Unhappy Halloween

yes, i'm lying. i'm a wretched evil delusional liar and you are right about everything. thank god someone like you came along and exposed me for the snake i am.

do you EVER say anything worth while? of any relevance or meaning or importance or sincerity? ever? all you seem to do is waffle around calling people liars and contradicting everything i might say, but you never seem to have a reason to do so, or a point of your own.

i keep trying to sincerely talk to you and tell you about what i've been through and all you do is twist my words and when you can no longer do that you just call me delusional or a liar. that is weak...and tiresome. get a new line. get a point.

the fact is that you know absolutely nothing about what has happened to me, and that's because you have absolutely no interest in knowing. if you did, you would ask sincere questions instead of assuming you know everything already and closemindedly hurling insults. you believe what you want to believe snake...nobody's stopping you. you're a fool who makes up his mind arbitrarily. you pick and choose what you want to believe and then shut your eyes and put your hands over your ears and loudly repeat, "i can't hear you! i can't hear you! you're a liar! you're a liar!" over and over like an idiot child. You can wish me to be a liar all you want, but that sure as hell doesn't make it so. Best wishes asshole.
I am pleased you are chosen Lori_7.

Keep asking Him for more. God loves an asker.

Micah 6

8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

God bless you

so which is it anyway, just out of sheer curiosity? am i a severely delusional nutcase, to the degree in which i should be locked up, or at the very least extremely medicated, as i have dreamed this whole thing up in my twisted, demented mind? or am i an extremely crafty, to the point of sheer genius, and ill-intentioned liar, who has masterminded this vast conspiracy in corroboration with said rock star for publicity's sake and to make millions (evil laugh)!? oh silly me, i forgot...you don't have an arguement or a case to support either claim, as it doesn't really matter which one it is, as long as it is one or the other, and you don't have to admit that you could possibly be wrong about anything. nevermind.
c20H25N3o said:
I am pleased you are chosen Lori_7.

Keep asking Him for more. God loves an asker.

Micah 6

8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

God bless you


you're so awesome...not just some trite expression, but truly awe inspiring. thank you for helping me...you always do. love you...lori.
do you EVER say anything worth while?

Sure. However, I generally find 'patients' don't consider anything one might say as "worthwhile".

There was a guy I saw who thought he was related to the queen. He also thought he was white, when he was actually a coloured man. When I asked him what he thought of other people claiming he was actually coloured, he would state their comments as "worthless" and wrong.

When you are in 'your position', anything that goes against that can undoubtedly be labelled as worthless. If I said something that agreed 100% with what you believe and feel, we both know you would never have said what you just have, instead you would see EVERY word of mine as "worthwhile". It is merely because I disagree with you, that you state otherwise.

of any relevance or meaning or importance or sincerity?

I am generally sincere, and if not most will know, I always try to stay relevant to the comments made to me by others, and importance is a completely subjective thing. Much that "jesus" is not important to me, making your claims inherently "worthless", what I say to you would come across as being the same, and lead to the same conclusion in your mind.

The only plausible way in which we could continue is by providing evidence, and finding a position to which we both agree.

all you seem to do is waffle around calling people liars and contradicting everything i might say

Let it be know, that this is probably the first time I have ever called anyone a 'liar' on this forum. Of course, this is memory dependant and can be faulty - but I give you the opportunity to disprove that by showing that "all I seem to do" is call people liars. Spend some time going through threads I have posted in, (the easy way is to click my name and click on threads I have posted in). Kindly accept the challenge and show that all I do is call people liars, or if you can't, feel free to apologise for the malicious and faulty accusation.

As for contradicting what you say.. That is what you do, not I.

i keep trying to sincerely talk to you and tell you about what i've been through and all you do is twist my words and when you can no longer do that you just call me delusional or a liar. that is weak...and tiresome. get a new line. get a point.

Am I not talking to you sincerely? As for your other comments, I have given you the opportunity to support your claims, so back them up.

