VB Strong A.I. Project

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BigBlueHead said:
First, ... your AI website is crap ...

Unfortunately you are right.
My goal was to explain my ideas to other people.
I didn't archieve this goal.

It's hard to explain new ideas in "monologue mode".
Do you have any suggestions how to improve readability of my site?
BigBlueHead said:
So basically, you have a series of nodes, with paths between them that have certain weights. The trick of determining a germane relation to the series of inputs the robot just received, then, will be to find the collections of nodes that relate to the input, that have the highest total weight to their paths.

I believe in school we called this the Traveling Salesperson Problem. The main problem with this is that the complexity of the problem is N!, which grows very quickly as N grows.

Intelligent system doesn't have to find the best solution.
Intelligent system has to find good solution.
Do you feel the difference?

In order to find good solution the system doesn't have to take into consideration all possible paths.
For instance, only direct relations could be considered.
It's easy to find couple of "heaviest" <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/Relation.htm">relations</a>, isn't it?

In fact, this "Traveling Salesperson Problem" is not a problem at all.
It's more interesting to look how AI system <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/Learning.htm">learns</a>.

1) AI system decides that concept #775 is the most desirable goal (just because concept #775 has the highest <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/DesirabilityAttribute.htm">desirability</a>
(It is simple to find concept with the highest value of desirability field, isn't it?)
2) AI system activates concept #775.
3) AI system activates manipulator #775 because concept #775 represents this manipulator.
4) Something happens outside of the AI system.
5) Sensor #437 receives a signal.
6) Concept #437 is activated.
7) AI system increases weight of <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/CauseEffectRelation.htm">cause-effect relation</a> "#775 -> #437".
That means AI system will consider concept #775 as a cause of concept #437.
8) Let imagine that hardcoded goal HG_3 dislikes when concept #437 is activated.
As a result, AI system will decrease desirability of concept #775, because #775 is the cause for undesirable concept #437.
As a result, probability of activation of manipulator #775 is decreased.
Dennis, last I checked this was what we called a neural network/expert system. If these were sufficient to represent human-like AI we would have had such intelligent computers years ago.
Persol said:
'Real AI' in VBnet is just a funny group of words that should never be used together.
As for 'real AI' in C#... well it's more likely...

What do you think is wrong with the VB.NET? And what do you mean by "C# more likely"? You probably missed the key part of the .NET concept. All the .NET languages (including VB.NET and C#) share the same cross-language compatibility and inheritability and the compiled code is using the very same CLR. The key difference between various .NET languages is mainly on the syntax level.
G71 said:
The key difference between various .NET languages is mainly on the syntax level.
Hence the root of the problem. It fairly difficult to program complex algorithms in VB with they are needed in C.
BigBlueHead said:
Dennis, last I checked this was what we called a neural network/expert system. If these were sufficient to represent human-like AI we would have had such intelligent computers years ago.

My ideas are based on expert system ideas. But my ideas are not limited by traditional expert system approach.

Could you specify, where could I read about an expert system which learns based on it's own goals? The expert system which learn accomplishes <a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/Experiment.htm">experiment</a>?
The key difference between various .NET languages is mainly on the syntax level.
From personal experience VB.net is slower then C#. It has to do with the way the two languages are compiled into op codes.
It fairly difficult to program complex algorithms in VB
I don't see why. In fact its easier to code VB.net then C#.
exactly what i think, however i guess that is taste.

Expert Systems that learn are not expert systems any more. I came up with a new addon for my AI. Previously i merely used Empirical data to strengthen the percentage or likliness. Whilst Studying math i read about the Elementa books by some greek who's name i can't remember at the moment. What it said had nothing to do with AI but it said that Empiricial data could be relaced by a forumla instead to prove the case.
If you have 10 triangels and all have the angle sum of 180 then it is safe to assume that all triangels have the angle sum of 180 although of course an AI should be able to prove that the angle sum is 180 and if it could not then it should assume that it is "probably 180".
Blindman said:
From personal experience VB.net is slower then C#.

That's what happens when you use the compatibility library. Stay away from it, compile the code and check it with the ILDASM. If you used the right code then you should get the exact same result.

Blindman said:
..its easier to code VB.net then C#.

I agree with Baal on this. It's a matter of taste.
i know who you are so i know that i should agree with you but in my mind i get the feeling that VB is good to start with, however the professionals prefer C#.
When using it i get the feeling of more structure becuase of the "{", "}" but i prefer VB because to me it is more pure. It is not as messy. Think it is easier to read. But then again i started VB at the age of 7 and not C# till last year so maybe it is just something that you have to get used to.

Any works, they are compatible.
Actually we have decided that it will be hard to use .NET and we agree that our own language is in order. But we will probably make it in .NET first since we are too few, and have too little time.
Blindman said:
I don't see why. In fact its easier to code VB.net then C#.
It's easier to code... sloppily (which is usually fine). If you want to do something complex the 'simplicity' of the VB syntax just gets in your way.
anyone who is interested in recieving more information before joining can send me a PM or mail me at svenssonrikard@spray.se and i shall provide you with more information.

If you are not interested in joining then don't bother mailing me.
Physics, anyone? Would need someone with some knowledge about physics (in the field of knowing physical values (such as gravity)) (and preferebly programming skills too!)

We don't value knowing the values as much as the ability to find values on the web along with the ability to in a clever way create new values accordingly to the data you will be given.

(does it sound too fuzzy?)

Well, send me a mail and i will explain it for you.
Need 2 persons.

1) Someone who can help me with physical enumerations.
2) A Neural Net VB/C# programmer. (we need to use conventional NN for our recognition algorithm)

DennisGorelik said:
I design strong AI and have a web-site ..<a href="http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/overview.htm">http://www.dennisgorelik.com/ai/</a>
Any questions are very welcome! :)

Only 5 WordIDs (4 real words) per phrase? How about keeping just a single WordID field in the Phrase table and adding an extra unsigned int sequence number field to track the order so you would have N rows (/WordIDs) per phrase with the same PhraseIDs and unique sequence number? How do you want to teach the system? Did you think about the user interface? How would you tell to your AI that "Mr Black wore a black shirt yesterday” ? How does it deal with unknown words? Can your "strong AI" learn how to play games like Tic-Tac-Toe? What's the structure of the sub-system which provides the CauseNeuronID and EffectNeuronID for the Cause-Effect relation table?
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