Unbelievers are superstitious and unrepentant

Sinner who never admits he/she is sinner is the most pityful sinner.

What is sin? and how do we define it? A century and a half ago, if a woman went out in public with her ankles exposed, it was considered to be a sin. Now women go to church wearing mini-skirts and no one thinks twice about it. If you say "The bible defines sin" which parts do we follow, and which do we ignore? The OT is full of odd rules that modern Christians ignore. Like...you're not supposed to wear clothing made from two different fabrics, or you're not supposed to cut the sides of your hair or beard, or not supposed to mix an animal's milk with it's meat (No cheeseburger for you!) . There are many others. "Sin" seems to be what the current generation thinks it is.
Faith is potential for truth.
How do you rationalize that when the very nature of faith is that it is invoked in the absense of knowledge.

If I am not mistaken, one of the primary reasons God does not make his presence visible to the general population - or in a foxhole - is that it would entirely defeat the purpose of having faith in him.
Faith is potential for truth.
Potential, sure, in that it could turn out that something held in faith may be actually true. But that would be incidental.
But faith by itself does (cannot - by definition) "lead to" science. Likewise it doesn't and can't lead to knowledge.
Faith is foreknowing.
You're posting these platitudes, but they're not really informative - they don't present a logic that can be absorbed by others; they're more conversation-enders than conversation-starters.
Work with us here.
Do you have any anything to add to them, or to back up the assertions?
You're posting these platitudes, but they're not really informative - they don't present a logic that can be absorbed by others; they're more conversation-enders than conversation-starters.
Work with us here.
Do you have any anything to add to them, or to back up the assertions?

Its self evident if your honest.
Its self evident if your honest.
You're being evasive.

It goes without saying that people have different views and histories, and that they come to a forum to discuss with others.

The worst thing you can do is claim that your viewpoint is self-evident.
You're being evasive.

It goes without saying that people have different views and histories, and that they come to a forum to discuss with others.

The worst thing you can do is claim that your viewpoint is self-evident.

Then your dishonest.
Its self evident if your honest.
If you are honest no one likes to admit they have been conned particularly by folk they have looked up to provide truth.

So when the evidence becomes simply too much to ignore that all you have believed to be true has no foundation and the entity you believe loves you shows it could not care less how many humans suffer, how many well designed species become extinct, how cruelty and inequity is the norm, what else can one do but call upon the hope, which gets labeled "faith", that all the evidence you have been conned is wrong.
It is sole destroying to find a friend has been dishonest and conned you so it must be hard to accept all you have believed in was simply a con to control the masses and make them believe in the next life things will be better so the is no need to complain about your misery in the current life.
It must become so hard to hang onto faith when the numbers of unnecessary deaths hits home.

Now I can respect someone who has faith that Jesus gave us decent guidance but I have no respect for those who profess faith but don't follow the guidance.

So many believers I see passing through this place are simply very bad and dishonest people.

They often present as hateful, dishonest, intolerant, uninformed and hypocrites who seem to act exactly opposite to the teachings of Jesus...They seem to be of weak character unrealistically supporting their position by citing passages from the bible to suit their hateful moods.

I won't argue against ones faith anymore but I will point out the hypocracy that seems a common thread with the pitiful believers trying to spread their hate around here.
These hypocrites give decent religious folk a bad name, and it is my faith in humanity that causes me to say such and unfortunately I have no evidence my faith in there being decent religious folk is justified.
