Understanding Totality—the Basis of All and More


Valued Senior Member
Philosophy is most useful when it’s arrived at logically from empirical grounding, especially the First Philosophy of Totality, this being the Why and the How that led to the What, Where, When, Then, Now, and Who (our being). Ungrounded beliefs are, well, just wishes, of which there are many, just being notions with no basis. First Philosophy, too, must be said to be a theory, or less, but at least one based on the empirical before it goes off into the rational-logical realm of philosophy.

So, this is an attempt to explain all, beginning with the explanation for Totality, which is All. For variety, I may also sometimes loosely call it the cosmos or the universe. Reasons will be provided for Totality, as well as how it works. After that, someday, we’ll go on up through protons/electrons to stars to atoms to molecules to cells to life to brains to consciousness and try to figure all that out.

To better and fully comprehend the universe we must first know why it exists, for that will tell us more about how it must operate. Any incomplete solution is invariably a wrong solution.

I don’t know whether to put out all of the brief sections at once, 30 or more, since they’d still add up, or in sections, as we go along.
i think there is a thread about that..i am sure a mod will point ya there..(theory of everything?)
OK, but this goes beyond empirical science, as we don't yet have a Super LHC or a magnified photo of the infinitesimal, but it will provide the answer. Of course, many have tried, but this is a good and logical one, much more than a GUT.
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Thanks for the 'encouragement, Emil, but you and they will love it, for it is complete, and simple, for we always knew that the TOE had to be so, for the complex comes afterward, where we reside.
OK, by popular demand:

Part 1…

0. Where did the basic ‘elemental’ stuff come from? It will be suggested that the basis of the stuff is what was/is forever and eternal, rather than the actual stuff itself, for there isn’t/wasn’t anything to make it of. (We are left with ‘nothing’.)

1. Either stuff was here forever or stuff is a distribution of nothing into positive and negative displacements about A zero point—a balance of nothing, essentially, being a ‘sum-thing’ of QM (Quantum Mechanics), as noted in the vacuum fluctuations.

2. Although both possibilities seem impossible, yet we know that one must be true, and so we have the problem surrounded, it becoming localized. In fact, we will see that they merge to be the same thing, more or less. Both positions demonstrate the necessity of the eternal.

3. ‘Nothing’ never sleeps, as we see from QM; it is always up to something, being, one might say, a perfectly unstable ‘state’. Everything melts, via uncertainty, as when we try to measure a quantum property—and so this means that no quantum property can ever be zero, for zero is a precise amount, so, it must be that motion can never cease, it being the natural state, and ever in that fuzzy QM way. These waverings are also called fields and forces, I suppose, or produce them. The so-called ‘vacuum’ is creative. The fields fluctuate this way and that, but, on average, the net energy is ‘zero’. This ‘zero’ is the hero of why anything exists at all.

4. If ‘nothing’ was totally stable then it would have persisted forever as a lack of anything, and would still be ‘here’. This, obviously, didn’t happen, thus, again, nothing cannot be or stay as such. It is only in the overview of Totality that all sums to zero, yet this can never happen in actuality, for the quantum jitters must ever dance, producing opposite pairs of particles, or fields leading to such.

5. Since these quantum fluctuations have been going on forever, this is akin to stuff having been generated forever. It’s just that it’s not the same exact stuff that has been around forever. Some of these virtual particles go back in, and some may even be rather enduring, but even they may cancel back in, eventually and whenever.

6. Cause and effect cannot go on forever, thus there must be a causeless prime mover that depends on nothing before it, for there couldn’t be anything before, both due to an impossible infinite regress of actions that would take forever, and also since then we would not then be identifying Totality, but something secondary or higher.

7. Another great reason that stuff itself could not have just been sitting around forever is that it would have to had been precisely defined without it ever having been defined in the first place, for that first place never was: such as in its entire amount, and in its particular matter/energy states of form, size, charge, mass, properties, location, matter vs. antimatter, and so forth.

