Undeniable Proof that Aliens Exist!

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votorx save for web is on photoshop not paint.

we dont rely on stupid photographs, either.

not all the UFO pictures are real, some are hoaxes (like votorx is showing)
not all the UFO videos are real, but the Mexico one sure as hell is strange (especially when multiple videocams recorded it)
not all Crop Circles are Hoaxes, some have anomalies in the area, evidence of manipulation of the stem's structure , strange readings on magnetic fields and other things...

theres gonna be fakers wherever you go, whatever your doing or talking about.
but theres also authentic, genuine proof hidden beneath all this crap the fakers pile on top of it.

this forum is full of fakers

always contradicting us
praising the debunking

all without any input on their own part.

do they even think ? or just ridicule ?
i wonder what they believe is going on? nothing ? heh.

Zoney, undeserved praise, hoaxing, lying and name-calling are techniques used by both sides. So is playing the martyr, not to mention pretending to be informed about fields where information is both sparse and deeply corrupted.

I think everyone dealt with this thread honestly, don't you? I mean, Votorx posted a picture that looks like a thumbnail of a Don Hakman painting called "Cruise into the Unknown". Everyone said "That's fake", and that was it.

If you see the shopping cart of ridicule speeding across the parking lot, don't be too quick to jump in front of it...
votorx save for web is on photoshop not paint.

...Must I mention it again? I was using photoshop, Abode Photoshop. Here let me make it clearer ABODE PHOTOSHOP Hold on...

Quote from my previos post

Orginally it wasnt MS Paintjob, it as Abode Photoshop

Let me say it again

Orginally it wasnt MS Paintjob, it as Abode Photoshop

Do you get it now?

Anyways, that all I wanted to say, I believe Big Blue Head covered anything else I was willing to portray. I will excuse myself from this thread now I've said what I had to tell you.
do they even think ? or just ridicule ?
i wonder what they believe is going on? nothing ? heh.

Stop to think for a second, Zonabi, there is a say I have heard in relation to miltary and underlings of any sort, "I don't pay you to think".
Some thought processes will not match the humans thought processes. Don't forget humans use only a fraction of their brains at present, thus we humans were created with future potential, not necessarily the same applies to ETI.
FieryIce said:
Stop to think for a second, Zonabi, there is a say I have heard in relation to miltary and underlings of any sort, "I don't pay you to think".
Some thought processes will not match the humans thought processes. Don't forget humans use only a fraction of their brains at present, thus we humans were created with future potential, not necessarily the same applies to ETI.

My Internal Monologue Upon Reading FieryIce's Post
by BigBlueHead

First Impression
Way to toe the party line, Fiery. I'm excited.

Second Impression
So... highly advanced aliens would have brains hardwired to be stupider than Fiery, 'cuz they already use "100% of their brain"? Thus his 10% is smarter than their 100% because it "gives him more potential"? This statement says many strange things about the nature of intelligence. Perhaps if the ET's were all dunderheads as he says, that would explain why they do the silly things they do... but that would really take the fun out of exploring the universe, if it were populated by alien retards.

Third Impression
Wait a second... he's trying to credit his beliefs about aliens by calling all of his detractors ALIENS...

Detractor: "Unicorns are not real."
Fiery: "You're lying! YOU'RE A UNICORN!"
Detractor: "Am not!"
Fiery: "Are too!"

Must respond...
End of My Internal Monologue.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.....timeout

BlueHead, I may have big balls but I wear them on my chest, change all those he's ...his...to her's

I couldn't resist, I just had to say it.

Unlike Norval, I think HE has his balls in a different location than I do.

lol, not a bad photo to say u put no effort in
but you got my hopes up, i saw the thread title and assumed i could laugh at someone for belieiving they have proof

also, you should have had more of an independance day rip off ufo, using its anti-monument lasers and all
Ha, having a very limited access to usuable pics, this is the best "independance day rip off" I could get too. I actually spent more than 5 minutes using this so if you don't like it, blow me :rolleyes:


but you got my hopes up, i saw the thread title and assumed i could laugh at someone for belieiving they have proof

Ahh sorry sorry, but don't worry, another gullible fool will post something like that soon enough, they always do.

P.S I think I used to much blur this time. Its hard to look at.
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Votorx said:
Ha, having a very limited access to usuable pics, this is the best "independance day rip off" I could get too. I actually spent more than 5 minutes using this so if you don't like it, blow me :rolleyes:

If this is another attempt to "fool" us, then let me tell you, it's got less chance of working than your first one.

I am not mocking your photoshop/paint skills. I guess, you should post this topic in another forum, if you want help in graphic design.
Don't forget humans use only a fraction of their brains at present

Fiery Ice, that is possibly the most absurd thing that I have ever seen you post. I wonder if you could identify those parts that you think you don't use. Presumably you would then be able to just scoop them out and suffer no mental impairment?
If this is another attempt to "fool" us, then let me tell you, it's got less chance of working than your first one.

You have got to be mentally retarded to think I was being serious after posting one fake pic them posting another. You are just...stupid, I really don't understand how you could possibly think im trying to fool you again. FYI, Im posting it for the hell of it. I thought I made that clear already but I get some just don't seem to understand.
Vortex, are you taking out your anger of your failiure to show how gullible we crackpot ETI proponents are, on me? Tusk Tusk.
Vortex, are you taking out your anger of your failiure to show how gullible we crackpot ETI proponents are, on me?

No Im just stating the fact of how you fail to realize that I wasn't being serious in the first place. Evidently you still don't seem to understand.

P.S - I think we made it clear that if it wasn't for Lemmings and me admitting that the pic was false, you "Gullible Crackpots" probably would have fallen for such an obvious trick, you have done so many times before.
No Im just stating the fact of how you fail to realize that I wasn't being serious in the first place. Evidently you still don't seem to understand.

Votorex, I said at the start, it would qualify as a satire. However, you sure are taking this seriously and personally. Actually it seems, from the way you describe how you designed this in photoshop/pain, and continue to claim, how we "crackpots" would have been fooled. That it was not a "satire" at all. It seems you have shot yourself in your own foot.

P.S - I think we made it clear that if it wasn't for Lemmings and me admitting that the pic was false, you "Gullible Crackpots" probably would have fallen for such an obvious trick, you have done so many times before.

Actually Vortox, it seems you are quite foolish, that you really believe, that black squib(for a lack of a better term for it) would have fooled us. You don't really need to admit it was "fake" it's written all over. Had you posted your latest attempt, it would been the same. In fact, as awful as the first one was, it's actually more convincing than your latest one. Maybe you should ask someone with better photoshop skills, in fact you'll find many with better photoshop skills than your own. (I use the word skills, loosely)
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