Further to which, I fail to see the problem. Are we not open to saying whatever we want? You told me you say it how you see it, and the same would be acceptable for me in that case. You called me an ass, an idiot, a moron, and a lazy bastard, all because that's how you see it. As such, is it not my absolute right to call you whatever I feel, based upon how I see it?

the fact is that you know absolutely nothing about what has happened to me

You see how people have this habit of using the word "fact" where it clearly does not belong? You spent post upon post telling me what has happened to you, and as such I do know. As a result, the word "fact" is in a place it doesn't belong.

and that's because you have absolutely no interest in knowing. if you did, you would ask sincere questions instead of assuming you know everything already and closemindedly hurling insults.

f course I have interest, so much so that I have even asked you to paste a link to these discussions you had with your rock star. You keep ignoring that while claiming I have no interest. It seems you have no interest in letting me learn about what's "happened", and yet try and blame that on me.

As for "closemindedly hurling insults": Need I bring up "ass, idiot, moron, lazy bastard"? This is hypcorisy, Lori.

you believe what you want to believe snake..

How many times? How many times must I repeat myself for your benefit? I 'believe' that which the evidence shows and supports. That's it.

you're a fool who makes up his mind arbitrarily.

No, I'm a "fool" who makes up his mind with absolute consideration to the evidence that is presented.

you pick and choose what you want to believe and then shut your eyes and put your hands over your ears and loudly repeat, "i can't hear you! i can't hear you! you're a liar! you're a liar!" over and over like an idiot child.

I have done that.. where exactly? I dare you to quote and point out the thread.

You can wish me to be a liar all you want, but that sure as hell doesn't make it so.

Oh, so we now turn to the "supernatural". As we've come now to 'wishes', let me tell you, I have more reason to wish you'd paste a link and provide some evidence than to wish you were anything. What you 'are' is meaningless to me - but that too relies on the evidence that is presented.

Best wishes asshole.

Very cheerful. Time of the month?

so which is it anyway, just out of sheer curiosity? am i a severely delusional nutcase, to the degree in which i should be locked up, or at the very least extremely medicated, as i have dreamed this whole thing up in my twisted, demented mind?

While there are most certainly some serious issues that need attending to, and I would - without a doubt - recommend you speak to someone, I would not strap you in a straight jacket just yet.

or am i an extremely crafty, to the point of sheer genius, and ill-intentioned liar, who has masterminded this vast conspiracy in corroboration with said rock star for publicity's sake and to make millions (evil laugh)!?

If you seek a professional opinion, I would have to say no to the above.

oh silly me, i forgot...you don't have an arguement or a case to support either claim, as it doesn't really matter which one it is,

And so finally, after all this time, you concur entirely with my whole argument. Here you demand that I have something with which to support claims, (i.e evidence), and yet, even though I've stated it a million times, you completely ignore it when I say it.

Remember when I said "evidence is a must for every human"? Here you prove my point, and show that you arguing that I don't have a point is wrong.

Would I now not be justified in saying "you don't have an arguement or a case to support either claim, as it doesn't really matter which one it is", when blithering on with your jesus speeches?

as long as it is one or the other, and you don't have to admit that you could possibly be wrong about anything.

I could be wrong about everything. But a dozen times I have offered you the chance to present evidence. You have failed, ignored and passed up every single one of these opportunities - and yet in your last quote, we see you agreeing to the importance of evidence.



The forums archives are on a link on the bottom of the main page. I would rather suggest though...if you wish...to do a search on my old member profile Lori. You will see that I am not openly corroborating with anyone regarding anything. That doesn't prove anything though. In the end...any correspondence that we could have had...at the very least since the miracle happened...has it been eight months now?...would have been documented somehow. There are witnesses...phone records...postal records...computer files...people who know us...are really close to us who know. I mean, he can't scratch his ass without someone taking a pic of it and putting it on the internet so. And I surely don't live in a vacuum...the people who know me will testify to my character...my whereabouts...my state of mind. But don't worry, you will be able to assume all of them to be crazy liars as well.

