UFO technology Level....

man pickle said:
:bugeye: mmm i wonder then if the speed of light can actually be broken...........

Why would you want to break the Speed of Light? For intersteller travel?

If you want to cross a vast void of space it is far easier to bend the fabric of Space and Time. If you can imagine a sheet of paper as the fabric of space and time you can cross the paper as it lays flat from one side to the other or you can bend the sheet and bring the two oppisite sides together and this translates into reduced distance.
Starman said:
Why would you want to break the Speed of Light? For intersteller travel?

If you want to cross a vast void of space it is far easier to bend the fabric of Space and Time. If you can imagine a sheet of paper as the fabric of space and time you can cross the paper as it lays flat from one side to the other or you can bend the sheet and bring the two oppisite sides together and this translates into reduced distance.

But how can you prove that this type of travel actually exists....or is it another spineless theory with no evidence to boot. Yes it sounds fancy, but is their really any meat to it.

And isnt travelling at any speed altering time?? therefore u are altering space and time
chunkylover58 said:
Yep. These aliens have some incredible technology that allows them to whiz around the universe at superhyper speeds, all the while easliy either navigating around, or plowing right through, all sorts of detritus, debris, planets, asteroids, etc., with no damage to them whatsoever, then only to make it our planet and crash to bits when they hit the sands of New Mexico.

Or they get shot down by a Rocket or Somthing.
Im sorry if i seem superskeptical...but its just my natural defence to new ideas that im not familiar with...ill check out the site now

thanks man
Let me just explain something, you can't break the speed of light as it's a constant.

namely two frequencies could have wavelengths of different size:

<table width="80" height=70>
<marquee width=20 scrollamount=5 scrolldelay=0>
A: .-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-
B: .-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._.-^-._

Those wavelengths however "Move" at the same speed, This means that the smaller wavelength helixes stay in relationship to where they are placed with the larger waveformation helixes in the diagram, if moving.

Thats why it's suggested that matter can't move faster than the speed of light for that particular constant. ("E=MC<sup>2</sup>",A. Einstein)

However it is as mentioned, suggested that it would be possible to "bend spacetime" since spacetime is actually madeup of a matrix of intersecting energies, frequencies and magnetic fluctuations (caused by the energies/frequencies fluctuating influences over atomic particle systems.)

So it's suggested that it can be manipulated to create higher fields of those energies/frequencies to "stiffen" the spacetime enough in a local area to cause spacetime to distort between two locations. It's not as if the whole universe is suddenly split asunder, but a pocket or bubble of spacetime is altered from the rest of the universe.

According to what I think Quantum Relativity suggests, all matter within the known universe has it's energy exist at other points within the universe at the same time. This is what gaveway to the "Butterfly Effect" theory in the suggestion that a Butterfly flapping it's wings on one side of the globe, could unleash a Tornado or Earthquake on the otherside of the world, Not just through the nature of knock-on-effects (chain reactions) but because of it's Paradoxical existance in multiple locations(which adds to the chain reactions).

The other thought here is this, We as a human race are contemplating such distortions of spacetime and potentially eventually even craft, not hundreds of years from now... but dacades we will have technology that would seem a few years ago to be "alien".

If our technology gets to the point of being as advanced, if not more advanced than the stories that are told of the alledged Roswell craft, don't you think that would undermine the alledged craft being some super-advanced civilizations scout craft and actually turn out to be something like one of the Blackops projects suggested?
The roswell "craft" was an american spy balloon, thats been proved beyond doubt now and I for one am happy with that.

Although not eloquent to explain in similar terms I can envisage in my mind what is written. Some of the so called UFO sightings were very definitely blackop planes but not all. Anyone who believes that we are alone in this universe has a very high opinion of themselves. We are not alone that is also certain in my view. To have the ability to "fold space" is feasible. The mere fact that the human brain can describe the process means it could be possible. My own favourite method waiting to be discovered is the worm hole theory.
In 1947 we did not have any Science even close to intersteller travel by bending the fabric of Space. The truth is we learned about what we are now trying to develope by what we have discovered in the past. We did recover objects not of this world to study. And that has been the testimony by credible scientist from around the world. It is hard for most people to believe that another intellegent life form has the science of intersteller travel and uses it to visit the Earth. It was a little over two hundred years ago that Man kind was dependent upon the beast for transportation. Now if Man can advance as much in 200 years what would an intelligent life form such as Man acheave in 200,000 years? The truth is we are not alone. There is other intellegent life in our Gallaxy.
Starman said:
We did recover objects not of this world to study. And that has been the testimony by credible scientist from around the world. .
Starman, I am sure you have been asked this countless times. Please name one of these credible scientists and cite the peer reviewed journal in which his testimony appears.
Starman said:
It is hard for most people to believe that another intellegent life form has the science of intersteller travel and uses it to visit the Earth. .
You are actually making three claims:
There are other intelligences
They have interstellar travel
They visit the earth

