Unhappy Halloween


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
Hi Everyone,

Since I did so much squawking about it in earlier posts...especially to Snakelord...I thought it only right to let you all know that unfortunately...my rock star did not show up on Halloween...as I had much anticipated.

Please try not to make fun of me too much...as I am very, very sad.

F#*K Halloween.
Hey, all that aside - you have shown tremendous honesty, which takes a lot of strength sometimes. Now I know some would claim pride is a sin, but ignore them for a moment and be proud that you have managed to do something many people couldn't have done.

However, I am curious as to how your future path looks now, and where you intend to go from here.
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Hi Snake! It's been a while...it's nice to hear from you. Thanks for the compliment, but after running my mouth as much as I did, I felt that it was the only right thing to do.

And yea, if you can imagine...halloween really sucked hard. I had made some pretty serious preparations in anticipation of his arrival. It was kind of like having a party and no one showing up. I went to bed that night in absolute shock. I just wanted to go to sleep as quickly as possible so I wouldn't have to think about what had just happened, and I did go to sleep quickly...but eventually had to wake up. I found that I couldn't do it...was up for just long enough to shove a bunch of halloween candy and pumpkin pie that I had made down my throat and went right back to bed. I stayed in bed all day.

At some point though, I got up for long enough to hop on the internet and chat with my friend "Heart"...that's what she goes by out here on the forum. Talking to her always makes me feel better...she's a dear...I don't know what I would do without her...especially going through all of this craziness over the past seven months. She has prophetic dreams sometimes...lucid dreams too...and she told me about this one with me in it...and it made me feel alot better.

It was funny...I was online telling her about how I didn't want to think about my rock star anymore...or to see him...or to hear him...or to think about any of this anymore. I was just done...done anticipating. I mean, how long can you anticipate something like this? It's been driving me nuts. And then to be let down like I was on halloween. I felt like I had been set up...and that's not the first time that I've felt that way during this whole thing. Like God knew that I would look at all of the signs and what was presented to me, and he knew that I would come to certain conclusions based upon them...but would be wrong...and I just felt like it was mean...cruel. I know that it was my own damn fault. I should have known that I would be wrong...what else would I be? Trying to figure out God and his plan...I'm always wrong when I do that...you can't figure out God and his plan...it's perfect, and my brain isn't. But still...I never wanted to feel so let down again...so I just wanted it out of sight...out of mind. And so I sat there and went straight to the band's message board!?!?!?!

I just couldn't help it. And there was this new thread that contained a link to a little recent interview with him and their guitar player...with a little video clip. So I watched the clip...several times. And don't you know, it made me smile. I couldn't help it. They were talking about the new album that they're working on, and how many songs that they've written for it...and he looked so alive, and excited, and happy, and peaceful...it just made me feel so good and so thankful to see him that way...after all that he has been through, and for so long...I just thank God that he is healed and alive and happy now.

And seeing him just made me realize how stupid and selfish I am...as usual. It made me realize that it's not about me. Its not about me and my stupid little self-serving feelings. It's about something so much bigger than me and my feelings and my pride and my selfish desires.

That beautiful smile...on that sweet little face of his...that's what it's about. That and so much more.

And so he helped me...he helped me right my perspective. He makes me want to be a better person. I really wish that I could be better for him...better in every way. I'm so wretched...and he deserves someone so much better. He inspires me to try...try harder...to reach out to God for help...for strength...for love.

Sooooooo, thats what I'll do. I certainly won't be trying to anticipate anything anymore. I'm just going to take it one day at a time...one moment at a time is more like it. That's all I can do. And I know that I'll get through this...and I'll be alright. I'm so fortunate to have so many people who love me...and I have to remember how important it is to love them back right now...and stop being so self-concerned...and that will get me through this.

Hey...thanks a lot for caring ok? It means a lot to me...it really does...so thanks.

Love, Lori.
So "Rock Star" wasn't some unknown individual but an actual person that you're obsessing over? Lori. You are on a bad path. I don't mean to be mean or anything but you are not healthy. Get some help. Some advice from a mental health professional. Advice from anyone who doesn't get prophetic visions. There is a world out there. Have fantasies about people you actually interact with. Not mythical beings, Rock Star or otherwise.

I wish you luck. I have the feeling that you won't take my advice though.