I wonder why it is that you want me to be lying so much. I wonder why you assume this and are so close-minded. I wonder what purpose you propose that I have for lying...for making all of this up. I wonder if you even really believe what you yourself says at times.

And I wonder...can you please tell me...what evidence could there be of a spiritual relationship with God through Christ? I mean, I can witness to you...I can give you my testimony, which I have much...I can tell you about conversations that we've had...things that he's taught me. But you just call me insane, or a liar. So I don't understand what type of evidence you are looking for. Do you want a lock of his hair? His head on a platter maybe would be more to your taste? It's a spiritual phenomenon...a spiritual relationship...not a physical one. The only physical evidence is the fruit of the spirit. You can see it in my life. My family and friends have witnessed it...the changes in me. But you can say that I made the changes myself, and of my own will and knowledge with no help from God. That's why I keep telling you that I can't do this for you...I can't provide you with evidence. That is something that you have to acquire yourself...personally...from God. And please don't come back at me as if you can't understand what I'm saying...I'm exhausted from your circular rhetoric...certainly you can understand what I am saying if you are an educated man as you claim. The only way for you to have evidence of a personal spiritual relationship with God is to have one with Him yourself. Certainly you can see how this makes sense right? This isn't rocket science...so please...have mercy.

If one day you see that my rock star comes for me...validates what I've said. If there are witnesses...investigations and the like to support our claim. Would you change your mind? Would you at least open it a crack?

Listen, I'm sorry that I've called you names...become frustrated with you and spoken harshly to you. I'm no Jesus...that is clear...but that is no excuse. I wish that I was a stronger person still...a nicer person...a smarter person...and quieter...much quieter. I really can't stand myself most times.

I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing...if anything at all besides just waiting. I've felt this way since the moment he kissed me. And I've been running around furiously doing all of these things that seem so stupid and futile to me afterwards. I've never felt so inept and lost and out of control. Which is appropriate, because God has control of me...which is exactly what I want, and what I've asked for and received. So I feel and have felt like a puppet in this "rock star miracle show". I don't understand much at all...I don't have many or most of the answers. Just when I think I've got some piece of it figured out the scenery changes...act II...act III...act VII. So, I don't know why I'm out here talking to you...you don't believe me...no one believes me. Again...seemingly futile.

God spoke to my friend and told her to tell me to watch this movie called Labyrinth a couple of weeks ago. Have you ever seen it? David Bowie is in it...which is cool...love him. He plays a wicked king of some land. The girl in the story is a spoiled little brat like me and she complains of having to babysit her little brother so she casts a spell that she reads in some book that asks for the wicked king to come and take him, and much to her dismay, her spell works. So she sets out to rescue him, but in order to get him back, she has to make her way through a labyrinth that leads to the king's castle. In the labyrinth "nothing is as it seems". She is continually frustrated because she can't solve it, and everything she does gets her nowhere...back to the beginning maybe. The labyrinth doesn't play by her rules and she is constantly whining about it not being fair...which so reminds me of myself. But she meets a bunch of muppets along the way...which is cool cause muppets are cool...and they all become friends and they help her to find her way to the kings castle and their lives end up changed for the better because of their new friendship and their victory over the evil king. So this is God telling me that I'm not supposed to know or understand what is going on. That nothing is what it seems to me. I'm not supposed to understand what to do...what I'm supposed to do is just trust Him and let Him control things...and He will see to it that the puzzle is solved so to speak...He will take care of getting me to where I need to be...and seeing to it that the things that need to be done are done. I know that there is a reason for the things that I do and have done...but I have no idea really what the reason is...which is hard...on my flesh. I'm a former control freak. In the past five years He's taught me to let go of everything...to give everything to Him...and so I have. But it's weird...I feel my flesh wanting to fight for control...whine...shit, have a fit...and I have to knock it back down...ask Him for help. He always helps me. My best guess is that all of the people around me have witnessed me running about and doing...things...odd things I suppose. I am witnessing to them that something has indeed happened to me...and perhaps in the end they will witness to others about what they've seen in me.

