UFOs: The Secret Evidence


Registered Senior Member
did any one from u see the channel4 documentary 'UFOs: The Secret Evidence' see http://www.channel4.com/science and open title link

i saw it and will soon explore it........the presenter seems to kind of waver over to my view. tat UFOs are covert advanced technology...it all seemd a bit mishy mashy, but was interesting 2 hour with ads docu.
Nearly watched it, but it clashed with 'Touching the Void' on More4, and as I have been rescued from a mountain with a broken leg myself, had to watch it again.

And what explains all the UFO's prior to 1900, balloons? FOCLMFAO And, prior to 1700? and to 1000? and to 500?

Too freakin funny. There is enough evidence in history to sink your boat any day of the week. Modern tech is the reason of UFO's,,,, yeah, right,,,, FOCLMFAO some more.

craterchains (Norval said:

And what explains all the UFO's prior to 1900, balloons? FOCLMFAO And, prior to 1700? and to 1000? and to 500?

Too freakin funny. There is enough evidence in history to sink your boat any day of the week. Modern tech is the reason of UFO's,,,, yeah, right,,,, FOCLMFAO some more.

first off. did you see the documentary?
And, can you not accept that the answer could include BOTh views?
Snake River Rufus
Do your own researching and re-searching.
Try old news papers, duh? Get creative, if you can.
Trust no one, check it out for yourself.

Nope, if it has commercial breaks I don't waste the time.
And, nope again.

The governments do have secret aircraft today, but NOT back in the early 1900's and
before. Too funny.
Do your own researching and re-searching.

Oh yes, we'll jump at the chance to waste time researching every 'wackadoos' claims that show up on internet forums.

Trust no one, check it out for yourself.

Since you've never provided one iota of evidence to the vast unsubstantiated, wild, claims you've presented here, it would make more sense to simply ignore this one too.
Flash News: Unicorns seen humping the legs of purple dragons in sexual mating ritual!

Trust no one, check it our for yourself.
This guy Norval is a total whacko. I think he needs to be cast into the pile alongside Paul W. Dixon as blights upon the website. Not one claim has been verified, yet this dude is absolutely sure that aliens are here...what a whacko.

And what's with the comma abuse? Dude, if you want to do this "..." that's fine, but what the hell is ",,,,,,,,,,,,"???
lol, yeah...

firstly, I don't know how much I would trust "aliendave.com." secondly, I am pretty sure it has been known for some time that stars can create optical illusions, such as moving triangles. I am having trouble finding the sources for that claim, if someone could back me up it would be great.
There's a site that offers old newspaper articles, it said there were about 3000 exmples of 'UFO sightings', but I'n not going to fork out $50 to subscribe and find out.
Where is the evidence? I don't care about old diary entries that could be fake, or newspaper articles talking about supposed UFOs. I want an alien, I want a ship, I want video (CLEAR VIDEO) I want the United States Government to come out and say "HEY! Aliens are visiting our planet!"

I need something beyond tentimony which could be false or mistaken. I'm sorry, but the burden of evidence is on the one who makes the claim!

JDawg said:
Where is the evidence?

me::i know i know...you wanna piece of a UFO. in te words of Mick Jagger......'you cant always have what you wa-ant...'

I don't care about old diary entries that could be fake, or newspaper articles talking about supposed UFOs.

me::WHY not iftats all tere is for now. why be spoilt. dismiss ALL of THAT evidence, and eek someting tat is not likely> to me thats not being scientific. a real swcientific attitude would work with what you have got.

I want an alien, I want a ship, I want video (CLEAR VIDEO) I want the United States Government to come out and say "HEY! Aliens are visiting our planet!"
me::have you heard of te Carlos Diaz story. Hi spics are very clear. what you think?....telll me. looknat te evdence presented by him, and critique it for me. surely thats a beginning...? Ships of Light: The Carlos Diaz Experience http://hesemann.watchers.ca/shipsoflight.html
i had been hoping that the prsened of the documentary had visited him, as he travelled near that vicinity. but alas no. maybe cause it was out of the context of his argument--tat UFOs are man-made

and you hope for the Whitehose to announce the existence of em is compltely naive. you dont take into consideration their utter ecrecy and manipulation--which is how they maintain their corrupt power!

