UFOs: The Secret Evidence

duendy said:
from what i have heard, the implications of advanced technology which would involve FREE energy WOULD drastically effect te oil empire. read te article etc again........what do you mean things would carry on as normal? if so thee're be no point in being highly secretive would there?........you could compare such a suppression ofa technology by studying te Hemp story. how the main players behind te oil, paper, and plastic industries went to great lengths to demonize and suppress Hemp

They don't talk about Free energy at all on that website. The antigravity example they site does not "lift the rig into the air without any other force" but only generates a very small amount of lift (not enough to lift it off the ground).

I don't see anything in that article that's not in Popular Science, really....
Squeak22 said:
They don't talk about Free energy at all on that website. The antigravity example they site does not "lift the rig into the air without any other force" but only generates a very small amount of lift (not enough to lift it off the ground).

I don't see anything in that article that's not in Popular Science, really....

Actually, anti-gravity implies free energy......and regarding the expwriment of the slightly hovering device. well maybe popular science is aware of this, but we are talking about possible secret advanced technology which would be much more sophisticated, and like sai have a revolutionary effect on all theplanet if true and the technology released
craterchains (Norval said:
free the :m:

Sorry just had to say that.
God gave mankind ALL green vedgetation, and the governments take it away. :mad:
yeeeeaaah, right on, craterchains. when you think about it....IF true about anti-gravity. they wanna ground us on two fronts, physically and psychologically ala gettin 'high'
this is why i ask people to really study about te story og HEMP and compare it the possible secrecy and suppression of advanced technology being known about

ypou know itis 'funney'....how many many many pople just take it for granted that is a right thing for a law to make illegal, P L A N T S........!....blows me mind everytime i thinks on it
Actually, anti-gravity implies free energy......and regarding the expwriment of the slightly hovering device. well maybe popular science is aware of this, but we are talking about possible secret advanced technology which would be much more sophisticated, and like sai have a revolutionary effect on all theplanet if true and the technology released
Ummm, not necessarily: Podkletnov's experiments in no way imply free energy. electro-gravitics don't either. The only implications of anti-gravity giving free energy is linking ZPE to AG, neither of which is proved.
And isn't it strange how as soon as an effect that is being studied doesn't provide the answers that you want then all of a sudden it's time to reel out the "secret advanced technology". NASA is forking out loads of cash on this stuff, if there was a secret technology wouldn't they have it?
Oli said:
Ummm, not necessarily: Podkletnov's experiments in no way imply free energy. electro-gravitics don't either. The only implications of anti-gravity giving free energy is linking

ZPE to AG, neither of which is proved

me::well i have read different. most usually connect the two, including witness statements from te Disclosure project.

And isn't it strange how as soon as an effect that is being studied doesn't provide the answers that you want then all of a sudden it's time to reel out the "secret advanced technology". NASA is forking out loads of cash on this stuff, if there was a secret technology wouldn't they have it?

NASA is an Illuminati front!...tei min agenda is a new world order with us--te great 'unwashed'--as the 'unknowing' slaves of the elite world government. telat thing they want is to unleash a liberating technology.....if you dont believe this, and i dont expect yo to----just see the logics of it. would a secret org really want you and the rest knowing their main sources of POWER? does ANY powerful organization?....so why do you keep assuming tat free energy should be on te supermarket shelvs then, in te context we are in?
just see the logics of it. would a secret org really want you and the rest knowing their main sources of POWER
Logic? When you claim NASA is an Illuminati front? Proof. And why do so many web sites have the "secrets" for all to see if it's a secret?
And If I concede NASA is Illuminatirun (which I don't) what do they use the "secret" technology for? Or are they just sitting on it...?
Oli said:

me::yeah. ie., i a asking you to get into the criminal mind. when a detctive is good at detectng it is usually cause they have to think like the criminal they are detecting. in this case we are talking about big big criminals whp have vast power and wanna keep that power their power at all costs, and they have the means to pay for those costs!.....you know that old saying 'knowledge is power', well SECRET knowledge is even MORE powerful, wouldn't yer say?

