VB Strong A.I. Project

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Why is "Mary" more related to "she", when cows are always female?
How does the parser relate seperate sentences?
haha, you are so right BigBlueHead.

That is why i say that the previous pattern is neccesary in order to understand the future pattern/layers and current.

Btw, how does it deal with this:
I have a Cow.
I have a Wife named Maria.
She is married to a Bull.

:) Which She?
Baal Zebul said:
If I was started with no knowledge about Language, then yes.
If i was started with a basic language that allowed me to learn more then No.

I simply see it as a excuse for not being able to solve the real problem.

It seems that you don't classify yourself as an intelligent system :)
You definetely use help of others for learning :)
Baal Zebul said:
haha, you are so right BigBlueHead.

That is why i say that the previous pattern is neccesary in order to understand the future pattern/layers and current.

Btw, how does it deal with this:
I have a Cow.
I have a Wife named Maria.
She is married to a Bull.

:) Which She?

Of course both human reader and AI reader would be confused.

Does it really matter what does "she" mean in this gibberish example?
Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. The human reader is not confused but is willing to accept several possibilities. For instance:

1) Baal has a human wife named Maria, and owns a cow that is married to a bull.
2) Baal is a bull (Baal Thebull, haha), who has a wife named Maria, and also owns a cow.
3) Baal has a wife named Maria who is also a cow and is married to a bull, whether it's him or not.

Which of these is the truth? Humans may weight the possibilities, but they also wait for more information.

How would your AI react to nonsense strings? Or, I guess the real question is, how does it connect phrases to real-world occurrences?
Ok, tell me what are the differences between "confusion" and "willingness to accept several posibilities"?

AI would also be ready to accept several possibilities.
Moreover, computer can handle multiple possibilities much easier than humans.

About handling "nonsense strings":
As I said I'm not going to put selfprogramming ability into first AI protopype.
So first prototype will simply leave multiple meanings as they are and handle all meanings together. (It's not very efficient though).

More advanced AI would be able to self-program its own respons for different kind of situations. In case of nonsense strings it would select the most appropriate program, like humans do:
- continue reading;
- reread and try to find more exact sense;
- stop reading current text at all (as you always do with my web-site when it's too hard to understand :)).
- ...

All this choices wouldn't be programmed by the <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/Creator.htm">creator</a>.
Instead AI will would learn the choices with a time.

BigBlueHead said:
Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. The human reader is not confused but is willing to accept several possibilities. For instance:

1) Baal has a human wife named Maria, and owns a cow that is married to a bull.
2) Baal is a bull (Baal Thebull, haha), who has a wife named Maria, and also owns a cow.
3) Baal has a wife named Maria who is also a cow and is married to a bull, whether it's him or not.

Which of these is the truth? Humans may weight the possibilities, but they also wait for more information.

How would your AI react to nonsense strings? Or, I guess the real question is, how does it connect phrases to real-world occurrences?
Dennis, when I checked your website it was a series of dictionary definitions that all pointed to one another. It was a series of self-referential entries containing almost no information, which is why I originally wondered if the website itself had been created by a bot.

The point with the cow and bull example is that a human assessing the statement would seek other information to verify which of the interpretations is correct. Your AI cannot seek information from other contexts because it only parses text.
The best fencer in the world knows how to beat the second best because he knows what he can expect. It is the amature that might do something "Stupid" and kill him.

You will probably mess this up in your head and think that it has something to do with your AI.
But, i mean that as a Human i am intelligent because i can do a long-shot. Basically, i can use my data wisely (even though someone thinks it is stupid).

Dennis, what you are suggesting does not classify as AI. You are suggesting that your AI will become the protoge of the master and when he is ready he will beat the master.

Let me put it like this.
You have some words here and the ALF knows what they are. It puts them into a sentence (it has exactly enough data to do that) and it asks someone much smarter which gives an answer. It learns more data from that answer accordingly to the pre-programed grammar it has.
It then goes on and solves a task with that new data.

That is not AI, the only thing that is that you have taken a previously Pre-programmed algorithm and shifted the data into databases. Unless you start it with NO knowledge i cannot see how it can come off as AI at all.
But hey, Einstein said that Human stupidity is static so why not :p
BigBlueHead said:
Why is "Mary" more related to "she", when cows are always female?
How does the parser relate seperate sentences?

Try google query: <a href="http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Mary+she">Mary she</a>
7.360.000 references

Try google query: <a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q=Cow+she">Cow she</a>
1.760.000 references.

Do you see now why?
BigBlueHead said:
Dennis, when I checked your website it was a series of dictionary definitions that all pointed to one another. It was a series of self-referential entries containing almost no information, which is why I originally wondered if the website itself had been created by a bot.

