UFOs: The Secret Evidence

JDawg said:
By: Duendy
me::i know i know...you wanna piece of a UFO. in te words of Mick Jagger......'you cant always have what you wa-ant...'

Well, Duendy, then you can't have a positive response out of me. Without some hard evidence, I will not believe that there are aliens visiting our planet.

By: Duendy
me::WHY not iftats all tere is for now. why be spoilt. dismiss ALL of THAT evidence, and eek someting tat is not likely> to me thats not being scientific. a real swcientific attitude would work with what you have got.

Um...trying to make sense of that...OK, I think I got the gist of it...If you are saying that I'm not being scientific, you're wrong. I dismiss it because there is no evidence provided with it.

Pictures can be photoshopped. They can be faked. I will not say, that on viewing pictures of UFOs that are no different than millions of others, that they are the genuine article. I'm sorry, but what makes these so special?

By: Duendy
and you hope for the Whitehose to announce the existence of em is compltely naive. you dont take into consideration their utter ecrecy and manipulation--which is how they maintain their corrupt power!

OK, see, the problem here is that people like you are no different than followers of religion. You believe that the government is corrupt because you are told to believe it! What experiences have YOU had that the government is corrupt? You haven't, I'm guessing, and your ideas are based on the tired and used ideas of the idiots before you. If there was real proof of alien encounter or visitation, there would be no means of keeping that a secret.

By: Duendy
me::not so. it is up to YOU to make_and_effort-IF yo are interested. oterwise. why even are you here?

Again, you are wrong. I did not make the claim that aliens are visiting Earth. Hence, I am not responsible for bringing empirical evidence of alien visitation to the table. If I had it, I'd do it. But I didn't make the claim! You, for instance, can't say to me, "Aliens exist" and expect me to do the legwork. You had better have done it for yourself before coming to me with something like that.

By: Duendy
me::it is VERY pertinent respone to many so-called scpetics attitudes who just right off ALL reports off hand. even thoug they couldn't possibly hve had access to ALL te details. and te response is fear. fearof their certain little worldview being threatened. because they have putSO much into building it, they fear it being shook, nver mind threatened. ...Quality IS payin attention to detail, nd not throwing ALL out.

The skeptics can dismiss whatever they want, but scientists dont'. They study photographs and videos and make decisions based on that. And if they don't have access to these so-called "details" then why complain? They just work with what they're given, as do we all. If you give me a photo and say "This is an alien craft," you could NOT get me to agree even if I couldn't disprove the photo's authenticity! Why? Because where is the proof that it's alien?

Duendy, all you're saying here is that I shouldn't dismiss the posibility that aliens are visiting the planet, and of course I cannot disprove this. What I will tell you is that until the day comes that clear evidence exists, you will never get any scientific mind (or government, or clear-thinking person) to agree that we are being visited. If you are upset that we all so easily discount claims, it's because nobody has EVER brought everything to the table, EVER. It's not like we are all ignoring this apparent, obvious "truth," it's that we are saying without empirical, testable evidence, we cannot come to the same conclusion that you have.

You, and many others on this board, believe based on faith, not evidence. A photo of a blurry light, or an easily-doctored photo of a strange craft should not sway you to believe in such a thing. You should not let yourself be bought like that! You're a human being with a mind, and you should REQUIRE more than just a story and a picture to get you to believe! Demand more than that, Duendy. I'm not asking you to go and do field research, I'm just asking you to expect more than just a half-cocked story from Norval as your proof.


Hello, JDawg,

Everything you have said is correct and I agree with you perfectly.

But as far as Duendy and her ilk go, you are beating a dead horse. Not only does she not comprehend that the claimant must produce the evidence to back the claims, she honestly expects the rest of us to go out and disprove a negative. That's totally absurd! And you cannot possibly have an intelligent conversation with a person like that. The sad truth is that would require some intelligence on their part - and they exhibit none.
Light said:
Hello, JDawg,

Everything you have said is correct and I agree with you perfectly.

But as far as Duendy and her ilk go, you are beating a dead horse. Not only does she not comprehend that the claimant must produce the evidence to back the claims, she honestly expects the rest of us to go out and disprove a negative. That's totally absurd! And you cannot possibly have an intelligent conversation with a person like that. The sad truth is that would require some intelligence on their part - and they exhibit none.
oh Jdawg reeeallly needed that lesson....you clown. like a hole in the head. all you do is pop up criticizing. as i have said. you have ziltch to say.
duendy said:
oh Jdawg reeeallly needed that lesson....you clown. like a hole in the head. all you do is pop up criticizing. as i have said. you have ziltch to say.

