins daily.:)
Why or Why not?

Is it healthy to be so skinny?

First of all, do not equate type of foods you eat to whether you become skinny or not. Most of the biggest animals in the world are all vegetarian (elephants, giraffes etc)

Secondly I just want to ask if anybody knows a term for somebody that does not eat vegetables? I am one of those whatever the name :)
That is a Meatatarian. Quiet common in the US, especially in the Midwest.

Not quite. According to a meatatarian is one who has a strong preference for meat. He must have meat with every meal.

The closest I have gotten to a classification of myself :D

Even obligate carnivore and hypercarnivore are not quite accurate as I can eat pasta and rice. I just don't eat any greens at all......ever!
I've never known anybody like myself with this unusual diet, but I could imagine the best country to find somebody like me would be America. I would live in America just for the food though. Seems to be a place I can fit in - where all dishes center around meat. And the birthplace of KFC, TGI Fridays and all the other places I love :D
I've never known anybody like myself with this unusual diet, but I could imagine the best country to find somebody like me would be America. I would live in America just for the food though. Seems to be a place I can fit in - where all dishes center around meat. And the birthplace of KFC, TGI Fridays and all the other places I love :D

I think the closest the US has to mostly meat eaters would be Alaskans. Not much of a climate for plant harvesting
Can't. Love all the stuff that other people find gross: tongue, brain, liver, stomach, feet
Can't. Love all the stuff that other people find gross: tongue, brain, liver, stomach, feet

I have to have the tongue peeled before I can eat it. Can't eat the tastebuds.
Only like beef and chicken liver. I love natural casing sausages. (nothing like the snap they make when you bite through).

I think kidney is the worst of them all.
I have to have the tongue peeled before I can eat it. Can't eat the tastebuds.
Only like beef and chicken liver. I love natural casing sausages. (nothing like the snap they make when you bite through).

I think kidney is the worst of them all.

I like goat liver, but chicken liver or gizzards will do. Love kidneys too.


Are you filipina? I've seen dishes with chicken feet but they look too scaly for my taste, never tried them
Are you filipina? I've seen dishes with chicken feet but they look too scaly for my taste, never tried them
Chinese eat them too. In fact I'm not sure there's anything you can name that is honestly edible that is not an ingredient in a recipe somewhere in China.
Being a vegetarian alters experience of life, in a good way. It allows people to be more peaceful towards the environment they live in. Of course not all people are affected by lack of meat in their diet and not all vegetarians are doing their diet correctly. Because one has to fulfill their needs of vitamins and satisfaction when they limit themselves to vegetarian foods.
Is it healthy to be so skinny?

I suppose it depends on your definition of "healthy". People usually talk in terms of ranges for whatever variables they are using to define what is healthy. Skinny people certainly can fall within the 'healthy' range for whatever variable you are thinking, as can large people.

AFAIK, the only scientifically proven way to maximise lifespan in mammals (without resorting to genetic engineering) is calorie restriction. So being skinny can mean you live longer. :eek:
it is much healthier to be skinny than to be fat.

But of course as with everything, comes moderation. A fine price to pay, for longevity.
Homo sapiens is the only ape that has completely adapted to a predator's diet. We have much shorter intestines than our closet relatives, so we can't digest cellulose at all. This means it's difficult for our digestive system to extract protein, vitamins and minerals from plant sources since many of those nutrients are protected by layers of cellulose. We have to cook food to break down the cell wall barriers and even then it's a tough contest to extract the nutrients.

Furthermore, it takes considerable information to plan a fully balanced diet from plant materials. The life expectancy of an adult human who had survived the rigors of childhood in the Paleolithic (hunter-gatherer) era was in the low fifties; by the era of the Roman Empire when virtually all humans were eating a grain-intensive diet, it had fallen to the low twenties.

You have to balance grains with nuts and seeds to get the right ratio of amino acids for your protein requirements. Even then it's not easy to find all the vitamins and minerals and omega-three fatty acids and all the other stuff we need in plant tissue. Unless your vegetarian diet was designed by a professional nutritionist for your specific needs, you should take vitamin and mineral supplements to be safe. But measure your intake of each one; some vitamins can cause harm in massive overdoses.
it is much healthier to be skinny than to be fat.

But of course as with everything, comes moderation. A fine price to pay, for longevity.

True, much as I like meat I eat it only once or twice a month, mostly vegetables fruit and dairy

If I get run down while walking or my plane nosedived while having the inflight veg meal it would really piss me off