You know, I totally understand and appreciate your concern and advice. But I know that a mental health professional and just about anyone else for that matter is just going to tell me that I'm delusional....well, no, they would say that I'm completely sane and normal and healthy mentally...EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE THING, and in regards to that...I'm completely delusional. So what's the point in paying the money to hear it? Listen, I completely understand that what I'm saying sounds nutso, but all I can say is that it happened. This happened to me....this actually happened to me. It changed me...it changed my life...and nothing is the same...nothing will ever be the same again...I will never be the same again. In order for me to deny what has happened to me...THEN I would have to be insane...there IS NO denying it. I know that what I'm saying is completely over the top, but I swear to you that it actually happened...I swear to you that I'm telling you the truth. I'm not fantasizing...well, ok, I have fantisized about him some...but I have interacted with him...in the spirit...it was midnight...on the eve of 3/31/04...morning of 4/1/04...yea, april fool's day...god has a sicko sense of humor sometimes I swear. He came to my home...I was sitting on my couch reading the book of revelations....he was with an angel of the lord or jesus himself...someone else was there with him...and he gave me a hug and a kiss...and I'll never be the same again. Prior to that...the reason that I knew it was him...to ask if it was him that hugged me...kissed me...things had happened in response to his music. God had spoken to me and explained things to me about his lyrics...things that God had told me about years before...about alien abduction, the mark of the beast, and end times prophecy...the book of revelations. God told me to write to him...to write him a letter about his lyrics. I thought that was an absolutely crazy idea....I felt so intimidated and stupid...and so I put it off. Then God told me to send him flowers...which I thought was even crazier than writing him a letter...after all, how do you send a rock star flowers? You can't. But I was going to find a way...after all, when God tells you to do something...you f'ing do it. So, I had sat down to write a little note to send with the flowers that I had no idea how I would send to him, and seven paragraphs of rather beautiful prose came out of me. I didn't write it. I was astounded at the fact that I had not written this prose, and yet it was there...I didn't understand what the hell was happening. And that was when shit just started going wild....the holy spirit was on me like an ocean...I was just swimming in it...barely able to keep my head above water....I was drowning in it. All of these revelations kept coming to me...things that I did not understand being told to me...explained to me. The bible was being brought to life right before my eyes....it was becoming my life...blowing my mind...absolutely blown to smithereens. And I was also to write a second letter...another seven paragraphs. I hadn't counted the first...but it was the second one that prompted me to count to seven, and then I looked back at the first and it was seven too. I realized writing the second one that I was writing in a trance like state....I observed my pupils to become as big around as my irises...black eyes...freaked me out....and my feet felt as heavy as lead when I tried to walk. There was a spirit inside of me writing the letter. The day that I was planning to send the second letter, I sat on my couch and watched the piece of paper that had the bands po box address on it wad itself up into a ball all by itself (well, that's how it appeared anyway), and the stationery package and the envelope package...it's shrink wrap become so tight around it that it became striated and the envelopes began pushing their way out of the end of the package. That was all a sign to tell me to not send the second letter. The first letter and the SILK flowers that I had sent to with it, came back unclaimed from the bands po box 2 months later without explanation. The explanation being that we're not supposed to communicate in the flesh. The explanation being that he travels in the spirit, and was with me when I was writing the letters...reading them over my shoulder I suppose. We don't need to communticate in the flesh...though I keep wanting to so bad. There are so many other things that have happened to me throughout this whole ordeal...I could go on and on and on to the point of writing a book.

Listen, when something like this happens to you...*shrug*...there IS NO denying it. This has been so difficult for me to get my own mind around...I still don't understand all of it...it has absolutely blown my mind. But dude...IT F'ING HAPPENED OK? To deny it, would be like trying to deny that a tornado came along and blew my house down. For me to imagine something like this is absolutely impossible...no one has THAT good of an imagination...no one...it's impossible. And as crazy as this all sounds...I am not crazy...I am not delusional. I saw what I saw, and I felt what I felt, and what happened to me actually happened. And as over the top as it all is, it's the honest to God's truth.
Lori_7 said:
There was a spirit inside of me writing the letter.