When you claim NASA is an Illuminati front? Proof.

me::i will show you hese sources, Oli, but ifyou have built up a defence against exploring this for whatever reason, then ....wonder why that is. ask yourself--ndi hop am not being patronizing--just say it WAS true. how would i cope with tat. how would that..IFtrue affect what i have achieved and believe in....stuff like that. for if you do realize that te shole show is some very maniuplative sham. what dos tis man for one's very sense of one's placce in this set-up. i haveprsonally met peopl, including family members who will not accept any of this, and can get get quite upset even talking about it.....? you can see the fear in their faces. wellmy way IS to talk about it
checkout 'symbols' http://www.gaiaguys.net/symbols.htm
'NASA Masonic Conspiracy' http://www.meta-religion.com/Secret_societies/Groups/Illuminati/nasa_masonic_symbols.htm

And why do so many web sites have the "secrets" for all to see if it's a secret?

me::i tink it was the nazi Goebells -in a speech- said that 'the bigger the lie, the less it will be believed' or words to tat effect
secrets will out, and as you will see symbols are also to be seen. The arrogance of te Illuminati is, as Goebells noted, that many many will simply not believe. look at the percentage of disbelievers at tese forums etc. pople are treatened by such as this cause they haveinvested everything into this system, moetarily, psychologically etc. to sudden;t haveto face that they are being controlled, and the powers they trust have no human regards for them whatsoever is hard to take. including for myself

And If I concede NASA is Illuminatirun (which I don't) what do they use the "secret" technology for? Or are they just sitting on it...?
well you are aware of sighting of UFOs aren't you.....? hint hint
The NASA Masonic Conspiracy says that
Any intelligent high school student with a basic physics book can prove NASA faked the Apollo moon landings
Yep, but only if you apply the physics without thought. So we're at 265 degrees on the surface of the moon are we? So why hasn't the Earth's atmosphere reached that temperature as well? The site's author knows nothing about physics, they've probably read part of a science book and applied it without real knowledge.
Okay, even if all of the other site is true about symbolism, why would an organisation bent on world domination
A) display its symbols all over
B) be wedded to symbolism and numerology
on the one hand the Illuminati seem to be masters of high super-secret science and technology and on the other hand they're a bunch of superstitious half-wits who can't shake "occult" symbolism. Can you say dichotomy?
Oli said:
The NASA Masonic Conspiracy says that Yep, but only if you apply the physics without thought. So we're at 265 degrees on the surface of the moon are we? So why hasn't the Earth's atmosphere reached that temperature as well? The site's author knows nothing about physics, they've probably read part of a science book and applied it without real knowledge.

me:: a bit arrogant....but, i didn't expect you to read it as THE BIble. ...i also am undecided about the 'moon landing'.
A while back i saw two documentaries. one was very convincing that it was a hoax, and showed strange shadows, and superimpositions of scenes etc etc.......then i saw one which 'seemed' to explan these inconsistencies. was left confused. i remmeber emailing the physicist Jack Sarfatti about it. he was very abusive...told me to buzz off, and that his best frind was one of the fmous astronauts...hehe........so. do i believe him? i am still unsure

As for the symbolism. you are asking if they want to keep secret why the symbol exhibitionism?.....it is occultic. i know this sounds a contradiction, causethat term meanshidden, but their belief is that IF people do not unerstand the real meaning of their symbols it gives the symbols greter power!.....always remember Oli, that they are depending that the MAJORITY of people wont suss.

Okay, even if all of the other site is true about symbolism, why would an organisation bent on world domination
A) display its symbols all over

me::had started answering about this above. cause they are occultic and believe that these symbols and meticulous numerology gives them more power to gain their goals, and keep their power

B) be wedded to symbolism and numerology
on the one hand the Illuminati seem to be masters of high super-secret science and technology and on the other hand they're a bunch of superstitious half-wits who can't shake "occult" symbolism. Can you say dichotomy?
in a way it makes sense...hear me out. even the most awful serial killer will usually have some kind of justification for what they are doing. this is so they can errr sleep at night. likewise...IF these power wielders were staunch Christians then what they get up to would conflict with all of that 'love thy neighbour' etc.....however, if yo care to checkout their Luciferian myth it is decidely some kind of justification for their intent in that it allows them to feel intellectually superior 'as gods'.....and thus their myth/the story they tell emselves inspires their evil