Undeniable Proof that Aliens Exist!

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Presumably you would then be able to just scoop them out and suffer no mental impairment?

Actually, I do believe it's possible to remove most of the brain and continue to "function" if you don't injure your Medulla Oomblagata (excuse the spelling). Basically, we can do without our cerebellum, which controls balancing and other aspects related to walked and handling things. Would it be possible to remove the Cerebral Cortex as well? We wouldn't be able to think (dubbing us mentally impaired), but we would still be able to funtion as long as we are fed and watered through a tube.
Well I never!
Thanks Votorx, that's very interesting stuff.
Still, it's surely wrong to claim that humans only use a fraction of their brains... isn't it?
Still, it's surely wrong to claim that humans only use a fraction of their brains... isn't it?

Well the last time I checked we DO only use a fraction of our brain...
You should probably check again. There is no scientific evidence to support the myth.

:m: Peace.
You should probably check again. There is no scientific evidence to support the myth.

Well its such a hugely common idea. Such as the idea that Christopher Columbus discovered America. As we all know, that's not true but that doesn't keep this nation from celebrating that mass murderer, or does it keep it from being "partially" true (since its such widely believed, it's has become a fact with no evidence supporting it, instead this evidence contradicts it)

P.S Since when has the lack of evidence ever stopped anyone from believing something? Ex. CrazyMikey.
Noooo... just because it is widely believed does not mean it is true.

;) Peace.
P.S Since when has the lack of evidence ever stopped anyone from believing something? Ex. CrazyMikey.

Yet, the evidence I have provided, you cannot counter. Instead, you've gone ahead and shot yourself in the foot; by first proclaiming, that we believe because of photographs of UFO - when we have not discussed any photograph of UFO's. Then by trying to fool us with z-grade photoshop ufo-fakes, and hopelesly failing, and despite being laughed upon by all, including us, you still continue to beleive you may have suceeded. You thus made two outlandish claims, and both have without effort, been proven to be wrong, yet in light of that, you continue to believe them, yet, shamelessly point your finger at me - and say I don't need evidence. That is just funny. Join the circus - or indeed you could start photoshop art classes - it's about the same ;)
CrazyMikey I don't understand. I said I completely agree with you, what more would like from me? :confused:
Noooo... just because it is widely believed does not mean it is true.

True, but what evidence out there contradicts the idea that we use only around 10% of our brain?
um, sum1 just proved it, if we only use 10% of our brain, it would be an easy job to remove 90% of our brains and it wouldnt have ANY effect
Are there ANY grownups here? A moderator? A fake post, a Fake photo and lots of Photoshop talk, hell .. isn't there another place for this type of crap? It is a mockery of this section...The Title is a known lie and the thread continues on! I'm tired of children and their stupid photoshop games.. is ANYONE sincere about UFO research? I'm so sick of this forums run amuck game playing, I hardly even come here anymore! screw photoshop and all fakers, you are a boil on the ass of wisdom and science... :mad:
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is ANYONE sincere about UFO research

Of course no one is sincere about UFO research because there is no UFO to research on!

It is a mockery of this section...

You're absuletly right, why mock this section more when it does such a good job mocking itself?

screw photoshop and all fakers, you are a boil on the ass of wisdom and science...

Oh I'm so very sorry, maybe by now you'll finally understand that UFOs aren't real and most of the crap presented on these forums IS fake shit?
It is amazing isn't it Slim. The Information Control Agents have been doing their jobs in discouraging those that are really interested and muddying the threads where real truth is brought out. I guess it talkes alot of patiences to wade thru all the garbage.

I don't mean to be mean, but, who are you to decide what is legitimate research, and what is not? Who are you to pass judgements on the interests and investigations of others. You know what you are doing, you are coming across as a slanderer and a bigot - a little child with no understanding and respect for different views. In fact, you are being openly racist.

Do you even have an idea, of the kind of personalities involved in UFO research? Doctors, scientists, psychologists, professors, defence officials. ETI and UFO is of interest to the most intelligent and high-brass of this world. Then who are you, a nobody on a forum, to slander them, and their interests? I mean come on, you claim we will beleive your UFO fake, when it is so horribly done. Do you have any credibility? What are your credentials?

How can you as a human being, sit there, and so shamelessly, slander other human beings? Are you so insecure about yourself? Are you that pitiful? You are coming across to me, as someone with the intellectual caliber of KKK clan member.