Quite the opposite, Duendy. It's you that goes on rambling, spitting and sputtering nonsense. And that's the real meaning (and a good example) of "nothing to say."
JDawg said:
By: Duendy
me::i know i know...you wanna piece of a UFO. in te words of Mick Jagger......'you cant always have what you wa-ant...'

Well, Duendy, then you can't have a positive response out of me. Without some hard evidence, I will not believe that there are aliens visiting our planet.

((me2)):: that is up to you, buti intuit a defensive attitude not a scientific one.

By: Duendy
me::WHY not if thats all there is for now. why be spoilt. dismiss ALL of THAT evidence, and seek someting that is not likely> to me thats not being scientific. a real scientific attitude would work with what you have got.

Um...trying to make sense of that...OK, I think I got the gist of it...If you are saying that I'm not being scientific, you're wrong. I dismiss it because there is no evidence provided with it.

Pictures can be photoshopped. They can be faked. I will not say, that on viewing pictures of UFOs that are no different than millions of others, that they are the genuine article. I'm sorry, but what makes these so special?

((me2)))look. as i say, you work wit what you got. if it is photos and videos that IS evidence.....so next step is, instead of just dismissng it cause of some notion-unfounded till proven-they are ALL fakes, you have then looied at by experts.
admittedly in tese digital times this is probably gonna get harder and harder to achieve cause of the sophistication, but you still have to try, an for older pic and videos it is esier to check them out. so.....say you do and te experts say that they can find no trickery, where's your head at then...? you SHOULD be in a state of 'i dont know'...NOT. they are all fake. dig?

By: Duendy
and you hope for the Whitehose to announce the existence of em is compltely naive. you dont take into consideration their utter secrecy and manipulation--which is how they maintain their corrupt power!

OK, see, the problem here is that people like you are no different than followers of religion. You believe that the government is corrupt because you are told to believe it! What experiences have YOU had that the government is corrupt? You haven't, I'm guessing, and your ideas are based on the tired and used ideas of the idiots before you. If there was real proof of alien encounter or visitation, there would be no means of keeping that a secret.
((me2))i can say the same about you from my perspectve, and attention to patterns. ie., tqat you also beieve everything big media spins you! how naive to imagine no criminality in high places. no secrecy? you know i take it about your national seccurity act, and rea 51, etc? that int secret??.....you actually imagine tepeople in power are as out for your best interests dont you?...haha

By: Duendy
me::not so. it is up to YOU to make_and_effort-IF yo are interested. oterwise. why even are you here?

Again, you are wrong. I did not make the claim that aliens are visiting Earth. Hence, I am not responsible for bringing empirical evidence of alien visitation to the table. If I had it, I'd do it. But I didn't make the claim! You, for instance, can't say to me, "Aliens exist" and expect me to do the legwork. You had better have done it for yourself before coming to me with something like that.
((me2))fora kick off you ar reading me wrong anyhow. my main point in ti forum hasn't been that aliens exist. i swing more over to te idea tat the power elite USe te 'alien' angle a a form of propaganda to cover up teir secret knowledge of advanced technology. so te alien thing is a form of diversion from tat.....howe ver, i dont discount aliens also. heard of the Diaz story?

By: Duendy
me::it is VERY pertinent respone to many so-called scpetics attitudes who just right off ALL reports off hand. even thoug they couldn't possibly hve had access to ALL te details. and te response is fear. fearof their certain little worldview being threatened. because they have putSO much into building it, they fear it being shook, nver mind threatened. ...Quality IS payin attention to detail, nd not throwing ALL out.

The skeptics can dismiss whatever they want, but scientists dont'. They study photographs and videos and make decisions based on that. And if they don't have access to these so-called "details" then why complain? They just work with what they're given, as do we all. If you give me a photo and say "This is an alien craft," you could NOT get me to agree even if I couldn't disprove the photo's authenticity! Why? Because where is the proof that it's alien?

((me2)))well heh...we are agreeing here. exactly. we work it what we got. if it is a craft. first we get photo, video. looked at by experts. is it a UFO?.....if so, to jump from that to 'it must be flown by alies' is superfluous at tat time/ less one was abduted or saw an 'alien' come out of the craft

Duendy, all you're saying here is that I shouldn't dismiss the posibility that aliens are visiting the planet, and of course I cannot disprove this. What I will tell you is that until the day comes that clear evidence exists, you will never get any scientific mind (or government, or clear-thinking person) to agree that we are being visited. If you are upset that we all so easily discount claims, it's because nobody has EVER brought everything to the table, EVER. It's not like we are all ignoring this apparent, obvious "truth," it's that we are saying without empirical, testable evidence, we cannot come to the same conclusion that you have.