8. The simple basis of All is not God, for Minds are systems and cannot be fundamental, nor was the causeless basis itself ever created, for it always had to be. Plus, composite complexity falls at the complete other end of the spectrum, not down beneath the simpler and the simpler. (They were looking in the wrong direction.) Composite complexity is where we are, while, as we look beneath we find more and more simplicity, ending up at the simplest state. Note that simple states are often reactive and readily go through phase changes. Thus, the answer to All is simple as well, for it has to be. Although some may consider the simple to be boring, it is still exciting to know, even if it doesn’t match the level of euphoria and magic of the various creation myths.

9. Yet another reason that the same stuff itself could not have been around forever without its making via the QM jitterbugging is that there was/is still nothing to make it out of, and, while that is the answer, I mean that there were no ‘more original’ stockpiles of stuff just sitting around to then make the regular original stuff out of.

10. This requirement for the zero-balance to remain as such is the basis for the conservation laws. No violations are possible, as we have seen. Existence pretty much has to nullify itself and so things can’t just do whatever they ‘want’.
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Part 2…

11. There are only two possible stable matter particles, the electron(-) and the proton(+), which suggests that that is all there can be, perhaps since pair production has but two ways to make matter particles (and their antiparticles). The third arrangement is the energy particle, the photon, its positive and negative aspects residing in peace and summing to its neutral charge. 1 + (-1) = 0. Empirically, it appears that Totality is electrically neutral, there being as many positives as negatives

12. This all further suggests that the universe can only be the way it is, which, I suppose, leads to determinism since there is ever the constraint that the All must sum to zero. It would be impossible for even one proton to be one fraction of a micron from where it should be, it having a precise and definite history, as well as the conservation laws requirement.

13, So, given that cause-and-effect cannot go on forever beneath, we had to replace that notion with an equation, the zero-balance. which led us to the rest of the findings, which still go on…

14. Review: ‘Nothing’ is the only candidate for a prime mover that needs nothing before it and can also serve as the All, meaning eternal and infinite as well, for their cannot be anything outside of Totality.

15. Thus the ‘universe’ is complete, containing its own history and future, since eternity is long enough for all things to happen, even multiple times, plus even more multiple times, due to infinity.

16. There is/was no special time, for it is any time; there is not any special location, for it can be anywhere, there is no center of history, for it is everywhere, etc.

17. There is no beginning or end in duration to Totality, for it is forever, nor any limitation of extent, for it must be infinite.

18. The cosmos is so tremendously large because the Planck size (and within) is so minuscule.

19. We can only reside at the finite mid-point between the largest infinity and the smallest infinity (infinitesimal), perched in this finite realm. While ‘size’ may be seem to be somewhat relative, there is a definite ordering to sizes.
We will even answer why squirrels run toward and under cars when they are already in the clear or could easily run the other way.
Already been answered: a squirrel's hobby (all squirrels) is car-spotting. But they're short-sighted and run towards the car to get a better look at the number plate. Unfortunately the largest collection in any squirrel's notebook is half a number.
Already been answered: a squirrel's hobby (all squirrels) is car-spotting. But they're short-sighted and run towards the car to get a better look at the number plate. Unfortunately the largest collection in any squirrel's notebook is half a number.

This could very well be, but the problem is so tough that we are first solving simple things, such as why anything exists at all and where it comes from.
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Nothing is very dull and boring.

Yes, indeed, for some kind of complex answer was expected, but complexity is up here, not down there at the simpler. What is the simplest state of all? Nothing.

Kind of like a cosmic joke that everything leads to nothing. Well, they do have the same information content: zero.
Part 3…

20. Our 4D existence is completely nullified by electric charge’s polarity, but again, only in the overview. Charge’s polarity is like ‘time’, the 4th dimension, which is the difference of space, and not a compositional dimension like space. I’m choosing charge, rather than matter and antimatter, since those make light, but one still argue that photons contain both positive and negative which could nullify in principle, if not in the actual. Others, like Hawking, see the positive kinetic energy of matter being balanced and canceled out by the negative potential energy of gravity. It always comes down to zero, these theories.