Anyway...I'm rambling...but hell...why not? It passes the time. I'm sorry that I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm sorry that I can't provide you with evidence. I'm sorry that I've gotten frustrated with you and taken it out on you...it's not your fault...it's mine.
SnakeLord, from what Lori said, she's not lying, maybe delusional. Really, to go to all this trouble posting a story on a message board with no monetary gain, while knowing the story a lie, is unlikely. But no reason to discount the supernatural, including evil.

Lori, what it comes down to, I think, is that you should investigate everything with a trained doctor, and reject anything supernatural that makes you afraid or deteriorates your condition.
okinrus said:
SnakeLord, from what Lori said, she's not lying, maybe delusional. Really, to go to all this trouble posting a story on a message board with no monetary gain, while knowing the story a lie, is unlikely. But no reason to discount the supernatural, including evil.

Lori, what it comes down to, I think, is that you should investigate everything with a trained doctor, and reject anything supernatural that makes you afraid or deteriorates your condition.

Well thank the Lord for someone with a point! How refreshing.

My parents asked me to go in for an MRI of my head shortly after this first happened. They wanted to make sure that I didn't have a brain tumor or something...after I had told them most of the details of the event...and of what God had told me...shown me. They wanted to investigate a medical or biological problem rather than a mental one because my state of mind and my mentality seemed/seems just fine...actually never better. Aside from them not being about to believe what I was saying to them regarding this spiritual occurrence. The fruit of the spirit is good...and they have not been able to deny that. Because of what has happened to me, I am healthier and happier and more fulfilled than I have ever been in my entire life, and they can see that...it is obvious. While at the very same time, this event resulted in me quitting every addiction that I had cold turkey with no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever...that in itself being a miracle. Especially when it came to the nicotine...a 22 year, pack a day addict...severe addict. Not to mention the caffeine, alcohol, and marijuana. I would not have considered myself an alcoholic per se, but someone who was emotionally addicted to an altered state of mind...in whatever form I could get it bar having to shoot something into my veins. Pot being my drug of choice...a 21 year pot head...baked pretty much from sun up to sun down, aside from the days that I spent in an office being an accountant/financial analyst...coudn't do that high...but could do damn near everything else high. My father wanted to follow up with a visit to a psychologist when we found that there was nothing wrong with my head. They had already spent about 2K on the mri so I asked him if he would consider holding off on the shrink...the thought of talking to one was just so...so....blahhhhhhhhhhh. Everyone has been anxiously awaiting my "breakdown" see...awaiting the time when it sinks in that my rock star really isn't coming to get me, and that somehow this is all a lie, or my imagination or whatever, and I lose it and dive deep into a state of depression. That this is a manic behaviour that I'm exhibiting and that I'm sure to at some point hit a low. So with that in mind, I asked my dad to consider saving the shrink for this "low" that I'm supposed to hit, and he agreed. He agreed that it seemed silly to send me to a psychologist for being happier and healthier and less self-destructive than I've ever been in my life. Hey...the fruit never tells a lie. And as fruity as I may seem to be...this fruit is good, not rotten. Yum, yum.
I'm a little curious, if not completely skeptical;
Why is the Almighty hooking up suburban non-starving minor problem middle-aged girl with rock star, while His believers perish day and night, from lack of food, clean water, or from the Muslim's sword?
I see very little justice in what God is doing here, Lori_7, and God is either not as you claim, but an injust fuck, or you're delsuional.
Hell, where's God for the kids with cancer?
Where's God for those without homes?

I hate the idea of an unjust God.

Did you ever think this may be the Devil's work?
Roman said:
I'm a little curious, if not completely skeptical;
Why is the Almighty hooking up suburban non-starving minor problem middle-aged girl with rock star, while His believers perish day and night, from lack of food, clean water, or from the Muslim's sword?
I see very little justice in what God is doing here, Lori_7, and God is either not as you claim, but an injust fuck, or you're delsuional.
Hell, where's God for the kids with cancer?
Where's God for those without homes?

I hate the idea of an unjust God.

Did you ever think this may be the Devil's work?