((me2)) i very much recommend you DO let the 'alien' part ofthe equation gof for now. it complicates te researc to much. and s i suggested it is possible te power elite are using all that as a diversion from looking at the probability of man-made advanced technology they want to keep secret. reasons being that if it WAs discovered it'd change the whole show, and the super rich would lose their power....oil etc!

You, and many others on this board, believe based on faith, not evidence. A photo of a blurry light, or an easily-doctored photo of a strange craft should not sway you to believe in such a thing. You should not let yourself be bought like that! You're a human being n.with a mind, and you should REQUIRE
this is continued fr te Jdawg post. my system has limited memory and if word countof a post is too long i cant type ny more)
just your last point JDawg........you seem to have same attitude of most of sceptic i have met. where tey seem to have this psychology that is satisfied to just plunk ALL known reports etc abot UFOs into the 'woo woo' bin.
That presenter who did the documenary wasn't like tis. he admitted several times in te docu that although be believd some reports etc were possibly phone, there was some he just couodn't explain......THAT is te right attitude i reckon. potherwise you are defedning a worldview, and dont give any space for possibly shakin up of tat worldview
snake river rufus said:
I have done a lot of research and unless you have something new to point to, there is no real evidence!

me::right. WHY should i believe YOU? where is YOUR evidence that all tose pics and videos taken of UFOs qre false? untill you present it then why should i beieve you....see? this game works both ways

Do you want to point to old blurry paintings?


( yup that's a ufo) or how about the pyramids? (yup carved right there- a ufo). And newspapers from the yellow age of journalism? right :rolleyes:
pardon me?
duendy said:
this is continued fr te Jdawg post. my system has limited memory and if word countof a post is too long i cant type ny more)
just your last point JDawg........you seem to have same attitude of most of sceptic i have met. where tey seem to have this psychology that is satisfied to just plunk ALL known reports etc abot UFOs into the 'woo woo' bin.
That presenter who did the documenary wasn't like tis. he admitted several times in te docu that although be believd some reports etc were possibly phone, there was some he just couodn't explain......THAT is te right attitude i reckon. potherwise you are defedning a worldview, and dont give any space for possibly shakin up of tat worldview

Well, I'm actually shocked because for a breif moment here I'm actually going to agree with something said by Duendy! :eek:

Actually, I've said it before but I'll state it again. Yes, there ARE reports of sightings that seem to be valid - in other words, not faked or the results of an acid trip AND it's always important to keep an open mind.

However, I believe that eventually most of it will turn out to be simple mistakes in observations or perhaps the results of secret military tests. But it's highly doubtful any such sightings will actually be craft flown by ETs and certainly not by Duendy's super-secret-all-powerful-group that rules the world! That's nothing more than pure paranoid fantasy.
So, the US government is (probably) flying aircraft that it hasn't told us about? Big deal, big news, they kept the details of F-117 secret for getting on for 10 years (although its existence as CSIRS was known about more or less from the start). A couple of speculations, one lie by ommission/ implication and "we don't know". Well worth two hours of my time.... NOT.
By: Duendy
((me2)):: that is up to you, buti intuit a defensive attitude not a scientific one.

Not true. It is EXACTLY a scientific attitude. I won't believe until I see evidence.

By: Duendy
me2)))look. as i say, you work wit what you got. if it is photos and videos that IS evidence.....so next step is, instead of just dismissng it cause of some notion-unfounded till proven-they are ALL fakes, you have then looied at by experts.

I don't say that at all. On those accounts where the experts can't seem to find any fakery, I echo their conclusion: I dont' know.

By: Duendy
((me2))i can say the same about you from my perspectve, and attention to patterns. ie., tqat you also beieve everything big media spins you! how naive to imagine no criminality in high places. no secrecy? you know i take it about your national seccurity act, and rea 51, etc? that int secret??.....you actually imagine tepeople in power are as out for your best interests dont you?...haha

Wrong. I dont' buy into what our government tells us. I think they lied about the reasons they wanted to go into Iraq, and I think they lied about not having significant warnings about the attack on 9/11. There is evidence that points to both, such as the lack of WMDs in Iraq and that nations inability to attack anyone, let alone us. And various 9/11 hearings have disclosed the fact that Bush recieved memos and reports warning him about threats involving airplanes flying into our buildings. So when evidence is provided, I will weigh it and choose accordingly.