21. Forever systems have what might seem like strange properties, kind of like those those of a mobious strip. For example, matter, to form, seems to require light to exist first, but, likewise, light, to form, requires matter to be; yet, there is no chicken-and-egg problem, since forever systems must be their own precursors, meaning there was no first light or matter. It is as if the products of the future are available to the present. Nor was there any first star. It is even thought that stellar ignition requires some amount of non-lightweight elements, yet, these are only produced by stars. Strange, indeed. No first life, no first kiss, no earliest history, no last star, no last kiss…

22. The largest infinity times the smallest infinity equals unity, or 1, where we exist.

23. A finite 4-D hypercube is proposed that is a singularity of sorts, the one and only boundary condition of Totality. Extending Einstein’s block universe suggests that there is a finite 4-D hypercube consisting of 3-D infinite spaces that are indexed by time, the spaces being the infinite 3-D ‘surface’ of the 4-D hypercube, just as t here is a 2D infinite surface on a 3D sphere.

24. Time is the difference of space and space is the difference of time. The speed of light (c) is the underlying dimensional equivalent relationship ratio between time and distance, or actually between the 4D hypercube and 4D space-time, and, it would seem, there can be only one such relationship, so, only one speed limit.

25. Time, like space, is an inevitable consequence of 4D hypervolume. Space might constitute the composition of reality, but time is the cause and effect binding it all together. Time is not a compositional dimension; it is a difference dimension. Time is the dimension that bounds, not extends, three-dimensional space.

26. Distance^4 = c(time-distance^3)
‘c’ is a ratio!

Distance^4 / (time-distance^3) = c = distance/time

27. The hypercube has dimensions of quadratic distance; however, any incomplete representation of this hypercube, such as half of unit hypervolume, has units of time-distance^3. Totality is neutral and symmetric, whereas its internal composition is polar and asymmetric.

28. Why three spacial dimensions? The singularity of nothingness demands existential closure, which demands compositional parity (positive and negative polarity), which demands cubic space. Our universe’s dimensionality is as inevitable as its existence. The space of our universe is three-dimensional because this is the only dimension whose volume is compositionally consistent through all levels of infinite size while forming the surface of its own hypersphere.
Part 4…

29. I have some more proofs, I hope, showing that the distribution of energy in space everywhere, at this very moment, is not a statistical accident, but is, in fact, an absolute certainty.

30. Proof of the non-statistical universe: Variability Inversion: The larger an object, the less its universal variability, which is precisely the opposite of what would be expected in a statistical universe. From a purely statistical standpoint, an object’s variability ought to increase with size—the larger the object, the more complex; however, although large objects appear to express greater diversity, they are physically unable to achieve it, their size dictating their cosmic number density, this in turn limiting their cosmic variability.

As the scale of size extends, cosmic variability continues to fall off. There are fewer stellar patterns than atomic patterns. There are fewer galactic patterns than stellar patterns. (The total number of different galaxies is at least a hundred billion times less than the number of different stars, since the average galaxy contains about one hundred billion stars.) There are fewer supercluster patterns than galactic patterns. Going on up to Totality itself, variability continues to fall off, finally reaching the cessation of variability, it looking like some kind of stringy, uniform foam.

31. The Big Bang. This would be since, if one waits long enough, through some portion of eternity, low probability events will surely happen, such as a lot of ‘whatever’ peaking at once, or at least some, which then causes some kind of chain reaction, or, that a bunch of energy-stuff swirls into a huge mass, compressing, swirling inward until there is no inward left, then boom. Or a bi-verse forms, which at least conserves energy, for we find no ‘photinos’ to counter the huge amount of photons produced.