Believe me, because I'm only going to say it once: We don't need the approval of a bunch of nobodies on a forum. We have the approval of some of the greatest minds on Earth(as opposed to your magicians) By openly slandering us, and our interests, you are only taking away your own credibility, and making yourself look dumb. If you want us to look at you as a child, then that is your choice, but you gain absolutely nothing out of it. If you think gaining someones contempt is something to be proud of, then you're simply pathetic, a low life pest, whose only existence is to retard the progress of others.
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FieryIce said:
The Information Control Agents have been doing their jobs in discouraging those that are really interested and muddying the threads where real truth is brought out.
Please disregard FieryIce's comments. They have not been cleared with the Ministry of Truth.
CrazyMikey...that had to be the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. But you know while we're at it why don't I continue this little exchange of insults?

What makes you think that there is life out there anyways? What? You saw a light flicker in the sky and automatically you must think "The ETs...they're trying to communicate with me" and before long your trying your best to find proof of these unreal things only to find yourself believing the worst possible evidence presented to you. What is wrong with you? Are you so lonely and do you feel so out of this world that you feel some kind of uncontrollable need to find other life? Maybe you don't feel human yourself and wish that you can be alien and fly of this planet don't you? You consider me debunking such illogical thoughts as childish meanwhile your little hopes and dreams can be as furfilling as a 2 year olds. Not only that but the questions you ask reaches the intelecuality of a 2 year old. For god's sake many of you are even willing to believe that people from other worlds are constantly trying to communicate and visit us meanwhile countless debates prove light travel as impossible. Yet you ignore every possible logic, every possible law given to you because according to you, aliens are too smart and know how to bend these laws as easily as rubber. Before you know it your going to be pronounces these things that you never encountered as your god and will most likely proposal UFO research as a religion. God forbid you ever do that, to many people will waste their time looking for bullshit like you.

Well, whatever, your obviously enclosed in your own world, when someone actualy protrudes and rejects your ideas you immediatly attack them as a closeminded fool. This is just a banter of a selfish brat who can't accept the fact that maybe his hopes and dreams cannot come true. And unfortunetly your so enclosed in this world of pretend and make believe that you can't even see how obviously a hoax these pictures and videos you present to us on a daily basis are. Jesus christ man, that last UFO video you brought couldn't fool a freaken tiolet let alone people with actual intellectual stability. Obviously you have none. Maybe you should give yourself a little smack and see how the real world is like rather than drown yourself in your world of imagination.

One last thing you cannot research something that cannot exist. You base all your facts on science fiction books, and pictures and videos that are fake. What kind of reserach is based on fiction? Only research conducted by complete and total idiots like yourself.

Anyways, please don't let me ruin your mood, have a nice day, and remember, your irresistable urge started this :cool: .

P.S - No hard feelings, I was just telling the truth.
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Votorx said:
CrazyMikey...that had to be the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. But you know while we're at it why don't I continue this little exchange of insults?

Votorx, I'm not insulting, simply telling you, how you come across. When I start insulting you, you'll know yourself. As we can see from the rest of your post, you have absolutely no understanding of the matter nor wish to understand it. You raise uneducated objections, then answer them yourselves with uneducated opinions. You are being an out and out racist, with complete disregard and disrespect for the ETI/UFO researchers, and you seem to think you have a licence to ridicule and slander them.

This is exactly the type of Nazism thinking, that encourages racism. Like you, they don't need logic, they simply need an excuse; the others and/or beliefs are abnormal, and this gives them the justification to slander, insult, ridicule, or physically abuse them.

It is this type of stupid thinking that regularly pulls humanity back into the gutter. You think, your ways, your beliefs, your philosophy of life is legitimate, while others are not - you have absolutely no idea, how delusional, fundamentalist and pathetic you are. You are just a leach, leaching of the efforts of others who make this world. You take it all for granted, like a degenerate child, not even appreciating, the trials and tribulations others have gone through, to get food on your table; to get you equal rights; to get you a roof over your head. They fought the same prejudice, hate, ridicule, myopia, Nazism, that you are projecting onto others today.

You know, it makes me think. Why did they have to do this? So simply insensitive morons like you can run amok, oblivious to all, ridiculing and insulting others? You should count yourself lucky, that you have so much. What kind of miserable and pathetic existence is yours, in which you swallow everything you've been told? What kind of meaningless life do you live? It's funny, very funny, that you live your life by fundamental, absolutes, and discrimination - yet any day it's going to end(nanoseconds in UST(Universal Standard Time). You won't be here, but the universe will continue to exist and mankind will continue to progress.