I need something beyond tentimony which could be false or mistaken. I'm sorry, but the burden of evidence is on the one who makes the claim!

me::not so. it is up to YOU to make_and_effort-IF yo are interested. oterwise. why even are you here?

duendy said:
me::WHY not iftats all tere is for now. why be spoilt. dismiss ALL of THAT evidence, and eek someting tat is not likely> to me thats not being scientific. a real swcientific attitude would work with what you have got.
All what evidence? oh you mean the witness testimonies and the shaky videos of lights in the distance.... ok :rolleyes:

That 'evidence' has been worked with. It is hardly impressive.
duendy said:
me::have you heard of te Carlos Diaz story. Hi spics are very clear. what you think?....telll me. looknat te evdence presented by him, and critique it for me. surely thats a beginning...? Ships of Light: The Carlos Diaz Experience http://hesemann.watchers.ca/shipsoflight.html
i had been hoping that the prsened of the documentary had visited him, as he travelled near that vicinity. but alas no. maybe cause it was out of the context of his argument--tat UFOs are man-made
That link doesn't work for me. I did a quick search and found some photos of the ufos. Is there video footage?
shaman_ said:
All what evidence? oh you mean the witness testimonies and the shaky videos of lights in the distance.... ok :rolleyes:

me::but as i keep saying. suc a dismissive attitudeand rolling eyes is not what i would call scientific.....to be scientific is to be INQUIRING in a kinda humbleway....if say you DO meet someone who says they have had a really incredible experience of seeing a UFO, and/or alien etc, to have the attitude you are showing is VERY disrespectful and wont be fruitful neither.
This because, people who D actually confess about these things are usually nervous of doing so anyhow mainly beCUASE of such attitudes, which will also include suggestions of them being 'mentally ill'. so as scientist it is not your role to judge, but to be OPEN t what is beng said, and to ask questions....to the most sublest nuance. and collate this information. WORK WID WHAT YA GOT. dont be hankerin for shit yo aint got

That 'evidence' has been worked with. It is hardly impressive.

me:: well te presenter of the docu. also had that opion, but DID confess that some events are completely unexplinable. one being--as i remembr--was the event of many UFOs passing the Whitehouse at night....thnk he said the 1950s. acdtully when they showed this footage, at first i thought it was a hollywood film or someting...really strange, first time i have seen it

That link doesn't work for me. I did a quick search and found some photos of the ufos. Is there video footage?
strange it not working. i will re-search about it
duendy said:
me::but as i keep saying. suc a dismissive attitudeand rolling eyes is not what i would call scientific.....to be scientific is to be INQUIRING in a kinda humbleway....if say you DO meet someone who says they have had a really incredible experience of seeing a UFO, and/or alien etc, to have the attitude you are showing is VERY disrespectful and wont be fruitful neither.
This because, people who D actually confess about these things are usually nervous of doing so anyhow mainly beCUASE of such attitudes, which will also include suggestions of them being 'mentally ill'. so as scientist it is not your role to judge, but to be OPEN t what is beng said, and to ask questions....to the most sublest nuance. and collate this information. WORK WID WHAT YA GOT. dont be hankerin for shit yo aint got
My rolling eyes were a response to a particular comment - "dismiss ALL of THAT evidence". It is just something I have heard too many times. It is quantity but not quality.

I am not sarcastic or rude everyone who has seen a ufo. I do actually try to keep an open mind.

As for "dont be hankerin for shit yo aint got", there is no way around it, if you expect it to be taken seriously by more people you need better evidence.
shaman_ said:
My rolling eyes were a response to a particular comment - "dismiss ALL of THAT evidence". It is just something I have heard too many times. It is quantity but not quality.

me::it is VERY pertinent respone to many so-called scpetics attitudes who just right off ALL reports off hand. even thoug they couldn't possibly hve had access to ALL te details. and te response is fear. fearof their certain little worldview being threatened. because they have putSO much into building it, they fear it being shook, nver mind threatened. ...Quality IS payin attention to detail, nd not throwing ALL out.

I am not sarcastic or rude everyone who has seen a ufo. I do actually try to keep an open mind.