32. If there was no Big Bang, then redshift would really mean that photons are expanding, not space, because they are taking several million years to decay, finally quantum emitting decay-photons in the microwave range, this constituting the CMBR. If so, that would mean, since the local universe is still here, at any old time, that there would have to be a recycling method, perhaps through galaxies, which would be vortexes drawing compound nuclei into the black holes at the core, and disassociating them back into hydrogen or quarks via gravity to go on to form new stars. CMBR electric currents would also play a role, and this could be the banding seen in galaxies. This recycling process would take about 16-18 billion years and that would be why the universe only appears to be in the range of about that old.
Part 5…

33. The Nullification of Existence… We have seen how the universe has three compositional dimensions (space) and one closure dimension (fourth dimension)—having a finite four-dimensional hypervolume, its one and only one universal boundary condition, one that is proportional to the product of Planck’s constant and the speed of light divided by the average universal energy density, the forth root of the universe’s hypervolume becoming an absolute unit of measurement whose length, amazingly, is but a fraction of a millimeter. But, remember, the 4th dimension touches the 3rd everywhere; so, it is extensive, this tiny extent being the same everywhere—which is why universal constants control all, it being the only connection between the micro and macro universe, for it is the the finiteness of necessity that exists at the midpoint of the universal size scale between infinite largeness and infinite smallness (infinitesimal).

The four-dimensional size of the universe represents the quintessential quantity—the quantity of quantity. The only way it can exist within nothingness (the prime mover) is by being voided by some internal relationship—a substructure allowing for complete and utter cancellation. Nonexistence is the same vacant truth on the largest and the smallest ends of reality and existence is everything in between. The largest disperses into nothing, while the smallest shrinks and compresses into nothing.

The nonexistence of half of the universe must be equivalent to the existence of the other half, this being called existential parity. The two halves satisfy the completeness of the universe, but what about its voided nature? Some operator—a difference operator—has to offset the cumulative effect of the summation of nothing; the largest possible difference in the universe is the one occurring between its two halves. Positive and negative directions along the fourth dimension are entirely equivalent; the only difference is their opposition to each other—a polarity inherent in the fourth dimension required by the symmetry of totality. That is why there is an infinite wealth of positive and negative electric fields scattered across space. Yet, the universe is electrically neutral.

Totality’s hypercube consists of an infinite number of layers of three-dimensional space at various fourth-dimensional elevations, this fourth-dimension not containing points because it represents their fourth-dimensional deflection—a difference of position. Space exists because the sum of nothing is nothing and the fourth-dimension exists because the difference of nothing is nothing.

The positive and negative fields of energy are physical deflections of space along the fourth dimension. Since all is composed of space, anything not strictly space is spacial distortion. Polarity nullifies spacial magnitude. A spacial point and its deflection are not separate entities. If we could superimpose the two halves of totality, the result would not be space, but nothingness. Existence contains the exact amounts of positive and negative electric fields (spacial deflection) necessary to provide perfect four-dimensional symmetry.

What is fourth-dimensional, intrinsically polar, external to space, and a metric for spacial distance? Time. Time, like space, is an inevitable consequence of hypervolume. Space might constitute the composition of reality, but time is the cause and effect binding it all together. Time is the difference of space! Time is not a compositional dimension; it is a difference dimension. The hypercube has dimensions of quadratic distance; however, any incomplete representation of this hypercube, such as half of unit hypervolume, has units of time-distance^3. Totality is neutral and symmetric, whereas its internal composition is polar and asymmetric. Time is the dimension that bounds, not extends, three-dimensional space.

The speed of light (c), is the underlying dimensional relationship between time and distance; it provides the standard for unbounded duration, much as the universes “diameter” provides the standard of unbounded distance.

34. Complete solidity (One) is impossible, and the same for total vacuity (Zero); thus the in-between zero-balance ‘sumthing’ of positive and negative.


(+) e t e r n i t i e s (-)


( + ) P o l a r i t i e s-