Who are you Vorotx? Those who you call, mentality of 2 year Olds, because they are convinced of the existence of aliens, have doctorates, masters, decades of experience in intellectual and scientific areas - even I am far more educated than you. You are, no one Votorx, you don't want to help others progress, you just want to obliviously enjoy your own life at the expense of others. You don't have the slightest regard for others and their right to free speech and thought, yet would wish to have the same? A hypocrit. Have you never felt vindicated by others? From the way you talk, you sound like a loser. I can imagine how much you've been ridiculed at your school. Did it feel bad? Did it hurt? Did it feel unfair? Yet you don't have even the slightest thought that you are doing the same to others.

It's a vicious power cycle really. You need to feel important, and you do it by discrediting another. While, others feel important over you, by discrediting you. In fact, you actually don't give a damn about what's true or not, science, discovery, future. All you need is a stature, and here you are, trying to feel better than us, so you can feel you have some stature.

You can delude yourself, to no ends, but all you've done here, is gained my utter contempt and disrespect. You have made yourself look like a loser. As I said before, if you think you have gained something, then you're utterly pathetic. I am only replying to you, because I think you need to be told, how you are being perceived. Otherwise, I don't need to reply to such filthy thinking.

What makes you think that there is life out there anyways?

What makes you think there isn't?

What makes me think there is life, is because, there is life on Earth, the universe is absolutely vast, and planet earth is just one of an infinite number of planets. Life is a cosmic imperative.

Am I alone in this belief? No;

90% of the advanced world, beleive in ET life, and 70% believe they are present today.
60-70% of Oxford student beleive in ET life, as well as them being present here today.
90-95% of the scientific community believe in ET life. More than 50% are open to ETI visitation, including the likes of Hawking.
Around 1000 of our top-brass and defence, intelligence, and aerospace officials beleive in ET life, and them being here.

You are a minority here, amongst the common populace, as well as the educated elites. Yet that does not stop you from opening that big mouth.

What? You saw a light flicker in the sky and automatically you must think "The ETs...they're trying to communicate with me" and before long your trying your best to find proof of these unreal things only to find yourself believing the worst possible evidence presented to you.

Here you go: It's evident from the above paragraph alone, that you have your eyes tightly shut. If you had even the slightest sense, you would know it's not about lights flickering in the sky. If you even had the slightest sense, you would know it's not about photograph's. I've heard of being blind by nature, but you are blind by choice. Astonishing.

There is around 500 pages of evidence, proof and arguments. Almost all the 20 proofs remain untouched. That is the source of my justification and confidence in ETI.

What is wrong with you? Are you so lonely and do you feel so out of this world that you feel some kind of uncontrollable need to find other life? Maybe you don't feel human yourself and wish that you can be alien and fly of this planet don't you?

What is wrong with me? That I share the world with a bunch of primates, who have the intellectual caliber of Nazis. That I share the world with a bunch of warmongers, that often go out and commit aggro, or openly insult in public..That I share the world, with a sinister shadow government, that is designing weapons that could destroy our planet and our human race.

Finding other life, will not solve that, but it sure will give idiots like yourself, a wake-up call, as to what their place in the universe is, and what is actually possible in this universe. It will give idiots like yourself a wake-up call, as to why humanity should stand united. We represent the human race, which is a race of zillions of others, if we can't find peace with each other, how will we hope to find peace with others.

For people like me, it will present an opportunity to learn about this universe, and to experience others cultures, and philosophies beyond our own. It will help me learn more about myself, my history and my origins, and where I am going. I would gladly leave this shithole of a planet, simply for the journey of self-discovery. I'm not a sheep like you Votorx. I think, and question my reality, and my universe, and I yearn for more and more knowledge. I like peace, and tranquillity, and I want to see others live in harmony with each other and help each other.

What I don't want? Is to live simply for the sake of living, and fabricate all my life, and then just die, living a selfish and meaningless existence. This is what you are doing, and I truly pity that.

You consider me debunking such illogical thoughts as childish meanwhile your little hopes and dreams can be as furfilling as a 2 year olds. Not only that but the questions you ask reaches the intelecuality of a 2 year

Debunking? Debunking implies proving wrong, does it not? You don't prove anything wrong. You just rant and curse. And how about learning to spell and structure sentences?

For god's sake many of you are even willing to believe that people from other worlds are constantly trying to communicate and visit us meanwhile countless debates prove light travel as impossible. Yet you ignore every possible logic, every possible law given to you because according to you, aliens are too smart and know how to bend these laws as easily as rubber. Before you know it your going to be pronounces these things that you never encountered as your god and will most likely proposal UFO research as a religion. God forbid you ever do that, to many people will waste their time looking for bullshit like you.

