UFO technology Level....

Star_One said:
There is so much credible information on "ufos" it not even funny.

There are credible sightings from Pilot's to Politicians, Astronauts to Local Authoraties.

Most people just ignore the vast amount of information on the sunbject, this thing is happening, maybe its a good, maybe it is bad, but one thing is for sure, UFO'S ARE REAL.

P.S I mean unidentified flying objects not alien ships when i say ufos are real.[/Star One Would you like to read about an atmospheric event I witnessed 8 yrs. ago . It concerns a ufo sighting and time distortion . It left its calling card and N.O.A.A. is aware of this and thats why NEXRAD ( next generation doppler radar) was made operational. They know when the next time the rings first begin to develop on any N.W.S. radar screen in the continental U.S. they have 3-1/2 hours before the softspot opens and it arrives or departs . They did'nt know what they were viewing on their screen , until I read a newspaper article they had released to the media stating they thought it was caused by birds !!!!! When I reported what I had witnessed at the same moment the rings had burst . We all know now that it was no coincidence . They sure turned a whiter shade of pale when I told them about time not being right and that it was approximately 250 ft. in diameter . Would like for me to fax you the article and picture from the newspaper ? I'm only seeking a scientific explanation, and I don't believe in flying saucers or little green men . This is not of our earth. Have a nice day and please respond , I would like to hear your views. Donald Q UOTE]
Starman said:
Not all occupants die that is evident with our own space program.

So the surviving crew member of a craft that had travelled perhaps millions of miles teaches us to use a rocket? Don't you think it would have shared some incredible propulsion device,instead of a refinement of von Brauns (not sure of spelling) V2?
Having always been open minded I myself, me sitting here, has seen a UFO. It was in the company of an entire night shift, standing on the roof of a high mill on Merseyside. Later, when our chargehand phone the local paper, they said they had received hundreds of sightings.

Get a map of merseyside before you. Observation point, mid wirral, at top of peninsula. Looking magentic north.

Scenario: Workmate comes in tells me and chargehand that "something funny going on across the river" - we ALL went up onto the roof and saw a large orange(ish) fuzzy ball floating out over the Irish Sea, distance unknown, hovering apparently "looking" along the River Mersey. We estimated it had been there 7-8 minutes. After it had been there 15 minutes, it suddenly shot away across to out left and stopped dead, hovering, still out to sea, looking along the River Dee. It remained here for exactly 15 minutes then suddenly shot UPwards and compeltely vanished.

Time scale from leaving mersey to arrival on River Dee, 4 - 5 seconds, Timescale from hover to vanish, 2 seconds. As it was being moved, it was not a cloud, nor was it a warpdriven balloon, nor was it the moon (wrong direction) - it WAS a UFO. This all took place in mid 70s.
Having always been open minded I myself, me sitting here, has seen a UFO. It was in the company of an entire night shift, standing on the roof of a high mill on Merseyside. Later, when our chargehand phone the local paper, they said they had received hundreds of sightings.

Get a map of merseyside before you. Observation point, mid wirral, at top of peninsula. Looking magentic north.

Scenario: Workmate comes in tells me and chargehand that "something funny going on across the river" - we ALL went up onto the roof and saw a large orange(ish) fuzzy ball floating out over the Irish Sea, distance unknown, hovering, apparently "looking" along the River Mersey. We estimated it had been there 7-8 minutes. After it had been there 15 minutes, it suddenly shot away across to our left and stopped dead, hovering, still out to sea, looking along the River Dee. It remained here for exactly 15 minutes then suddenly shot UPwards and completely vanished.

Time scale from leaving mersey to arrival on River Dee, 4 - 5 seconds, Timescale from hover to vanish, 2 seconds. As it was being moved, it was not a cloud, nor was it a warpdriven balloon, nor was it the moon (wrong direction) - it WAS a UFO. This all took place in mid 70s.
My friend encountered a UFO when he was about 5.
He was sitting on a swing in the playground, when BAM, out of nowhere, something hits him in the face, knocking him off the swing.

After getting up and looking around, he didn't see anyone. No one was there, completely empty. He says it was a rock, and maintains that to this very day, but I think we all know better.
I agree that the "min min" lighting effects could account for the phenomenon I saw except for the split second timings and the obvious unnatural "control" of the object. It was not natural.

Roman, your friends experience could be more along the lines of the supernatural rather than ET giving him a smack. Sounds more like poltergeist experience than James T Kirk.
gort said:
So the surviving crew member of a craft that had travelled perhaps millions of miles teaches us to use a rocket? Don't you think it would have shared some incredible propulsion device,instead of a refinement of von Brauns (not sure of spelling) V2?

O yea u bet they did however do you think NASA and the Air Force are going to go public with that technowledgy? O hell no they are using it for national security. I do believe that they have craft that do use advanced propulsion and they are often mistaken for UFO's.

The rockets are dangerous and costly however we maintain them to hide the other propulsion methods that we use from the rest of the world.

Rember world war II when we gave our troops inferior polish weapons because we did not want our advanced machine guns to fall in enemy hands?

Things have not changed and they do remain the same.
Here are two photos I took of a strange light over Saford Arizona with my Kodak 4330 digital camera they are not conclusive however the photos are taken less than 30 seconds apart and soon after the light vanished. It was late evening about 7 or 8 pm. I was north of Saford on HWY 191/70 about five miles outside of town. The light was East from my location and apeared to be over the City of Saford.



BTW there was not a cloud in the sky.

I edited this post after reviewing the group of photos that I took on the same day and It was during my return trip to Las Vegas where I was living from Alamogordo where we were visiting family. We were spending the night in Saford with my sister who lived in Saford at the time.
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Starman, on another thread, if I recall correctly, you indicate an interest in science in general and physics in particular. These are worthy interests.
The only scientific content of your prior post, however, is the statement these are not conclusive. For these to be of any relevance to the readers here we need to know camera type (specific make and model), lens specifications, field of view, time of day and year, etc. Otherwise its just two out of focus shots of a moving light bulb.
Ophiolite said:
Starman, on another thread, if I recall correctly, you indicate an interest in science in general and physics in particular. These are worthy interests.
The only scientific content of your prior post, however, is the statement these are not conclusive. For these to be of any relevance to the readers here we need to know camera type (specific make and model), lens specifications, field of view, time of day and year, etc. Otherwise its just two out of focus shots of a moving light bulb.

Sure It was about 8 Pm Friday evening and I was heading West twords Saford Arizona on my way to Las Vegas Nevada from Alamogordo. I am always on the look out for strange things. My camara is a Kodak Digital Easy Share DX4330. The Sky was clear and this object seemed to bright for the sky and to close to be a star. I regret not getting any of the sourunding terrain for refference However I rember I was on HWY 191/70 heading into Safford Just west of town comming down from the mountain range on the West side of town. I saw the light and it was moving around in the sky. I was about 5 miles outside of Saford and the object apeared to be obove Saford. I pulled the car over to the side of the road by a monument that honored the Mormans who settled the area and took these two Photographs before it disiapeared. I zoomed all the way in to get the closest shot my camara is a 3.1 megapixels 3X optical 10Xdigital zoom. That is all I can say about the photograph other than I did observe lights in Safford when I was there about a year prior to the photographs however I was not able to photograph them because I did not have my camera at the time. I do not know what the light was however Saford is a very remote place and at night due to low light polution the Sky is very bright. Saford is the location of the Telescope owned by the Vatican and the new LBT Large Binary Telescope that will see 10 times further than hubble, they are located on top of Mt. Gram just east about five miles from Saford Arizona.