US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
In the following video an US soldier in Iraq throws a puppy off the cliffs:

This got almost 7000 diggs, which is a lot and by reading the comments, one can see that the readers are all upset. Of course killing an innocent puppy this way is wrong, but US soldiers also killed about 100K Iraqis and probably a decent % of them innocent. Not many people got upset about that.

So I figure, if we want to make the US leave Iraq, we just have to make them accidentally bomb an animal shelter....

Edit: Can a moderator correct the threadtitle? Thanks...
In the following video an US soldier in Iraq throws a puppy off the cliffs:

This got almost 7000 diggs, which is a lot and by reading the comments, one can see that the readers are all upset. Of course killing an innocent puppy this way is wrong, but US soldiers also killed about 100K Iraqis and probably a decent % of them innocent. Not many people got upset about that.

So I figure, if we want to make the US leave Iraq, we just have to make them accidentally bomb an animal shelter....

Edit: Can a moderator correct the threadtitle? Thanks...

I'm a former Marine and I would have been tempted to hit that soldier in the head with a baseball bat.
Symbols of aggression

Syzygys said:

Of course killing an innocent puppy this way is wrong, but US soldiers also killed about 100K Iraqis and probably a decent % of them innocent. Not many people got upset about that.

I think it's something symbolic. You know, like, "Them Americans is so low they'll kill puppies!"

In other words, it's emblematic of the problem. People have a hard time grasping the breadth of the disaster, so something awful in a neat package, like video of a soldier killing a puppy, becomes the symbol of what's wrong with the war.
In the following video an US soldier in Iraq throws a puppy off the cliffs:

This got almost 7000 diggs, which is a lot and by reading the comments, one can see that the readers are all upset. Of course killing an innocent puppy this way is wrong, but US soldiers also killed about 100K Iraqis and probably a decent % of them innocent. Not many people got upset about that.

So I figure, if we want to make the US leave Iraq, we just have to make them accidentally bomb an animal shelter....

Edit: Can a moderator correct the threadtitle? Thanks...

people did get upset when they killed innocent people, and some of the soldiers were actaully tried, yeah right they shouldn't have done it, and they should not kill puppies, but we can't sit here and condem the soldiers when they are being tried and even sentenced in some cases.

and you knwo somthing else its not only innocent iraqi's they are killing, what about teh group of british soldiers they "accidently" bombed!
In the following video an US soldier in Iraq throws a puppy off the cliffs:

When children are sadistic to animals they say they will grow up to be sadistic to humans. This guy not only has no value of the animals life but, as a soldier he has no value of human life , A man with no value of life.......hmm I bet he's going to be a real asset to society when he retires, just see him being content with a 9-5.
Wow. that many diggs on a puppy eh ? people never fail to surprise me.
Just when you thought empathy was at its lowest.
Perhaps people see it as a symbol of the loss of humanity.

People shouldn't be surprised that these so called hero's of peace and democracy or nothing more than Barbarian Invaders with little or no morals of life.
I wonber if they will learn from previous veterans and rehabilitate these soldiers back into society, back to humanity...................................?
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People shouldn't be surprised that these so called hero's of peace and democracy or nothing more than Barbarian Invaders with little or no morals of life.
Hey Captain Clueless,
While I do not in anyway condone this act, nor any act against innocent civilians, nor am I pleased with that soldier's behavior. Keep this in mind; not all U.S. servicemembers are like that. I used to be a servicemember, so you're essentially calling me a barbarian. F U.
These guys are over there, under orders from the government, under fire. Their lives are in constant danger from Haji, who uses deplorable tactics on them(i.e. hide behind civilians/children). I guarantee you that if you were in that situation, you wouldn't be very personable either.

I wonber if they will learn from previous veterans and rehabilitate these soldiers back into society, back to humanity...................................?
They? Who are 'they'?
Hey Captain Clueless,
While I do not in anyway condone this act, nor any act against innocent civilians, nor am I pleased with that soldier's behavior. Keep this in mind; not all U.S. servicemembers are like that. I used to be a servicemember, so you're essentially calling me a barbarian. F U.
Americans call you Hero's, Afghans/Iraqis call you Barbarian's I am neither so I look to the media and documentation for my decision and the meter points to barbarism (only my opinion dude). obviously I shouldn't tar you all with the same brush but, tars sticky baby
These guys are over there, under orders from the government, under fire. Their lives are in constant danger from Haji, who uses deplorable tactics on them(i.e. hide behind civilians/children). I guarantee you that if you were in that situation, you wouldn't be very personable either.

I fight my own battles for what I believe in, not take orders and act regardless regardless of morality.
Plus they soldiers what do they expect?
Also they are acting on behalf of every American, every action is for America.
With that in mind actions like that are disgraceful.