As for Area 51...it's a military base and test flight area...hence, it's a no-flight zone. Just like hundreds of other military installations throughout the nation and world! Washington DC has a strict no-flight policy in the vicinity of the capital buildings, white house and pentagon...are they trying to hide something?

I dont' exactly believe that politicians in general are out for my best interests, but at the same time I don't believe that every government body since 1945 has thought it best to hide the "truth" about aliens from us. Area 51 is such a big deal because it's so near where so many sightings occur, and it's been the victim of urban legend, not because anybody knows exactly what's going on in there.

By: Duendy
((me2))fora kick off you ar reading me wrong anyhow. my main point in ti forum hasn't been that aliens exist. i swing more over to te idea tat the power elite USe te 'alien' angle a a form of propaganda to cover up teir secret knowledge of advanced technology. so te alien thing is a form of diversion from tat.....howe ver, i dont discount aliens also. heard of the Diaz story?

OK, so if you don't really believe in aliens yourself...why would the government use aliens as a diversion for covering up advanced technology? Do you understand that whatever advanced military technology the US has isn't hidden from you...it's hidden from the world? You have no more of a right to know about the latest jetfighter than the President of China does. That IS in our best interest. You don't need to know what kind of military technology we have.

By: Duendy
((me2)) i very much recommend you DO let the 'alien' part ofthe equation gof for now. it complicates te researc to much. and s i suggested it is possible te power elite are using all that as a diversion from looking at the probability of man-made advanced technology they want to keep secret. reasons being that if it WAs discovered it'd change the whole show, and the super rich would lose their power....oil etc!

How would the super rich lose their power? How do you draw that conclusion? At worst, if our enemies learned the specs of our latest military jet fighter, they could duplicate it. How does that "change the whole show" and take away power and oil? What are you f'n talking about?

By: Duendy
this is continued fr te Jdawg post. my system has limited memory and if word countof a post is too long i cant type ny more)
just your last point JDawg........you seem to have same attitude of most of sceptic i have met. where tey seem to have this psychology that is satisfied to just plunk ALL known reports etc abot UFOs into the 'woo woo' bin.
That presenter who did the documenary wasn't like tis. he admitted several times in te docu that although be believd some reports etc were possibly phone, there was some he just couodn't explain......THAT is te right attitude i reckon. potherwise you are defedning a worldview, and dont give any space for possibly shakin up of tat worldview
Even the US government takes that stance, Duendy. Most can be explained, and some cannot! Our GOVERNMENT admits this! I agree!

JDawg said:
Not true. It is EXACTLY a scientific attitude. I won't believe until I see evidence.

me::well, i am not exactly believing....it is more a looking at patterns which connect.....for example. we are told that some of the first reported cases os seeing flyin saucers......you can also see saucer ahapes in various UFO photos, videos. the tqwo things correlate. the fist reports had no connection with te later visual evidence. do you see what i man? now you can argue that they were made up cause of the late, but i use my own individual insight which informs me.......will try t explain it maybe more later. am conscious of your posts being wordy....wish u could prune em a bit

I don't say that at all. On those accounts where the experts can't seem to find any fakery, I echo their conclusion: I dont' know.

me::yeah. dont know. which means i is a mystery. someting that is presewntly beyond current science to explain. woud you agree?

Wrong. I dont' buy into what our government tells us. I think they lied about the reasons they wanted to go into Iraq, and I think they lied about not having significant warnings about the attack on 9/11. There is evidence that points to both, such as the lack of WMDs in Iraq and that nations inability to attack anyone, let alone us. And various 9/11 hearings have disclosed the fact that Bush recieved memos and reports warning him about threats involving airplanes flying into our buildings. So when evidence is provided, I will weigh it and choose accordingly.

me::same here. and aded to your observations checkout occult mumerological symbolism all over 9/11, 7/7 etc!!. tis adds tpo the clues

As for Area 51...it's a military base and test flight area...hence, it's a no-flight zone. Just like hundreds of other military installations throughout the nation and world! Washington DC has a strict no-flight policy in the vicinity of the capital buildings, white house and pentagon...are they trying to hide something?

