US porn film makers suspend filming over HIV scare


Since when has a banging head from someone frustrated called for such treatment.
I disagree with Lori on at least half of what she says, despite being a Christian myself.
Some of the Christians on here I disagree with far more than the Atheists on here. They talk irrational bollocks.
I don't want to be associated with them.
It is only myself who talks complete sense. (well, perhaps not)
Let's argue rather than being aggressive or dismissive.
If you disagree, just disagree.
No need for the over-reaction

Oh, and Lori.
You are in a fortunate patch of life at the moment.
Very nice for you.
Stop being so bleeding smug.

Anyone else need sorting out?

well if that's smug (which i entirely disagree that it is), then i was smug going on 8 years of celibacy too. ;)
well if that's smug (which i entirely disagree that it is), then i was smug going on 8 years of celibacy too. ;)

Unwarranted smugness I imagine. You're celibacy has taken years off of your life, will have you bent over and wearing a diaper in no time:

Medical research has revealed enormous data proving that sexual climax (orgasm) has resulted in as many as 55 reasons to have sex on a regular basis. We're focusing on just the top seven major health crises that are helped by climaxing regularly for both men and women. In order for the optimal health benefits, having an orgasm every 24 hours keeps the health benefits at their maximum and the levels of oxytocin, estrogen and testosterone consistently flowing. Any increase in sexual frequency is beneficial, and for those who are alone, masturbation with orgasm is a perfect substitute—so love yourself!

1. Increases Immunity to Infection
Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Healthier people usually are happier as well, which also means that we are taking better care of ourselves. Science has proven that having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. This includes reducing the possibility of getting the H1N1 infection in addition to the flu!

2. Improve Cardiovascular Health
Getting your blood flowing through sexual activity keeps blood flowing to all of the right spots, starting with your heart. Starting as young married, increasing the frequency of sexual activity, directly correlates to healthier blood vessels and heart function. Researchers also found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month. Reducing heart disease also reduces erectile dysfunction, which causes the penis to not maintain an erection.

3. Reduce Risks of Prostate Cancer
Frequent ejaculations, especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Research reported in the British Journal of Urological Health found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later in life by a third. Another study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that frequent ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, as well, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven times monthly.

4. Decrease Incontinence for Men and Women
Who wants to be wearing adult diapers if it can be avoided? The muscles used while having sex are called the PC muscles. Both men and women have them and women are often advised to do Kegel exercises to strengthen them in order to keep incontinence at bay. But these are the same muscles used during orgasm in both men and women. Squeezing these muscles together during climax strengthens them the same way, but is way more fun! To start strengthening them, men and women need to find where the PC muscles are located. To do this, try to stop the flow of urine several times during urination. The muscles you're squeezing are the PC muscles and are the ones you should focus on during intercourse. The squeezing motion gives more sensation to the penis and vagina and will intensify the sexual experience and keep away the diapers!

5. Reduce the Possibility of Osteoporosis
Bone loss during our elder years can be devastating with increased chances of hip or bone fractures. Both testosterone and estrogen levels experience a boost through regular sexual activity. Testosterone does more than just boost your sex drive. Testosterone helps fortify bones and muscles. Since men and women both have testosterone, turn up the heat and get sexy! Nobody wants to be an invalid as we age. Keep doing those pelvic thrusts and push-ups while having sexual activity and let your body keep those bones healthy and strong.

6. Increase Longevity
Who doesn’t want to live longer and look younger as we age? Well, research shows that maintaining a healthy sex life can add three to seven years to your life and keeps your skin looking younger. Throw away the Botox and stay healthier the sexy way. Surveys show that happy couples live longer. Every time you reach orgasm, the hormone DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) increases in response to sexual excitement and ejaculation. DHEA can boost your immune system, repair tissue, and even work as an antidepressant. Meaning, a health benefit of sex, if you keep the orgasms coming, is potentially a longer life.

7. Burns Calories
Would you rather run on the treadmill or have sex? Just 30 minutes of sexual activity (that results in orgasm) burns an average of 150 calories. Sex, like exercise, releases endorphins—your feel good hormones. It gives you the same runner’s high that exercise provides. If you have sex for an hour, that is 300 calories per session at three to seven times a week, you will lose weight while having fun with your intimate erotic friend, your spouse!

