Unbelievers are superstitious and unrepentant

Why is it because he my not speak well your language
No, because he rejects the fundamentals you need to be a good engineer.

Consider a pilot who does not "believe" in lift, or a doctor who does not "believe" in evidence-based medicine.
No, I do believe.
Good for you and if you want that's fine.

As you probably suspect by now I don't believe in religion or God.

But I try to be a good person.

As I said earlier the concept that there is a God that cares about humans seems not to be realistic given the un necessary death, suffering, cruelty, misery and inequity in the world.

It would be wonderful if there was a God who cared but honestly do you see any evidence that God cares even a little bit.

A watch the TV reports on the various conflicts in this world and dispair as I witness some poor mother in tears holding her mutilated child damaged by war and dead having died a horrible death.

If I had the alleged power of your God I would not let a single child or any human or animal suffer.

So I find this blind faith you and others hold simply inconsistent with the horrible daily reality both past and present that is clear evidence that if there is a God he does not care.

Why do you believe?

Do you think the suffering is because these poor victims deserve to be punished or do you think its not happening at all.

I am sorry but I don't get it...I don't get how folk like you can offer any support for the notion that firstly there is a God and secondly that he/it has any of the wonderful caring attributes you attribute to him/it.

Could it be that God is simply mans invention?

Could it be that the proposition off an after life is a means to stop folk questioning the horrible suffering that will go away in the next life.

I agree we need moral codes but can't we do better than these ancient notions folk cling to so as to sooth their misery.

Saint knew exactly what she was doing. Look at the provocative thread title.
Well as one "unbeliever" I reject the proposition I am in anyway shape or form "superstitious" and say that I am the epitome of non superstitious.
And if repentant means being able to apologise when one perceives one has been wrong or committed a wrong against another I note that I have made various apologies to folk around here for being wrong.
So although the op is a generalization I reject it and say it is simply typical of the hateful non christian nonsence these self proclaimed true believers continually exhibit and give them the deserved description of absolute hypocrites.
I will back down if Saint can offer one piece of evidence that I for one be superstitious and will then demonstrate my ability to admit I was wrong...and be repentant.
I agree with what Alex said above, and I really don't understand what the OP meant by "unbelievers are superstitious". If "unbelievers" = Atheists, then every Atheist I've ever met online or in RL doesn't believe in anything "supernatural". We don't believe in gods, ghosts, psychics, demons, telepathy, or anything else that can't be explained with the scientific method. Superstitions definitely fall into that category. The only thing I do that is even remotely superstitious is I wear a Dallas Cowboys t-shirt and hat when I watch Cowboy's games. I know wearing them will have zero affect on the game, but it's just a little ritual I follow.

As for "unrepentant"...that's just bullshit. My parents raised me to be a kind, empathetic, caring person. If I do someone wrong, either intentionally or by accident, their training makes be feel guilt, and I apologize to the person I have wronged, and try to make amends.

The OP seems to want to demonize anyone who doesn't believe in everything they believe in, and manufacture traits in them that are not necessarily true.
Why is it because he my not speak well your languag
Beside the point.
He made a riduclous claim.

In one location I asked you your speciality or your education background . I don't remember you ever come up and explained .
Because my "speciality" and educational background aren't the point.
Saint run run, The whole Atheist confederacy is coming against you
He wouldn't need to run if he could defend his own position.

Instead, we get these drive-by comments from him and he disappears until the next time.

Do you, timojin, think it's ok to insult people without giving any justification? Because that is what Saint is doing here.
30~40 years ago many scientist declared that we will not have shortage of food,
we can engineer plant to produce more crops,
we have pesticide ti kill pests.
Is that true?
More people are dying of starvation now!
Stupid heathens!
if crime is not sin, that will be fine to murder your mother (unless you hate your mother and be happy to see her murdered :) )
Stupid heathens!
if crime is not sin, that will be fine to murder your mother (unless you hate your mother and be happy to see her murdered :) )

What in the holy hell are you talking about? Please quote any post in this thread that said "crime is not a sin". Where did anyone say it was ok to murder you mother? Are you mentally ill? If so, please seek medical help.
More people are dying of starvation now!

How many more?
Do you have any numbers or facts to evidence your claim.

Do you have any numbers on how many people have been killed due to religious conflict today? in the past week? in the past year?

Why has not God stepped in to help all these starving people?

We have a storm that does damage and it is declared an act of God...could he not send rain to grow crops to prevent all this starvation?

If I had the power to prevent starvation, which presumably God does have this power, I would not let inoccent little babies die horrible deaths for the want of food.
How hard could it be for an all powerful God to save these poor little babies.

Stupid heathens????

Who is stupid???

I am not stupid enough to buy the pup you have been sold Saint.

Why so angry?
Could it be you realise you have been conned?

No need to get angry just get real.

Alex, we are dealing with a person whose elevator doesn't go to the top floor. No amount of reasoning or logic will make a dent in their opinion.

Just face it dude....we are heathens. When we give food to homeless people...we are heathens. When we go out of our way to help our fellow man...we are heathens.

Motherfucker....I'm a proud heathen. :)
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As I said earlier the concept that there is a God that cares about humans seems not to be realistic given the un necessary death, suffering, cruelty, misery and inequity in the world.

Then you'd best believe. Faith, and hope can suffer for a short time and not a second longer. The lamb is slain from its own foundation.

If I had the alleged power of your God I would not let a single child or any human or animal suffer.

You can't say that. Did you prevent suffering? No your just in it as deep as any of us.

Do you think the suffering is because these poor victims deserve to be punished or do you think its not happening at all.

Suffering is a given. Its the first nobel truth of Buddhism.
If suffering were a real man, he wouldn't be a sinner so he wouldn't have to go to hell. But he's dangerous, so that rules out Heaven. This creates the reality we think we live in.