UK: UFO Archives released


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member

Have fun you UFO nuts. The National Archives has release a whole bunch of information withheld for years for concern about the pandemic that could otherwise have amassed by people having their beliefs questioned.
I note from the list of files that the MoD seems to think they have records of observations right up to 2042. ;) Perhaps they've said too much.
I note from the list of files that the MoD seems to think they have records of observations right up to 2042. ;) Perhaps they've said too much.

well it makes sense, 2012 isn't the end of the world you know ;)
The last lot they released were intensely tedious reading.
I hope these have a better story line and more nudity/ action. And no girly romance scenes.
I had to read that twice.

And you're correct. A girly romance scene (or three, let's not skimp on the interesting stuff) would improve the files considerably but not, please, a girly romance scene.
I remember sitting with my mate and his wife watching Pearl Harbour (on DVD) for the first time and us two guys screaming "Sod the girly romance! Get on with the f*cking war!".

Not that, when they did, the film improved any...
I firmly believe Ben Affleck would have changed the course of the war.
I firmly believe Ben Affleck would have changed the course of the war.
Do you think that's why Jason Statham is possibly taking over as Daredevil?
So Ben can go win WWII sooner?

Have fun you UFO nuts. The National Archives has release a whole bunch of information withheld for years for concern about the pandemic that could otherwise have amassed by people having their beliefs questioned.

well must be a bunch of bullshit right stryder? i mean fox cnn and all major things covered it god guess presidets are nuts too i just wonder why the US havent released anything.

either way the goverment never ever ever ever covers up or witholdes information from the general public
Stryder is a bit out-of-line by declairing UFO-believers to be nuts. I'm sure in his life, there has been oddities he could not explain... if not, he is simply being pedantic on the face that ''something by a UFO-definition is certainly being observed''.

In defence, he hasn't actually stated whether it is of extraterrestrial original or not.
Actually he didn't.
He used the term "UFO nuts" i.e. in British English fans or devotees of UFOs.
Likewise a "football nut" is a devoted fan of football. As in "I'm nuts about...".

true but knowing him he didn't mean that. he meant nuts like mental issues. i am pretty sure you know that too
Er no.
I'm pretty sure, because of the way it was phrased, and Stryder actually being British and all, that it was meant as I explained.
If I meant it as an abrasive attack, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have even posted the article or referenced the URL for the archive. Perhaps I would of used the term Loonies or Idjiots, or "Waste of space", However I didn't.

While I might not agree to aliens existing or UFO's being anything more than wishful thinking, I wouldn't go so low as to attack people for their beliefs no matter how deluded I might think them.

I'd merely conclude that we agree to have differences in opinion and to be honest that is what makes a discussion.