Understanding Totality—the Basis of All and More

Ah` so this is your new thread.

Sorry Sci but you know full-well what I am going to say, I know how the universe was created, i know how the heavens were seperated from the physical energy, I know how the different dimensions were created in ascending layers upon fabrics of space.

I know why we were created, what humans are designed for and know the entire history of the universe from before it's creation up until you posted this thread.

You don't like knowing do you, you want there to be a big mystery that you can play detective with. I don't want to dissapoint your philosophical development or your ego so continue to search for the answers and walk "dao".

Peace and wisdom.

1. Either stuff was here forever or stuff is a distribution of nothing into positive and negative displacements about A zero point—a balance of nothing, essentially, being a ‘sum-thing’ of QM (Quantum Mechanics), as noted in the vacuum fluctuations.

False dichotomy.

James, how about saying why not and/or propose a third alternative.
Need a longer refutal for the two possibilities. The rest is about the ZPE.

3. ‘Nothing’ never sleeps, as we see from QM; it is always up to something, being, one might say, a perfectly unstable ‘state’. Everything melts, via uncertainty, as when we try to measure a quantum property—and so this means that no quantum property can ever be zero, for zero is a precise amount, so, it must be that motion can never cease, it being the natural state, and ever in that fuzzy QM way.

It is not true that "no quantum property can ever be zero". There are lots of quantum quantities that are zero.

Then what happened to quantum uncertainty?

6. Cause and effect cannot go on forever, thus there must be a causeless prime mover that depends on nothing before it, for there couldn’t be anything before, both due to an impossible infinite regress of actions that would take forever, and also since then we would not then be identifying Totality, but something secondary or higher.

The premise here is unproven: "cause and effect cannot go on forever".

Then wouldn’t effect from cause take forever to happen? I need more from you.

9. Yet another reason that the same stuff itself could not have been around forever without its making via the QM jitterbugging is that there was/is still nothing to make it out of, and, while that is the answer, I mean that there were no ‘more original’ stockpiles of stuff just sitting around to then make the regular original stuff out of.

This assumes that it is impossible to create matter and energy, which is probably false when you're talking about the big bang.

It’s not impossible, for we do have matter and energy, yet whence and how did it come about? Also, the Big Bang theory needs to say how it conserves energy.

11. There are only two possible stable matter particles, the electron(-) and the proton(+), which suggests that that is all there can be, perhaps since pair production has but two ways to make matter particles (and their antiparticles). The third arrangement is the energy particle, the photon, its positive and negative aspects residing in peace and summing to its neutral charge. 1 + (-1) = 0. Empirically, it appears that Totality is electrically neutral, there being as many positives as negatives

Neutrons are also stable matter particles. So are anti-protons and positrons.

I have included antimatter. Neutrons only last about 12 minutes on their own. So, only two stable matter particles (and their anti's) is a clue.

18. The cosmos is so tremendously large because the Planck size (and within) is so minuscule.

You have established no reason to connect the Planck size (whatever that is) with the size of the cosmos.

I can’t put everything here all at once. Anything that can’t even be logically shown will be abandoned.

19. We can only reside at the finite mid-point between the largest infinity and the smallest infinity (infinitesimal), perched in this finite realm. While ‘size’ may be seem to be somewhat relative, there is a definite ordering to sizes.

What we "can" do and what we "do" do are different things. What you're doing here is setting up some kind of anthropic principal.

It is not really ‘we’ (my mistake), but that the finite can only be at this mid-point, plus, again, I must show more.

20. Our 4D existence is completely nullified by electric charge’s polarity, but again, only in the overview. Charge’s polarity is like ‘time’, the 4th dimension, which is the difference of space, and not a compositional dimension like space. I’m choosing charge, rather than matter and antimatter, since those make light, but one still argue that photons contain both positive and negative which could nullify in principle, if not in the actual. Others, like Hawking, see the positive kinetic energy of matter being balanced and canceled out by the negative potential energy of gravity. It always comes down to zero, these theories.

What a mess. You haven't even begun to explain how "electric charge's polarity" would "nullify" a "4D existence". Lots of fancy words, but no substance. Also, photons are not agglomerations of positive and negative charges.

James, a photon can become an electron and a positron, and vice-versa, via annihilation. The ‘mess’ is but an overview of a possible direction.

22. The largest infinity times the smallest infinity equals unity, or 1, where we exist.

Such an "equation" is meaningless. Mathematically, infinity multiplied by negative infinity is undefined, not unity.

Yes, it’s like 1 meter * .001 meter = 1, or 100 *.001 = 1

23. A finite 4-D hypercube is proposed that is a singularity of sorts, the one and only boundary condition of Totality. Extending Einstein’s block universe suggests that there is a finite 4-D hypercube consisting of 3-D infinite spaces that are indexed by time, the spaces being the infinite 3-D ‘surface’ of the 4-D hypercube, just as t here is a 2D infinite surface on a 3D sphere.

The word "singularity" is being used here in a way that makes no sense.

I’ll fix it.