No, I know His voice, and I have heard the voice of the other side as well. He is there Roman, for everyone. What is happening to me is to reveal the prophecy of the Book of Revelation. Prophecy regarding the mark of the beast. The rock star that I've been talking about was afflicted with this mark...has lived with it for 7 years...and was healed of it. THAT is the miracle of which I speak...anything and everything else is just part of it. The rock star has been revealed to me to be John reincarnated. John, who wrote the Book of Revelation. He has sufferred the mark...he knows how it is perpetuated...he knows the end times deception of the antichrist and the false prophet. He has lived through it, and will now prophesy about what he has lived through to warn and save many from the same deception. Let me give you some scripture...

This is Revelation ch10 The Angel and the Little Scroll

Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion, When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, "Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down."

Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, "There will be no more delay! But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets."

Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: "Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land."

So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, "Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey." I took the little scroll from the angels hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. Then I was told, "You must prophesy again about many people's, nations, languages and kings."


Ok, this was written by John and about what he experienced while "in the spirit". And my question is when? When was he to prophesy again about many people's, nations, languages, and kings? The answer is at the time of the end...at the time when it is relevant and happening...or about to happen...when the angel is about to sound the trumpet. The prophecy was sealed as you read in the first paragraph, when he was told to not write down what the 7 thunders spoke to him. The second paragraph tells when it will be told. The third paragraph tells the way in which it will be revealed. The fourth paragraph tell by whom...that is John himself. The prophecy is about the mark of the beast. Eating the scroll is indicative of taking the mark. The mark is obtained just as the fall of man in the garden...by eating a fruit. This fruit is a carnivorous one...like a venus flytrap is carnivorous. The mark is a genetic alteration that ensues...by the blood...through the blood. It makes the flesh immortal, while it kills the spirit. As the fall of man was a genetic change that placed a veil between man and God with the sin that was instilled into our flesh...the mark is the final nail in the coffin...separating us from Him completely. Sweet in the mouth and sour in the stomach denotes the deception. It is presented by a false saviour, as a false salvation...a false rebirth...a false eternal life. It is false because it is a rebirth of the flesh, not of the spirit as Jesus taught...and it is a torturous eternal life of the flesh, not of the spirit as Jesus taught.

Later in Revelations, when God's wrath is being poured out onto the earth, it says that men shall seek death in those days but will not find it. And that is why...because of the mark, their flesh can not die. The only way that they will cease to exist is to be burned by fire...to disintegrate.

This is happening to me so that people will know that God's hand is on us...and that this is truly the Holy Spirit of God that is revealing this prophecy through us. And so that when the time comes that this mark is offerred and the deception is offerred, that people will know the truth, because we have prophesied this to be true, and the mark will be rejected by those who believe, and they will be saved. Many, many will be saved.

This man...what better a man to prophesy these things...being in the position that he is...world renown. Millions looking at him and anticipating his answer. They want to know...what is with him? What is it about him? They know it's something, but not what. Soon everyone will know. God is there for everyone...every one of us. You can be sure of that. You will see. Soon.
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My father wanted to follow up with a visit to a psychologist when we found that there was nothing wrong with my head. They had already spent about 2K on the mri so I asked him if he would consider holding off on the shrink...the thought of talking to one was just so...so....blahhhhhhhhhhh.
2K is a lot, especially if you don't have health insurance or it's not covered. The mri, I don't think, rules out a brain tumor--sometimes they go without detection if they're in their early stages. You should trust God, but there's no need to unquestioningly believe everything you see and hear.
You should trust God, but there's no need to unquestioningly believe everything you see and hear.

According to the Bible:

Hebrews 1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.
3By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.

The last thing I heard, doubting Thomas was rebuked by Jesus: "Do not be unbelieving, but believing." and ""Thomas,[4] because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
I tell you what Lori..

