UK: UFO Archives released

Unidentified Farting Object

Often invisible. Sometimes silent. Usually you can only smell them.

That out to please some people around here.
If I meant it as an abrasive attack, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have even posted the article or referenced the URL for the archive. Perhaps I would of used the term Loonies or Idjiots, or "Waste of space", However I didn't.

While I might not agree to aliens existing or UFO's being anything more than wishful thinking, I wouldn't go so low as to attack people for their beliefs no matter how deluded I might think them.

I'd merely conclude that we agree to have differences in opinion and to be honest that is what makes a discussion.

It's very curious. Here we use the word frequently to represent lunatics.

What is the etymology of the idiom? Does it have the same reasonings as i gave?
well there are 3 different type of people when it comes mto ufos.
1. the hard core skeptics like dwy and stryder who will pin military flares or weather bloons to it and call it debunked no matter how many people saw it. there are a few cases i can think of where these explinations are more than ludacris
2. the people like me who have an open mind about the topic who are we to say there isnt life outside our planet hell we are finding new species some quite large on our own planet. kind of the in between type
3 the hard core believers who will take a group of shiny balloons floating in the sky and call it a morphing alien craft.
It's very curious. Here we use the word frequently to represent lunatics.

What is the etymology of the idiom? Does it have the same reasonings as i gave?

he knows that as does everyone else on the forms its a slippery slope even tho me meant it as "idiots" or "crazy people" he can hid behind "its not an abrasive attack" but if it wast why didn't he just say you UFO believers or "for those of you that are interested in the UFO phenomenon"
he knows that as does everyone else on the forms its a slippery slope even tho me meant it as "idiots" or "crazy people" he can hid behind "its not an abrasive attack" but if it wast why didn't he just say you UFO believers or "for those of you that are interested in the UFO phenomenon"

So Stryder essentially knows what impact those words where. I do believe in this case, he was lying then about the use of the word in his phrase.
It's very curious. Here we use the word frequently to represent lunatics.
So you have never, ever in your life declared yourself to be nuts about anything?

What is the etymology of the idiom? Does it have the same reasonings as i gave?
I more or less gave it in post #16.
I assume, also, you're aware of the original meaning of the word "fan"?

he knows that as does everyone else on the forms its a slippery slope even tho me meant it as "idiots" or "crazy people" he can hid behind "its not an abrasive attack" but if it wast why didn't he just say you UFO believers or "for those of you that are interested in the UFO phenomenon"

So Stryder essentially knows what impact those words where. I do believe in this case, he was lying then about the use of the word in his phrase.
How quaint, both of you requiring Stryder to avoid using a phrase he'd be perfectly comfortable using in everyday, real-life speech and instead conform to your perceived understanding of the phrase. :rolleyes:

well there are 3 different type of people when it comes mto ufos.
1. the hard core skeptics like dwy and stryder who will pin military flares or weather bloons to it and call it debunked no matter how many people saw it. there are a few cases i can think of where these explinations are more than ludacris
2. the people like me who have an open mind about the topic who are we to say there isnt life outside our planet hell we are finding new species some quite large on our own planet. kind of the in between type
3 the hard core believers who will take a group of shiny balloons floating in the sky and call it a morphing alien craft.
Oh ho! Can you say "biased categorisation"?
Call me a "hard core sceptic" all you like, the reality, however is something different: I check on and investigate as far as possible, as opposed to taking things at face value.
Tell me, have you ever seen a "UFO"? What did you do when you saw it?
Tell me, have you ever seen a "UFO"? What did you do when you saw it?

since where on the topic what do you make of the mexican goverments sighting where the FLIR system from a jet i believe caught 11 un known object flying along side of them. and the phenix lights where 10,000 people saw the same thing.

and actually yes my family myself and about 25 odd people saw one, and we were awe struck by it so what did i do? i guess my jaw dropped and asked every person what they say all said the exact same thing i saw. i dont go around shouting. because no one got a picture of it or video . it was in the early 90s before every cell phone had a camera on it. and people would call everyone that saw it a kook and that it was a weather balloon or military flares which it was neither of
since where on the topic what do you make of the mexican goverments sighting where the FLIR system from a jet i believe caught 11 un known object flying along side of them. and the phenix lights where 10,000 people saw the same thing.

and actually yes my family myself and about 25 odd people saw one, and we were awe struck by it so what did i do? i guess my jaw dropped and asked every person what they say all said the exact same thing i saw. i dont go around shouting. because no one got a picture of it or video . it was in the early 90s before every cell phone had a camera on it. and people would call everyone that saw it a kook and that it was a weather balloon or military flares which it was neither of

What do you think it was ?
What do you think it was ?

no idea it was a u f o to the T. unidentified flying object. i know for a fact it wasn't flares i know for a fact it wasn't a plane i know for a fact it wasn't a shooting Starr meteorite or weather balloon to this day i have no idea what it was. all i know its when we all say it every hair on our body stood up and it was very eye opening
So you have never, ever in your life declared yourself to be nuts about anything?

I more or less gave it in post #16.
I assume, also, you're aware of the original meaning of the word "fan"?

How quaint, both of you requiring Stryder to avoid using a phrase he'd be perfectly comfortable using in everyday, real-life speech and instead conform to your perceived understanding of the phrase. :rolleyes:

Oh ho! Can you say "biased categorisation"?
Call me a "hard core sceptic" all you like, the reality, however is something different: I check on and investigate as far as possible, as opposed to taking things at face value.
Tell me, have you ever seen a "UFO"? What did you do when you saw it?