The health benefits of regular orgasmic sex are bountiful and our bodies naturally want to stay healthy. In order to accomplish this you have to use it or lose it. Staying sexually connected isn’t the key to happiness, but it is a great way to increase the emotional part of your relationship, keep healthier and live longer. Your life and your marriage will flourish as a result and your kids will learn that a passionate connection is a happier family as well.
Unwarranted smugness I imagine. You're celibacy has taken years off of your life, will have you bent over and wearing a diaper in no time:

Medical research has revealed enormous data proving that sexual climax (orgasm) has resulted in as many as 55 reasons to have sex on a regular basis. We're focusing on just the top seven major health crises that are helped by climaxing regularly for both men and women. In order for the optimal health benefits, having an orgasm every 24 hours keeps the health benefits at their maximum and the levels of oxytocin, estrogen and testosterone consistently flowing. Any increase in sexual frequency is beneficial, and for those who are alone, masturbation with orgasm is a perfect substitute—so love yourself!

1. Increases Immunity to Infection
Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Healthier people usually are happier as well, which also means that we are taking better care of ourselves. Science has proven that having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. This includes reducing the possibility of getting the H1N1 infection in addition to the flu!

2. Improve Cardiovascular Health
Getting your blood flowing through sexual activity keeps blood flowing to all of the right spots, starting with your heart. Starting as young married, increasing the frequency of sexual activity, directly correlates to healthier blood vessels and heart function. Researchers also found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month. Reducing heart disease also reduces erectile dysfunction, which causes the penis to not maintain an erection.

3. Reduce Risks of Prostate Cancer
Frequent ejaculations, especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Research reported in the British Journal of Urological Health found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later in life by a third. Another study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that frequent ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, as well, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven times monthly.

4. Decrease Incontinence for Men and Women
Who wants to be wearing adult diapers if it can be avoided? The muscles used while having sex are called the PC muscles. Both men and women have them and women are often advised to do Kegel exercises to strengthen them in order to keep incontinence at bay. But these are the same muscles used during orgasm in both men and women. Squeezing these muscles together during climax strengthens them the same way, but is way more fun! To start strengthening them, men and women need to find where the PC muscles are located. To do this, try to stop the flow of urine several times during urination. The muscles you're squeezing are the PC muscles and are the ones you should focus on during intercourse. The squeezing motion gives more sensation to the penis and vagina and will intensify the sexual experience and keep away the diapers!

5. Reduce the Possibility of Osteoporosis
Bone loss during our elder years can be devastating with increased chances of hip or bone fractures. Both testosterone and estrogen levels experience a boost through regular sexual activity. Testosterone does more than just boost your sex drive. Testosterone helps fortify bones and muscles. Since men and women both have testosterone, turn up the heat and get sexy! Nobody wants to be an invalid as we age. Keep doing those pelvic thrusts and push-ups while having sexual activity and let your body keep those bones healthy and strong.

6. Increase Longevity
Who doesn’t want to live longer and look younger as we age? Well, research shows that maintaining a healthy sex life can add three to seven years to your life and keeps your skin looking younger. Throw away the Botox and stay healthier the sexy way. Surveys show that happy couples live longer. Every time you reach orgasm, the hormone DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) increases in response to sexual excitement and ejaculation. DHEA can boost your immune system, repair tissue, and even work as an antidepressant. Meaning, a health benefit of sex, if you keep the orgasms coming, is potentially a longer life.

7. Burns Calories
Would you rather run on the treadmill or have sex? Just 30 minutes of sexual activity (that results in orgasm) burns an average of 150 calories. Sex, like exercise, releases endorphins—your feel good hormones. It gives you the same runner’s high that exercise provides. If you have sex for an hour, that is 300 calories per session at three to seven times a week, you will lose weight while having fun with your intimate erotic friend, your spouse!

The health benefits of regular orgasmic sex are bountiful and our bodies naturally want to stay healthy. In order to accomplish this you have to use it or lose it. Staying sexually connected isn’t the key to happiness, but it is a great way to increase the emotional part of your relationship, keep healthier and live longer. Your life and your marriage will flourish as a result and your kids will learn that a passionate connection is a happier family as well.

i'm not retarded lucy. the benefits of sex are obvious. but to me, so is the detriment if approached in the wrong way. in my case, the detriment outweighed the benefit, and so i stopped. i wasn't married then, and honestly had no hopes of ever getting married again. i'm very glad i was wrong about that. :)
Actually, the link that I provided with information on how porn star's STD tests are less likely to be positive than average did specifically say that they are including other STDs in the stats. But hey, don't bother reading the link or anything.If the prostitute was only having sex with other people who had tested negative within the last 30 days and there was data showing that prostitutes were less likely to have an STD than the general population, then I would say that it's safer to have unprotected sex with a prostitute than it is to have unprotected sex with a random non-prostitute.