me::YES. i would defintely say so

I dont' exactly believe that politicians in general are out for my best interests, but at the same time I don't believe that every government body since 1945 has thought it best to hide the "truth" about aliens from us. Area 51 is such a big deal because it's so near where so many sightings occur, and it's been the victim of urban legend, not because anybody knows exactly what's going on in there.

me:but tere are hints. and we hafve the Disclosure findings etc....i personally feel the 'alien' agaenda is a strategic DIVERSION from a deeper secret thewy want to hid, whoiich is man-made advanced technolpgy. reasons:
if we look at the war on drugs, the war on 'terrorism'....closer nd closer. it begins to corrupt bfore the very eyes. tee is a defnate manipulation going on......some have said that their biggie is gonna be a staged event that's make hollywood drool. in fact maybe tewy'll have a part in it which is? a staged invasion of 'aliens' is what!

OK, so if you don't really believe in aliens yourself...why would the government use aliens as a diversion for covering up advanced technology? Do you understand that whatever advanced military technology the US has isn't hidden from you...it's hidden from the world? You have no more of a right to know about the latest jetfighter than the President of China does. That IS in our best interest. You don't need to know what kind of military technology we have.

in our best intersts,please please dont believe their crap. remember Eisnehower many decades ago warned the pople abot the insidously growing power of the militreay-industrial complex!....they do not care in any shape or form for you. they certainly dont forthe young men-soldiers, who they have lied to and still do about the drastic effects of Depleted Uranium!
they are criminals and want you as their slave. either dead or alive.

How would the super rich lose their power? How do you draw that conclusion? At worst, if our enemies learned the specs of our latest military jet fighter, they could duplicate it. How does that "change the whole show" and take away power and oil? What are you f'n talking about?

me::what i am fucking talkin abot is tis. go check the HEMP story. seriously. and find out how the big boys went about demonizing it/ and keeping that in mind check what an advanced technology lnown by the 'masses' would do to teir oil empire. hate to say this cliche but ....do the math

By: Duendy
this is continued fr te Jdawg post. my system has limited memory and if word countof a post is too long i cant type ny more)
just your last point JDawg........you seem to have same attitude of most of sceptic i have met. where tey seem to have this psychology that is satisfied to just plunk ALL known reports etc abot UFOs into the 'woo woo' bin.
That presenter who did the documenary wasn't like tis. he admitted several times in te docu that although be believd some reports etc were possibly phone, there was some he just couodn't explain......THAT is te right attitude i reckon. potherwise you are defedning a worldview, and dont give any space for possibly shakin up of tat worldview
Even the US government takes that stance, Duendy. Most can be explained, and some cannot! Our GOVERNMENT admits this! I agree!

me::but like said. you know i think the actual hierarchy is only allowing pwople at the very pinnacle to really know stuff. the government are reallythe front men. puppets...dangeous ones, but puppets nevertheless

mmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMM((((((((------<< ^^
me::yeah. dont know. which means i is a mystery. someting that is presewntly beyond current science to explain. woud you agree?

NO! Jesus, talk about jumping to conclusions! Just because we cannot explain what they see in the video doesn't mean it's "beyond our current science!" Jesus, it just means that they only have a picture! If it is a craft, put the fucking thing on the ground and we'll study it!

me::same here. and aded to your observations checkout occult mumerological symbolism all over 9/11, 7/7 etc!!. tis adds tpo the clues

I don't know enough about it to say it's correct, but of what I've seen, it's just more hysterical crap.

me::YES. i would defintely say so

Oh, I see. And what evidence do you have?

me:but tere are hints. and we hafve the Disclosure findings etc....i personally feel the 'alien' agaenda is a strategic DIVERSION from a deeper secret thewy want to hid, whoiich is man-made advanced technolpgy. reasons:

This is fucking insanity, and I'm ending this conversation now. You are as nuts as the religious fanatic that won't be swayed by evidence and science simply because it isn't romantic enough for you. You take EVERY conspiricy theory at face value and allow yourself to be sucked into believing simply because you lack the mental capacity to see things that aren't sensational! (An example would be the scientific explanations of 99% of the UFO sightings)

I'm sorry for you, Duendy, I really am. You are just as ignorant as Norval because you both lack the ability to think for yourselves...you need the information (false or otherwise) to be fed to you through BS websites and radio shows looking for ratings.

People like you shouldn't breed.

if any one is acting like a religious hysterical fanatic round here it is you mate. your attitude is what i am warning about ........sciencism!
Why is "secret advanced technology" such a big deal to UFO-ologists?

