Valid questions, Why is Nasa editing Rover Images

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Phlogger you just contradicted yourself:

seen how these composite images are created. I understand the process...I don't know what format

Try again Phlogger, you might get it right next time.
I do think all your questions were answered all ready Phlogi by the first post. It helps if you can read besides slam dancing or slam posting.
FieryIce said:
Phlogger you just contradicted yourself:

Try again Phlogger, you might get it right next time.

Read it again, and try not to quote parts of different sentences to deliberately misconstrue the overall meaning.

I'm not sure if terrestrial data is held as FITS files, that's all. I know that data from particular telescopes is. This doesn't change the fact that I am full cognizant of the methods used to prepare such images, does it?

So, tell me what direct experience you have of real astronomical research, and what tools _you_ have used. MS Paint, perchance?
Our experience, or research we have done jointly, was requested by NASA for perusal. They accepted our methodology of research along with our theory. It has yet to be disproved. :)

We never had to resort to any picture manipulation to prove our theory. :D
craterchains (Norval said:
Our experience, or research we have done jointly, was requested by NASA for perusal. They accepted our methodology of research along with our theory. It has yet to be disproved. :)

We never had to resort to any picture manipulation to prove our theory. :D

You haven't proved a thing. You don't even have a theory per hypothesised this whole deal. It's as good as calling it make believe.

NASA support you? More lies and ignorance Norval...that's all you do at this point can't you.
craterchains (Norval said:
Our experience, or research we have done jointly, was requested by NASA for perusal. They accepted our methodology of research along with our theory. It has yet to be disproved. :)

We never had to resort to any picture manipulation to prove our theory. :D

'requested' by NASA? Really? I'd love to see a scan of that letter, please link it.

Or did you send them a copy, and they filed it in the round mesh file under their desks ;-) .
So you are saying NASA contacted you and asked you for details about your research after reading your posts on this board?

Or you think that NASA must have read what you;ve posted heer, and because they haven't told you it's untrue, it still might be right?

Please explain in more detail.
Wow, now those are constructive comments!

They are also probably the most supportable ones you have made. The shorter your posts, the more accurate they seem to be. You should try to optomize this accuracy... hmmm.... now how would you do that? Shorter postmore accurate, so the most accurate would be....
That is the question after all isn’t it?
Why IS NASA editing the images and not disclosing all of the images being sent back?

This is to be discussed and explored in a new thread being started soon.
Why IS NASA editing the images and not disclosing all of the images being sent back?

What images are they not "disclosing" that you see as hiding? So just because images are processed means horrible editing is going on?
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Okay lets ascertain this, Firstly People will always question what images are supposedly edited, because the same point is always pointed out;

"Why release an edited picture when you can just with-hold an image altogether?".

I know that Blackholesun might seem Repetative to you Norval but if he's not going to ask those questions, it will be someone else. I will state though that the personal attacks have been on the increase again which should halt post haste. This is not directed at any one individual since a number of you have been "inciting to riot" again.

(This is why I have edited a few posts and deleted one)
"Why release an edited picture when you can just with-hold an image altogether?".

Obviously, since NASA does all the hype about their magnificent projects they have to follow thru with some form of hype or results from their magnificent projects.

Stryder, continue editing so you can stay in your comfort zone, have some blueberry muffins with your coffee and editor.
Sir Charles Shultz..

Although he is leading the charges against a Nasa that Tampers with Data .. He still is clueless to the over all reality of the deception..

Poor Sir Charles..

Poor Sir Charles he says he feels there is no intelligent life on mars only biological..

And he looks at images so close as to discover urchins.. Yet I am amazed at how both he and I look at the same image and see something totally different..

He looks at this image .. and wondered why they were altering the sky..?

And yet there on the ground before him, he can't see the forest through the trees..
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