Universal Health Care

madanth said:
Why do you think the cost is so inflated? It's because of insurance companies and the government.
And market forces in a non-market situation.

If the buyer can't shop around, and can't walk away, and can't evaluate the product, what kinds of prices do you think the "market" will end up bearing ?
Asguard, no our president always travels with his private ambulance and a private hospital. Air Force 1 has a fully equiped hospital just for our president. Domestically in the past, when the president has needed emergency treatment, he was taken to the hospital by his security detail, not by ambulance.
what a laugh. I was watching something on the Robert Kennedy assasination. I couldnt belive they through the patients out onto the street before treating him. Yes he oviously needed priority treatment but so does someone having a heart atack. i wondered would there have been any repucutions if someone already in the hospital had died on the street because they through them out?

As well its a laugh that your president needs his own hospital where the PM, the British PM, and the president of China all would be happy to use our normal medical systems. What a waste of tax payers money
I may have misrepresented, if he is in the United States and is injured he would be taken to a regular hospital. But he also has medical facilties on Air Force 1 and in the White House where he resides. The president is seen an the Naval Hospital (Bethseda) for routine medical stuff.
i was talking about the fact that he brought an ambulance to Australia for APEC. I doubt that Kevin Rudd travels to china or the US with his own ambulance
I don't want socialized medicine. I don't want the quality of healthcare to go down the toilet. I don't want to be forced to pay for other's healthcare. I don't want anything to do with it. It's bad for people. Bad for America.

The number of Canadians and Britons coming here for healthcare is astounding. They have to wait up to 6 months for emergency brain operations back home. The USA has the best healthcare money can buy. Let's keep it that way.

i have to admit i waited 2 years for an emergency hysterectomy and i never once considered going to america to have it done, i did end up though, having it done privatly because the NHS was taking to long, so they passed my records to a private doctor.

(and for the record, if you need a hysterectomy, and if it can be avoided AVOID it)
For the conservaatives amoung us, in order for freemarkets to work we need free markets. Unfortunately, in the United States Healthcare Industry we have government acting to restrict supply inorder to benefit certian segements of the population at the expense of the overall government and tax payer. This has gotten so bad, we are in deep do-do.
This is why we need new ideas to old problems. We need to stop artifically limiting supply by government fiat be this for the drug industry or for the professionals. We need to remove barriers to entry. We need to look at new and better ways of training physicans. Why can we train a Physican Assistant who can pretty much do what a physican can do in two years versus 8 years for a physican?

Conservatives should be at least as outraged over the artificial restriction of healthcare suppliers as they are the demand for Universal Healthcare. Universal healthcare is necessary because of the artificial resricitions on supply and competition by the industry using the government as its agent.

I don't care how many tax credits the Republicans give away for healthcare insurance. They will never solve the problem until they address the fundamental issues of costs (supply and demand). Republicans seem focused on giving away tax money, which excerbates the problem and does nothing to drive down cost or improve avaliablity of healthcare services. Instead of giving subsidies to the industry in the form of tax credits, why dont' they train more physcians? Instead, of preventing price negotitations with drug vendors, why don't they encourgage price competition in the drug industry versus making it illegal?

Oh, I forgot that might not go over well with the lobbyists and our elected representatives.
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Mod Hat - You can't call it what it is if doing so isn't nice

Mod Hat - You can't call it what it is if doing so isn't nice

Just a general note. I've received a couple of complaints about this topic, and while I'm not treating either as specifically actionable, they do raise a general complaint that requires some consideration. Some folks spend what is, really, a stupid amount of effort trying to be as generally offensive as possible, but cry and whine whenever they're called out specifically.

My advice, in this case, is that the rest of you should just put that person on ignore. That way, you don't have to worry about obsolete conservative talking points that nobody—not even the conservatives—believes anymore, and I don't have to put up with stupid complaints in my email demanding that I come in here and tell someone to "STFU".

Because, really: some people who live for being cruel to their fellow human beings just can't take the idea that they're not the greatest thing under the sun.

Okay? I know. I see. And I'm not thrilled about the prospect of protecting such behavior. But if you're one of those who is pretty sure that you're better than that person, I'll be happy to agree in general, but I must also remind you that life isn't fair, and you're expected to act the part.