You seem paranoid? Why is it that you ask a question, worry about it, and then answer it yourself, and consider it concluded?

"Laws given to you" umm ok, dumbo.

Well, whatever, your obviously enclosed in your own world, when someone actualy protrudes and rejects your ideas you immediatly attack them as a closeminded fool. This is just a banter of a selfish brat who can't accept the fact that maybe his hopes and dreams cannot come true. And unfortunetly your so enclosed in this world of pretend and make believe that you can't even see how obviously a hoax these pictures and videos you present to us on a daily basis are. Jesus christ man, that last UFO video you brought couldn't fool a freaken tiolet let alone people with actual intellectual stability. Obviously you have none. Maybe you should give yourself a little smack and see how the real world is like rather than drown yourself in your world of imagination.

You are deluding yourself even further, if you think you are intellectually stable. In fact, those who do NOT beleive in ETI, are NOT close-minded fools. It's people like you - who have given themselves the right to ridicule, insult and judge others. It is people like you, -who are not honest to others, or yourselves. It's people like you - that have chosen to be blind.

One last thing you cannot research something that cannot exist. You base all your facts on science fiction books, and pictures and videos that are fake. What kind of reserach is based on fiction? Only research conducted by complete and total idiots like yourself.

Why would you research something that does exist, or is known, moron?

Anyways, please don't let me ruin your mood, have a nice day, and remember, your irresistable urge started this :cool: .

P.S - No hard feelings, I was just telling the truth.

ROFL, you see exactly what I accused you off. A pest, that, gets some sort of sick pleasure by insulting and ridiculing others. You've not ruined my day Votorx. My day does not revolve around you, like your own universe does. Instead, you've proven to me, in fact even more than I thought to be, that you're a complete loser. You can't grasp basic photoshop skills(yet nonetheless describe them to us) You can't grasp basic skills of spelling, punctuation and grammar. You don't have any manners, and respects and understanding of others.. You ridicule and insult people, even when they are older and far more educated than you. Yet you talk about science, and say "the laws you are given" it's obvious you don't even know what science is. In fact you don't even knows the laws of relativity that you are deriving your own impossible barriers from. You're just regurgitating what you've heard. I mean come on, you shot yourself in the foot, right from the start of this useless topic: "Look it's a UFO" watch how these gullible people will believe. Instead, everyone laughed at you. Yet, still, as if you have the intelligence of a retard, you continue to insist "It would have worked, if, I, and Lemming had not told you" You've made a complete a joke out of yourself - I really hope you're proud of this accomplishment. Ignore list.

P.S I'm sorry, but I find it really hard to tolerate stupidity - because being a decent human being is common sense, now that I've concluded, you are of no worth, and worse still a pest; I can never expect something sensible of you. It's a 2-way process you see. If you expect to talk to me, you have to live up to my standards.

Note to Mod: Please close topic. It's serving little point.
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Ridiculous. Such disrespectful remarks being directed towards your little crew is only generated by your pathetic attempts to prove ETI’s are present and have visited the world today. Just because I do not agree with your assumptions does not mean I disrespect my ancestors and family who worked hard to get me to where I am today. I have utmost respect for the people who have worked hard for today’s society, I would worship those who died and fought for our lives today because they actually did something for us and worked for a better future. What have you done? Sat on ass looking through website in hope of truth? How honorable would that waste of time be and why should I respect your pathetic attempts? Unfortunately CrazyMikey I will not do that. I only respect those who have done something with lives, what have you done so far? All you have done is put another annoying itch on the science, like a everyday common mosquito that just won’t go away.

So I disagree with your views on aliens, what makes you think that you can disrespect me and my views on aliens yet at the same time ask for respect for your beliefs? Your hypocrisy is outstanding. You sit there degenerating my views on ETI and only accept the possibility that ETI have in fact visited us with little to no evidence of there being actual visits. It works both ways CrazyMikey, whatever ridicule you’ve subjected towards me can easily fit you as well. I guess I should just begin calling you racist as well since you obviously insult and disrespect my views on aliens. That is your problem. You suggest that your open-minded and willing to consider that everything is possible, yet you can’t accept the fact that these supposed UFO pictures and videos just may be fake. Again, your living in your little dream world of pretend attacking all those who invade and considering them intellectually inferior because of their different views on life.

