using telechenisis for de- atomization

Mind over power

Stephen, you might sometimes feel like you have a higher purpose in this earth because of the gift you seam to have. Some other times you may feel discouraged and sometime may even question yourself and your gift. The truth is that there's a lot out there that neither men nor science have been able to wrap their minds around. That has to do with mind powers. There are many gifts different people may have that are not easy to understand or explain.

We all have heard of people that disappear, others that can control objects with their mind, etc.

I've been doing research on this area for a while. Not as a science but because of the strange things I've being able to do, or felt, or been through that have no explanation.

I've gathered a few links to things that might help you, as it did help me.

About telepathy
upnaway. com/%7Ebindu/anantayogaweb/mind/mindtelepathy. htm
scienceforums. net/forum/archive/index.php?t-3881. html

Unusual powers
williamjames. com/Folklore/ MINDOVER.htm

Moving objects
youtube. com/watch?v=4jgMzcRxxEE

There's a lot more information out there to be found. Don't feel discouraged.

Interestingly enough, these things have become more of a main stream sci-fi with the show Heroes (nbc. com/ heroes). Even though it's a show you may find yourself having the same feeling some of the characters did.

One thing, careful with whom you share your gift with. Our society is ruled by greed and if you are able to prove to people what you can do they may want to use that for their own gain, and your life may be in danger.

There's a reason why you have your gift. It may not be clear to you why at the moment, but I'm sure you'll find a good use for it in the near future!

best wishes,
Well supposing what you say is true (which even I doubt, and I believe some crazy stuff) you could be the next step in the evolution of mankind. But be careful whoever you tell, because they might tell someone else, who might tell someone else, etc. Before you know it the Government will be knocking on your door. o_O

And there are plenty of people like you who claim such abilities. You're not alone...

And if you are what you say you are, then we can all safely conclude that having highly advanced functions does not enhance grammar... :D
Skepticisms is not the answer to everything

There are a lot of different stories and versions to everything we hear or see that is “unexplainable” and yet science can only explain what they prove through what they currently believe is truth. Until the early 1900’s there was no “proof” that the atom existed and yet mankind was able to create the atom bomb. Until 1969, many believed that men were never going to be able to leave this planet, and yet that year NASA led the first successful mission to the moon. To this day, many believe that was made up… “There was wind, I saw it!”

We see Chris Angel do some crazy stuff, and sometimes he even shows us “how” he does some of his tricks. Are those really tricks or did he learn things that were hidden from us? And he say’s they are tricks so he can go on performing them without people burning him at a stake stating he’s from the devil? We hear scientists stating that vampires wouldn’t be able to survive on human blood because it’s have only proteins and the human body needs more than that. Are vampires really anything like humans and would need the same kind of nourishment that blood can’t provide?

Many say extra terrestrials (aliens) are made up. That everyone that believes it is hallucinating. Most scientists say “there’s nothing faster than light” and that “men will never be able to reach the speed of light, much less surpass it”. But just because no one on our planet has been able to come up with technology enough to do those things does it mean that it’s not possible at all? Flying was impossible until 1914 when the first “airplane” flight occurred. If those scientists that “proved” that flying wasn’t possible lived today what would they say?

Most importantly, some still believe that God is a lie, made by men with power, to fool the poor and ignorant. Part of that statement is true, because men with power use the idea of God to undermine the poor and to keep them under control. But can anyone say for sure that the whole universe was created at random? There are countless subjects that have no proof, and yet they go round and round, and are never really proved either or.
Nevertheless, it’s early to say with surety what’s the purpose to all things. And early to say whether we lost our abilities because God put a block on our minds so we wouldn’t destroy each other, and our planet (and we’re still doing it anyway). Maybe Aliens put that block on us thousands of years ago.
The truth is that no one has the final proof, either it been positive or negative. The most important thing then is not to be sarcastic, or quick to judge and say something doesn’t exist simply because we’ve never seen proof of it.

It’s my hope that we all open our eyes soon before it’s too late for human kind as a species or too late so God will destroy us for lack of interest in Him.

And grammar may have errors, but the subject is not related to one's grammar :bugeye:
Until the early 1900’s there was no “proof” that the atom existed and yet mankind was able to create the atom bomb.
Which has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
There have been claims of "telekinesis" and other "psychic powers" for decades/ centuries. Yet not one has ever been shown to be real. Don't you think that if there was any substance whatsoever to these claims someone would have shown them to valid by now?

Until 1969, many believed that men were never going to be able to leave this planet, and yet that year NASA led the first successful mission to the moon.
Another spurious point. What does an accomplished fact (accomplished through science and technology) have to do with unfounded claims of abilities that cannot be shown to be true?

Are those really tricks or did he learn things that were hidden from us?
They're tricks. Only a gullible fool would think otherwise.

We hear scientists stating that vampires wouldn’t be able to survive on human blood because it’s have only proteins and the human body needs more than that.
Really? Which scientists? Bearing in mind that the vampire bat's diet consists of blood...

Are vampires really anything like humans and would need the same kind of nourishment that blood can’t provide?
No, vampires are nothing like humans - they're small, furry and have wings. And they live in caves.

Most scientists say “there’s nothing faster than light” and that “men will never be able to reach the speed of light, much less surpass it”. But just because no one on our planet has been able to come up with technology enough to do those things does it mean that it’s not possible at all?
It's not a question of technology it's a question of the laws of physics.

Flying was impossible until 1914 when the first “airplane” flight occurred. If those scientists that “proved” that flying wasn’t possible lived today what would they say?
Flying wasn't "impossible" at any point in our history - it was simply out of reach of our technology until 1903. If you're going to try to make cogent points you could at least get the dates correct.
Which scientists "proved flying was impossible"? Can you provide any links or names? I think you'll find that at no time was it ever "proven impossible", especially by scientists.

The most important thing then is not to be sarcastic, or quick to judge and say something doesn’t exist simply because we’ve never seen proof of it.
It's equally important to not speculate wildly in the absence of evidence.

It’s my hope that we all open our eyes soon before it’s too late for human kind as a species or too late so God will destroy us for lack of interest in Him.
What god?
To each it's own

Thanks for point out my errors in the text. I'll make sure to get all the facts straight next time. I wasn't aware the audience was so attached to little details instead of seeing the big picture.

Besides, your last phrase pretty much describes your personality. You're a skeptical and that probably serves you well. I agree with you that we should question everything we see, and especially what we don't see. But bear in mind that the point is not to simply dismiss everything, but to keep an open mind to all that is unexplained. It’s quite possible that soon someone may well be able to explain what you believe to be impossible.

Best wishes,
I wasn't aware the audience was so attached to little details instead of seeing the big picture.
How accurate is the big picture going to be if you can't get the details correct?
Little things like making (false) claims that flight was "proven impossible" by "scientists"...
In other words you're inventing "facts" to support your delusion.

Besides, your last phrase pretty much describes your personality.

But bear in mind that the point is not to simply dismiss everything, but to keep an open mind to all that is unexplained.
The point is not to speculate wildly.

It’s quite possible that soon someone may well be able to explain what you believe to be impossible.
Science has already shown that "psychic powers" cannot exist.