I would more likely call that your "subconsciousness". You know, there is a part of us that we are not aware of. For example when we are really concentrated on writing, it doesn't seem like it is "me" who is writing, but someone that does it for me, or through me. There are many things we don't think about, because it is in our subconsciousness. Like when we are walking, we don't really concentrate on moving our legs and so... we just do it, because we have learnt it so well. We have become the walking itself :S If you become aware of some weird "powers" never misuse them, because it's not good.... Interresting story btw.
what768 said:
I would more likely call that your "subconsciousness". You know, there is a part of us that we are not aware of. For example when we are really concentrated on writing, it doesn't seem like it is "me" who is writing, but someone that does it for me, or through me. There are many things we don't think about, because it is in our subconsciousness. Like when we are walking, we don't really concentrate on moving our legs and so... we just do it, because we have learnt it so well. We have become the walking itself :S If you become aware of some weird "powers" never misuse them, because it's not good.... Interresting story btw.

Yea, it's interesting alright...more than that...try mind blowing.

About the "power"...it's not mine...it wasn't me...that's the whole point. It was the holy spirit inside me...writing through me....healing through me...using me. Which is what I've prayed for for years and years. When you're born again, you realize more and more that being a vessel for the holy spirit is the only valuable purpose that your flesh has. Being used by god...living your life in his will...is the only source of worth and value that your life has. It's not my power...it's the power of he who lives in me...who was born in me of the spirit. I can't heal...and trust me...I can't write. You're looking at how I write, and it's anything but poetry. Poetry confounds my brain...I could never have written what came out of me.

And to say it was my subconscious....it seems that you're not paying attention to what I'm saying. I wasn't concentrating on writing first of all...I sat down to write a little courtesy "get well" note to accompany a flower arrangement, and seven paragraphs of prose came out?????????????? I wasn't concentrating on anything except god telling me to write him a letter. I asked god, "are you kidding!?!?!" I was intimidated as hell...I thought it sounded like a ridiculous idea, and the thought of even trying embarrassed me. I had no idea what to say or how.

Secondly, your subconscious doesn't make your legs feel like lead when you're trying to walk, or make your pupils dilate for no apparent reason. I SAID that when I was writing the second letter I noticed these things about my body...about what was happening to me...and I was shocked...it totally freaked me out. My eyes became transfixed on a certain point on the page, as my hand wrote, in what wasn't a neat way, but a uniform way...the letters being the same size and shape. I knew that the writing was "correct" because the words would line up perfectly with the margins on the page. If I hadn't written the wrong word, or missed words, it would line up correctly...so I would erase and rewrite, until it lined up perfectly...until it became more and more perfect. And that's when I realized that in it's perfect form...it consisted of seven paragraphs of exactly ten lines a piece. And also when I wrote, I would get a pain in the middle of my forehead...right between my eyes...the longer I wrote, the worse the pain got. When I would stop writing the pain would go away. When I would begin again, it would come back and intensify the longer I wrote.

And not to mention the fact that the rock star dude talks about this very thing in the lyrics to his songs. He talks about the flowers...he talks about the writing...and he also talks about my eyes.

And this whole writing thing...this is just a mere sliver of what makes up my miracle in it's entirety. The writing is a drop in what is the bucket of my miracle. There is so much more, it just goes on and on.

And it just absolutely kills me that I testify to these things, and people respond with shit like "it's just your subconscious"...no offense what768...it's not just you, it's everyone. It's just so apparent to me that people would rather believe ANYTHING, no matter how illogical or obviously wrong, than to believe in god. People will go to such great lengths to deny the obvious truth, because the truth is too consequential for them. They can't handle the truth. Because the truth is that God is real, and that Jesus is his son...God come in the flesh...and He is who He says He is, and He does what He says He can do...and He has done it for me...and He can do it for you too.

C'mon, don't you want to be crazy like me? lol! Yea, it's great...god can give you a miracle, and then everyone will think you're crazy too! I'm kidding...kind of. I'm not going to lie...this has been, and continues to be a huge challenge for me. It is the greatest thing, and the hardest thing, that's ever happened to me, at the same time. Which stands to reason...nothing good and worth while comes easily. And as much bitching and moaning as I do, I wouldn't have it any other way...and god knows that. It's what I want...it's what I asked for...prayed for. Honestly, it's the only reason that I'm alive...that I want to be alive. If my life doesn't belong to god, then it needs to end, because I don't want it for myself. I life lived for yourself is empty, and futile, and lonely, and painful...and who needs that? Just another guest for the Jerry Springer show...and the world already has too many of those yea?