I know a way we can clear this matter up instantly. Why don't you tell me the name of this rock star?
Lori_7 said:
The prophecy is about the mark of the beast. Eating the scroll is indicative of taking the mark. The mark is obtained just as the fall of man in the garden...by eating a fruit. This fruit is a carnivorous one...like a venus flytrap is carnivorous. The mark is a genetic alteration that ensues...by the blood...through the blood. It makes the flesh immortal, while it kills the spirit. As the fall of man was a genetic change that placed a veil between man and God with the sin that was instilled into our flesh...the mark is the final nail in the coffin...separating us from Him completely. Sweet in the mouth and sour in the stomach denotes the deception. It is presented by a false saviour, as a false salvation...a false rebirth...a false eternal life. It is false because it is a rebirth of the flesh, not of the spirit as Jesus taught...and it is a torturous eternal life of the flesh, not of the spirit as Jesus taught.

Hiya Lori,

I have been reading and wondering about this post and was hoping you could answer a question regarding it.

If the above quote is true then how would the following fit in with it?

Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I'd much appreciate your thoughts on this, maybe I have misunderstood something.


Hi Lori7,

An observation only, and with sincere respect. I have been surfing these boards for about 7 years and have always appreciated your passion and commitment to your faith in debates and commentary. Your stories regarding the end-times and aliens etc. have always been interesting, but I detect a trend in that your experiences have become steadily more outrageous. I am not doubting the veracity of your experience, but in light of the potential unhappiness these events create for you, were I in your shoes I would seek a consultation with a councillor. There are plenty of "Christian" psychologists in practice, who would be great to have a chat with. What have you got to lose?

SnakeLord said:

Sorry Snakeypoo, I haven't visited this thread in a while. You know, I would loooooooooooooooove to scream his name and everything I know about him from the rooftops...you have no idea. But I don't feel like it's the right thing to do, and I haven't since this whole thing began. As I said before, my friends, co-workers, and family know who he is...his name, and the band that he's in. But here's the thing...if I come out here in a public forum, and tell my story about what's happened to me...about this miracle...and I name him. Then when it's all said and done, and we're finally together...testifying to this "miracle"...people could say that it was corroborated....fabricated it between the two of us. And this is why...

Say if I came out here to exosci or any other public place on the net, and told my crazy story and named this man. People could say that he "by chance" came out here himself and read what I posted and decided to go along with it. So he corroborates my story, gets himself some crazy Jesus freak for a wife, and some free publicity for the band. With everything that both of us have been through, it still wouldn't wash. There are too many witnesses...too many circumstances. This has been going on in our lives for years...separately. Shit, he apparently was my "imaginary" friend when I was a little girl, and before he was born. I know it sounds nuts! :eek: But still...people will be desperately searching for a way to discredit us, and I don't want to give anyone any help.

There's another aspect too you know. I don't have a right to blab his name all over the net or to anyone really. My friends and family are one thing, but a public forum, or someone that I don't know is another. He has a voice...trust me...a real nice one. He has millions of fans listening...quite an audience. When he's ready to spill the beans, he will. It's not my place to do it for him. Right now, he's writing all of this down...what has transpired since this all began. He's writing it down in the form of song lyrics. This album that they are currently putting together will be all about what has happened.

See, that's the whole point of this time spent apart since the miracle took place. I'm here in east bf ohio blabbing my story and mostly in explanation of the changes that have occurred in me and in my life because of it. And he's about 3000 miles away in Cali telling his story in his own way, and in relation to the great change in him as well...yippee for change! I'm so happy for him. And anyway, in the end, our stories are one and the same.

So does that make sense? I'm just trying to do what's right by God and by him. I don't want to screw any of this up you know? I just don't feel like telling his name in this way is the right thing to do. I hope you understand. When all of this does come out and you find out who he is...you'll understand. You'll understand me, and what I've been talking about out here. It won't be long now...I can feel him getting closer...feels good.

I'm really sorry that I won't tell you his name. I'm not trying to be...whatever you may think I'm trying to be...secretive or mysterious or elusive. I'm just trying to do the right thing. This is the most important thing by far that's ever happened to me besides meeting Jesus, and it means everything to me. Not for my sake, but for everyone else's. This is happening as a witness to people...it's important.