And when I said they I meant they as in the Army because in the 80's there was film after film ,book after book about how the vietnam vets had trouble adjusting to society, will it be repeated?, is there a job available for a dog tosser?
If you took offence, don't take things so personaly, be a soldier don't be a wuss.
Captain Clueless at your service SIR,(clueless was my nickname at school as it a pun on my name but i'm not going to lower myself to swear)
apologies if you need it
When children are sadistic to animals they say they will grow up to be sadistic to humans. This guy not only has no value of the animals life but, as a soldier he has no value of human life , A man with no value of life.......hmm I bet he's going to be a real asset to society when he retires, just see him being content with a 9-5.

This post was as far as I got before getting upset. Yeah, let's all forget we are already talking about a TRAINED killer douchebag. Thats what we train them to do then send them overseas to kill other PEOPLE. Oh, but let's get mad over this puppy that probably would have been trained to bring bombs to our people later, or ended up on some Iraqi's plate. Umm. Do they eat dog there? Americans truly are sad people, and someone made a good point... This is why we are hated by all, no regard for human life, but kill a puppy and OMG! You've got to be kidding me.
This post was as far as I got before getting upset. Yeah, let's all forget we are already talking about a TRAINED killer douchebag. Thats what we train them to do then send them overseas to kill other PEOPLE. Oh, but let's get mad over this puppy that probably would have been trained to bring bombs to our people later, or ended up on some Iraqi's plate. Umm. Do they eat dog there? Americans truly are sad people, and someone made a good point... This is why we are hated by all, no regard for human life, but kill a puppy and OMG! You've got to be kidding me.

The action was done for pleasure and nothing else.
We are talking about a trained killer,trained killers do not throw puppies of cliffs, sadist's do.
I don't think anybody would suddenly be against American occupation over a puppy, I think it is a symbol of loss of humanity.
Hey Captain Clueless,
While I do not in anyway condone this act, nor any act against innocent civilians, nor am I pleased with that soldier's behavior. Keep this in mind; not all U.S. servicemembers are like that. I used to be a servicemember, so you're essentially calling me a barbarian. F U.
These guys are over there, under orders from the government, under fire. Their lives are in constant danger from Haji, who uses deplorable tactics on them(i.e. hide behind civilians/children). I guarantee you that if you were in that situation, you wouldn't be very personable either.

They? Who are 'they'?
If you associate yourself with a group of people who is occupying a country and destroying it under false pretences, you need not ask others if you are a barbarian.

Its the kind of conclusion you can draw about yourself by asking what you would think of such soldiers if the situation were reversed.
Hey Captain Clueless,
. Keep this in mind; not all U.S. servicemembers are like that.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated............................"

Mahatama Gandhi...............
If you associate yourself with a group of people who is occupying a country and destroying it under false pretences, you need not ask others if you are a barbarian.
I don't remember asking anybody if I was a barbarian. Please tell me where I did. I know I'm not a barbarian.
When you actually go over there, and can make assessments from something other than the media, then get back to me.

Its the kind of conclusion you can draw about yourself by asking what you would think of such soldiers if the situation were reversed.
I have a pretty good idea. The movie Red Dawn is a good example of it.

None of those servicemembers over there asked to be ordered over there. Do you not think that they would also like to be home here with their families?

Once again Sam, there you go with your stereotypical blame of the U.S. for everything.

so I look to the media and documentation for my decision
...and your credibility just went to zero AFAIC.
Because we all know that the media is the be all end all for useful/truthful information. Just ask Sam.

And when I said they I meant they as in the Army because in the 80's there was film after film ,book after book about how the vietnam vets had trouble adjusting to society, will it be repeated?, is there a job available for a dog tosser?
You have obviously never been to combat. Short of strong hallucinogenic drugs, I can't think of anything else that can mess a person's mind up so severely.
After what they went through, I'm not surprised that they had trouble adjusting. And yes, it's being repeated already. We already have servicemembers coming back that are having trouble adjusting.
The Viet Cong would send a child holding a grenade into the midst of a group of American soldiers over there to kill them. Regardless of what we were doing, do you think what the VC was doing was anymore moral? I question your humanity if you do. :crazy:

If you took offence, don't take things so personaly, be a soldier don't be a wuss.
You're calling American servicemembers Barbarians because of what you read in the media. How did you expect me to take it?
If you associate yourself with a group of people who is occupying a country and destroying it under false pretences, you need not ask others if you are a barbarian.

Barbarian is a word based on a greek word for 'foreign, strange' and used to describe people not part of the so-called civilizations. In other words it is a word that has been used to justify the work of empires. And since empires, or civilizations, are responsible for the greatest mass killings and have justified these in ways not unlike the ways the Iraq war was justified, it might be better to find another word. May seem like nitpicking, but the last of the 'barbarians' are still being wiped out across the world as we speak, either culturally wiped out, or separated from their land, or literally wiped out, or all three.