I wish that what's happened to me wasn't so difficult for me to put into words. It's so volumous...it's like a huge puzzle. One day, with the help of my rock star, we will be able to tell everyone everything. And you know the weirdest thing about it all will be that even then...with all of the proof...and all of the testimony...and all of the validation...there will still be those who will choose not to believe...for no logical reason...and based upon no sound evidence, actually ignoring the contrary...for no other reason than to deny god because it's what they want to do.
Listen, when something like this happens to you...*shrug*...there IS NO denying it. This has been so difficult for me to get my own mind around...I still don't understand all of it...it has absolutely blown my mind. But dude...IT F'ING HAPPENED OK? To deny it, would be like trying to deny that a tornado came along and blew my house down. For me to imagine something like this is absolutely impossible...no one has THAT good of an imagination...no one...it's impossible. And as crazy as this all sounds...I am not crazy...I am not delusional. I saw what I saw, and I felt what I felt, and what happened to me actually happened. And as over the top as it all is, it's the honest to God's truth.

The amusing thing is that you said exactly the same nonsense when you "knew" this rock star would be yours by halloween. That has now been shown as complete hocum, but it didn't stop you saying "it's the honest to god's truth", back then.

You know I believe that you had this experience and I believe in god. I just want to explain things in my way and I want to give place for "scientific thinking", to also know HOW god does what he does. The word subconscious is very hard to understand and I could also call IT the "holy spirit". I believe god is inside every human being and gives us life. I don't want a personal free life, but I'm attached here on earth because the personal feelings I have for the world are greater than the love I have for god. "I" don't want it to be like that, but my earthly feelings won't let me back to god. A personal life is just full of misery. I'm going to pray for god to take control of my life and make me the kind of person he likes me to be, but my faith is poor...

You say that "I can't heal and I can't write", but do you know who this "I" is that you're talking about? I don't wan't to convince you for my truth you wouldn't believe me anyway, everyone has their OWN path to walk. You too let me have my truth, don't judge me too hard. I am not you and I can't see things as you do. And you know that all these who don't believe in you would believe if they experienced what you did right? I believe that if we really concentrate on something we will lose our thoughts, our feelings will vanish and our body will act by "itself". And "not concentrating" (clearing the mind) is the same as extreme concentration. I also believe that it is the same "I", the same self, within every human.

You don't know what I mean with subconscious. Maybe we have different views of the word. I believe that even our thoughts and feelings are made of something, it's just hard to feel them. When we "concentrate" on our finger, we can move it. It's a "miracle." But it's an "everyday thing" so no one "thinks" about it. You won't believe me but I believe that our subconsciousness can make our legs feel like lead. I think everything comes from me, from within, from our subconsciousness, from god. If we clear our mind we can let the spirit inside of us do things through us.

I think everything is in our subconsciousness. We are allknowing. We know the past, we know the future we know everything. You call it god, I call it "a higher Me". They're just two different views of the same thing, aren't they? Sometimes I call it god, because it is no personal "me" that is inside of me, but it is a divine me, it is "god".

If you get a pain in your head you propably shouldn't do what you do... I still believe it can be dangerous, this thing. I believe in "miracles", but I believe there is a natural explanation for them, also for god. God is the most high and jesus is his son. But I also believe that Jesus wanted to show that we can all be like him, if we want. I want to have reasons for things, I need to know how they work. But I also believe in some things I don't know how they work when I feel that they are true. I believe that for example prayers give us strength because we think there is a god that helps us, and then we somehow help ourselves and miracles happen through us, because there is a divine "self" within humans. That's what I want to call it... you're as right as I am, i'm not saying you're wrong when you say the holy spirit wrote through you because i know what you mean, but i have a different view of it.

I know god can make miracles, but people already think i'm "crazy", delusional because I believe in "god". We must be like god, we must let people believe what they want to believe. We have a free will to choose and god doesn't interfere or try to convince us as long as we don't want to. And we must always remember to do what god would do... My belief in god is not really christian but I believe in many things in the bible. So you will ignore and tell me i'm wrong, will you... But I won't tell you're wrong, although I have different view... of the same thing...
SnakeLord said:
The amusing thing is that you said exactly the same nonsense when you "knew" this rock star would be yours by halloween. That has now been shown as complete hocum, but it didn't stop you saying "it's the honest to god's truth", back then.

