UFO technology Level....

man pickle

Registered Member
Hey all

what a nifty forum u got here :)

and all this Ufo talk is really getting to me....my idea on UFO's is that yes they are out there...But who says that they are more technologically advanced then us???
They may be stuck on some planet too...about 30000 light years away, just driving cars and beginning to understand spiritalism and such...or they have been wiser then us, and put spiritulism first...(unlike us that go by the life...if u cant see it, then it doesnt exist)

:bugeye: IT was just an idea, that if there was only one beggining of the universe, what would document another race's speedier evoloution i.e What would make them thousands or even Millions of earth years more technologically advanced ?????

Alot of people assume that Ufo's have laser guns and are little green men

not that i dont mind little green men


I think pickle has got a point. If the universe all started at the same time, and all the accreation formed , or started to form the stars at about the same time, then we are all roughly starting from the same point in time. All rocky planets would take about the same time to form ,cool down, evolve life etc.. mmm, but on second thought some would form quicker than others, evolve etc, and a few million years is no time at all compared to the total age of the universe. Dexter, i think i am smoking what pickle is! :confused:
Welcome to what I call, affectionately, scifoolems forums.

UFO’s are an interesting topic to discuss. But I think that THEY have been identified as a craft of some kind, and are far more advanced than ours. As to weaponry, well check out this site .

Look at the size of our constructions, the bigger and bigger ships we are building and so on. Think about our mining operations, now, think about what other races of ETI across the universe have built?

Passes the pipe to the next poster,,, LOL :m:
YES okay then....but when u think about the size of the universe...do these 000000's seem that farfetched?? :(

Like in class the other day we were discussing the size of just our galaxy , The Milky Way. Any way seeing as we are located on a wing of the galaxy, we found out through reading a book that just to reach the center of the galaxy ( And remembering that there are millions of galaxy's) it would take 3000 years of traveling traveling at like 100000 x the speed of light..... JUST TO REACH THE CENTER

Now think about how many planets and stars there would be among this area???....Now through these millions of planets, could their be a possibility that some meteors have landed in a row???? And also account that the planet has been their for like BILLIONS of years...

It might be a minute chance over 1000 years yes...but over billions of years...i dont think so

im not denying UFO life...i encourage the idea that there are other life biengs...but why would they be so far more advanced than us??

and i guess no one has the answer...lol atleast not yet :bugeye:

ahh well...back to my pipe :m:

yeah...but y do we always assume that they have massive ships and laser guns and disc shaped objects?
Most ufo sightings, involve a craft that is clearly way more advanced than anything we can create on earth, even for it to get here unless they are from close by would take techology way more advanced then our own.

There probably are ETI who are stuck on their planet similar to us, but for the ones visiting earth, id imagine they would be more advanced.

Am i right in thinking that craterchains can be found on quite a few of the planets in our solar system?? not a rare phenomina??
There are BILLIONS of stars in the MIlky Way.
There are BILLIONS of galaxies. Pay closer attention in class, or get a more modern science book.

It is POSSIBLE to form a string of craters in a comet breakup. Not at all PROBABLE. And, not hundreds in one solar system. Or you think you can win all the lotto's on the planet too?

IF they are here, ETI and their UFO’s, with that advanced technology do you really think we are alone on the web? :eek:

Passes the pipe,,, :m:

Crater chains are not rare in our solar system.
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craterchains (Norval said:
It is POSSIBLE to form a string of craters in a comet breakup. Not at all PROBABLE. And, not hundreds in one solar system. Or you think you can win all the lotto's on the planet too?
Perhaps you will honour with a reply to this post Norval, or don't you like debating when your defeat is a foregone conclusion?
You demonstrated a keen eye for numbers at the start of your last post. So, roughly how many comets have dropped in from the Oort cloud in the last couple of billion years? How many of those, as a pecentage, would you say have fallen apart? How many of those might have hit a solid planet or satellite, so as to leave evidence? Show me the statistics that justify your claims and I'll become your most ardent supporter.
Actually, it's not the comets that are the most likely progenitors for catenae (chains of craters), its the rubble-pile asteroids.

