using telechenisis for de- atomization

it goes back to normal and i can only hold it for 3 to 4 seconds but when i tried it on my x box controller it went back but didnt work anymore know i havent shown anyone in person because im afraid of the reaction i may provoke

Like they will burn you at the stake?
What reaction?

Show someone you trust.
i dunno i just dont know if i done it infront of someone consiquences could be vast as i dont know the effect seeing it will have on them you cant just go around doing it infront of people you have to carefully disifer whether the choice is right
i dunno i just dont know if i done it infront of someone consiquences could be vast as i dont know the effect seeing it will have on them you cant just go around doing it infront of people you have to carefully disifer whether the choice is right

But you are telloig people in the hope that they will believe you.
Wouldn't that have the same effect?
no because im talking about physical consequences to put it basically when testing say a nuclear weapon you dont just do it and hope its fine because people could get hurt obviously this is slightly different proportion but still the principle applies
But you were there and you are fine - no radiation poisoning or anything, right?
Do it in front of a spider or something else living.
Do it TO a spider or somethign else living.

Have you tried this at long distances, or just close range?
basically i can move things far away but when im breaking it down i sort of have it in my hands like holding a basketball but not touching the object i will try it on a spider or something similar
I think the idea of having someone else watching you 'Do' whatever it is you think you do to an object is they can clarify if you are actually doing anything at all.

Your brain might be imagining what you can do to an object and overriding what your senses are showing you. If someone is there with you watching the object in question they can tell you if they see any difference. If of course they don't see a difference then you should perhaps consider that you have a very unique imagination, which perhaps you can learn to harness to do other things.

[For instance draw an atom or what you think one is, then check to see how close you are/n't]

If of course they do see what you see, then perhaps it's another story entirely... although I don't think they will.

Just be careful that you don't freak yourself out to the point of having a psychotic episode with thoughts like you can de-materialise yourself with no way to put yourself back together afterwards.
who can i show it too though without them thinking im insane and i no because when you move an object you are holding it in your hand but yet your not touching it so it is not phesoble that im felling the weight and texture of any mass without it being there uunless you put it down to something paranormal
who can i show it too though without them thinking im insane and i no because when you move an object you are holding it in your hand but yet your not touching it so it is not phesoble that im felling the weight and texture of any mass without it being there uunless you put it down to something paranormal

If you can actually do it then they aren't going to doubt your sanity.
If you claim you can do it without proof then everyone is...
Well the human mind is rather crafty, For instance If I tell you to think of a particular fruit in this example an 'Orange', You know what it looks like but now think of the colour, the depths of it's texture, the smell of the ripened rind, how oranges excrete a sour acid solution when the skin is nipped how a good size orange feels in weight. How about the actual taste of an oranges segment, if you try you can probably taste the sweet orangey flavour.

Basically your mind knows what inputs make up an orange and you can imagine an orange being there even though one doesn't actually exist.

What I'm trying to suggest is that the imagination can fool the senses and replace what you see with fantasy. The only way you are going to know however for sure is if you find someone to watch while you do what you do.
(In most cases people will suggest 101 reasons of why they can't reproduce what they know, nerves, an audience, the wind being in the right direction. They try to hold on to their belief over what stares them straight in the face, that they've been fooled by their own imagination)

People being fooled by their own thoughts happens all the time, that's why there are so many con people taking advantage over what realities people have built for themselves.
but what reason would my mind have for "imagining" something so rash and something so vivid i can describe it to the finest detail
but what reason would my mind have for "imagining" something so rash and something so vivid i can describe it to the finest detail
The mind doesn't need "reasons".
The mind excels at forming patterns where none exist.
That I couldn't say after all you would need a 'Professional' for that. How it could be hypothesised that you might be one of the few people out there that has to deal with competitive hemispheres which would explain how Imagination and Reality can sometimes appear as one.

It's a physiological alteration, not just because your imagination is doing something subconsciously and if you indeed suffered from that you'd have to learn how to better control it, otherwise dealing with Fantasy/Reality would take over your life.

The only thing I can suggest about controlling it is to learn how to focus on something Real, something that isn't contested. Like for instance studying into a subject you enjoy that can lead to a Career.
Deatomization cannot be achieved because nothing would be around to reatomize the molecules that are displaced, sorry :(
These kinds of powers never work in front of other people because of the electromagnetic interference of their brain waves, so don't worry about trying it in front of someone else because of the unintended consequences. They'll be safe. Unfortunately, it means you'll never have a witness to the effect. Also, it'll always destroy your camcorder or video camera phone so don't bother doing it for the camera.

And since the objects always coalesce back to normal, you'll never be able to show what happened to anyone. Its very unfortunate. Quite a useless power to have since it has limitations, so it must be quite the burden on you.

I still highly recommend the science classes and Sagan to help with those demons.
sort of but they dont dissapear it looks like a fuzz

I had that problem too when I was about your age. I was taken to an office by my parents where a man in a white lab coat performed tests on me. After only being there half an hour he gave me a metal frame which held two pieces of glass. I was instructed to put it on my face, and once I did, the fuzziness was gone. Crazy huh?
The other option is to Study, to study hard. Enjoy learning new things, take nothing for granted, if you see something 'Magical' attempt to learn what the magic is because after all it caught your attention when you didn't know perhaps it's something you should know .
Study hard at school and if you haven't and you've found yourself not doing so good there, there is the old adage 'Try, Try, Try again'. (If you are in the UK and messed up your schooling, there is always the ability to reattempt things back at college but it requires you to stay focused with the goal that you set out to achieve.)

sage advice here for you from one of the more learned members, soo profound i thought i should quote it just in case you glazed over it.

now, to your situation at hand... or in hand or via hand, or via mind hand... etc...
IF you are actually physically capable of performing this action of matter transference, then....
sorry to tell you that you life is now completely fucked.

Think for a minute...
if you can do it, chances are some one else can also do it and more soo, there will be others with different types of abilaties...

where it comes to the fun bit,... if it were true people like yourself would be tracked down and forcibly removed or medicated to stop you from doing such things, while you were then used for testing of drugs and other such things by those types of people who good and evil is mearly a different third person perspective defined by someone else benefiting at the same time they do exactly what they want with no regard for anyone else except them selfs.

now what you first need to do is make sure you are ok.
what if you miss or get disturbed while in action....
has anyone ever walked in on you while you are doing this ?

keep it to yourself, and that means not posting on the internet also,
discus this type of thing one on one with a trusted friend, someone who will not wish to manipulate you or ridicule you for your thoughts beliefs or abilities.
(good luck on the friend thing because they are as rare as pink diamonds)