Unhappy Halloween

Lori_7 said:
Hi Dave,

There will be a new government..global economy under the control of the antichrist. If you don't take the mark, you can't buy or sell. Those who do not take the mark will definately be rejected and persecuted.

Hiya Lori,

Yes, this does look like how the mark will be ushered in but I was more interested in the logistical side of things based on your fruit theory. How can you be limited to buying and selling if you don't eat this fruit?

A micro chip implant will certainly happen at some stage, does this tie in with what you said somehow?


davewhite04 said:
Hiya Lori,

Yes, this does look like how the mark will be ushered in but I was more interested in the logistical side of things based on your fruit theory. How can you be limited to buying and selling if you don't eat this fruit?

A micro chip implant will certainly happen at some stage, does this tie in with what you said somehow?



A micro chip? I don't know...I do know that the chip itself is certainly NOT the mark...the mark is definitely a genetic alteration that is achieved through the blood. I don't understand the fruit entirely, but somehow it is involved, or at least was with this man...this rock star. From what he describes, the fruit is carnivorous, like a venus flytrap is. After it's consumed, what he describes kind of sounds like a process of transfusion, that the fruit somehow assists. *shrug* I don't understand it entirely, but I know that there was something inside of him...eating away at his insides...making him very sick...killing him. And I know that there was a lot of bleeding going on. I also gather that there was another aspect to the process that involved the aliens, and something that they did to him...some kind of renewal. So the fruit assisted in getting rid of, or consuming the old, and the aliens assisted in replacing it with new....like a transfusion of blood. Keep in mind, this information is derived for the most part from song lyrics, so I don't understand all there is to know, or have the details entirely, but it's the best I can do right now to explain.

I would imagine that it may be made obvious somehow, who has taken the mark and who hasn't...whether that be achieved through an id implant, or a tatoo, or something else. It may even be obvious in some physical way that one has taken it, I'm not sure. You would never be able to tell that this rock star had anything "wrong" with him by looking...he has always looked...um...normal. Actually, he's always looked damn good. But you know, people look from a distance, and there may be something indicative that people just aren't looking for or don't recognize.

If the antichrist controls the global economy and the government, you could easily be denied purchase or sale rights to any and everything based upon whether or not you have taken the mark...a simple "no, you can't do business here" would suffice wouldn't it? Kind of like the way blacks were treated in the US not too long ago...if you were black, you weren't allowed to eat in a white only restaurant.

There are probably a million or so relevant factors that I'm not thinking of, just because we're so far removed from it at this point, and it's hard to speculate how it will all go down specifically. But I do know that the mark itself is not the implanted chip. A chip could be used to indicate that the genetic alteration has taken place. But it is the genetic change that constitutes a denial of Christ, and results in spiritual death.


But here's the thing...if I come out here in a public forum, and tell my story about what's happened to me...about this miracle...and I name him. Then when it's all said and done, and we're finally together...testifying to this "miracle"...people could say that it was corroborated....fabricated it between the two of us. And this is why...

I guess people could and would say it was corroborated regardless, or find some other reason to deny your claims. I fail to see any real problems.. You talk about this rock star a lot, mention what his songs are about and so forth, and I would just consider it a more solid base with which to approach the issue.

Say if I came out here to exosci or any other public place on the net, and told my crazy story and named this man. People could say that he "by chance" came out here himself and read what I posted and decided to go along with it. So he corroborates my story, gets himself some crazy Jesus freak for a wife, and some free publicity for the band. With everything that both of us have been through, it still wouldn't wash. There are too many witnesses...too many circumstances.

With too many witnesses and too many circumstances, it then shouldn't be a problem naming him, regardless to what a few die-hard skeptics would say.

[quote[But still...people will be desperately searching for a way to discredit us, and I don't want to give anyone any help.[/quote]

It wouldn't change anything. Look at all the fanatic nutbags that still try to argue against evolution.

I'm really sorry that I won't tell you his name.

You can do as you please, it isn't anything I can't handle. I would just view it as a step in the right direction.

Hey, do you remember when you asked me about what music I liked and what my fave band was? Well you never replied back about why you asked me that or what it told you about me. Oh, and I forgot the red hot chili peppers too, and how could I forget them?

Was just curious. Music taste says a lot about people.

And you know how you also asked me to close my eyes and tell you what I saw? Well, I did, and you didn't reply as to what that told you about me either and why.

Again, I was just curious. :D I can go into an explanation if you really want me to, but it would mean finding the old post.

Yea, you know, I'm not really even sure if my logic is working on this one or not...there is so much to consider...so many circumstances and information...and I've been through so much because of this...so much change. To be quite honest with you, my head is still spinning. Maybe even more now since I've "come down" than before...trying to sort it all out mentally is a challenge to me...and honestly, I'm quite exhausted from it all. I don't even really feel like attempting to anymore...not by myself anyway...I need help doing it...I need my rock star. He is the ONLY one who can help me...I need him like I've never needed anything before in my entire life...and that is so strange to me. Strange and wonderful.

What I can say for sure is that I know that whatever I do or say, I'm not able, as a human being to thwart God's plan or purpose...so it's not like I even need be concerned about "screwing it up" as I said before. It's just that I have felt all along that blabbing his name out here was not the right thing to do. It's not like I've gotten clear cut instructions from God regarding this either...it's just an impression that I've gotten. I'm just not comfortable with it.

Besides, the people that I have told...friends and family....they still don't get it. Even though I can explain his lyrics and things that he says in interviews, and other observable things about him, they still don't believe me. Only because they don't want to believe me. They say that he's just being artistic and metaphorical and eccentric, when actually I know that he's being fairly straight forward and literal, and simply coping with his condition to the best of his ability...which his ability is stellar by the way. When I try to explain things to my friends and family, they use the word coincedence soooooooooooooooo much that it's insane. And I point it out to them, like, "Do you realize that during this fifteen minute conversation we've had, that you've used the word 'coincedence' ten times?" And they still cling to that word as if it is their lifeline or something. I can't even stand hearing the word anymore, and now refer to it as "the c word". They just don't want to see the truth about this...it's too over the top...it's too meaningful....it's too consequential....and it's way too spiritual. They don't want to hear about it at all...for the most part they just tune me out. And do you know what's going to piss me off? Is when rock star does show up, they'll all be hanging on to his every last word as if it is the gospel itself...so eager to talk to him about it, and so eager to listen to him explain...someone that they don't even know. While all this time, I've been dying for someone to talk to...for someone to listen to me and believe me...and they haven't given me the time of day...their own daughter, sister, and friend. God's already shown me how much this will hurt my feelings and piss me off, so I'm working on getting over it ahead of time.

Anyway, it'll be over and out there soon enough...when the time is perfect. We'll talk all about it then. I'm sure that you can talk to him about it directly at some point. He's no Belinda Carlisle, but I think that you'll like him and respect him just the same.