24. Time is the difference of space and space is the difference of time.

Meaningless blather. A "difference" is a relation between two things, not one.

Should have said spaces, plural, like those slices of the Einstein block universe, or, think of infinite 3D spaces stacked like pancakes into 4D hyperspace.

26. Distance^4 = c(time-distance^3)

This equation must be wrong because it is dimensionally incorrect.

Distance^4 / (time-distance^3) = c = distance/time

And this one.

James, the dimensional units of ‘c’ are distance/time, 186,282 miles per second, thus distance^4 is left. By the way, hc also resolves to distance^4.

27. The hypercube has dimensions of quadratic distance; however, any incomplete representation of this hypercube, such as half of unit hypervolume, has units of time-distance^3.

More meaningless blather. Also "quadratic" doesn't mean what you think it means. Look it up.

OK, then distance^4.

The space of our universe is three-dimensional because this is the only dimension whose volume is compositionally consistent through all levels of infinite size while forming the surface of its own hypersphere.

The term "compositionally consistent through all levels of infinite size" is undefined and amounts to more meaningless blather.

Will explain.

30. Proof of the non-statistical universe: Variability Inversion: The larger an object, the less its universal variability, which is precisely the opposite of what would be expected in a statistical universe.

The term "universal variability" is undefined and amounts to more meaningless rubbish. So is the term "statistical universe".

‘Statistical’ refers to random or random-probable. I am showing determinism.

32. If there was no Big Bang, then red shift would really mean that photons are expanding, not space, because they are taking several million years to decay, finally quantum emitting decay-photons in the microwave range, this constituting the CMBR.

Photons do not decay into other photons.

Probably not, but thisis just an aside, for photons are known to be asymmetrical, since they do not all go through the crystal lattice of a polarizing substance, thus they could, over millions of years, be unevenly acted on by gravitational waves, producing a differential velocity gradient that would expand them, producing an unstable relativistic system, necessitating an energy loss. It is an alternative to space expanding.

CMBR electric currents would also play a role, and this could be the banding seen in galaxies.

There are no electric currents in the CMBR.

Yes, could or could not be, but, again, not essential to the base theory, but only if Big Bang fails, but I don't think we need that to happen unless we see stuff coming out of galaxies, making new stars, plus other things.

What is fourth-dimensional, intrinsically polar, external to space, and a metric for spacial distance? Time.

The term "metric" here is being used in a nonstandard way. Also, time is one-dimensional, not four-dimensional.

I’m not saying 4D, for time is 1D, and that’s the only place left to nullify all of existence, thus its relation to charge polarity.

34. Complete solidity (One) is impossible, and the same for total vacuity (Zero); thus the in-between zero-balance ‘sumthing’ of positive and negative.

I think we've seen near-total vacuity in this thread.

No, for you did not undo the main points at all, nor provide better alternatives, plus I explained some of your points, prefacing with 'James' for the good ones.


The rest is so vague that it can't be analysed. There's lots of scientific-sounding jargon put together in random patterns there, but it's all essentially meaningless.

Maybe some of it is cleared up now, or will be. This was just an intro.

Probably you should give up trying to do physics and stick to art and poetry. Either that, or start doing some physics for real rather than pretending.

No, not yet, plus one might go to the positives of the main logic, but I’ll take the gibe in good humor. It is also that physics has no answer for how everything came about, although some go into bi-verses, use QM as I do, and whatnot.

What do you or the readers think about why and how stuff could have been forever around, or, why not, and then why and how for it becoming of some basis?

Can’t just knock without totally undoing and not providing just as logical an alternative. Even if “don’t know”, what about the logic that is presented here?

Remember, all other answers through history didn't get too far, and that when face two seemingly impossible answers, one of them must be true, no matter how much we don't like either one to be.
And just to help out, your first major stumbling block will be the illicit assumption you made: that existence can only logically instantiate in one way.

I'm open to hearing of another way than either 1) elemental stuff having to have been around forever or 'elemental stuff' having to have been created [but not from other stuff, of course, for then I'd just leap to that as the 'elemental']. All of the theory is not yet set in stone. A third alternative would be fine.

Also, we are going beyond what known science has found, where it didn't yet find out yet, but time will tell, and it's been pretty good to us so far.

(So, first the main, and then the 'asides', or forget them until we might need them.)
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Ah` so this is your new thread.

Sorry Sci but you know full-well what I am going to say, I know how the universe was created, i know how the heavens were seperated from the physical energy, I know how the different dimensions were created in ascending layers upon fabrics of space.

I know why we were created, what humans are designed for and know the entire history of the universe from before it's creation up until you posted this thread.

You don't like knowing do you, you want there to be a big mystery that you can play detective with. I don't want to dissapoint your philosophical development or your ego so continue to search for the answers and walk "dao".

Peace and wisdom.

