Until you give all animals equal rights to humans,


Shut up about Ethics, ethics are not ethical if it's selfish.

Don't tell other people what's right and wrong when you yourelf are not pure, who are all of you to judge ethical standards of other living creatures, mind your own business unless your trying to become perfect and pure yourself.

Next time you eat a piece of meat, (that you cowardly did not kill yourself) think about how you would taste in my burger, because I dont find it wrong to shoot you anymore than shooting a pig. your all the same, little animals. most of you are only alive because the system protects the weak, you would be a meal and some hide without protection from the bad people.

If you live by the gun you die by the gun, so when you cry over your loved ones graves when they pass, remember all the lives you have contributed to taking. yes lives animals had lives too.

For the cocky people that are thinking that insects and dumb little cows are not worth of life as much as we are, how would you really act if I had a shotgun and blew off your right leg then pointed it at your face. I bet you would'nt think "circle of life, part of the food chain" then would you. you would be screaming for help like a little baby. where I would be reaching for my pistol to fire back with a smile on my face.

You love how that meat tasted, but your just a walking sack of meat to dont ever forget that and start thinking your superior and more deserving of life because your not and I would be able to take the life of every one of you here, nobody is untouchable. Don't throw lives away so carelessly, even if it's just an ant avoid it if you can. Don't just step on it.

There is no such thing as right and wrong.

And as for man, man is the most intelligent, most cunning creature. It is not that we are just superficially superior, but rather through our actions and our impact, we are definitely superior. And the more man learns, the more powerful he becomes; and eventually as man understand his world and how it works (through scientific inquiry and man's ability of logic), man will transcend nature itself.

I say.
There is no such thing as right and wrong.

And as for man, man is the most intelligent, most cunning creature. It is not that we are just superficially superior, but rather through our actions and our impact, we are definitely superior. And the more man learns, the more powerful he becomes; and eventually as man understand his world and how it works (through scientific inquiry and man's ability of logic), man will transcend nature itself.

I say.

Yes yes, but thats my point. so what if im superior to somebody and I want to eat him. He will survive due to the protection that this system gives him. Which basicaly concludes that humans have abolished our natural predadors completely, we will become overpopulated and destroy ourselves leaving 95% of the population is complete savage poverty.

Im not saying whats right or wrong im saying it's either one rule for everybody or fuck it anything goes. if you wanna kill then you have to be prepared to die yourself.

It's not very ethical if you kill a lamb, but in turn don't like the fact that I will kill you and spit roast you no homo style.

Oh, of course.

I do definitely recognize that life is all about competition; even among humans. Whether we like it or not, the way it is is simple: the strong survive, the weak die.

However, that is not to say we cannot voluntarily agree to not harm each other for mutual benefit.

Although I do acknowledge that ultimately, might makes right.
You bastard!

Now I'm craving a big juicy grilled hamberger! We just got a little mini grill and we are going to be charring the flesh tomorrow. The downey eye cows are going down.

Animals have the right to be fun to pet, fun to eat or fun to wear.
Shut up about Ethics, ethics are not ethical if it's selfish.

Don't tell other people what's right and wrong when you yourelf are not pure, who are all of you to judge ethical standards of other living creatures, mind your own business unless your trying to become perfect and pure yourself.

Next time you eat a piece of meat, (that you cowardly did not kill yourself) think about how you would taste in my burger, because I dont find it wrong to shoot you anymore than shooting a pig. your all the same, little animals. most of you are only alive because the system protects the weak, you would be a meal and some hide without protection from the bad people.

If you live by the gun you die by the gun, so when you cry over your loved ones graves when they pass, remember all the lives you have contributed to taking. yes lives animals had lives too.

For the cocky people that are thinking that insects and dumb little cows are not worth of life as much as we are, how would you really act if I had a shotgun and blew off your right leg then pointed it at your face. I bet you would'nt think "circle of life, part of the food chain" then would you. you would be screaming for help like a little baby. where I would be reaching for my pistol to fire back with a smile on my face.

You love how that meat tasted, but your just a walking sack of meat to dont ever forget that and start thinking your superior and more deserving of life because your not and I would be able to take the life of every one of you here, nobody is untouchable. Don't throw lives away so carelessly, even if it's just an ant avoid it if you can. Don't just step on it.


Not that I don't agree with you 100% chi, because I do...but what brought this on?
You should go ask Orly what she thinks about dogs.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and he gave us domion over the earth and all that is in it. This includes the beasts of the earth. God give animals to us for plessure, but at the same time He give them to us for food. But in the Bible it does mention something about the unessary abuse of animals. In other words if you have an ox to help plow your field then take care of it. Make sure it's fed and watered so that it can help complete your task. Don't beat the heck out of it so that it want be no good in other words. But to compare the life of another human to an animal there is now comparrising. Humans have souls when animals don't. The slaughter of an animal can be justified but to meaninglessy kill a human being it's called murder. And to eat the flesh of another human is defiling, and sick.
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...You love how that meat tasted, but your just a walking sack of meat to dont ever forget that and start thinking your superior and more deserving of life because your not and I would be able to take the life of every one of you here, nobody is untouchable. ....