I'm sure the government has all kinds of secret planes and programs. If the military developed everything out in the open, they would have no advantage over any other military in the world. It's not like they are trying to enslave the American people with the next super secret spyplane or something. If they really wanted to watch us, they could just install a million CC camera's like they did in Great Britan!
Squeak22 said:
Why is "secret advanced technology" such a big deal to UFO-ologists?

Because they start with the sublime, and end up with the ridiculous.

They start with a fairly obvious idea, that there are secret aircraft in the skies we don't know about.

Then, because we (the general public) don't know everything about everything going on up there, they use this supposed uncertainty to slip in the possibility of other extra terrestrial craft.

But it's convolving two unrelated phenomena.

Anyway, check out the 'Mugi Morphin' vid here;


Triangular glowing craft, hovering, zooming, ...!
No, duendy specifically states to FORGET about ET's at this point. If that's the case, I say, "what's the big f-ing deal?" There's lots of technology that the governement uses that the general public doesn't because it's cost prohibitive or isn't necessary.
Squeak22 said:
Why is "secret advanced technology" such a big deal to UFO-ologists?

me::well it should be a big deal for EVERYONE if true.....which is what we are trying to explore. with all the means at our disposal. every little clue helps....never falling in the pseudosceptic trap which is fearful of askin questions. no matter how weird or 'off-subject'

I'm sure the government has all kinds of secret planes and programs. If the military developed everything out in the open, they would have no advantage over any other military in the world. It's not like they are trying to enslave the American people with the next super secret spyplane or something. If they really wanted to watch us, they could just install a million CC camera's like they did in Great Britan!
i know i live there/here! cant move a fukin figer witout 'them' knowing it....you know some porr securitiy guard havin to watch hourse of borin TV monitors

see this http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?p=70010

just read it wit an open mind like i did is all

i feel that broachin this subject you have to be as flexible as possible. it is not just a 'UFO thang' as such. it involves interdisciplinary approach. as most non-mainstream science does

example. many people take offense when tey hear 'conspiracy'. it's a naive repnse actually. they are somehow seeing mr president or mr prime minister as some kind of daddy figure who is jest waaants whats best hos hiiis children.....CRAP! he doesn't give on fuck for eiter you NOR your children. you are meat for his wars is what. so all this stuff about the secret being they just want to protect us from the commies, the Arabs bla bla is only a tiny bit of te truth. he only ting that really concerns tem protecting is temselves and their power?

if you ant o checkout a real conspiracy go and research about Edward Bernays 'engineering consent'. ie., he was Freud's nephew and influenced the propgqnda machine which starts wars, etc and aso SECRETLYmanipulates the 'masses' to but tings they dont want. why? cause we are just nothing to te elite is why. tink os how tewyt see us is like cattle stock, right?

so what benefit would it be for them to hide from us advanced technology...such as
anti gravity. HUGE. for if it became public their massive oil empire would crumble. all their power fucked.
What I find as the greatest of all evidences is that such an effort is put forth in trying to say they are not here. :D
duendy said:
so what benefit would it be for them to hide from us advanced technology...such as
anti gravity. HUGE. for if it became public their massive oil empire would crumble. all their power fucked.

Even if they had anti-gravity, the oil empire would be just fine. Everything requires power/energy, and something has to supply that power.

Again, whatever "advanced" technology they have is probably not several orders of magnitude more advanced then what we have right now, it's just sections of technology that have not become cost-efficient to push into the mainstream market.

So yeah, they might be able to put out some sort of high-technology transportation, but the 3 million dollar price tag is out of range for a few people, and half the time people like their cars to much to give them up anyway.
from what i have heard, the implications of advanced technology which would involve FREE energy WOULD drastically effect te oil empire. read te article etc again........what do you mean things would carry on as normal? if so thee're be no point in being highly secretive would there?........you could compare such a suppression ofa technology by studying te Hemp story. how the main players behind te oil, paper, and plastic industries went to great lengths to demonize and suppress Hemp
craterchains (Norval said:
What I find as the greatest of all evidences is that such an effort is put forth in trying to say they are not here. :D

well according to some researchers, including William Lyne who actually claims he was offered a career with the CIA, but refused..........the CIA creates front groups which do both infiltrate both sides of te debate. te UFO debumkers and te ET UFO people who emphasize that ETs are behind all UFOs

I also dont know what you mean in your obgservation. before 9/11, i had been doing some research about all thi, and of all the sources i saw all were pushin the ET agenda.......it's only been fairly recently--post 7/7, where i discovered about the idea of man-made advanced technology