Nasor, I "QUOTED" from a Wikipedia article. Another thing is that only AIDS tests results are required every 30 days and there NO requirement to be tested for other diseases which are even more prevalent. Contact them or dispute their data which i had nothing to do with.

That article does not state it is using the village voice article. And these are companies that DO adhere to tests, supposedly.

You really are this naive?

John99: Look at prostitution: Would you have sex with a prostitute unprotected if she tested negative 28 days ago? Because basically that is what you are saying is safe to do. I agree the testing is better than nothing though.

Nasor: If the prostitute was only having sex with other people who had tested negative within the last 30 days and there was data showing that prostitutes were less likely to have an STD than the general population, then I would say that it's safer to have unprotected sex with a prostitute than it is to have unprotected sex with a random non-prostitute.

All those people would only be having sex with eachother. For example: Do you honestly think someone involved in a scene with nine (referring to porn industry) people is only having sex with those people? And those other nine people are also only having sex with those same people?

Thats ridiculous.

And another thing, i would estimate and feel free to show sources because we have shown multiple personal accounts and testimony from people who say drug use (hard drugs) is epidemic in the industry. Meaning approximately 80% or more use drugs almost daily. This increases risk behavior astronomically off the "set" and on.
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well if that's smug (which i entirely disagree that it is), then i was smug going on 8 years of celibacy too. ;)

Fair enough. That red writing put me in a temper.

You are in a good period right now, and are right to enjoy it.
Just remember when you deal with other people, that you have had bad times, and will have future ones,
Some of your posts recently have been a tiny bit self congratulatory, if you don't mind me saying so.

@Lucysnow. Celibacy will definitely not increase Lori's likelihood of Prostate cancer.
Anyway, the figures on Prostate cancer for men are skewed.
The older you live, the more likely you are to have it.
Nearly every man over 90 has it.

Is there any statistical evidence that lifelong celibacy for either sex, results in earlier death?

Taking one factor:
Loneliness might increase the probability of addictional problems, and earlier death.
But so might family stress.
What are the figures?

This report of yours was produced as a newspaper filler.
It's done well. I've seen it more than once.
The person who wrote it has cobbled it together out of Google searches, and made a few thousand dollars.
Pretty worthless scientifically.
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Fair enough. That red writing put me in a temper.

You are in a good period right now, and are right to enjoy it.
Just remember when you deal with other people, that you have had bad times, and will have future ones,
Some of your posts recently have been a tiny bit self congratulatory, if you don't mind me saying so.

i apologize, and i can see how that would be true. it was just...really, really hard to get here, and it took a long time.

@Lucysnow. Celibacy will definitely not increase Lori's likelihood of Prostate cancer.
Anyway, the figures on Prostate cancer for men are skewed.
The older you live, the more likely you are to have it.
Nearly every man over 90 has it.

Is there any statistical evidence that lifelong celibacy for either sex, results in earlier death?

Taking one factor:
Loneliness might increase the probability of addictional problems, and earlier death.
But so might family stress.
What are the figures?

This report of yours was produced as a newspaper filler.
It's done well. I've seen it more than once.
The person who wrote it has cobbled it together out of Google searches, and made a few thousand dollars.
Pretty worthless scientifically.

in all fairness, i can testify first hand that being in a healthy sexual relationship is emotionally and physically beneficial. i wasn't happy being celibate. i was lonely, pissed off, frustrated, and very unfulfilled. the thing is, that i had felt those same ways while in sexual relationships too. those were unhealthy relationships. i can be very idealistic, so i took a stand and decided that it was better to be unfulfilled outside of a sexual relationship than inside one. this might sound weird to some, but i honestly think that my idealism hurts in the short term, but pays off well in the long term. so it's this mentality that would lead me to say pornography won't help someone who's in a "bad place". if anything, it's going to keep them there.
Nasor, I "QUOTED" from a Wikipedia article. Another thing is that only AIDS tests results are required every 30 days and there NO requirement to be tested for other diseases which are even more prevalent. Contact them or dispute their data which i had nothing to do with.
Yeah, and I provided you with a link to more data that did include other STDs. And you ignored it.
That article does not state it is using the village voice article.
Yes, it does, for the statistic about 90% of porn actors having an STD.
And these are companies that DO adhere to tests, supposedly.

You really are this naive?
Hah, the guy who is trying to use complete un-referenced statistics from wikipedia accuses me of being naive :rolleyes:
All those people would only be having sex with eachother. For example: Do you honestly think someone involved in a scene with nine (referring to porn industry) people is only having sex with those people? And those other nine people are also only having sex with those same people?