What is your point here?
That my site is hard to read?
I know that. :-(
Do you have any ideas how to improve readability of <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/overview.htm">my site</a>?
Try google query: Mary she
7.360.000 references

Try google query: Cow she
1.760.000 references.

Do you see now why?

My wife is fat as a Cow. She is named Mary.

? ? ?

Is She refering to Wife or Cow? A human would say Both, but you are saying that your AI would choose Wife over Cow.
BigBlueHead said:
The point with the cow and bull example is that a human assessing the statement would seek other information to verify which of the interpretations is correct. Your AI cannot seek information from other contexts because it only parses text.

1) Theoretically system could be able to work only with text and be very intelligent.
For instance, our discussion with you is about parsing text on both sides (you and me) :)

2) I'm going to extend communication abilities of my AI gradually.
In addition to text parser some other <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/PeripheralDevices.htm">peripheral devices</a> could be added.
These devices would be able to work with text, sound, video images, tactile input, ultrasound, temperature input and so on.

I'm going to implement text parser first of all because it has tremendous advantage over other peripheral devices.
Text parser is relatively easy to implement and it provides access to huge text knowledge base (books, Internet) which human civilization have been developed.
1> My wife Mary is terrible sick. But i have my Cow.

2> How is she by the way?

k, google might tell you that the She is Mary but honestly. The state of Mary has already been disclosed so 2 is talking about the Cow of course.
:) Better luck next time.
Sorry, Baal, I skiped some of your answer because I don't see what is your point there...

Baal Zebul said:
That is not AI, the only thing that is that you have taken a previously Pre-programmed algorithm and shifted the data into databases. Unless you start it with NO knowledge i cannot see how it can come off as AI at all.

You personally (as intelligent system) started with some preprogrammed mechanisms and knowledge.
Also you got HUGE amount of knowledge from humans' society.

Do you classify yourself as intelligent system or not?
For instance, our discussion with you is about parsing text on both sides (you and me) :)

This is an intentional oversimplification and you know it. Talking is one of the last skills that humans learn, after many other experiences and skills are developed, and you're trying to put it first.
I don't know how would you undestand this text, but from this example I would understand that "Mary" is the name of your wife.

Moreover - it's not as critical if AI wouldn't be able to understand such text correctly, because humans have different opinions regarding meaning of this text :)
Why do you expect from AI more than from humans? :)

Baal Zebul said:
My wife is fat as a Cow. She is named Mary.

? ? ?

Is She refering to Wife or Cow? A human would say Both, but you are saying that your AI would choose Wife over Cow.
Dennis, i started with some basic parameters and the ability to move a little (i think).
My parameteres where food, sleep i think.

Not, "How" , "Do" , "I" , "Obtain" , "Food".

I had to figure out how to obtain Food myself. Of course i had reflexes so that when it was time to feed me i just did my pre-programmed movement for this.

That is the difference between my AI and your "so called AI".
What we humans have i think is precisly within the boundries of Intelligence. Although i see no other way to make it better. I can only do a remake.
Yes, I'm trying to implement reading skills first, because my AI will live in 21 century in my office, connected to Internet. Not in stone cave 1 million years ago.

Human beings have a lot of skills which are not required in modern world. Why should I implement all these skills in my <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/AIS.htm">AI</a>?

BigBlueHead said:
This is an intentional oversimplification and you know it. Talking is one of the last skills that humans learn, after many other experiences and skills are developed, and you're trying to put it first.
So all differences are about environment.
You were raised in physical environment, with needs to eat and to breath.
My AI would live in different environment, so its needs (<a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/SuperGoal.htm">super goals</a>) will be different.

I'm just going to skip unnecessary skills in my AI implementation.

Baal Zebul said:
Dennis, i started with some basic parameters and the ability to move a little (i think).
My parameteres where food, sleep i think.

Not, "How" , "Do" , "I" , "Obtain" , "Food".

I had to figure out how to obtain Food myself. Of course i had reflexes so that when it was time to feed me i just did my pre-programmed movement for this.

That is the difference between my AI and your "so called AI".
What we humans have i think is precisly within the boundries of Intelligence. Although i see no other way to make it better. I can only do a remake.
Ok, it's time to have some fun :)

Both I and advanced AI would be a little bit surprised about statement #1.
How would we answer will depend on our tactfulness.
So answers could vary from: "What do you mean?" to "Why do you mix your wife and your cow?" to "Does your cow worth your wife?" :)

Less advanced AI would nicely talk about both: wife sickness and a cow.
May be it would also touch topic of "how sickness of wife affects cow's name" :)

You cannot be sure what strong intelligent system keeps in mind (<a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/Memory.htm">memory</a>)

Baal Zebul said:
1> My wife Mary is terrible sick. But i have my Cow.

2> How is she by the way?

k, google might tell you that the She is Mary but honestly. The state of Mary has already been disclosed so 2 is talking about the Cow of course.
:) Better luck next time.
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