Norval seems to keep avoiding that fact throughout his rants on alien war.
Skinny should really take a few real courses in applied physics and science. His education seems to be towards other interests. One does wonder at how he is applying what he is learning though.

Any hunk of space junk ain’t going to break apart, and be able to cohesively strike in the patterns we see of CS types of crater chains based on gravity and trajectories involved.

If you believe that they can, then the same possibility exists that you will win all lotto’s on earth for the next six months. Lie, slander, twist and deceive all you want to, facts are still there. Many scientists are even questioning that stupid of comets did these,,, FOCLMFAO
craterchains (Norval said:
Skinny should really take a few real courses in applied physics and science. His education seems to be towards other interests. One does wonder at how he is applying what he is learning though.

I got an "A" on this paper And you and crazymikey helped me get it... thanks.

craterchains (Norval said:
Any hunk of space junk ain’t going to break apart, and be able to cohesively strike in the patterns we see of CS types of crater chains based on gravity and trajectories involved.

And in all of the threads that you've started or comment in about "crater chains," you've never once effectively demonstrated why. Indeed, several citations have been provided (Bothke, et al) that have demonstrated that rubble-pile asteroids are precisely the most likely cause of catenae. Several sciforums members have asked you for the specific math that demonstrates what you are saying and all that is returned is a post from FieryIce with some random cut and paste as a spurious attempt to deceive.

As I pointed out in another thread, your speculation that catenae are the result of "alien warfare" is classic pseudoscience.

Well then, how have these dudes that visit our planet become so advanced in the same time that we have....

if they have massive flying saucers and so, why do we only have the car :(
One "beginning of the universe" doesn't necessarily imply that life began on all life-bearing planets at the same point, nor does the possibility of life beginning simultaneously on separate worlds imply that evolution on those worlds will occur at the same rate or that the two worlds will provide the same selective forces for an evolution.

It's entirely feasible for an advanced civilization to exist concurrently with our own, relatively less advanced, civilization. Its even possible that they have visited our own world... though very unlikely based on the amount of energy that would be required to make the trip and the number of places that the other civilization would have to choose for visitation.
But wait, could it be possible that we are the most advanced race in the universe.....
SkinWalker said:
It's entirely feasible for an advanced civilization to exist concurrently with our own, relatively less advanced, civilization.
Like why do we always assume that their is some hound dog with super powered Quantum laser Vulcan cannons ready to destroy us?? i mean, why do we always have to be the Underdog, the lowest race, the Weakest. We could be the Humans...surrounded by planets of mircobes. But i guess its a possibility that others have been to out planet before the human race, before the dinosaurs infact...Maybe back to the time when mars was perhaps habitabal....and something went wrong.
Maybe there were/are martians who distreated their planet(like we are currently now) and ended up suffering...ALONG time ago.

argggg...I dont know what to believe...and theories are usually spineless.
I want evidence goddamit
And i guess im not gonna get it..................
Just think, maybe our kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,uncles,moms,pet dog's previous owner will learn of the truth about Aliens, when the scientists of their time make contact or find some evidence.

Why does the univers have to be so large

Food for though i suppose

Think about that for a while...it seems cool...the universe is cool but the only thing that pisses me off is that i will probually never come anycloser to understanding it until i die...Stupid 70 year life span :eek: :mad:

ahh well back to my pot
There is so much credible information on "ufos" it not even funny.

There are credible sightings from Pilot's to Politicians, Astronauts to Local Authoraties.

Most people just ignore the vast amount of information on the sunbject, this thing is happening, maybe its a good, maybe it is bad, but one thing is for sure, UFO'S ARE REAL.

P.S I mean unidentified flying objects not alien ships when i say ufos are real.
Yep. These aliens have some incredible technology that allows them to whiz around the universe at superhyper speeds, all the while easliy either navigating around, or plowing right through, all sorts of detritus, debris, planets, asteroids, etc., with no damage to them whatsoever, then only to make it our planet and crash to bits when they hit the sands of New Mexico.