I know I did. I was wrong. Snake, I'm telling you that there were a gazillion reasons why it was halloween...and yet it wasn't. Thats why it felt like I was set up so to speak. All I can say is that if you were me...anyone in my place...would have thought that it was halloween as well. I would have had to have been crazy NOT to think it was halloween, and yet it was not. As disappointed as I was, I know that God's timing is perfect, and his will and reasons are perfect. There was a reason why I expected it to be halloween and yet it was not...a reason to set me up and a good one at that.

And don't misquote me...I said that my miracle happened and that my rock star would eventually show up...that is the god's honest truth. I did not say that it would for sure be on halloween. If I did I was lying, because I had said to everyone that I was 99.9999% sure it was halloween that he was coming. But I also said that I could be wrong...even though I didn't think I was...I had been wrong before, and knew that I could be again. But I attest to the fact that I was stunned when I found out I was wrong...completely stunned.

Sorry...I misunderstood you. I'm sorry really I am. I've unfortunately become used to people ignoring what I say...or being extremely selective about hearing what I say regarding this miracle. They just don't "process" what doesn't jive with their existing paradigms...which in the case of my miracle...is like the entire thing pretty much. Even people who are close to me, like my own family has blown this thing off, like it's some "fixation" that I have cause I'm lonely. And if they ignore it enough it will just go away or something. It's profoundly frustrating. I try to tell them that what they're choosing to tell themselves about this just doesn't make sense...that there is no in between....the logic doesnt allow it. Either what I've testified to is the truth, or I'm completely insane and delusional...there is no middle ground. And yet they tell themselves that there is just to appease their own emotions and satisfy their desires to deny god and pretend that everything is "normal". I think it's pretty evident that nothing is normal. I've told them things...details about circumstances regarding the miracle, and they have "forgotten" them. They don't even familiarize themselves with the band's material or with this rock star that I keep going on and on about. They don't even listen to his music or read his lyrics to try and understand what I'm talking about. They won't even try. I mean, I sorry, but if it were MY daughter, and she came to me and told me what I had told them. The first thing I would do would be to find everything I could out about the band. I would sit down with her and listen to the music and read the lyrics and have her explain what she was talking about. There are so many things that I could share with them, BUT THEY JUST DONT WANT TO KNOW. And it's ridiculous! It's absolutely ridiculous and appalling. But it's also a perfect example of how people believe what they want to believe, and completely shut out any evidence of the contrary whether it makes sense to do so or not. It doesn't have anything to do with logic, it doesn't have anything to do with evidence, it doesn't have anything to do with truth. The only thing it has to do with is a sincere desire, or lack thereof, within someone's heart to know of the truth, and that's it. And I've understood that for a long time now...because I've lived it myself...knowing what it took for me to finally sincerely seek the truth. But to see it so blatently, and so close to home...for it to be in such a personal context...it just makes it kind of shocking.

Anyway, I'm sorry that I misunderstood you...my bad.
If we are lonely we have much time with "ourselves", and god. But this age has not yet come, when people possess or accept "these things" so they won't understand, and even at the "end times" when so many people possess them, some will still see "these things" as "unnatural."
Lori_7: Sorry...I misunderstood you. I'm sorry really I am. I've unfortunately become used to people ignoring what I say... or being extremely selective about hearing what I say regarding this miracle. They just don't "process" what doesn't jive with their existing paradigms...which in the case of my miracle...is like the entire thing pretty much. Even people who are close to me, like my own family has blown this thing off, like it's some "fixation" that I have cause I'm lonely. And if they ignore it enough it will just go away or something. It's profoundly frustrating. I try to tell them that what they're choosing to tell themselves about this just doesn't make sense...that there is no in between....the logic doesnt allow it. Either what I've testified to is the truth, or I'm completely insane and delusional...there is no middle ground. And yet they tell themselves that there is just to appease their own emotions and satisfy their desires to deny god and pretend that everything is "normal". I think it's pretty evident that nothing is normal. I've told them things...details about circumstances regarding the miracle, and they have "forgotten" them. They don't even familiarize themselves with the band's material or with this rock star that I keep going on and on about. They don't even listen to his music or read his lyrics to try and understand what I'm talking about. They won't even try. I mean, I sorry, but if it were MY daughter, and she came to me and told me what I had told them. The first thing I would do would be to find everything I could out about the band. I would sit down with her and listen to the music and read the lyrics and have her explain what she was talking about. There are so many things that I could share with them, BUT THEY JUST DONT WANT TO KNOW. And it's ridiculous! It's absolutely ridiculous and appalling. But it's also a perfect example of how people believe what they want to believe, and completely shut out any evidence of the contrary whether it makes sense to do so or not. It doesn't have anything to do with logic, it doesn't have anything to do with evidence, it doesn't have anything to do with truth. The only thing it has to do with is a sincere desire, or lack thereof, within someone's heart to know of the truth, and that's it. And I've understood that for a long time now...because I've lived it myself...knowing what it took for me to finally sincerely seek the truth. But to see it so blatently, and so close to home... for it to be in such a personal context...it just makes it kind of shocking. Anyway, I'm sorry that I misunderstood you...my bad.
M*W: Lori, I know how you must feel. I've been in your shoes at your age. I remember the hurt, the embarassment, the emotional pain I felt when I didnt' get attention of a rock musician. I truly understand your position.