As for "dont be hankerin for shit yo aint got", there is no way around it, if you expect it to be taken seriously by more people you need better evidence.

when you say 'more poeople' don't you ather mean the positivist scientific community?
but aren't they generally very specialized nd shun interdisciplinary research?
By: Duendy
me::i know i know...you wanna piece of a UFO. in te words of Mick Jagger......'you cant always have what you wa-ant...'

Well, Duendy, then you can't have a positive response out of me. Without some hard evidence, I will not believe that there are aliens visiting our planet.

By: Duendy
me::WHY not iftats all tere is for now. why be spoilt. dismiss ALL of THAT evidence, and eek someting tat is not likely> to me thats not being scientific. a real swcientific attitude would work with what you have got.

Um...trying to make sense of that...OK, I think I got the gist of it...If you are saying that I'm not being scientific, you're wrong. I dismiss it because there is no evidence provided with it.

Pictures can be photoshopped. They can be faked. I will not say, that on viewing pictures of UFOs that are no different than millions of others, that they are the genuine article. I'm sorry, but what makes these so special?

By: Duendy
and you hope for the Whitehose to announce the existence of em is compltely naive. you dont take into consideration their utter ecrecy and manipulation--which is how they maintain their corrupt power!

OK, see, the problem here is that people like you are no different than followers of religion. You believe that the government is corrupt because you are told to believe it! What experiences have YOU had that the government is corrupt? You haven't, I'm guessing, and your ideas are based on the tired and used ideas of the idiots before you. If there was real proof of alien encounter or visitation, there would be no means of keeping that a secret.

By: Duendy
me::not so. it is up to YOU to make_and_effort-IF yo are interested. oterwise. why even are you here?

Again, you are wrong. I did not make the claim that aliens are visiting Earth. Hence, I am not responsible for bringing empirical evidence of alien visitation to the table. If I had it, I'd do it. But I didn't make the claim! You, for instance, can't say to me, "Aliens exist" and expect me to do the legwork. You had better have done it for yourself before coming to me with something like that.

By: Duendy
me::it is VERY pertinent respone to many so-called scpetics attitudes who just right off ALL reports off hand. even thoug they couldn't possibly hve had access to ALL te details. and te response is fear. fearof their certain little worldview being threatened. because they have putSO much into building it, they fear it being shook, nver mind threatened. ...Quality IS payin attention to detail, nd not throwing ALL out.

The skeptics can dismiss whatever they want, but scientists dont'. They study photographs and videos and make decisions based on that. And if they don't have access to these so-called "details" then why complain? They just work with what they're given, as do we all. If you give me a photo and say "This is an alien craft," you could NOT get me to agree even if I couldn't disprove the photo's authenticity! Why? Because where is the proof that it's alien?

Duendy, all you're saying here is that I shouldn't dismiss the posibility that aliens are visiting the planet, and of course I cannot disprove this. What I will tell you is that until the day comes that clear evidence exists, you will never get any scientific mind (or government, or clear-thinking person) to agree that we are being visited. If you are upset that we all so easily discount claims, it's because nobody has EVER brought everything to the table, EVER. It's not like we are all ignoring this apparent, obvious "truth," it's that we are saying without empirical, testable evidence, we cannot come to the same conclusion that you have.

You, and many others on this board, believe based on faith, not evidence. A photo of a blurry light, or an easily-doctored photo of a strange craft should not sway you to believe in such a thing. You should not let yourself be bought like that! You're a human being with a mind, and you should REQUIRE more than just a story and a picture to get you to believe! Demand more than that, Duendy. I'm not asking you to go and do field research, I'm just asking you to expect more than just a half-cocked story from Norval as your proof.

craterchains (Norval said:
Snake River Rufus
Do your own researching and re-searching.
Try old news papers, duh? Get creative, if you can.
Trust no one, check it out for yourself.

Nope, if it has commercial breaks I don't waste the time.
And, nope again.

The governments do have secret aircraft today, but NOT back in the early 1900's and
before. Too funny.
I have done a lot of research and unless you have something new to point to, there is no real evidence! Do you want to point to old blurry paintings? ( yup that's a ufo) or how about the pyramids? (yup carved right there- a ufo). And newspapers from the yellow age of journalism? right :rolleyes: