UK is in Moral Decline

Lord preserve us from drunk women "mouthing off" in bars. Should be at home cooking their menfolk's dinners.

The only difference between times past and now is that, back then, wife-beating and child abuse were brushed under the carpet. These days it'll be broadcast across the intenet. What you're witnessing these days is higher visibility brought about by improved means of communication. It's a good thing. It means that these things are being highlighted and acted upon. Start worrying in earnest only when all the news channels are silent.


i totally agree, apart from the cooking dinner for the menfolk bit!"
The only difference between times past and now is that, back then, wife-beating and child abuse were brushed under the carpet. These days it'll be broadcast across the intenet. What you're witnessing these days is higher visibility brought about by improved means of communication. It's a good thing. It means that these things are being highlighted and acted upon. Start worrying in earnest only when all the news channels are silent.


The media is complicit in all this.

A lot of the poison being broadcast over the media is fueling societies degeneration.

When the media is silent...that's the day we should celebrate. That's the day our world is returned to us.
i totally agree, apart from the cooking dinner for the menfolk bit!"

There is a clear link between the rise of womens rights, 'ethnic-minority' rights, human rights, gay rights, blah blah blah..

The whole concept of rights is a blah blah blah. The result is a blah blah blah, drunk women mouthing off in bars, homosexuals mouthing off on my penis, violence against blah blah blah.
woteva. :rolleyes:
Deep-so-called-Thought said:
An Islamic state in Britain would be a good first step to eradicating this.
Yeah right. :rolleyes:
Lord preserve us from drunk women "mouthing off" in bars. Should be at home cooking their menfolk's dinners.

The only difference between times past and now is that, back then, wife-beating and child abuse were brushed under the carpet. These days it'll be broadcast across the intenet. What you're witnessing these days is higher visibility brought about by improved means of communication. It's a good thing. It means that these things are being highlighted and acted upon. Start worrying in earnest only when all the news channels are silent.
yep, yep, yep.
It's also worth mentioning the british tabloid media has probably the worst reputation in the world for hyperbole and generating hysteria. Which definitely feeds into creating a 'sense' of decline, despite all the evidence pointing in the other direction.
And ff youve ever watched brasseye or the daytoday you should know all this already, and if you havent watched either for a while go and watch them again to remind yourselves.

The media is complicit in all this.

A lot of the poison being broadcast over the media is fueling societies degeneration.

When the media is silent...that's the day we should celebrate. That's the day our world is returned to us.
Not interested in your faecal spillage.
yep, yep, yep.
It's also worth mentioning the british tabloid media has probably the worst reputation in the world for hyperbole and generating hysteria. Which definitely feeds into creating a 'sense' of decline, despite all the evidence pointing in the other direction.
And ff youve ever watched brasseye or the daytoday you should know all this already, and if you havent watched either for a while go and watch them again to remind yourselves.
I think that's true of the bottom-feeding half of the media, but I try not to pay too much attention to those. The broadsheets all have a reputation for quality reporting. The BBC is known to be a bit biased but still produces a lot of quality reports, and there are alternatives (it's just that few are as good - although Channel 4 is equally respected, if less well-known internationally). It's easy enough to get a balanced report of events if you choose your sources carefully. I'd like to think that, overall, the quality of British reporting compares well internationally.

Oh, and Brass Eye? The Day Today? I've got the DVDs. :D

The media is complicit in all this.

A lot of the poison being broadcast over the media is fueling societies degeneration.

When the media is silent...that's the day we should celebrate. That's the day our world is returned to us.

yeah right!! :rolleyes:

what is dragging society down is people have got to be politically correct and we are not allowed to "call a spade a spade" we have to use soft approaches and phrases like "oh we can't say that girl is backwards we have to say she's got learning difficulties" and kids are getting away with doing what they want, i for one would hate to see the media quiet we need to know what is happening in the world and judge for ourselfs
Lord preserve us from drunk women "mouthing off" in bars. Should be at home cooking their menfolk's dinners.

The only difference between times past and now is that, back then, wife-beating and child abuse were brushed under the carpet. These days it'll be broadcast across the intenet. What you're witnessing these days is higher visibility brought about by improved means of communication. It's a good thing. It means that these things are being highlighted and acted upon. Start worrying in earnest only when all the news channels are silent.

The Muslims should raise their eyebrows at such a ludicrous comparison.

So you're telling us that we haven't progressed at all since the middle ages...hmm..well in some respects you are correct. We were more peacable then!
yeah right!! :rolleyes:

what is dragging society down is people have got to be politically correct and we are not allowed to "call a spade a spade" we have to use soft approaches and phrases like "oh we can't say that girl is backwards we have to say she's got learning difficulties" and kids are getting away with doing what they want, i for one would hate to see the media quiet we need to know what is happening in the world and judge for ourselfs

Sure, some PC stuff is often ridiculous. But somehow 'real men' conservatives and reactionaries seem to think PC was invented by liberals and feminists.


They invented one form of it.

What is PC? It is a set of rules about what one should say and act that is rigid and controlling and ladened with guilt and shame.

Gosh darn it. Conservatives and 'real men' and reactionaries have there own set of rules that is at least as rigid. In school it is enforced by fists and words like faggot. And there were all sorts of rules about what one could say, how one should move, etc. to be a non-faggot, good girl etc. and these rules were definitely not ones coming from what is usually referred to as PC people.

Conservatives and 'real men' and reactionaries don't notice their own version of PC 1) because they are just as sure these rules are right as any PCer 2) they lack introspective abilities.

And of course these conservative, reactionary, real man rules also held powerful sway in workplaces and in the public world and in much of people's social worlds and they still do.

It used to be PC to view blacks as niggers deserving to be slaves. It used to be PC to put porn in a female electricians locker and to call her a whore or a dyke. It used to be PC to assume that women who were raped brought it on themselves in practically every case. A man defending a woman who was raped or defending their gay friend from random harrassment would be labeled non-PC. Not being reactionary, conservative or manly enough.

Conservatives and 'real men' and reactionaries do not notice the way their rules dominated the psyche of vast swathes of america, for example, but suddenly when faced with another PC wake up and dislike control. Not men enough to notice how much PC control, shaming, harrassing, shitting on, not hiring, whispering about, beating up, dehumanizing of others they and their kind engaged in and continue to engage in, they do manage to suddenly get clever about other people's PC. when do they get clever? Only when there is some real competetion between the two PC sets of rules. What do they get clever about? Only the other PC and not their own.

Whining and playing the victim to PC rules is a wonderful distraction, but sooner or later they will have to face themselves and how they have avoided fear so long by trying to dehumanize and control others. Then they stand a chance to find out that being a real man is not dependant on denial of fear and confusion.
The broadsheets all have a reputation for quality reporting.


The only difference between tabloids and broadsheets is that the broadsheets are much more devious and cunning in hiding their agenda than the tabloids.

You have to read deeper and think harder redarmy.

They're the same thing in different clothes.
I think that's true of the bottom-feeding half of the media, but I try not to pay too much attention to those. The broadsheets all have a reputation for quality reporting. The BBC is known to be a bit biased but still produces a lot of quality reports, and there are alternatives (it's just that few are as good - although Channel 4 is equally respected, if less well-known internationally). It's easy enough to get a balanced report of events if you choose your sources carefully. I'd like to think that, overall, the quality of British reporting compares well internationally.

Oh, and Brass Eye? The Day Today? I've got the DVDs. :D

Yeah i think on the whole the british media does brilliant world news.
Its just we tend to turn into a different beast altogether when it comes to home affairs.
The nhs is 'constantly in crisis' (actually its one of the best health services in the world). And you would have thought wed all be dead by now with the hysteria over bird flu earlier this year.
Although if that doesnt kill us child obesity will when we cant even get to the shops for some bread and milk for all the fat kids taking up the pavement.
And of course if theres a child-sex story doing the rounds all the news outlets will drop all the other stories just to cover it - broadsheets, channel 4, and bbc alike.
If you look at the sense of hysteria throughout the british media i think its actually quite evenly distributed. Its just the tabloids will focus more celebrity and 'opinion-pieces'.
So you're telling us that we haven't progressed at all since the middle ages...hmm..well in some respects you are correct. We were more peacable then!
Were you behind the bikesheds smoking during your history classes? The middle ages were dirty, violent and disease-ridden in a way we can only dream of! Violence permeated society at every level - it was an expected and respected means of resolving disputes, whether they be in the family, the school, on the battlefield or in the courtroom. We've made enormous progress morally. It's just that death, destruction and 'wickedness' are brought into our living rooms these days with an immediacy that was previously impossible.
The conservatives even may have a point (not that they usally do) when they comment on society becomming 'too soft'.
A chav drops a coke-can outside the local bus-stop and half the street assumes it must be the first sign of the apocalypse.
The conservatives even may have a point (not that they usally do) when they comment on society becomming 'too soft'.
A chav drops a coke-can outside the local bus-stop and half the street assumes it must be the first sign of the apocalypse.

its not the dropping of the coke can that bothers them its the fact that the chav wont pick it back up, and also the chances are they are on they're way to steal a car or mug an old lady for her pension. Its people like chavs that bring our society down with them.
I got this joke from the late show

The British Monarchy- "spreading civilization and oppressing regular folks for 800 years"
Theres simply not enough discipline. Reintroduce the cane!

One example - Children not scared of getting into trouble at school, I've been to countless meetings when my younger brothers get into trouble and its a joke - "you were a very naughty boy" wtf? I almost burst out laughing. It is an absolute joke compared to the stuff that used to happen 30+ years ago.

Respect for authority and the older lot, its all going downhill.

And our leaders do not give a fuck!
Theres simply not enough discipline. Reintroduce the cane!


Punishing children in the school is not enough.

This is why I mentioned Islam... in Islam discipline begins in the home and the community.

There is an excerpt in the Qur'an when a child rebels against his parents.

Allah sends an angel to punish the child.

The punishment is death.
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we need to know what is happening in the world and judge for ourselfs

lucifers angel,

If were not taking the correct action in our local neighbourhoods what use is it knowing whats going on in the rest of the world?

All of us trying to play world leaders and know-it-alls is a major part of the problem.

Punishing children in the school is not enough.

This is why I mentioned Islam... in Islam discipline begins in the home and the community.

There is an excerpt in the Qur'an when a child rebels against his parents.

Allah sends an angel to punish the child.

The punishment is death.

Christianity says the same thing, except the bible left the killing in the hands of people.
Well thats of course nonsense...a mere 50 yrs ago, muggings were unheard of, there were very few burglaries of houses

maybe people were too busy being forced to fight in a war, to go around stealing shit. i mean personaly i think thats the perfect time to take things that are not yours.