In all honesty, I will say that your belief in Jesus is probably what turned your rock musician off. Artists are an enlightened species. It's not your rock musician who dumped you, it was your belief in Jesus that made your rock musician dump you. It's a diverse world out there, my little Lori. You tried to win your man, and I believe he must have wanted you, too. But, religion has no place with rock stars. I'm a former 'rock star' so I know how they think. They're a rebellious lot. Loving a rock star is a fickle life. They love you back one day -- and dump you the next. I've never had the opportunity to say this to any young woman. My daughters are lesbians, so I tell you this. Don't fall in love with a rock star, for you'll never be the only woman he loves. He may play great rock music, but he can never be trusted as a lover.

Um...thanks for the sympathy. You're a former rock star? That is so f'ing cool. I love music...I love singing. Even though I don't know who you are...thanks for what you contributed to this world through your music. I appreciate it...it takes a lot of guts to be an artist...I admire that. But you don't understand...me and this guy have never comunicated in the flesh in any way. We shared a spiritual experience...that experience being what I'm calling my miracle. But other than that, we don't not have a relationship of any kind in the flesh. We have never met, nor spoken, nor written to each other...ever...yet. See, that's what makes it a miracle...all of our communication has been through god, and via the spiritual realm. That's why no one believe's that he is coming to get me someday...cause they don't believe that any of this has happened...that he's aware of my "psychosis" or "delusion" as they describe it. But it did happen...and he is coming for me. It's a miracle see? Cause Jesus rocks!
Well, let me reiterate...I did send the first letter that the holy spirit wrote to him through me...with silk flowers...to his bands po box. But it was returned 2 months later unclaimed and unopened. Which in itself is extremely weird...seeing as how they open every other piece of mail or package that they receive from their po box. he sent it back on purpose, cause we're not supposed to communicate in the flesh in any way. to serve as a witness to people like you guys...who won't be able to say that we have corroborated this story...and yet probably still will say that very thing. lol
he sent it back on purpose, cause we're not supposed to communicate in the flesh in any way. to serve as a witness to people like you guys...who won't be able to say that we have corroborated this story...and yet probably still will say that very thing. lol

Somewhat bizarre given that you claim on another thread that you two have been chatting on a forum.
SnakeLord said:
Somewhat bizarre given that you claim on another thread that you two have been chatting on a forum.

Five years ago. I had no idea who he was...he didn't identify himself, and even if he had, I still wouldn't have known who he was? I had no idea what was to happen five years in the future, and neither did he for all I know. We didn't talk about much actually...he never really debated with me...or contradicted me, even though it seemed that he did not believe as I did...he talked to others mostly. But he did rather chivalrously jump in and defend my honor when someone was being rude to me or inappropriate a time or two. He was really sweet...not just to me, but to everyone...he's really sweet. We never talked about much of anything, much less anything that had to do with what has happened to us as of late.

Here's what I think happened...he came out here looking for help...and I came out here looking to help...both of us regarding the same thing, and God hooked us up. We were both part of God's plan but just didn't know it at the time. He had been deceived...afflicted with the mark of the beast...spiritual death...but I don't think he understood exactly what had happened to him or why...I'm not sure...I really can't speak for him...there are many things I just don't understand. I just think he was desperately looking for answers...for a way out of what had happened to him. Prior to coming out here myself, God had told me about aliens...their agenda...the mark. And I told Him...I prayed to Him and asked that He use me to help someone...to warn people...to help to save them. I wanted to share what God had told me...as a warning...so people would understand...would know better. And so I went to many different websites...many different forums and spoke about what I knew, and got yelled at and insulted a lot. lol. But I ended up staying here for a long time. Eventually I quit posting...I got burnt out. That was years ago.