I am superior. But if I'm ever caught in the wild by a squirrel with a gun, then I'm not. The squirrel is.
There is a pecking order, even in humans. We differentiate and assign value. My niece is more valuable to me than a stranger kid who would be more valuable to me than a wild rat with lice.

Chi, as a westerner, even if you're "vegan," you exploit animals all the time. Step off. Do you use commercial cleaning products? Medicine?

Sorry. Another thing that makes life valuable is comprehension/empathy. I'm going to argue eating eggs or humanly euthanizing coma patients just isn't the same as shooting a sentient person. Chill.
There is a pecking order, even in humans. We differentiate and assign value. My niece is more valuable to me than a stranger kid who would be more valuable to me than a wild rat with lice.

Chi, as a westerner, even if you're "vegan," you exploit animals all the time. Step off. Do you use commercial cleaning products? Medicine?

Sorry. Another thing that makes life valuable is comprehension/empathy. I'm going to argue eating eggs or humanly euthanizing coma patients just isn't the same as shooting a sentient person. Chill.

Congratulations on missing Chi's point of contention! You win a "Missed the clue train" prize!
Congrats for thinking Chi had a point - it'd be a first. :D
Yo Chi!!!
How's it going man?
And no, I'm still not teaching you any of my Jedi shit ;)
I think I got it.

But all life ISN'T equal. I'm sorry. And you're going to get ahead based on being better, and if you're weaker, you get exploited. Life isn't fair. Now, ethics keep us with that clever little thing we call "civilization." I like it, so I support certain ethic principles that I think make the world better. To say all life is equal is to say it's all equally worthless, which throws a big old dada-esque monkey wrench in the mix.
Shut up about Ethics, ethics are not ethical if it's selfish.

Don't tell other people what's right and wrong when you yourelf are not pure, who are all of you to judge ethical standards of other living creatures, mind your own business unless your trying to become perfect and pure yourself.

Next time you eat a piece of meat, (that you cowardly did not kill yourself) think about how you would taste in my burger, because I dont find it wrong to shoot you anymore than shooting a pig. your all the same, little animals. most of you are only alive because the system protects the weak, you would be a meal and some hide without protection from the bad people.

If you live by the gun you die by the gun, so when you cry over your loved ones graves when they pass, remember all the lives you have contributed to taking. yes lives animals had lives too.

For the cocky people that are thinking that insects and dumb little cows are not worth of life as much as we are, how would you really act if I had a shotgun and blew off your right leg then pointed it at your face. I bet you would'nt think "circle of life, part of the food chain" then would you. you would be screaming for help like a little baby. where I would be reaching for my pistol to fire back with a smile on my face.

You love how that meat tasted, but your just a walking sack of meat to dont ever forget that and start thinking your superior and more deserving of life because your not and I would be able to take the life of every one of you here, nobody is untouchable. Don't throw lives away so carelessly, even if it's just an ant avoid it if you can. Don't just step on it.


You forgot '</rant>' btw ;)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and he gave us domion over the earth and all that is in it. This includes the beasts of the earth. God give animals to us for plessure, but at the same time He give them to us for food. But in the Bible it does mention something about the unessary abuse of animals. In other words if you have an ox to help plow your field then take care of it. Make sure it's fed and watered so that it can help complete your task. Don't beat the heck out of it so that it want be no good in other words. But to compare the life of another human to an animal there is now comparrising. Humans have souls when animals don't. The slaughter of an animal can be justified but to meaninglessy kill a human being it's called murder. And to eat the flesh of another human is defiling, and sick.

Yeah that's great, if your moral judgement's lay soley within a book then your just following orders. A truley kind man will do good deed's through his own accord not because it is a written chore one must complete. I don't even like helping people it takes up my precious time. I never believed in a god fully until recently, I helped people because I thought it was the right thing to do and I can't stand by watching innocent's suffer. If your heart's intention and true desire is to be evil and selfish but you try to change it to be good that shows strength. When somebody helps others because it makes them feel good are they truley good people?, or are they selfish maybe, doing it for personal gains.

Ethical debates I find are the most hypocritical of all types of discussion, If you are so superior then why ask for police and the army to protect you. You forget yourselves as humans, you are no more enlightened to god's true majesty than a barnyard swine is.

Instead of using your bible to make judgements try using your god given tools like your brain, gut feeling and instinct.

What does it mean to be truley "good" or truley "kind" or "pure". What do those words mean to 99% of human peons?.

I don't eat animals because I think I'm superior, I eat them because they are made of meat, which is tasty. They would eat me too if I gave them a chance, but fortunately humans are smarter most of the time.
You love how that meat tasted, but your just a walking sack of meat to dont ever forget that and start thinking your superior and more deserving of life because your not and I would be able to take the life of every one of you here, nobody is untouchable. Don't throw lives away so carelessly, even if it's just an ant avoid it if you can. Don't just step on it.

when a cow comes here and posts then i will listen to him. are you serious or are you trolling?
and dont come here with a confrontational tone and tell us about 'dont hurt ants' and all that crap.