So here’s the question you’ve asked me. Who are you CrazyMikey? You consider people uneducated because they base their assumption on proven truths and laws of science, yet you believe in fictional facts and lies about the unknown. Scientists of the past have based their theories on things that can be proven truthful, they used their time towards subjects that will help the future societies and eventually, they made their theories into laws and became the respectful role models we see today. Again, what have you done? All you have done is tried to strength your belief on a forum full of gullible fools. Where is your proof CrazyMikey? Why do people make fake pictures and videos if there are 500 pages worth of proof proving that Aliens have visited? I wonder why...maybe because that is complete bullshit. Please do not waste my time with your lies just because you choose to believe in them. I still have my life to live, just because you’ve wasted yours doesn’t conclude that mine is inferior.

Its simply amazing how you continue to try and insult me meanwhile you are simply describing yourself.
You think, your ways, your beliefs, your philosophy of life is legitimate, while other are not - you have absolutely no idea, how delusional, fundamentalist and pathetic you are.
Your going to try and fight on how you haven’t done the same thing? Your past couple replies, although considered complete bullshit, portray the same thing. Are you so delusional and protected by your world that you don’t even see and realize your own actions? Or is it just your complete and utter stupidity which causes you to act the way you do?

Now, I admit when I make a mistake and I came across like I didn’t believe in Aliens at all, when in fact I do. I do believe there is life on other planets since it would be illogical to think out of the billions and billions of planets we are the only world with actual living life on it. What I do not accept is the fact that we have been visited nor do I accept the proof given to us. Do you realize that we are the only species out of billions of varieties of animals on our world to make any kind of advancement in the field of technology? We have proven through the laws of physics of VALID experiments which conclude light speed travel as impossible. Yet you ignore these truths and continue to believe in something that is IMPOSSIBLE. There may be aliens on other planets but its just primitive to automatically think they have made any advancements at all.

”Laws given to you” umm ok, dumbo.
Why would you research something that does exist or is known, moron?

Wow...that was amazing... I’ve seen people twist words around so it suites them but what you have just said is in no way related to what I posted. Please reread what I said and think before you reply with such stupid remarks. Hear let me help you since it’s obviously to hard for you to understand. When I said “One last thing you cannot research something that cannot exist”, that means, you cannot research on something that does not exist! I really don’t understand how much easier I can explain it so its simple enough. You cannot base your facts on fiction, you cannot base your assumptions on things that aren’t there in the first place, you cannot base your beliefs on UFOs that you have never observed. You are completely disregarding the scientific method in your attempts to prove something so...false.

LMAO, that poll your posted was really something. Along with being complete BS you have nothing supporting it. Again, don’t lie please. I highly doubt that 70% of the world population believes that aliens walk among us, in fact, I don’t think an 8 year old would believe that why should anyone else?

Well anyways, I have said what I wanted to say. I have come to conclusion that you are extremely hypocritical, selfish, stupid, gullible and foolish. You only wish to preserve the rights of man for yourself and your...people... You wish to disregard me as stupid since I disagree with you. You live in a world of your own and won’t accept anything that you can’t agree with. That is sad, I really feel sorry for you... Maybe one of these days you will grow up and stop believing fairy tales and really take a look at the world. There are more problems to figure out than you fanatic actions. I never wanted to get into any kind of argument, once again you are the reason why this started. I was simply explaining my thoughts on the subject, but obviously that isn’t allowed because you said so.

Still, you have every right to believe in these aliens as I have every right to disbunk them. If you wish to preserve this right only towards you and your little crew and disregard my rights then that is fine. Only you are portraying the Nazism and racism that you’ve so willingly labeled me. It no longer maters, I was just using this forums as a time waster in hopes that the philosophy forums will take a turn in the right direction and start something worth my efforts. I have recently found a good philosophy forums and will begin withdrawing myself from this website. But do not fear, I will pop in every now and then just so I can get a good laugh off your pathetic attempts.

PS How old are you exactly and what have you majored in? From what I have seen it seems like your just a lonely little boy with a dictionary. Anyways, this reply was more a burden, I have grown tired of talking to you, your posts are just...boring. I really do have better things to do than argue with you. I have a life...maybe one of these days you will to, maybe. Or most likely you’ll just end up in the mental institute with the rest of your crackpot friends, who knows?

Also, next time you decide on replying to something, make the post about something. Over half of your post was just you trying to insult me, nothing that actually pertained to what I said. Maybe your irresistible need to put others down is beginning to show. I guess your blind and angry nature is just a result of your stupidity. Again, look back at your post and try and see how it relates to you, you are simply describing your own actions (I am being 100% serious with no intentions of insulting you).
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