You know, since five years ago, it has seemed to me that I've been in some "funk" for lack of a better term. My life has been absolutely turned upside down...everything. And I've known that God has been doing something...what I didn't understand...I had no idea really...but I could feel that He was working behind the scenes of my life. It's been really weird, and kind of difficult at times, but I've trusted Him. And man, I sure am glad I did. To try to have anticipated what He has done with my life would have been truly impossible...talk about exceeding expectations...wow.

The following is something that I wrote down...trying to document the many aspects of what has happened to me...

Crazy Bird Dude

One day in the spring of 2000 (I think it was 2000), I received a very strange e-mail. I don’t remember the name of the person who sent the e-mail, but I do remember that I didn’t recognize the name at all. It seems that it wasn’t an easily identifiable name, or a common name, like Bob, or Jennifer, or whatever. But rather a fictitious name, like one that you would use in an internet chat room or message board…something made up. If I’m not mistaken, I couldn’t even tell which gender the person was by their name.

Anyway, the e-mail was strange to me, because it contained poetry. Really good poetry…or I assumed it to be, as I was unable to make heads or tails out of it. And the more complicated and complex, or metaphorical that prose seems, the better it seems, to me. Not that I can appreciate it…or do appreciate it…because I don’t get it…and don’t like it. I think that I’ve made my sentiments toward prose quite clear in an earlier chapter. It’s just that because I am so willfully inept in this regard, I guess I assume that the less I understand a poem, then the more accomplished the poet. Anyway…I had no idea what this person was trying to say to me. It seemed like they were trying to say something though…like the prose was not some that they found in a book and thought was clever, so they were sending it out to a bunch of people in some chain e-mail. My memory of this encounter, and the content of the e-mail, is very sketchy…but the prose wasn’t structured…like that which would be published or for a common appreciation. But it was conversational…and the with conversation being directed at me. So the only thing that I did understand about it, was that I was supposed to understand it, but did not.

Which of course frustrated me, because I hate poetry, and I totally didn’t get the message that this person was trying to convey. And so I e-mailed the person back, explaining to them that I didn’t get it. I apologized, but explained that I didn’t understand poetry, so I didn’t understand what they were trying to say to me. I asked them if they could possibly reword what they were trying to say…dumb it down a bit for me…so that I could understand.

And they responded to my request with more prose. It was just as complicated as the first message was…and I may have understood it even less. And after reading this second message, I also understood that this was indeed an intended form of conversation for this person, and not just some prose that they wanted me to appreciate. So this person was definitely conversing with me, and attempting to convey a message to me in the conversation. But their words were so metaphorical, and their vocabulary was so advanced, that it made the message extremely complicated and completely veiled. And I thought, “What an asshole!” I mean, didn’t they get what I was saying? I told them that I didn’t understand the first e-mail that they sent, and why I didn’t understand it…so they send another of the exact same fashion? Why would they do that? Were they purposefully trying to frustrate or annoy me? It almost felt as if they were being hostile…hostile with their prose. It sounds funny, but that’s what it felt like to me. After all, I abhor poetry…it makes me feel stupid…and not many things do. I hate feeling stupid…I’m not used to it, and I don’t like it.

So I e-mailed this person back, and I really laid into them this time. I can’t remember exactly what it is that I said, but I made it very clear, in my standard lack of tact way, that I didn’t appreciate their prose at all. I probably told them to stick it…you know where. I told them that if they wanted to communicate with me that they would have to speak my language, because for all I knew, they may as well have been speaking Chinese thus far. Like I said…I can’t remember what I said exactly. But I know that I was very angry when I wrote it…very defensive…as if I had been threatened. I felt that way because this person seemed so weird that they were beginning to scare me. After all, I didn’t know who they were, and I had no idea what they wanted from me, or were trying to say to me…and it was like they were harassing me, or threatening me with their words…because I didn’t understand them. It was as if they didn’t want me to understand them…especially when I had told them once to stop with the weird language, and they didn’t stop. And when I get scared or feel threatened…I can have quite a harsh tongue. I’ve scared many with it…intimidated the hell out of some…once some 6’4” 250 lb man believe it or not, who was holding a beer can in one hand and a hockey stick in another…but that‘s another story. I just know that afterward…well afterward…I remember feeling as if I was way too hard on them. Like I had over-reacted for some reason. And I couldn’t really figure out why I had reacted the way that I did…as it seemed strange to me to feel so threatened by some weird e-mail with some stupid prose in it. I mean, what’s the big deal?