All of these are perfectly plausible. Most, perhaps all, of your critics would accept these as possible. However, there is zero conclusive evidence for any of these. So please, do not claim it is difficult for most people to believe....etc. It is impossible to believe without evidence.
When the secret US surveillance program was declassified in the 90s, I believe. They took some of these balloons to Roswell and showed where they were found and the remains of the original, they were made from the same, then secret, material. Nobody then had heard of micro thin tinfoil and the plastic compounds as used by the US Military. Space ship it was not. Nobody in the US wanted the Soviets to know about these listening posts in the stratosphere so they played along with the mystery. You make the mistake we all make by comparing 1948 mystery with modern day knowledge. The stuff that these spy balloons were made of was classified and so was the program and so was the equipment. Naturally, if one of us found a piece of equipment in the desert and it proved to have anti grav qualities we would believe it to be extra terrestrial in fact it could just as easily be military.

That site you provided is a privately owned site, like my own, and does not necessarily present the truth, only a version of somebody's truth. My own site depicts, amongst loads of other stuff, the sinking of the Bismarck and the fact that she was scuttled, not sunk by the Royal Navy. Someone can come along and argue the case that she was sunk by the Royal Navy, at the end of the day, what I put on MY site is the truth until proved otherwise! Thats site of yours proves absolutely nothing except the authors opinion.
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Another point you raise is Technology, If you were to follow the trend of technological advancements throughout the ages, you would see that we are moving along what can only be described as an "Exponential curve".

Discoveries at first would have been slow, because to begin with there was no mass communication network and no easy way of digesting the tuition of others. However there were instances of golden ages, which we would all acknowledge as being Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and a few other civilisations that get missed out.

The reason their Golden ages occured was not due to "Alien Advancement", but because their countries started to generate Centralised state systems. This is why the technology level in what would be Britain at that time wasn't at the same level because it's system wasn't as centralised.

Centralisation meant that Scholars and Philosophers could talk with one another and they inturn would talk with those that ran those civilisations at that time. If someone "invented" something new, they would take it to the Centralised government to be shown to all, who in turn would spread the news of its accomplishment throughout the dominion.

As we fast forward through time, You can see these centralised communication hubs increasing, In England (the same abroad) Technologies and discoveries would have been brought before the Kings and Queens of the realm and their courts. However the difference between the English Monarchy and that of abroad is notibly religion, where some religions for many years classed the pursuit of "Scienta" as Heresy, The Protestant religion generated by Henry the Eigth (If admittedly only for his own gain of having the capacity to re-marry.) didn't apply the same lack of reasoning that other religions did.

Further forwards again some of those Scientific breakthroughs advance the way news and information can spread. "The Printing Press" increased the amount of "Readable" formatted literature available at libraries or to the rich that could afford the carefully handcrafted bound books.

As for increasing the capacity of our abilities to calculate there were great Calculation machines derived, one of which not built but derived by Charles Babbage (Who also to my belief invented the Barcoding system for use with "The Royal Mail" which itself was another great invention).

On the subject of this information being read, Although their had been many messaging systems in the past, none could surpass the invention of "The Steam Engine" (And then "Locomotive") and then eventually "The Telegraph".

Later still to come was the "Telephone" and "Radio transmissions", which then gave way to dealing with Logi Baird's invention, "The Television".

All of these increasements allowed "Science" to spread not just the land at high speed, but the world. What also helped with this information exchange was that it wasn't just the rich that used it, the working class could to.

This brings us close to the present time to which we build greater computation engines to help decrypt messages during the second world war, the war also generates a permanent Atlantic communication line for communication between two commanders.

(This line now has been replaced with a Fibre optic cable that helps to deliver websites around the world through the use of the internet)

Thats where we are now, the internet. Computer networks that are comprised of declassified "Early warning systems" and private research communication lines.
For many years the internet was 80-90% based in the US, while developing countries began to look towards generating their own infrastructure. (Still to this day the largest IP address holder in the world is the U.S. Military.)

