using telechenisis for de- atomization


Registered Member
i dont know much about science being only 15 and i know many will be sceptical but i believe i have mastered de-atomization via telechenisis which i have practised for 6 years no one i know is aware of my ability and could someone please direct where to go from here
All those who believe in telekinesis, raise my hand.

Welcome to sciforums. :)
Hi stephen,
This isn't a good thing. Are you friendly with your doctor? They can help.
i dont know much about science [...] could someone please direct where to go from here

Your school guidance counselor's office. Sign up for science class. Then your local library to borrow a copy of Carl Sagan's A Demon Haunted World. It'll help you with your demons.
Your school guidance counselor's office. Sign up for science class. Then your local library to borrow a copy of Carl Sagan's A Demon Haunted World. It'll help you with your demons.

That's first-class advice Stephen.
i dont know much about science being only 15 and i know many will be sceptical but i believe i have mastered de-atomization via telechenisis which i have practised for 6 years no one i know is aware of my ability and could someone please direct where to go from here

You are at an age of change, Where childhood fantasy will soon have to deal with the dull grey factual world that everyone else has to mundanely assume some form of responsibility in.

This means that some of the fantastic things that you have believed to be a particular way or your life will in fact lose their magic, as the magic itself has cogs, pulley's, circuitry, assorted gadgetry or even physics itself to produce a magical effect.

It's up to you to decide if you want to continue with the truth hidden in a delude of fantasy, the world will hold some magic but there will always be people out there that known the science behind it and attempt to rationalise and do what they feel is the responsible thing by attempting to explain it.

(You'll notice on this forums some people with those fantasy belief's will argue 'black is white' even when it's proven it's not, purely because their entire belief system is something they are comfortable with and anything outside of that 'Bubble' is alien in concept.)

The other option is to Study, to study hard. Enjoy learning new things, take nothing for granted, if you see something 'Magical' attempt to learn what the magic is because after all it caught your attention when you didn't know perhaps it's something you should know ;).

Study hard at school and if you haven't and you've found yourself not doing so good there, there is the old adage 'Try, Try, Try again'. (If you are in the UK and messed up your schooling, there is always the ability to reattempt things back at college but it requires you to stay focused with the goal that you set out to achieve.)

Of course such goals can only be focused on if you aren't deluded by fantasy, so think about it a while ;)
i can move stuff just by looking at it and thinking about it by de-atomization i mean make each individual atom seperate them selves from one an other on the object i am focuses my telechanisis on and yes youm all think im crazy
So you can disintegrate things with your mind and make them crumble down at the atomic level and essentially "disappear"?
i can move stuff just by looking at it and thinking about it by de-atomization i mean make each individual atom seperate them selves from one an other on the object i am focuses my telechanisis on
Highly unlikely.

and yes youm all think im crazy
More likely.
it goes back to normal and i can only hold it for 3 to 4 seconds but when i tried it on my x box controller it went back but didnt work anymore know i havent shown anyone in person because im afraid of the reaction i may provoke
it goes back to normal and i can only hold it for 3 to 4 seconds but when i tried it on my x box controller it went back but didnt work anymore know i havent shown anyone in person because im afraid of the reaction i may provoke

you're going to get a worse reaction telling and not showing. If other people make it hard to focus your ability, video tape it.