So anyway, this person finally did respond by dumbing it down for me. Actually, I don’t think that they ever explained what it was that they were trying to say to me in the first e-mails…they just simply started conversing with me in English that I could understand is all. And I can’t really remember what all was said. It doesn’t seem like much was said…but I remember two things. One is that they said that often, they would get into their car, and just drive around looking for signs. Not street signs per se, but spiritual signs…like signs from God…regarding what I had no idea. So with no particular place to go, they would just drive around, and if they saw a “sign”, then they would follow it, or stop…and they would see where it led them…or who it led them to. Maybe some thing…maybe a person…maybe a conversation…maybe a place…who knows. So I’m thinking to myself, “What an absolute flake.” Seriously, this person sounded like a real weirdo to me, and at this point, I was simply humoring them with the conversation, while at the same time, rolling my eyes, and flipping off my computer screen. Then they said that they had seen my name on a street sign and had followed it…and I guess that is why they had e-mailed me. I had gathered that this person had seen my name on, and gotten my e-mail address from, the exoscience message board…I believe that they had explained this to me during our “normal” conversation, well, for lack of a better term. And I don’t recall that they told me where it was that they ended up when they had followed the street sign either…and you know, I can’t really see myself asking. Like I said, at this point, I didn’t really even want to know…to encourage this crazy person would have seemed a stupid thing to do.

The second thing that I remember them saying to me was that they liked birds. And I’m sure that my response was something along the lines of, “that’s swell…so what?”…and again, rolling my eyes at this freak. And so upon my effort to end the conversation with this person, they told me that they would “send me a bird”, or “send a bird to me”…I’m not sure exactly how they worded it, but it was something like that. And to that I said, “Great…send me a bird…you freak.” Or something along those lines anyway…I may have been a bit more diplomatic, but that was surely what I was thinking…and I do know that I had no interest in talking to this person again. And so that was the end of our “conversation”…for lack of a better term.

A few days later…maybe three days later I think…I was laying out in the sun in my back yard. I was laying in the grass, right underneath the utility line that ran to my house. And on that line there came to sit a bird. It was a black bird…with a hideous voice. I think that it was a starling. And it sat there directly above the spot where I was laying, and screamed in this hideous voice. It’s call was so ugly…just awful…and loud. And it just went on and on and on and on. It must have sat there screaming like that for a good fifteen minutes. To the point where it was no longer simply disturbing me…but it was scaring me…giving me the creeps. It was as if the bird was screaming at me. And so I yelled at it. Screamed back at it…told it to go away…and probably using some choice expletives to do so. And it flew away. And I thought to myself, “Could it be?” And then I scolded myself for being so ridiculous as to entertain the very idea of it, and just resided to put the whole experience out of my memory as quickly and completely as possible.

Hmm…what about some of the nut-jobs you can meet out on the internet, huh? A strange bird indeed.


This person who emailed me was my rock star. He was trying to reach out to me. He had seen something regarding me...knew something...been given a sign, and he was trying to...insinuate. And I had absolutely no idea what was happening...obviously. I didn't recognize him as the guy from the forum either...he used a different name, and he came across very differently in the email than he did when posting on the forum. But that was the beginning of what has become "my miracle". Way back then...I had no idea. I hadn't thought about it for years...until this all happened...and God told me that it was him...that crazy bird dude was in fact my rock star. Dude...it gets even weirder than that...lol.
Oh yea, and I must say that I have a new found appreciation for poetry. I like it a lot. Cause now I understand him...I mean it. Now the prose that he writes is really beautiful to me...just like he is. It's part of him and I love it...just like I love him.
As I asked on the other thread, due to your absoltue desire to 'witness' to me, provide a link.

who won't be able to say that we have corroborated this story

But the very act of your speaking means everyone could and would show you have corroborated the story. Saying "Oh boohoo I didn't know him really, it was 5 years ago", doesn't mean much at the end of the day.

Not to mention that it completely contradicts this:

"We have never met, nor spoken, nor written to each other...ever"

You're lying. Plain and simple.