The internet is by far the fastest medium of information exchange, and it grows with ever increasing research into how the information is formatted. The greater the command of multimedia, the higher the IQ of those that actually sit and watch it.

Not to forget the advancement of computation systems, the cutting ground of software technologies devoted to "Evolve" designs to generate ergonomic revisions, or systems that can automatically work out what to do at a higher rate than us humans can comprehend.

This is why I say the suggestion of Roswell being a Spacecraft, and us Humans not having the capacity to be working on projects behind the vail of Secrecy is ludicrous.
I believe we have the capacity to achieve anything as long as we work together for the common good of that project (Pity we've never applied it well to world peace).
On the subject of "inventions". What are we inventing or what are we re-discovering? I do not have details to hand but wasn't there something about a bronze "block" found in an (really) ancient boat somewhere or other that, when x-rayed, was seen to be clockwork?
Boris2 said:
>>>>a website with the name Roswellproof can hardly be said to be impartial. got any others that are more objective?

Here is a link and a quote that is more conclusive.


Good writes that according to information supplied to science journalists, NASA may be in possession of physical evidence relating to extraterrestrial materials. In 1974 a Polish biophysicist and engineer contracted to NASA, was a member of an international team of English, French and Italian scientists which was given some odd metallic and plastic-like material, supposedly originating from the Soviet Union, to analyse. Under analysis with an electronic microscope, the team found small pyramid structures in the nanometre range (ie: one thousand millionth of a metre), showing a kind of super reflectivity. They found alloys that could only have been made in conditions of weightlessness. Other tests showed traces of unusual Kapton and Kevlar-type synthetics. This was in the early 1950s and those materials had not existed at that time. The melting point of the metal samples was above two thousand degrees centigrade, and tests using helium, neon and ruby lasers had no effect. The foil seemed to possess a ‘memory’, like current memory metals, but to a factor of one thousand or better. (Several witnesses of the Roswell crash described a metal with similar qualities.)
Timothy Good's credibility is even in question among some that consider themselves UFO believers (Bruce-Knapp, 1997). Apparently Good's methodology was in question over at least one of his key interviews with "highly placed officials," namely Admiral Bobby Inman (U.S. Navy, ret.).

In a telephone interview, Good asked Inman vague questions that could later be put into the "UFO/Crashed Disk" context.

I read Good's Above Top Secret when it came out and it was initially convincing until I began to consider that the entire argument of the book rests on what Good perceives as truth or what portions of information he wants to convey.

In otherwords, the entire book, all probably all the rest, suffer from confirmation biases and perhaps even deceptions. His arguement seems only to be, "why would these people lie?" Yet he's fully willing to take their words out of context in order to tell his story.

The interesting part is this: UFO nutters are willing to accept that government officials will lie to keep secrets, but not writers to tell stories (and make a comfortable living).

Anecdotal account is not evidence. It's merely heresay and subject to many types of bias each time the story is told. Not to mention the likelihood of being completely fabricated. Anecdotal accounts are best used to put physical evidence into context. Without existing phsycial evidence, anecdotes must either be discarded or archived until such time as the physical evidence is recovered.

Only a fool makes or accepts conclusions based solely on the say-so of people.

Bruce-Knapp, Errol (1997). Good, Oechsler, Inman & 'Cosmic Journey' - Pt 1. VirtuallyStrange.net.
I have two questions:

First, why are you violating the forum's copy / paste rules (you should check 'em out)?

Second, you're kidding, right? Jack Shulman is the biggest nutjob of them all.

Actually, I have another question. If Shulman is on the up and up, where is the physical evidence? There you go, believing crap off of the internet again... What is it with people and the willingness to accept the fantasies of others simply because they're willing to write them down. At least post a link to something that cites original sources. Hell, even "CNI" is a bogus entity. They aren't accredited or recognized by any news organization that I'm aware of. I don't even think they exist anymore.

More on the Jack Shulman kook:

SlashDot Article

Jack Shulman & ACC being called on their crap by the legal system

ACC (Shulman's company) says TCAP will be on time! Of course, that was in July of 1998 when they claimed that their 12,000GHz, 300GB RAM chips, reverse engineered from alien technology, would be available by 1999. Uhh... it's 2004 and the patent was withdrawn by ACC in 1997 or 1998. Can anyone say, "Sales Gimmick?"
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