Darn, you found it Chi, but you can't just declare things, and while this thread is in philosophy, one must still show something, especially not only countering my God points in #8, but also show your 'proofs', which you say you cannot do. I used the method of self-contradiction, the only way possible for such invisible notions, plus even provided the circumstantial, and even more, for specific gods, which you didn't undo either in your threads, but just kept on proclaiming things that even other religions would go against you on, much less science.
A First and Fundamental Mind of God that does planning and creation for making everything cannot be so, for a mind is a system, and systems have parts, and the parts must come before the assembled composite complexity that results, and so there would have have to be something before the so-called 'fundamental'.

I've give you a smart alien, though, but, as showed, He would not be God.

Nor can one just state by magic that there is God, for who would believe that?
And that is why the notion is falsely claimed as a sure thing truth and fact instead of just a hope.
And, by the way, Chi, I got the base of the idea of the theory from you, when you posted once about 1 + (-1) = 0, and also from other places, of course, that ever ruminated, but your post was the recent click-point that made it bloom.

Again, I need logic, not fiats and pronouncements out of thin air or that you heard somewhere or read in some ancient scrolls, but if you still do, then I need their logic.
Darn, you found it Chi, but you can't just declare things, and while this thread is in philosophy, one must still show something, especially not only countering my God points in #8, but also show your 'proofs', which you say you cannot do. I used the method of self-contradiction, the only way possible for such invisible notions, plus even provided the circumstantial, and even more, for specific gods, which you didn't undo either in your threads, but just kept on proclaiming things that even other religions would go against you on, much less science.

Sorry Sci I really am, how am I supposed to play around with philosophy concepts like I would have done 5 years ago or even 10-15, when I know the answers to nearly all of my questions.

I have gave 9000 posts worth ("Over 9000!" [to DBZ fans) of my Philosophical understandings and Ideas, I could copy and paste some of my Old stuff for you. You could even scroll through my post history if you want to torture yourself with my Ramblings of 6 years.

This is only just the start, you guys are still way behind on the emotional front. You cant ascend unless you have both balenced uh huh.

Chi, just boil it down to a few prime logical principles, which should not just include "I know."

One can often say more with less, even with what writ reality.

References to “outside” and “invisible” forces may ever come as replies; but, as always, if we use a word, we must fully explain that word in all its specifics, and in light of SciForum, one must also do that on scientifically satisfying grounds, or, lacking any, at least via logical-rational with reasons behind.
then I'm afraid we will have to move these discussions to say, Free Thoughts.
Or Cesspool.
Like James pointed out:

probably false
no reason
What a mess. You haven't even begun to explain
Lots of fancy words, but no substance
makes no sense.
Meaningless blather.
More meaningless blather.
undefined and amounts to more meaningless blather.
undefined and amounts to more meaningless rubbish.
I think we've seen near-total vacuity in this thread.
The rest is so vague that it can't be analysed. There's lots of scientific-sounding jargon put together in random patterns there, but it's all essentially meaningless.
Probably you should give up trying to do physics and stick to art and poetry. Either that, or start doing some physics for real rather than pretending.
I vote for Cesspool.
The real answer is 'cans of tuna'.

No one else has yet said how and why stuff could have been around forever, or why and how not, so my explanations stands, for the moment. Just 'knocking it' and saying nothing else is not a way out.
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No one else has yet said how and why stuff could have been around forever, or why and how not, so my explanations stands, for the moment. Just 'knocking it' and saying nothing else is not a way out.
Fail again.
Showing that your "explanation" doesn't actually constitute an explanation invalidates it. Therefore it doesn't stand.
The correct (probably) answer is: we don't know yet.
And your meaningless ramble of wishful thinking doesn't alter that.
Chi, just boil it down to a few prime logical principles, which should not just include "I know."

One can often say more with less, even with what writ reality.

References to “outside” and “invisible” forces may ever come as replies; but, as always, if we use a word, we must fully explain that word in all its specifics, and in light of SciForum, one must also do that on scientifically satisfying grounds, or, lacking any, at least via logical-rational with reasons behind.

yadi yadi Sci-Kun

Sideways 8 always existed.

sideways 8 has infinite potential and there is no limit to spacial dimentions

Sideways 8 seperated all energies into systems in 2's and placed systems that self replicate and live self sufficiently, perpetual motion. 0 energy infinite.

Humans are designed to appreciate and experience what he has created, we are also the sheperds of the planet and are not supposed to abuse our dominion over all other beasts and creatures that was given to us.

Water and the elements of the earth combined with a soul and "electrical" charge is how we were created like all animals are from the earth.

The heavens are other dimensions that reside past this realm, God resides outside of this all in his eternal throne.

There I said it but you asked me to tell you this remember that

Thanks, Dyw. It's true that we don't know yet, which is why this thread is not under science.
Correct. Yet you yourself have stated:
Reasons will be provided for Totality, as well as how it works.
Which you have not done.
And also:
you can't just declare things, and while this thread is in philosophy, one must still show something
Again, you have failed on this count.
As indicated by JamesR and Glaucon.
It's a new hypothesis, and so it is ongoing, plus it is philosophy. There will be more. Can't build the universe in a day; I may need 6 or 7.
If your initial argument is flawed why continue?
Surely it's better to ensure the foundations are solid.