Hey, do you remember when you asked me about what music I liked and what my fave band was? Well you never replied back about why you asked me that or what it told you about me. Oh, and I forgot the red hot chili peppers too, and how could I forget them?

And you know how you also asked me to close my eyes and tell you what I saw? Well, I did, and you didn't reply as to what that told you about me either and why. And there was something odd...well, I thought was odd anyway...about what I saw that I didn't mention to you. Probably because it kind of confused me...didn't know what to say about it exactly. But, there was no sky. When I looked up, I could see the trees above me...a canopy kind of...but I couldn't see past them. It was as if my mind's eye was being blocked somehow...I'm not sure. But there was no sun, no moon, no clouds, no stars...no nothing. And there was no light source. I noticed that when I looked around I could see everything just fine...there was no dark...no shadows either. And it wasn't the lights in the trees that were illuminating everything...as there were litte white lights in the trees....maybe fireflies...don't know. I realized that everything had it's own light source inside it. That everything was illuminated in and of itself. Not like there was a "glow" or a shine coming through....it wasn't bright necessarily or glistening. It was subdued and it was a part of the object like on the molecular level...like it was evenly spread out to every little bit of the object...down to it's tiniest particle, and appropriate only to make itself visible, but not to illuminate anything else. Weird huh? I thought it was weird and worth mentioning. *shrug*


davewhite04 said:
Hiya Lori,

I have been reading and wondering about this post and was hoping you could answer a question regarding it.

If the above quote is true then how would the following fit in with it?

Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I'd much appreciate your thoughts on this, maybe I have misunderstood something.



Hi Dave,

There will be a new government..global economy under the control of the antichrist. If you don't take the mark, you can't buy or sell. Those who do not take the mark will definately be rejected and persecuted. Those close-minded holier than thou stupid Christians will be hated. Those with the mark will be changed...changed genetically and for the worse...killed spiritually...and cut off from God completely. Those who refuse the mark will be made into martyrs. They'll be killed...which is worse than not being able to buy or to sell huh? Well, possibly a function of it as you have to buy or sell to live.


stretched said:
Hi Lori7,

An observation only, and with sincere respect. I have been surfing these boards for about 7 years and have always appreciated your passion and commitment to your faith in debates and commentary. Your stories regarding the end-times and aliens etc. have always been interesting, but I detect a trend in that your experiences have become steadily more outrageous. I am not doubting the veracity of your experience, but in light of the potential unhappiness these events create for you, were I in your shoes I would seek a consultation with a councillor. There are plenty of "Christian" psychologists in practice, who would be great to have a chat with. What have you got to lose?


Yea, Stretched...I remember your name. It's been a long time huh? Hey man, outrageous isn't even the word for it...what has happened to me is soooo over the top...I know. I'm just being honest. I know it's hard to believe...I know it's outrageous sounding, but it's true, I swear to you, I'm telling the truth. And it's all good. Dude, please don't listen to me whining about Halloween. I should know better than to try to figure out God's plan and predict His will. His plan and His timing is perfect and my pea-brain is not. And so yea, I set myself up for a disappointment, but wah, wah, and I got over it. He soooooooo helped me to get over it, and right away too. He's so good to me. I'm not unhappy. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am exactly where I want to be. I want this happening in my life, no matter how challenging it may be for me...I want this more than anything. It's the reason that I am alive. I am so thankful to be used by Him in this way...so grateful and amazed to see Him work like this in my life! Ever since this happened, I have felt that I am the most blessed woman on the face of this earth! Yea, this is a challenge for my flesh, but so what? "F" my flesh, that's what I say, and bring on the Holy Spirit! Because of my flesh, my emotions can be fickle, but God's spirit in me is steadfast and true and gives me peace and joy that is constant and forever. This is making me stronger. This is making me "grow up". I need to grow up and keep focused on what is important...which is not necessarily me and what I want and when I want it.

Hey, thanks a lot for caring...seriously. Your sentiment is very nice, and I appreciate it very much. *mwah*