To be fair, the term ''UFO'' is one often associated to ''nutty behaviour'' rather than saying ''UFO-nuts'' are an assembly of like-minded people who find UFO's fascinating, stretching their possibilities far and wide.

The two work well together, when denouncing the subject.
To be fair, the term ''UFO'' is one often associated to ''nutty behavior'' rather than saying ''UFO-nuts'' are an assembly of like-minded people who find UFOs fascinating, stretching their possibilities far and wide.

The two work well together, when denouncing the subject.

exactly they both know that and thats why the term was used because they can easily thrown the " you misinterpreted it" to stand behind
no idea it was a u f o to the T. unidentified flying object. i know for a fact it wasn't flares i know for a fact it wasn't a plane i know for a fact it wasn't a shooting Starr meteorite or weather balloon to this day i have no idea what it was. all i know its when we all say it every hair on our body stood up and it was very eye opening

It was unidentified yes.

Could it have been homegrown ?

IOW, what about it if anything makes it ET or only possible as ET ?
It was unidentified yes.

Could it have been homegrown ?

IOW, what about it if anything makes it ET or only possible as ET ?

did i say it was an alien? did i say it was an ET? no no where did i say that i said it was a UFO thats it.

where you got ET out of what i said i have no idea i just smell a troll

lots of people make stuff at home that fly at tens of thousands of feet in the sky
exactly they both know that and thats why the term was used because they can easily thrown the " you misinterpreted it" to stand behind
And again you persist in claiming the least complimentary interpretation merely so you can can call foul.
I have no qualms describing myself as an "aircraft nut", a "comics nut" or a "science-fiction nut". Or, for that matter a "UFO nut" - since I have an extensive collection of books and documentation on the phenomenon, besides having read everything available in all 7 libraries in my home town.
You're looking for the insult just so that you can be offended.
So much for your "open mind"...:rolleyes:
Effectively you're saying that you know what Stryder meant and any protestations of general usage are out the window.

since where on the topic what do you make of the mexican goverments sighting where the FLIR system from a jet i believe caught 11 un known object flying along side of them.
It's claims like this that reinforce my dubiousness.
1) The Mexican airforce doesn't have any jets with FLIR systems.
2) FLIR means Forward Looking Infra-Red. It cannot see anything outside of (roughly) a 60 degree frontal arc from the aircraft to which it is fitted. Therefore the claims of "flying alongside" are also suspicious.

The provenance and details of any story should be checked for validity and consistency with verifiable facts before any conclusion can be made.

and actually yes my family myself and about 25 odd people saw one, and we were awe struck by it so what did i do? i guess my jaw dropped and asked every person what they say all said the exact same thing i saw.
The last time I saw one I ended dashing across about a mile of muddy fields and climbing fences (at 11 PM one November night) to get as close as I could to do my best find out what it was. Standing there slack-jawed and then later making my mind up didn't occur to me.
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And again you persist in claiming the least complimentary interpretation merely so you can can call foul.
I have no qualms describing myself as an "aircraft nut", a "comics nut" or a "science-fiction nut". Or, for that matter a "UFO nut" - since I have an extensive collection of books and documentation on the phenomenon, besides having read everything available in all 7 libraries in my home town.
You're looking for the insult just so that you can be offended.
So much for your "open mind"...:rolleyes:
Effectively you're saying that you know what Stryder meant and any protestations of general usage are out the window.

It's claims like this that reinforce my dubiousness.
1) The Mexican airforce doesn't have any jets with FLIR systems.
2) FLIR means Forward Looking Infra-Red. It cannot see anything outside of (roughly) a 60 degree frontal arc from the aircraft to which it is fitted. Therefore the claims of "flying alongside" are also suspicious.

The provenance and details of any story should be checked for validity and consistency with verifiable facts before any conclusion can be made.

The last time I saw one I ended dashing across about a mile of muddy fields and climbing fences to get as close as I could to do my best find out what it was. Standing there slack-jawed and then later making my mind up didn't occur to me.

not looking to insult you. whenever someone presents something the first thing you shout is fake.

the camera show is a thermal system which I build and it has a 360deg turning radius. not a flir system and they still dont know what thoes were.
and i do have an open mind giving styders history on these forums on th subject he meant nut like an idiot..

and i am corected thoes the camera wasnt a flir system it was a thermal system and it does have a 360deg range with a tracking system i actually just messed with one today
not looking to insult you. whenever someone presents something the first thing you shout is fake.
You're assuming that I call "fake" without checking/ considering. That's an insult.

and i do have an open mind giving styders history on these forums on th subject he meant nut like an idiot..
And once again you're claiming you know Stryder's intent better than he does.:rolleyes:

and i am corected thoes the camera wasnt a flir system it was a thermal system and it does have a 360deg range with a tracking system i actually just messed with one today
Really? Would you be interested know that THEY are also not fitted to Mexican airforce jets?
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You're assuming that I call "fake" without checking/ considering. That's an insult.

And once again you're claiming you know Stryder's intent better than he does.:rolleyes:

Really? Would you be interested know that THEY are also not fitted to Mexican airforce jets?

yes really dyw i build the god damn thing and it looks exactly like that EXCATLY same tracer marks and what not if thats not a unit we build then i need to contact my ceo and show him this video because someone is stealing our paton

is it out of the question that they might not be flying a plane that belongs to the mexican military?