Thats ridiculous.

And another thing, i would estimate and feel free to show sources because we have shown multiple personal accounts and testimony from people who say drug use (hard drugs) is epidemic in the industry. Meaning approximately 80% or more use drugs almost daily. This increases risk behavior astronomically off the set and on.
Any qualitative estimation you might like to make about what you think the risk should be is trumped by hard data on what the risk actually is. And the real data suggests that only about 2.8% of the porn actors who are tested for STDs test positive. I'm sorry that the evidence doesn't conform with what you imagine it should be, but I'll take actual empirical data over your "common sense" any day.
Any good carpenter takes care of his equipment.

Why would people think that people in the porn business wouldn't do the same?

My guess is it isn't as high as people are claiming, with one exception, and that's herpes.

Once you get it, you've got it, and it is passed even when there is not an actual lesion, so over time, most people in the porn business probably do get it.

The difference with AIDS is, though like herpes once you get it you've got it, but since they are tested every 30 days, once they get it, they are out.
Yeah, and I provided you with a link to more data that did include other STDs. And you ignored it.Yes, it does, for the statistic about 90% of porn actors having an STD. Hah, the guy who is trying to use complete un-referenced statistics from wikipedia accuses me of being naive :rolleyes:

There is only a "requirement" to be tested for HIV, this is a fact. You says it tests for two other diseases and does not even inlude herpes or hepatitis, amongst others, that they dont test for. So every month they get tested for HIV, as supposedly required (by the industry), but who is enforcing these rules at the locations?

Also the village voice article (which is just a one sided article with no per review, i would add) is wrong about the averages for non porn STD's too when it figures the totals per year, did you notice that error?

But the main point is that you are not showing anything to refute the point you are contending anyway. Just "LOL...Wikipedia". So factoring in all the diseases including the ones your article states are NOT tested (but still the article does not say a fact that only HIV is required) then why would anyone doubt the Wikipedia article? And how are you refuting the data?

From the Wikipedia article:

Because of the nature of their work, usually involving sex without condoms, pornographic actors are particularly vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases.

Data suggest that pornographic actors have a higher rate of STDs (except for HIV) than the general American population[citation needed]. Among 825 performers screened in 2000–2001, 7.7% of females and 5.5% of males had chlamydia, and 2% overall had gonorrhea.

These rates are much higher than in patients visiting family planning clinics, where chlamydia and gonorrhea rates were 4.0% and 0.7%, respectively. Between January 2003 and March 2005, approximately 976 performers were reported with 1,153 positive STD test results. Of the 1,153 positive test results, 722 (62.6 %) were chlamydia, 355 (30.8%) were gonorrhea, and 126 (10.9%) were coinfections with chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Less is known about the prevalence and risk of transmission of other STDs such as syphilis, herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus, hepatitis B or C, trichomonal infection, or diseases transmitted through the fecal–oral route.[16] According to actress Chloe, "After you've been in this business for a while, you have herpes. Everyone has herpes."[5]
Studies indicate that 89.5% of porn actors have STDs, with the median number of STDs for a porn star at 4.[17]

In the 1980s, an outbreak of HIV led to a number of deaths of erotic actors and actresses, including John Holmes, Wade Nichols, Marc Stevens, Al Parker. This led to the creation of the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation, which helped set up a voluntary standard[18] in the U.S. adult film industry where erotic actors are tested for HIV every 30 days

Yes, it does, for the statistic about 90% of porn actors having an STD.

I am not seeing in the Wikipedia article that the voice article is the only one referenced for statistics. But of course you do realize that there are more places to be tested than the place the porn company sends you to. Factoring all this in i see nor reason to doubt the Wikipedia data and you are not showing any either.

Hah, the guy who is trying to use complete un-referenced statistics from wikipedia accuses me of being naive


Any qualitative estimation you might like to make about what you think the risk should be is trumped by hard data on what the risk actually is. And the real data suggests that only about 2.8% of the porn actors who are tested for STDs test positive. I'm sorry that the evidence doesn't conform with what you imagine it should be, but I'll take actual empirical data over your "common sense" any day.

2.8% for what they do test for and they only test for one thing as per required (supposedly required) which leaves many other nasty STD's not even tested for. Even still the 2.8 is actually higher than the national average which is an average for ALL STD's. Are you beginning to understand now?

And really Nasor, its just common sense. What even stranger is that many infections wont show quickly so false negatives result, though i am not 100% sure of that, or what the relative incubation periods are. Also tests that require a waiting period for results?
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