Undeniable Proof that Aliens Exist!

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Still egotistic...
Valued Senior Member
As many of you may know I am a huge skeptic about UFO, aliens, ET and other phenomenons. Well, like all you believers I have been persuaded into believing these outside visitors by this great and mysterious photograph I found on the web. In fact, it is so amazing that I decided to share it with you guys. FYI, this photo was taken place ONLY 3 days ago by a famouse Pseudo-scientist named Alfredo Dimisphis. This pic just may change your hole view on life. Here it is:


P.S: For those of you who are still skeptic about it, I will be posting more pictures soon!
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Some of you may have trouble opening the previous link so here's another one you can use, unfortunetly it is much smaller and harder to see.

Lmao, thats proof? A pitch black object in the sky that may or may not be painted onto the photo? you gotta be joking.
Oh yeah im gonna go out on a limb and state the obvious... what buildings are in the background(drum role) The world trade center. Need i say more? Someone close this thread plz.
Sweet picture Votorx, looks like a screen cap from Windows Flight Simulator or something...I particularly like how the WTC buildings aren't straight.

Lemming3k - yer a goomba. If that's a photo, it's a photo of a computer screen or a really bad piece of art. This is too bad to even qualify as "fake".
LoL, Leeming3k you are in serious need to psychology.

Anyways, yes that is a fake picture lol. I made that in about 5 minutes, and i made it a point to use the twin towers and say that it was made 3 days ago. Imagine what would happen if I actually took time to make fake UFO pictures and used a more powerfull program than the abode pictureshop...Ha who knows. You'll UFO fanatics need som serious view on your life. I was actually expecting someone to takes this seriously (other than Lemming that is).
Oh yeah and it does look alot better than that, only that picture is scaled down soo freaken much because the actual picture I made was around 4 mega bites. I had to make it samll enough so it was around 100 kilobytes, so yeah it does look like crap.

I particularly like how the WTC buildings aren't straight.

Huh...they looked pretty straight when i started, must have messed up when i was scaling it down.
You wouldnt have needed more powerful software than photoshop, you just would have needed to not be a complete novice with photoshop. (Sorry, I'm getting a BA in digital multimedia. This degree will never get me a job, so you can at least try to humor me when I try to sound like a total elietist where digital artwork is concerned)
Err...well I accept that SpyMoose since that would be the first time I've ever tried creating a photograph using that software. And like I said scaling it down made the effects much worse. Also I haven't received any kind of training for that particular area so yeah Im trying to teach myself here (even so I don't think I did that bad). You would need to see my original work of art to see what im getting at here (the UFO actually looks like a UFO, not a black blob or an ink blot).
for future reference, .bmp files are absolutely gigantic in file size. When you want to save your work for out put in Photoshop go to your tool bar and click File>Save for web. You will get an interface with a drop down menu that allows you to pick from many different file types. I recommend .jpg for most cases applicable to this board. You will have access to a nice simple quality slider, the lower the quality the lower the files size will be. You can see how big the file will end up right under where it displays in this window. 70% compression is usually good, and you can have an image much bigger than the one you linked, which has a file size that is much smaller.
Wow, a UFO, I told you they existed!

Now to be serious. Nice satire of a proof thread. Unless of course, you really thought we'd actually support it ;)
I was actually expecting someone to takes this seriously (other than Lemming that is).
Guess i gotta work on my sarcasm then. (and how is laughing and pointing out its fake taking it seriously? seriously would have been shouting out aliens exist)
Just 1 question, what was the point?
Unless of course, you really thought we'd actually support it
I think he was expecting someone to, but i posted the obvious answer before anyone had a chance to say how great and real it was.
Just 1 question, what was the point?

The point is people rely to much on photographs and get persuaded into thinking UFOs are real by them. I cut an pasted a black ufo onto a picture of the world trade center. Then i erased the surroundings and blurred it in in about 5 minutes. You people are too gullible and think that photographs are all there is needed to proved UFOS are real. In other words, why not come up with some real evidence rather than opening up a new thread every single day saying you found "Undeuniable Proof that Aleins Exist!"

Unless of course, you really thought we'd actually support it

Actually I could care less?
Lmao, thats proof? A pitch black object in the sky that may or may not be painted onto the photo? you gotta be joking.
Oh yeah im gonna go out on a limb and state the obvious... what buildings are in the background(drum role) The world trade center. Need i say more? Someone close this thread plz.

Hmm you sounded pretty serious to me. Never implied that I might not be serious. But if you swear you were being sarcastic the fine.
The point is people rely to much on photographs and get persuaded into thinking UFOs are real by them.

Really? Maybe. I don't need photograph's though, when I have written accounts and historical artwork from every time period. In addition to thousands of reports of radar, radar-visual, over 3000 pilots cases, mass sightings, and class A files from the Ministry of Defence.

I cut an pasted a black ufo onto a picture of the world trade center. Then i erased the surroundings and blurred it in in about 5 minutes.

You did an awful job. It does not even look remotely believable, from any angle. I thought it was a satire, but from the way you are describing it, it sounds like you really thought it would fool us. Now that's funny :D

You people are too gullible and think that photographs are all there is needed to proved UFOS are real. In other words, why not come up with some real evidence rather than opening up a new thread every single day saying you found "Undeuniable Proof that Aleins Exist!"

It's funny how you should say this, when we obviously were not gullible enough to believe your MS paint job was a UFO. And especially when in over 50 pages of arguments and proofs been presented, there is not a single proof of a photograph.
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...well, not even a single proof either. Merely anecdotal evidence.
Hmm you sounded pretty serious to me. Never implied that I might not be serious. But if you swear you were being sarcastic the fine.
It was a bad attempt at it i'll admit, im out of practice, and i've spoken to you before and know your not stupid enough to overlook the obvious.
I get your point though, if you'd taken longer and not made it obvious im sure some people would have been fooled.
It's funny how you should say this, when we obviously were not gullible enough to believe your MS paint job was a UFO.

You don't seem to understand what im getting at here. These people who makes false images spend hours, days doing this. A majority have most likely trained in that particular area. I have not, I spent no more than 5-10 minutes on it, andI had to scale it down from a 4 mb file to a 150 kb file which affected it greatly. If I knew how to put the original photo on here then I would have done that since the original looks alot better than the one I was forced to put on here.

but from the way you are describing it, it sounds like you really thought it would fool us

If given the time it probably would have fooled you.

P.S - Orginally it wasnt MS Paintjob, it as Abode Photoshop. I couldn't convert it into a suitable extension so I had to cut and paste it into MS Paint to scale it down which eventually screwed it up.

SpyMoose - In an attempt to post the original photo up here I couldn't find where it said File>Save for web. There is no option for that, so how would I be able to post this pic?
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